Trump's misogynistic insults continue: CNN lady latest victim of "nasty' epithet to dodge Mar-a-Lago question!

Evidence like the hearsay evidence that created the trump witch hunt? How about the democrat evidence used against Brett kavanaugh
"That bitch isn't my type."

(Is shown photo of his rape victim.)

"That's my wife."


"You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything."​

That, and the testimony of two witnesses his rape victim told about Trump's assault immediately afterward, hung the creep.

This scumbag is building quite a legacy for himself. Rapist, twice impeached, attempted coup. That's all Americans will know about this pig 100 years from now.

And there isn't a thing any of you submissive cucks can do about it.
Collins triggered Trump with her question about the documents, which led to his outburst. Legal experts have said Trump is likely to go down for crimes related to taking documents that weren't his him to Mar-a-Lago and obstructing authorities' attempt to retrieve them.
So he called her a nasty person.

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figures you would defend a pedophile and attack an adult that maybe did something 30 yrs ago,,

like I said youre not fooling anyone you sick mother fucker,,
Screech, screech, screech. Looks like somebody is triggered.

This is what happens when you make excuses for a thieving rapist wannabe dictator piece of shit.
this is videos of joe biden doing to little girls what trump was convicted of maybe doing 30 yrs ago to an adult,,

why did she wait 30 yrs??

Screech, screech, screech. Looks like somebody is triggered.

This is what happens when you make excuses for a thieving rapist wannabe dictator piece of shit.
when did I make an excuse for trump??
he didnt get convicted of rape,,

why are you ignore video proof of biden doing to little girls what the claim trump did to an adult 30 yrs ago??

why did she wait 30 yrs??

and it was biden that finger fucked tara reade and she tried to get justice when it happened,,

as I said youre a sick mother fucker,,
It wasn't CNN that lied.

When you ask MAGAs of videos of Biden with little girls they run back to their basement.

Nobody's "running" from you, fuckstick. And your so-called "president" is a pedophile and a kiddie-fucker.

Here it is as it was documented in Ashley Biden's diary...

When Collins attempted to pin down an answer from Trump regarding his retention of classified documents he lashed out — calling her “nasty.”
“Can I talk? Do you mind?” Trump said to Collins.
“I would like for you to answer the question, that’s why I asked it,” she replied.

Thing is, Trump is basically right. He gets ZERO respect from the Left as a former president. Go back and search through interviews with other former democrat presidents and they control the conversation. They never press a president to go where he doesn't want to go or answer what he doesn't want to answer--- only with Trump.

Whereas they tolerate Biden never really answering anything (if you can even pin him down to ask him an impromptu question), they demand Trump answer to a constant barrage of questions, each more personal than the last. Further, consider what this guy has been through, first during his presidency, and possibly worse since he's been out of office! It never lets up!

And misogynist? You're kidding right? This guy is anything but a misogynist, if anything, he loves women too much.

There is never any end to the Left's arrogant hypocrisy.
this is videos of joe biden doing to little girls what trump was convicted of maybe doing 30 yrs ago to an adult,,

why did she wait 30 yrs??

I watched that compilation video. In every photo, no matter where or when, Joe always had his hand on a child. Mostly females. He always positions himself right behind little kids and has his hands draped over their shoulders.
I watched that compilation video. In every photo, no matter where or when, Joe always had his hand on a child. Mostly females. He always positions himself right behind little kids and has his hands draped over their shoulders.
most likely pressing his cock up against them,,,

him and his supporters are some sick mother fuckers,,
"That bitch isn't my type."

(Is shown photo of his rape victim.)

"That's my wife."


"You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything."​

That, and the testimony of two witnesses his rape victim told about Trump's assault immediately afterward, hung the creep.

This scumbag is building quite a legacy for himself. Rapist, twice impeached, attempted coup. That's all Americans will know about this pig 100 years from now.

And there isn't a thing any of you submissive cucks can do about it.
You'll believe any lie the democrat control media gives you fucking cultist
Collins triggered Trump with her question about the documents, which led to his outburst. Legal experts have said Trump is likely to go down for crimes related to taking documents that weren't his him to Mar-a-Lago and obstructing authorities' attempt to retrieve them.
So he called her a nasty person.

The hypocrisy is so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Democrats go after women who accuse Democrats of rape / sexual misconduct. They attempt to smear and intimidate them into silence.

When Bill Clinton wasxaccused by multiple women of rape it was HILLARY CLINTON who ran the operations afainst his accusers:

"We know from the various women who had contact. Some of them had contact with Hillary Clinton in Arkansas. They know her way of doing business. ... And Stephanopoulos and Carville himself effectively admitted it when they did that documentary, 'The War Room.' It was Hillary who was at the top of that. She was the one who called the shots. And the private detectives who were sicced on these women ... were hired by Hillary Clinton. I took the deposition of (one) and confirmed that (he was) hired through Hillary's lawyer. So there's a lot of different evidence here, direct and circumstantial, that places Hillary at the center of these acts against the women."

Elder: "The most serious allegation, of course, is the one by Juanita Broaddrick. She claims that when Bill Clinton was Arkansas attorney general, he raped her, and two weeks later, at some campaign function, Hillary came up to her and verbally intimidated her, saying things to her, according to Broaddrick, that made it clear: Keep your mouth shut, or else."

Klayman: "One of the private detectives broke into her house and took an answering-machine tape ... to make sure there was no evidence of what had occurred. These were the kind of things that have been done. ... They would have the private detectives -- for instance, Kathleen Willey experienced this -- she was riding her bike one day and one of these private detectives, or one of his agents, rode up to her on another bike and mentioned the names of her children in a very sinister way. 'How are your children, Ms. Willey?' In fact, that happened to me during a deposition at Judicial Watch, where one of the lawyers that were representing the Clintons -- shortly after my daughter was born -- mentioned her name. And there was no way of knowing that. They wanted us to know that they were watching us ... that we were at risk."

Collins triggered Trump with her question about the documents, which led to his outburst. Legal experts have said Trump is likely to go down for crimes related to taking documents that weren't his him to Mar-a-Lago and obstructing authorities' attempt to retrieve them.
So he called her a nasty person.

I don't like Trump, but when he called her a "nasty person," I cheered him on. I loved that part. She really is a nasty person. And a horrible interviewer.
She wasn't trying to get to any truth. All she was vying for was "gotcha moments."
Collins triggered Trump with her question about the documents, which led to his outburst. Legal experts have said Trump is likely to go down for crimes related to taking documents that weren't his him to Mar-a-Lago and obstructing authorities' attempt to retrieve them.
So he called her a nasty person.

Trump has always been low class.
Collins triggered Trump with her question about the documents, which led to his outburst. Legal experts have said Trump is likely to go down for crimes related to taking documents that weren't his him to Mar-a-Lago and obstructing authorities' attempt to retrieve them.
So he called her a nasty person.

A CNN bitch was called a nasty person, do you need a

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