Trumps Muslim Travel Ban Excludes Countries Where He Does Business . . .

When liberal morons loved ones are slaughtered at an airport or in the streets by Islamic terrorist they will cry and blame Trump for not protecting them.
Hey liberal idiots...remember this...these Fundementalist Islamic Terrorist were here on student visas.

Saudis and Egyptians. Countries not on the ban, because Trump's personal special interests are that really matter.

But your point is no restrictions at all. Loser.

Let's hear you make a GOOD argument as to why Saudi Arabia should NOT be on the list.

After you make the argument why Syrians should not be on the list.
lol, if your kid came home from school with her Muslim classmate, would you detain her for 8 hours under heavy questioning?

of course not, would you? It has nothing to do with being muslim. It is about coming from a country that harbors and indoctrinates terrorists.

Really? Then why are Christians in those countries getting PREFERENCE TO GET IN the US? The opposite of the Muslims.
I dunno, maybe it has to do with the fact that 99.99 percent of terrorists are muslim? Ya think? Or, well maybe you don't. Maybe like most libbers here you just like to post bullshit.

96% of terrorist acts in the United States are committed by white Christians with guns. But you're not banning whites, Christians or guns, are you?

The United States has just violated every principle it was founded on. No nation with such policies will ever be considered a "great nation". You're a nation of scared old men.
The bedrock of America is being destroyed And as kelly ann his lapdog put it ""he's just getting started""
Please excavate the bedrock around your brain.
that's exactly the problem, we don't know. could be 3, could be 10, or could be 50. Should we just open our doors to everyone who shows up? Would you open the front door of your house to everyone who showed up?

lol, if your kid came home from school with her Muslim classmate, would you detain her for 8 hours under heavy questioning?

of course not, would you? It has nothing to do with being muslim. It is about coming from a country that harbors and indoctrinates terrorists.

Really? Then why are Christians in those countries getting PREFERENCE TO GET IN the US? The opposite of the Muslims.
I dunno, maybe it has to do with the fact that 99.99 percent of terrorists are muslim? Ya think? Or, well maybe you don't. Maybe like most libbers here you just like to post bullshit.

96% of terrorist acts in the United States are committed by white Christians with guns. But you're not banning whites, Christians or guns, are you?

The United States has just violated every principle it was founded on. No nation with such policies will ever be considered a "great nation". You're a nation of scared old men.
Want to bet a lot more blacks kill other blacks in this country than whites kill anyone with guns?

What makes you say they are Christians? Is it simply because they are white as you say?

Real simple question.

Also, while you are it, you filthy liar, tell us the commandment they are carrying out from the New Testament.

Poor snowflakes....

The nations on the list were all picked by OBAMA!

They weren't picked. They are where major terrorist attacks are happening on the population. You could get the same list from the newspapers.
When Right wingers fuck up, they want to include Obama. Bush was a fuckup, so you have to include him. But including Obama on Trump's executive order is a huge stretch.
When liberal morons loved ones are slaughtered at an airport or in the streets by Islamic terrorist they will cry and blame Trump for not protecting them.

If the towers were still standing and boooosh caught the 19 terrorists who were here illegally and he shipped them out, the left would have and would still be crying racism.

We know that.

You seeing any reason not to ignore them.

Meanwhile, obama still banned people from Iraq in 2011 and they still don't care, cause they still did not know.

You can tell how pathetic they are about that fact, when they don't address that fact. They ignore it, like typical ignorant robots would.

The smell of fake news early in the day.

Anyway, don't worry, they aren't banned... YET.

The fact is that US gets a lot of oil from these nations, that's probably the primary reason. Second, those areas are not in war with the USA anyway. It's complete insanity to import someone you are in war with. That was Trump's primary concern.
You morons say that about any news that you don't like hearing.
Poor snowflakes....

The nations on the list were all picked by OBAMA!

They weren't picked. They are where major terrorist attacks are happening on the population. You could get the same list from the newspapers.
When Right wingers fuck up, they want to include Obama. Bush was a fuckup, so you have to include him. But including Obama on Trump's executive order is a huge stretch.
No it is not.
If other predominantly Muslim countries aren't included on the list, it isn't a Muslim ban is it now.

The OP is a liar.
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If other predominantly Muslim countries aren't included on the list, it isn't a Muslim ban is it now.

The OP is a liar.
I wonder what they would be saying if he banned all muslim countries.

Well, whatever soros tells them to say of course.
refugees from Syria and Iraq as well as many other countries have been coming to the US for a long time, with few incidents

Alot of the people who come to the US from Iraq worked at some point for US forces, and that service to our country exposed them to serious risk in their own country. For that reason, Iraq should not be on the list.
even if those countries are deeply involved in financing terrorists:'

Trump's Muslim ban excludes countries linked to his businesses

How did this administration determine which countries belong on the ban?

Get ready....

"In February of 2016, the Obama Administration added Libya, Yemen and Somalia to a list of "countries of concern" with respect to its visa waiver program.

The release from the Department of Homeland Security notes that Iran, Syria, Iraq and Sudan were already included in the list.

Spicer said on Sunday there are many other Muslim-majority countries not included in the ban.

“There’s 46 Muslim-majority countries that are not in this seven,” he said."
Spicer: Obama administration originally flagged 7 countries in Trump's order

Another custard pie smashed in your ugly kisser again, huh?
Absolute Fake News. Obama selected the seven countries for Visa restrictions - this signaling to the business world to avoid them.

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Absolute Fake News. Obama selected the seven countries for Visa restrictions - this signaling to the business world to avoid them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Do you genuflect when you use the name "Obama"?
Hey liberal idiots...remember this...these Fundementalist Islamic Terrorist were here on student visas.

Saudis and Egyptians. Countries not on the ban, because Trump's personal special interests are that really matter.

But your point is no restrictions at all. Loser.

Let's hear you make a GOOD argument as to why Saudi Arabia should NOT be on the list.

Unfortunately we are too entrenched with Saudi Arabia to make that drastic a change. I'd love to see it, but we would need to pull assets out first. There should be more rigorous vetting, and there will be, but a general ban won't happen yet. We'd probably have to pull out all military from countries like Saudi before doing a ban.

Good to see that liberals are for banning more countries though. Trump is getting everyone on board.

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