Trump’s Military Parade Planned For Veterans Day — Without Tanks

Red Square, we hardly knew ye!

What would you know about it?
Why are you idiot Trump supporters so enamored with the accouterment of Authoritarian dictators? The cult of personality billboards, the military parades, the demonization of a free press? You're antithetical to the harms and dangers Authoritarianism presents. Are you either so paranoid that you would cash in democracy like so many casino chips for a little security, or was that hyper patriotism just so much hot air?

You claim to love America, but what is it about America that you actually love? It isn't Americans. Those who disagree with you are called every school yard bully's childish name. It isn't American values as you seem to lean to figures like Putin for inspiration. It isn't American Grace and our being a beacon for freedom because you want to exclude the world from them and turn a deaf ear whenever they are discussed.

You are the Facists insisting on,a one party dictatorship, erosion of civil rights and demonizing a free press, free education and individual freedoms.

We have those freedoms you enjoy, because of our Military and Civilian

A Population that back in the late 1700"s made the choice to "Die Standing
up, rather than ever being forced to live on their knees again." And they

The Constitution is nothing but a piece of paper with words written on
without any force to back it up.

The adage is..."For everything of value in this world, there is a price to pay."
Well, Freedom(s) is the costliest thing. It has the highest price. Americans
have always paid that price.

But, nobody is suggesting that America has always been a Saint...just that we have always survived battlefields. Americans can adapt to anyway
an enemy wants to fight. You wanna fight fair...we fight fair. You wanna
be brutal, we'll give you a life's lesson in brutality. It's up to the enemy.

And we have done that throughout our history. A good example would
be the Battle of the Bulge in WWII. German SS troops machine-gunned
80 pow's and they weren't even combat troops, they were part of an Engineer
Company that was cut off and captured. Once the front-line GI's learned
of Malmedy, it became unhealthy for a German SS soldier to surrender.
Over the course of a month Americans slaughtered 200 of them who
were surrendering. The first use of the slogan..."What goes around, comes
around." You give them an education.

You get to bitch because, you have to pay for it. Good for you. Well, I've served in a combat didn't. I served my country you didn't.
So if I want to call you a fucking coward, who doesn't know his ass from
3rd base...I've earned that haven't.
Nice little self agrandizing sermon, but you failed to address my point.

Why are you idiot Trumpians so quick to abandon American virtues and embrace the accoutrement of Authoritarianism?

We never strut ever.

And yet a Soviet style military parade ismyour cup of tea.

We prize a legally elected government and anticipate the peaceful transfer of power. You idiots embrace the cult of personality and would love nothing more than one party rule.

We carve the visages of our greatest leaders on Mt. Rushmore. You would revel in billboard sized I,ages of the charlatan huckster currently occupying the White House.

We value humility and humanity. You value the overblown ego of a person lacking themtemperment to lead this nation.

We value free speech. You would shut down my opinion because I never wore a uniform. Authoritarianism or Democracy. Which of those two ideologies do you identify with?

You don't value free speech. If you did we could call Obama exactly what
he is.

I fought for Democracy...which one did you fight for?
You have confused free speech with boorishness. The sad thing is, you don't remember values.
$30 million? No problem, we'll just defund a bunch more liberal money-wasters.

Let's see, where can we start? PBS? NPR? the Department of Education? Food stamps? Welfare?

I find it hilarious that you see military parades as more useful than the Department of Education.
/——-/ The Department of Education has never taught one child how to read. They are nothing more than a bureaucratic jobs program that wastes billions s year. Time to shut her down.
Red Square, we hardly knew ye!

What would you know about it?
Why are you idiot Trump supporters so enamored with the accouterment of Authoritarian dictators? The cult of personality billboards, the military parades, the demonization of a free press? You're antithetical to the harms and dangers Authoritarianism presents. Are you either so paranoid that you would cash in democracy like so many casino chips for a little security, or was that hyper patriotism just so much hot air?

You claim to love America, but what is it about America that you actually love? It isn't Americans. Those who disagree with you are called every school yard bully's childish name. It isn't American values as you seem to lean to figures like Putin for inspiration. It isn't American Grace and our being a beacon for freedom because you want to exclude the world from them and turn a deaf ear whenever they are discussed.

You are the Facists insisting on,a one party dictatorship, erosion of civil rights and demonizing a free press, free education and individual freedoms.

We have those freedoms you enjoy, because of our Military and Civilian

A Population that back in the late 1700"s made the choice to "Die Standing
up, rather than ever being forced to live on their knees again." And they

The Constitution is nothing but a piece of paper with words written on
without any force to back it up.

The adage is..."For everything of value in this world, there is a price to pay."
Well, Freedom(s) is the costliest thing. It has the highest price. Americans
have always paid that price.

But, nobody is suggesting that America has always been a Saint...just that we have always survived battlefields. Americans can adapt to anyway
an enemy wants to fight. You wanna fight fair...we fight fair. You wanna
be brutal, we'll give you a life's lesson in brutality. It's up to the enemy.

And we have done that throughout our history. A good example would
be the Battle of the Bulge in WWII. German SS troops machine-gunned
80 pow's and they weren't even combat troops, they were part of an Engineer
Company that was cut off and captured. Once the front-line GI's learned
of Malmedy, it became unhealthy for a German SS soldier to surrender.
Over the course of a month Americans slaughtered 200 of them who
were surrendering. The first use of the slogan..."What goes around, comes
around." You give them an education.

You get to bitch because, you have to pay for it. Good for you. Well, I've served in a combat didn't. I served my country you didn't.
So if I want to call you a fucking coward, who doesn't know his ass from
3rd base...I've earned that haven't.
Nice little self agrandizing sermon, but you failed to address my point.

Why are you idiot Trumpians so quick to abandon American virtues and embrace the accoutrement of Authoritarianism?

We never strut ever.

And yet a Soviet style military parade ismyour cup of tea.

We prize a legally elected government and anticipate the peaceful transfer of power. You idiots embrace the cult of personality and would love nothing more than one party rule.

We carve the visages of our greatest leaders on Mt. Rushmore. You would revel in billboard sized I,ages of the charlatan huckster currently occupying the White House.

We value humility and humanity. You value the overblown ego of a person lacking themtemperment to lead this nation.

We value free speech. You would shut down my opinion because I never wore a uniform. Authoritarianism or Democracy. Which of those two ideologies do you identify with?

You have very little room to talk about "American virtues." You who supports the murder of unborn babies, who has also sided up with communist dictators as you leftists have done for the last 50 years.

You who have condoned homosexuality, same-sex marriage, and transsexualism.

You who have put in place the soul-killing institution of blacks as being "victims", eternal slavery through welfare and other government entitlements, massive ghettos, Jim Crow laws, and the Klan.

Honestly, you know nothing about real American values. You know nothing about freedom, liberty, and the rights which our American constitution provides us because to you leftist tyrants, the constitution is no more than a piece of paper written by old, dead, white men.

If anything proves what I just wrote, it would be the last President's total disregard for the constitution. Yeah, for someone who was a self-professed "constitutional scholar", Obama had an utter disregard and disdain for the United States constitution. You say that you value the First Amendment rights to "free speech" while at the same time, you elitist petite tyrants would like nothing more than to strike the Second Amendment from the constitution.

Quit trying to be the moral superior. Everyone can see right through your thinly-veiled charade, and everyone knows what you're all about..

You're not fooling me nor are you fooling anyone else.
Who are you blaming? Is it your contention that "leftists" are responsible for slavery and Just m Crow laws and that's repressive n while "leftists" support marriage equality and that's still repression?

Take your Sears and Roebuck Political Science degree and play in the shallow end of the pool. You're ill equipped to debate with grown ups.

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