Trump's Next Move Towards a Fascist State: Take Away Licensing of T.V. Networks

They can...they just have to claim they're praying. :lol:

Religious Freedom doncha know.
Nope, they can't.

There actually ARE things your employer can't "make" you do. You know that, right?

And if taken to court and the individual said they were kneeling to pray, guess who would win? :lol:
Public schools stop people from praying all the time, so I assume the employer would win. However, the Muzzie savages always win when they want to afflict everyone with their religion.

It's hard to say how the courts would rule.

However, they aren't praying. Their employer isn't violating their rights in any way by telling them not to disrespect the flag.

Link to individuals stopped from privately praying.
Why do you imagine I give a damn about that? We're discussing fake news.

Oh, so you made a claim you can’t support. No problem
yes, free speech is free speech, n word doesnt cause danger like fire see you do believe in punishing speech.....

No using the "N" word is not free speech at work.


its not? how?
only speech you agree with is covered?

Let's test your question in real life and find out why it isn't protected the same. Go into your work, find the first Black person you see, and start calling them the "n" word. Your boss will then explain everything to you.

The same thing is about to happen with the NFL douche bags disrespecting the flag.

No it won't. Owners want to win games. Without the best players that doesn't happen.
They also want to make money, and they are currently losing tons of it.

Your standard seems to be that if it's popular with the left, then it's protected speech. If it sn't popular with the left, then it's not protected.

You realize that makes you a big fat humbug, don't you?
Nope, they can't.

There actually ARE things your employer can't "make" you do. You know that, right?

And if taken to court and the individual said they were kneeling to pray, guess who would win? :lol:
Public schools stop people from praying all the time, so I assume the employer would win. However, the Muzzie savages always win when they want to afflict everyone with their religion.

It's hard to say how the courts would rule.

However, they aren't praying. Their employer isn't violating their rights in any way by telling them not to disrespect the flag.

Link to individuals stopped from privately praying.
Why do you imagine I give a damn about that? We're discussing fake news.

Oh, so you made a claim you can’t support. No problem

I didn't bring up prayer in school. You did.
It's where you dopes get your news. The actual fake news. I can tell what the subject of the day will be here just from a glance at Breitbart or RL. You can try to minimize their importance, but it's clear they influence you far more than the MSM influences libs.
So while I get my news from paper, online media , radio and television, then make my own decisions about what is happening in the world, because I think outside the box and don't tow the liberal line, you ASSUME that I only "glace" at Breitbart? Your lack of intelligence is showing....

Nice try. You're one of the worst offenders. Way, way outside the box.

says the moron who though nbc cared about weinstein issue...

It's been covered at length, dope.

no you made a statement you were lying.

What statement is that?
Oh, you want to play that game?

Ok prove if Trump has started the process of changing the process of networks renewing their licenses. The original poster said he hasn't, but they provided no proof. Do you understand that when you make a statement you are supposed to provide proof?

wait you want me to prove a theory i dont agree with? uh....nope

youre the one saying hes doing it, you provide proof

Good luck with that.

Just wait and see he'll claim he never made such claims about Trump, or that he did not started this thread.

Child, don't you have some patients in your Psychiatry office to see?

How many posts have you made at this point that has nothing to do with Trump's statement?

So let's be blunt, do you not support the Constitution?

we do, you dont. you want people fired and jailed for saying the n word.....dont ever tell me about free speech

That is one of the dumbest fucking challenges to free speech I've ever heard. Literally the most fucking retarded statements I have ever seen. There are some real fucking idiots on this forum, many of whom are cockroaches in the Flamezone that would not even say something that moronic.

You think people should be allowed to use the "n" word at work? That it violates their free speech?
It doesn't violate their right to free speech if their employer penalizes them for using it, and it doesn't violate the right to free speech of NFL players if their owners prevent them from disprespecting the flag, and for the very same reason. All you're saying is that you and your scumming ilk approve of one kind of speech and not the other.
More fake news.
"Crooked Hillary"
Lock her up.

It's funny that the purveyor of fake news is suggesting a network should lose it's liscense.

That isn't news, dumbass. Those are slogans shouted by Trump supporters.

Once again, a libe douche bag is trying to compare things that aren't comparable. That's what they always do when they are wriggling on the hook.

It is comparable and it is you on the hook, dope. You see that slogan came from the erroneous reports regarding Clinton's criminality. The very same erroneous reports you all used time and again right here. Trump used that fake news to rally you idiots. It was very effective.
It isn't comparable, dumbass. Only someone dumber than a brain damaged cockroach would claim it was. Reports about Clinton's criminality are not erroneous. She clearly broke a long list of laws. She sold her office to the highest bidder.

Obviously they were erroneous as she was neither indicted nor tried. You honestly don't get that you were lied to, do you?

thats the lamest response. she was bareky investigated, it was squashed like nbc did to the weinstein story.
you dont get that do ya. lynch and clinton just happen to meet each other and chat because they are such good friends
Barely investigated? :laugh:
That's it. Pivot to the conspiracy when your narrative crumbles. You dopes do this every time you realize you were fooled.

The Weinstein story has been covered. Why do you keep saying it was buried?
wait you want me to prove a theory i dont agree with? uh....nope

youre the one saying hes doing it, you provide proof

Good luck with that.

Just wait and see he'll claim he never made such claims about Trump, or that he did not started this thread.

Child, don't you have some patients in your Psychiatry office to see?

How many posts have you made at this point that has nothing to do with Trump's statement?

So let's be blunt, do you not support the Constitution?

we do, you dont. you want people fired and jailed for saying the n word.....dont ever tell me about free speech

ummm, you think people should NOT be fired for using the N word at work?

well if the first admendment covers the workplace like the naacp says it does with the nfl its covered, isnt it?

Well that wasn't really what the thread was about, now.
Sure. Tell us some more about Beghazi, emails, Clinton murders, Obama's birth cert, being a secret Muslim, Michelle is a tranny, ...etc. It goes on and on and on. None of that shit is or ever was real but you, personally, as well as others have gone on about this shit for years. It's always you dopes who are fooled and you always go back for more.

Did FOX news broadcast any stories about "Clinton murders, Obama's birth cert, being a secret Muslim, Michelle is a tranny?" No. The Benghazi scandal and Clinton emails were majors stories covered by all the media outlets.

We're talking about the media, not what individual Americans have said. Only a douche bag with no facts on his side would try to compare the two things.

Seth Rich?
All of that has been presented as such on this forum.

Media? Like Breitbart, infowars, WND, zero hedge al?

We're talking about the media, not what ignorant turds on this forum post.

None of the sites you listed are mainstream media outlets. Shall we examine what sites like HuffingtonPost, MediaMaters, and other paranoid leftwing sites publish?

So it's only MSM now? Keep moving those goal posts. :laugh:

What people post in this forum isn't news, dumbass. Wether the websites listed are news is up for debate. However, no one using the term "fake news" is talking about Infowars or MediaMatters. They're talking abourt so-called "mainstream, credible" news outlets.

Really? Who told you that?
No wonder you're clueless.
More fake news.
"Crooked Hillary"
Lock her up.

It's funny that the purveyor of fake news is suggesting a network should lose it's liscense.

That isn't news, dumbass. Those are slogans shouted by Trump supporters.

Once again, a libe douche bag is trying to compare things that aren't comparable. That's what they always do when they are wriggling on the hook.

It is comparable and it is you on the hook, dope. You see that slogan came from the erroneous reports regarding Clinton's criminality. The very same erroneous reports you all used time and again right here. Trump used that fake news to rally you idiots. It was very effective.
It isn't comparable, dumbass. Only someone dumber than a brain damaged cockroach would claim it was. Reports about Clinton's criminality are not erroneous. She clearly broke a long list of laws. She sold her office to the highest bidder.

Obviously they were erroneous as she was neither indicted nor tried. You honestly don't get that you were lied to, do you?

Who ever claimed she was indicted or tried? However, she sure as hell deserves to be indicted and tried.

You still don't get that you were lied to.
Robert Reich: "This morning I phoned my old friend, a Republican former member of Congress...."
Robert Reich

screenshot below



Good luck with that.

Just wait and see he'll claim he never made such claims about Trump, or that he did not started this thread.

Child, don't you have some patients in your Psychiatry office to see?

How many posts have you made at this point that has nothing to do with Trump's statement?

So let's be blunt, do you not support the Constitution?

we do, you dont. you want people fired and jailed for saying the n word.....dont ever tell me about free speech

ummm, you think people should NOT be fired for using the N word at work?

well if the first admendment covers the workplace like the naacp says it does with the nfl its covered, isnt it?

Well that wasn't really what the thread was about, now.

either your for free speech or youre not. you cant pick and choose
we do, you dont. you want people fired and jailed for saying the n word.....dont ever tell me about free speech

That is one of the dumbest fucking challenges to free speech I've ever heard. Literally the most fucking retarded statements I have ever seen. There are some real fucking idiots on this forum, many of whom are cockroaches in the Flamezone that would not even say something that moronic.

You think people should be allowed to use the "n" word at work? That it violates their free speech?

yes, free speech is free speech, n word doesnt cause danger like fire see you do believe in punishing speech.....

No using the "N" word is not free speech at work.


its not? how?
only speech you agree with is covered?

Let's test your question in real life and find out why it isn't protected the same. Go into your work, find the first Black person you see, and start calling them the "n" word. Your boss will then explain everything to you.

No doubt on disability. Perhaps caseworker rather than boss.
Sure. Tell us some more about Beghazi, emails, Clinton murders, Obama's birth cert, being a secret Muslim, Michelle is a tranny, ...etc. It goes on and on and on. None of that shit is or ever was real but you, personally, as well as others have gone on about this shit for years. It's always you dopes who are fooled and you always go back for more.

Did FOX news broadcast any stories about "Clinton murders, Obama's birth cert, being a secret Muslim, Michelle is a tranny?" No. The Benghazi scandal and Clinton emails were majors stories covered by all the media outlets.

We're talking about the media, not what individual Americans have said. Only a douche bag with no facts on his side would try to compare the two things.

Seth Rich?
All of that has been presented as such on this forum.

Media? Like Breitbart, infowars, WND, zero hedge al?

We're talking about the media, not what ignorant turds on this forum post.

None of the sites you listed are mainstream media outlets. Shall we examine what sites like HuffingtonPost, MediaMaters, and other paranoid leftwing sites publish?

So it's only MSM now? Keep moving those goal posts. :laugh:
You're the one trying to move the goal posts, douche bag.

I have moved nothing. My point remains unchanged.
Child, don't you have some patients in your Psychiatry office to see?

How many posts have you made at this point that has nothing to do with Trump's statement?

So let's be blunt, do you not support the Constitution?

we do, you dont. you want people fired and jailed for saying the n word.....dont ever tell me about free speech

ummm, you think people should NOT be fired for using the N word at work?

well if the first admendment covers the workplace like the naacp says it does with the nfl its covered, isnt it?

Well that wasn't really what the thread was about, now.

either your for free speech or youre not. you cant pick and choose
You don't get to hijack threads to cover up your racist bullshit, laddy
yes, free speech is free speech, n word doesnt cause danger like fire see you do believe in punishing speech.....

No using the "N" word is not free speech at work.


its not? how?
only speech you agree with is covered?

Let's test your question in real life and find out why it isn't protected the same. Go into your work, find the first Black person you see, and start calling them the "n" word. Your boss will then explain everything to you.

The same thing is about to happen with the NFL douche bags disrespecting the flag.

No it won't. Owners want to win games. Without the best players that doesn't happen.

Does he honestly believe any player will be fired? :laugh:
The most they'll do is fine them.
How can people continue to support this guy? Can you think of any other historical figures that wanted to silence anyone that talked ill of them...?

""With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!" Mr Trump wrote in a tweet."

Donald Trump threatens to shut down NBC and other TV news networks that criticise him

James Madison and Thomas Jefferson said that the free press was a key element in having a true democracy.

"I am... for freedom of the press, and against all violations of the Constitution to silence by force and not by reason the complaints or criticisms, just or unjust, of our citizens against the conduct of their agents." --Thomas Jefferson to Elbridge Gerry, 1799. ME 10:78

Jefferson on Politics & Government: Freedom of the Press
How can you continue to support people who constantly lie to you about the election, conservatives as deplorables and other bullshit. Yeah, please start taking action against the LAMESTREAM MEDIA as We the People don't like PRAVDA and their continuing push of getting the US fundamentally transformed into the United Socialist States of America.
The only one who lied about the election was Trump who said it was the biggest electoral win ever (lie) and Trump who said it was the biggest inauguration ever (lie).
No using the "N" word is not free speech at work.


its not? how?
only speech you agree with is covered?

Let's test your question in real life and find out why it isn't protected the same. Go into your work, find the first Black person you see, and start calling them the "n" word. Your boss will then explain everything to you.

The same thing is about to happen with the NFL douche bags disrespecting the flag.

No it won't. Owners want to win games. Without the best players that doesn't happen.

Does he honestly believe any player will be fired? :laugh:
The most they'll do is fine them.

Yeah they we'll fine them and the fine money gets donated to a cause of their choice... which will be to one that supports the reason they are kneeling...

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