Trump's Next Move Towards a Fascist State: Take Away Licensing of T.V. Networks

Oh, you want to play that game?

Ok prove if Trump has started the process of changing the process of networks renewing their licenses. The original poster said he hasn't, but they provided no proof. Do you understand that when you make a statement you are supposed to provide proof?

wait you want me to prove a theory i dont agree with? uh....nope

youre the one saying hes doing it, you provide proof

Good luck with that.

Just wait and see he'll claim he never made such claims about Trump, or that he did not started this thread.

Child, don't you have some patients in your Psychiatry office to see?

How many posts have you made at this point that has nothing to do with Trump's statement?

So let's be blunt, do you not support the Constitution?

we do, you dont. you want people fired and jailed for saying the n word.....dont ever tell me about free speech

That is one of the dumbest fucking challenges to free speech I've ever heard. Literally the most fucking retarded statements I have ever seen. There are some real fucking idiots on this forum, many of whom are cockroaches in the Flamezone that would not even say something that moronic.

You think people should be allowed to use the "n" word at work? That it violates their free speech?

yes, free speech is free speech, n word doesnt cause danger like fire see you do believe in punishing speech.....
wait you want me to prove a theory i dont agree with? uh....nope

youre the one saying hes doing it, you provide proof

Good luck with that.

Just wait and see he'll claim he never made such claims about Trump, or that he did not started this thread.

Child, don't you have some patients in your Psychiatry office to see?

How many posts have you made at this point that has nothing to do with Trump's statement?

So let's be blunt, do you not support the Constitution?

we do, you dont. you want people fired and jailed for saying the n word.....dont ever tell me about free speech

That is one of the dumbest fucking challenges to free speech I've ever heard. Literally the most fucking retarded statements I have ever seen. There are some real fucking idiots on this forum, many of whom are cockroaches in the Flamezone that would not even say something that moronic.

You think people should be allowed to use the "n" word at work? That it violates their free speech?

yes, free speech is free speech, n word doesnt cause danger like fire see you do believe in punishing speech.....

No using the "N" word is not free speech at work.

They have no right to take a knee on company time if their employer tells them not to.

They can...they just have to claim they're praying. :lol:

Religious Freedom doncha know.
Nope, they can't.

There actually ARE things your employer can't "make" you do. You know that, right?

And if taken to court and the individual said they were kneeling to pray, guess who would win? :lol:
Public schools stop people from praying all the time, so I assume the employer would win. However, the Muzzie savages always win when they want to afflict everyone with their religion.

It's hard to say how the courts would rule.

However, they aren't praying. Their employer isn't violating their rights in any way by telling them not to disrespect the flag.

Link to individuals stopped from privately praying.
Why do you imagine I give a damn about that? We're discussing fake news.
Good luck with that.

Just wait and see he'll claim he never made such claims about Trump, or that he did not started this thread.

Child, don't you have some patients in your Psychiatry office to see?

How many posts have you made at this point that has nothing to do with Trump's statement?

So let's be blunt, do you not support the Constitution?

we do, you dont. you want people fired and jailed for saying the n word.....dont ever tell me about free speech

That is one of the dumbest fucking challenges to free speech I've ever heard. Literally the most fucking retarded statements I have ever seen. There are some real fucking idiots on this forum, many of whom are cockroaches in the Flamezone that would not even say something that moronic.

You think people should be allowed to use the "n" word at work? That it violates their free speech?

yes, free speech is free speech, n word doesnt cause danger like fire see you do believe in punishing speech.....

No using the "N" word is not free speech at work.


Sure it is, just as much as NFL players disrespecting the flag is free speech.
Child, don't you have some patients in your Psychiatry office to see?

How many posts have you made at this point that has nothing to do with Trump's statement?

So let's be blunt, do you not support the Constitution?

we do, you dont. you want people fired and jailed for saying the n word.....dont ever tell me about free speech

That is one of the dumbest fucking challenges to free speech I've ever heard. Literally the most fucking retarded statements I have ever seen. There are some real fucking idiots on this forum, many of whom are cockroaches in the Flamezone that would not even say something that moronic.

You think people should be allowed to use the "n" word at work? That it violates their free speech?

yes, free speech is free speech, n word doesnt cause danger like fire see you do believe in punishing speech.....

No using the "N" word is not free speech at work.


Sure it is, just as much as NFL players disrespecting the flag is free speech.

Not even in the same ballpark.
Yes, organized by school officials as is in this case, over the loudspeakers. Students are not prevented from praying, you dumbass.

Funny, I call you a kid, you start calling me a child. How original...

Child, I am just showing you how cool you look! You should be flattered!

It's funny to watch you pivot time after time after time.

I'm still waiting for you to give me a quote from Obama threatening to take away the network licenses of a group for talking ill of him. You've had hours to find one. Is this like the Republican plan for healthcare that took 8 years?

I explained it to you already, moron.

You do know what Barry's admin is?
You do know when president appoint someone to the post, that someone does what president ask him to do. So when he appointed new Chair of the FCC and they try to implement new regulations, such as "fairness doctrine", who's responsible for those regulations?

I'm still waiting on a quote from Obama. Even a tweet will do. Go ahead. Can you give me some kind of time line for when you might have that?

who wanted the fairness doctrine, democrats, who was the top democrat?

any questions?

Just because people are in the same party doesn't mean they agree on all issues. Seriously have you been in a coma the last 6 months? Did all the Republicans vote for the repeal and replace plans?

so every major democrat but obama was for it?
Did FOX news broadcast any stories about "Clinton murders, Obama's birth cert, being a secret Muslim, Michelle is a tranny?" No. The Benghazi scandal and Clinton emails were majors stories covered by all the media outlets.

We're talking about the media, not what individual Americans have said. Only a douche bag with no facts on his side would try to compare the two things.

Seth Rich?
All of that has been presented as such on this forum.

Media? Like Breitbart, infowars, WND, zero hedge al?

We're talking about the media, not what ignorant turds on this forum post.

None of the sites you listed are mainstream media outlets. Shall we examine what sites like HuffingtonPost, MediaMaters, and other paranoid leftwing sites publish?

So it's only MSM now? Keep moving those goal posts. :laugh:

What people post in this forum isn't news, dumbass. Wether the websites listed are news is up for debate. However, no one using the term "fake news" is talking about Infowars or MediaMatters. They're talking abourt so-called "mainstream, credible" news outlets.
Maybe pass your profound truth to the White House, which gave InfoWars a press pass. Embarrassing, huh?
How does that get CNN, NBC and the NYT off the hook for publishing/broadcasting fake news?
we do, you dont. you want people fired and jailed for saying the n word.....dont ever tell me about free speech

That is one of the dumbest fucking challenges to free speech I've ever heard. Literally the most fucking retarded statements I have ever seen. There are some real fucking idiots on this forum, many of whom are cockroaches in the Flamezone that would not even say something that moronic.

You think people should be allowed to use the "n" word at work? That it violates their free speech?

yes, free speech is free speech, n word doesnt cause danger like fire see you do believe in punishing speech.....

No using the "N" word is not free speech at work.


Sure it is, just as much as NFL players disrespecting the flag is free speech.

Not even in the same ballpark.
How is it different, because you approve of one and not the other?
Child, I am just showing you how cool you look! You should be flattered!

It's funny to watch you pivot time after time after time.

I'm still waiting for you to give me a quote from Obama threatening to take away the network licenses of a group for talking ill of him. You've had hours to find one. Is this like the Republican plan for healthcare that took 8 years?

I explained it to you already, moron.

You do know what Barry's admin is?
You do know when president appoint someone to the post, that someone does what president ask him to do. So when he appointed new Chair of the FCC and they try to implement new regulations, such as "fairness doctrine", who's responsible for those regulations?

I'm still waiting on a quote from Obama. Even a tweet will do. Go ahead. Can you give me some kind of time line for when you might have that?

who wanted the fairness doctrine, democrats, who was the top democrat?

any questions?

Just because people are in the same party doesn't mean they agree on all issues. Seriously have you been in a coma the last 6 months? Did all the Republicans vote for the repeal and replace plans?

so every major democrat but obama was for it?

I never made that statement. If you are then you should probably provide a link to it.
That is one of the dumbest fucking challenges to free speech I've ever heard. Literally the most fucking retarded statements I have ever seen. There are some real fucking idiots on this forum, many of whom are cockroaches in the Flamezone that would not even say something that moronic.

You think people should be allowed to use the "n" word at work? That it violates their free speech?

yes, free speech is free speech, n word doesnt cause danger like fire see you do believe in punishing speech.....

No using the "N" word is not free speech at work.


Sure it is, just as much as NFL players disrespecting the flag is free speech.

Not even in the same ballpark.
How is it different, because you approve of one and not the other?

How is it different? :uhoh3:
Good luck with that.

Just wait and see he'll claim he never made such claims about Trump, or that he did not started this thread.

Child, don't you have some patients in your Psychiatry office to see?

How many posts have you made at this point that has nothing to do with Trump's statement?

So let's be blunt, do you not support the Constitution?

we do, you dont. you want people fired and jailed for saying the n word.....dont ever tell me about free speech

That is one of the dumbest fucking challenges to free speech I've ever heard. Literally the most fucking retarded statements I have ever seen. There are some real fucking idiots on this forum, many of whom are cockroaches in the Flamezone that would not even say something that moronic.

You think people should be allowed to use the "n" word at work? That it violates their free speech?

yes, free speech is free speech, n word doesnt cause danger like fire see you do believe in punishing speech.....

No using the "N" word is not free speech at work.


its not? how?
only speech you agree with is covered?
That isn't news, dumbass. Those are slogans shouted by Trump supporters.

Once again, a libe douche bag is trying to compare things that aren't comparable. That's what they always do when they are wriggling on the hook.

It is comparable and it is you on the hook, dope. You see that slogan came from the erroneous reports regarding Clinton's criminality. The very same erroneous reports you all used time and again right here. Trump used that fake news to rally you idiots. It was very effective.
It isn't comparable, dumbass. Only someone dumber than a brain damaged cockroach would claim it was. Reports about Clinton's criminality are not erroneous. She clearly broke a long list of laws. She sold her office to the highest bidder.

Obviously they were erroneous as she was neither indicted nor tried. You honestly don't get that you were lied to, do you?

Who ever claimed she was indicted or tried? However, she sure as hell deserves to be indicted and tried.
Yes, screw the law, what we FEEL is illegal is what matters. ;)
It's not what we feel. It's what the law clearly states, and Comey is not the ultimate authority on the law.
yes, free speech is free speech, n word doesnt cause danger like fire see you do believe in punishing speech.....

No using the "N" word is not free speech at work.


Sure it is, just as much as NFL players disrespecting the flag is free speech.

Not even in the same ballpark.
How is it different, because you approve of one and not the other?

How is it different? :uhoh3:
you dont have an answer do you?
yes, free speech is free speech, n word doesnt cause danger like fire see you do believe in punishing speech.....

No using the "N" word is not free speech at work.


Sure it is, just as much as NFL players disrespecting the flag is free speech.

Not even in the same ballpark.
How is it different, because you approve of one and not the other?

How is it different? :uhoh3:

You mean, one is using the N-word and the other is disrespecting the flag?

You're a fucking moron.
Child, don't you have some patients in your Psychiatry office to see?

How many posts have you made at this point that has nothing to do with Trump's statement?

So let's be blunt, do you not support the Constitution?

we do, you dont. you want people fired and jailed for saying the n word.....dont ever tell me about free speech

That is one of the dumbest fucking challenges to free speech I've ever heard. Literally the most fucking retarded statements I have ever seen. There are some real fucking idiots on this forum, many of whom are cockroaches in the Flamezone that would not even say something that moronic.

You think people should be allowed to use the "n" word at work? That it violates their free speech?

yes, free speech is free speech, n word doesnt cause danger like fire see you do believe in punishing speech.....

No using the "N" word is not free speech at work.


its not? how?
only speech you agree with is covered?

That's exactly what he believes, but he won't admit it. All leftwingers believe that. "Free speech for me, but not for thee." That's pretty much their motto.
Child, don't you have some patients in your Psychiatry office to see?

How many posts have you made at this point that has nothing to do with Trump's statement?

So let's be blunt, do you not support the Constitution?

we do, you dont. you want people fired and jailed for saying the n word.....dont ever tell me about free speech

That is one of the dumbest fucking challenges to free speech I've ever heard. Literally the most fucking retarded statements I have ever seen. There are some real fucking idiots on this forum, many of whom are cockroaches in the Flamezone that would not even say something that moronic.

You think people should be allowed to use the "n" word at work? That it violates their free speech?

yes, free speech is free speech, n word doesnt cause danger like fire see you do believe in punishing speech.....

No using the "N" word is not free speech at work.


its not? how?
only speech you agree with is covered?

Let's test your question in real life and find out why it isn't protected the same. Go into your work, find the first Black person you see, and start calling them the "n" word. Your boss will then explain everything to you.
we do, you dont. you want people fired and jailed for saying the n word.....dont ever tell me about free speech

That is one of the dumbest fucking challenges to free speech I've ever heard. Literally the most fucking retarded statements I have ever seen. There are some real fucking idiots on this forum, many of whom are cockroaches in the Flamezone that would not even say something that moronic.

You think people should be allowed to use the "n" word at work? That it violates their free speech?

yes, free speech is free speech, n word doesnt cause danger like fire see you do believe in punishing speech.....

No using the "N" word is not free speech at work.


its not? how?
only speech you agree with is covered?

Let's test your question in real life and find out why it isn't protected the same. Go into your work, find the first Black person you see, and start calling them the "n" word. Your boss will then explain everything to you.

The same thing is about to happen with the NFL douche bags disrespecting the flag.
Hmmm, no it's not. The fake media has been nailed broadcasting lies so many times I've lost count. They've spewed a long series of nothing burgers, and every time morons like you claimed it was the end of Trump.

Sure. Tell us some more about Beghazi, emails, Clinton murders, Obama's birth cert, being a secret Muslim, Michelle is a tranny, ...etc. It goes on and on and on. None of that shit is or ever was real but you, personally, as well as others have gone on about this shit for years. It's always you dopes who are fooled and you always go back for more.

Did FOX news broadcast any stories about "Clinton murders, Obama's birth cert, being a secret Muslim, Michelle is a tranny?" No. The Benghazi scandal and Clinton emails were majors stories covered by all the media outlets.

We're talking about the media, not what individual Americans have said. Only a douche bag with no facts on his side would try to compare the two things.

Seth Rich?
All of that has been presented as such on this forum.

Media? Like Breitbart, infowars, WND, zero hedge al?

We're talking about the media, not what ignorant turds on this forum post.

None of the sites you listed are mainstream media outlets. Shall we examine what sites like HuffingtonPost, MediaMaters, and other paranoid leftwing sites publish?

So it's only MSM now? Keep moving those goal posts. :laugh:
You're the one trying to move the goal posts, douche bag.
That is one of the dumbest fucking challenges to free speech I've ever heard. Literally the most fucking retarded statements I have ever seen. There are some real fucking idiots on this forum, many of whom are cockroaches in the Flamezone that would not even say something that moronic.

You think people should be allowed to use the "n" word at work? That it violates their free speech?

yes, free speech is free speech, n word doesnt cause danger like fire see you do believe in punishing speech.....

No using the "N" word is not free speech at work.


its not? how?
only speech you agree with is covered?

Let's test your question in real life and find out why it isn't protected the same. Go into your work, find the first Black person you see, and start calling them the "n" word. Your boss will then explain everything to you.

The same thing is about to happen with the NFL douche bags disrespecting the flag.

No it won't. Owners want to win games. Without the best players that doesn't happen.
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job There was plenty of evidence to convict that crooked vagina, but as we all know the worthless FBI chief wouldn't do anything. So even today, we have a 2 tier system of justice, where people like you dumbass liberals would go to jail for any small violation, yet people like the Clintons can have an intern shot in the back or US Ambassador left to die, and get off scot free. You might as well kneel down and suck both Bill's and Hillary's dicks..

More fake news.
"Crooked Hillary"
Lock her up.

It's funny that the purveyor of fake news is suggesting a network should lose it's liscense.

That isn't news, dumbass. Those are slogans shouted by Trump supporters.

Once again, a libe douche bag is trying to compare things that aren't comparable. That's what they always do when they are wriggling on the hook.

It is comparable and it is you on the hook, dope. You see that slogan came from the erroneous reports regarding Clinton's criminality. The very same erroneous reports you all used time and again right here. Trump used that fake news to rally you idiots. It was very effective.
It isn't comparable, dumbass. Only someone dumber than a brain damaged cockroach would claim it was. Reports about Clinton's criminality are not erroneous. She clearly broke a long list of laws. She sold her office to the highest bidder.

Obviously they were erroneous as she was neither indicted nor tried. You honestly don't get that you were lied to, do you?

You appear to be implying that our system of justice is infallable. That's irrefutable proof that you're a moron.

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