Trump’s Military Parade Planned For Veterans Day — Without Tanks

Curriculum should be top bar, and teachers should be paid as professionals recognizing their work as essential to society. A degree in their chosen subject should be the absolute minimum requirement.

I like this a lot. So you recognize that a job so essential to society should probably make more than 30-35k annually? A lot of teachers in a lot of places do start out that low. You're not going to get a lot of talented and qualified people to go to school for 6-8 years to make that kind of money along with all of the stress involved with being a teacher. A lot of them will and do decide to take their talents elsewhere. What about smaller classrooms so they can focus their energy on fewer students for better results? These things require money though.

Dissolve all tenured positions.

Those who don't cut it should be fired without fanfare.

I don't think shitty teachers should be nearly unfireable just because, but I think certain protections for teachers should be in place.

Also suggest resurrecting on a large scale the vocational education system for those students not academically inclined.

Agreed, but also expensive. I very much support the idea that not everybody should go to college. I think this idea that we pound into kids that says "Go to college or be a loser; there is no other way." is very problematic and leads to a lot of college dropouts and a lot of wasted time and energy for all involved.

Special needs students (psychos, bullies, thugs etc.) should be in separate systems to deal with special needs students.

Who knows, Trump will probably settle for marching porn stars with tank-tops.
The parade will cost taxpayers up to $30 million.

A drop in the bucket compared to the hundreds of billions that Obama's filthy ass Obamacare cost us. At least with the parade we can feel patriotic and honor our military and veterans. With Obamacare all we got was being fucked.
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Curriculum should be top bar, and teachers should be paid as professionals recognizing their work as essential to society. A degree in their chosen subject should be the absolute minimum requirement.

I like this a lot. So you recognize that a job so essential to society should probably make more than 30-35k annually? A lot of teachers in a lot of places do start out that low. You're not going to get a lot of talented and qualified people to go to school for 6-8 years to make that kind of money along with all of the stress involved with being a teacher. A lot of them will and do decide to take their talents elsewhere. What about smaller classrooms so they can focus their energy on fewer students for better results?

Smaller is desirable if possible, especially for the higher grades. I went to Catholic schools. I recall my sixth grade class had 37 students, and one Darth Vader-like nun running it. There were no problems, and no one failed.

While that occurred in a private school and is an extreme situation I believe if discipline is returned to classrooms and separate provisions are made for disruptive students then smaller classes would not be such an issue.
Curriculum should be top bar, and teachers should be paid as professionals recognizing their work as essential to society. A degree in their chosen subject should be the absolute minimum requirement.

I like this a lot. So you recognize that a job so essential to society should probably make more than 30-35k annually?

Yup. Under the $15.00 PH minimum wage the Left wants, that's what fry flippers would make.
Well, that IS pretty damned useless.

Oh, yeah. The coordination of funding for public education is totally useless. o_O You know what? Fuck it; let's just cut all funding for public education and give it to the military instead.
Well what the education system is producing, I say do it.
What we need is a good old fashion Hell March to scare the hell out of the filthy ass Muslims, Illegals and Commies.
The parade will cost taxpayers up to $30 million.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A military parade requested by President Donald Trump will take place in November on Veterans Day in Washington D.C., but to minimize damage to roads it will not include tanks, a Pentagon memo released on Friday said.

Last month Trump asked the Pentagon to explore a parade in celebration of American troops after the Republican president marveled at the Bastille Day military parade he attended in Paris last year.

The memo listed a number of guidelines for the parade on Nov. 11 and said the parade route will be from the White House to the Capitol and have a “heavy air component at the end of the parade.”

“Include wheeled vehicles only, no tanks - consideration must be given to minimize damage to local infrastructure,” the memo said.

It added that the parade would focus on the contributions of U.S. military veterans throughout history, starting from the American Revolutionary War.

Critics have argued that a parade could cost millions of dollars at a time when the Pentagon wants more stable funding for an over-stretched military.

The parade will cost taxpayers up to $30 million, the White House budget chief has said.

More: Trump’s Military Parade Planned For Veterans Day — Without Tanks

Wow, only $30 million to feed Trump's ego. Well, at least it's on Veterans Day.

You're such a hypocrite, Pocahontas. Show any post where you ever criticized Obama for spending money. Like his wife's luxury trip to China
Curriculum should be top bar, and teachers should be paid as professionals recognizing their work as essential to society. A degree in their chosen subject should be the absolute minimum requirement.

I like this a lot. So you recognize that a job so essential to society should probably make more than 30-35k annually?

Yup. Under the $15.00 PH minimum wage the Left wants, that's what fry flippers would make.

Technically, that's why fry cookers would be replaced by automated equipment because no one is going to pay fry cookers $15 an hour.

That's the Democrat plan. We call them unemployed. Democrats call them a reliable vote
What's so new about this?

Because it will be in D.C?

After I came off active Duty with the Army, I had to spend 4 years in the Guard.
We marched in the Orlando Veteran's Day parade every year.

I don't think this is anything new. Growing up I can remember going to Syracuse and their Veteran's Day Parade and they had tanks in it. Many,
many years, ago, but still.

Just you anti-American European lovers are pissed off. Big Deal.

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