Trump's Next Move Towards a Fascist State: Take Away Licensing of T.V. Networks

Trump isn't taking away anyone's license to broadcast. Relax, Nancy.
Did you tell him that yet? I don't think he knows...

Trump says a lot of dumb shit, no doubt, but at least his heart is in the right place.
He has a heart? Is there evidence to support the existence of a heart in that body?

Yea, I know putting Americans first is an outrageous concept for American liberals.
Is that what he's doing?
Ask the Americans in PR how that's going for them....
Lucky San Juan's mayor will not dictate how the US handles Puerto Rico.

I suggest Boris get rid of her ASAP. She ain't doing a damn thing for ya.

What, Mayor? No disaster response plan? "Sup? You didn't already have supplies there? 'Sup?

No teams to clear roads and distribute supplies? 'Sup?

What have you been spending all this government money on?
Trump isn't taking away anyone's license to broadcast. Relax, Nancy.
Did you tell him that yet? I don't think he knows...

Trump says a lot of dumb shit, no doubt, but at least his heart is in the right place.
He has a heart? Is there evidence to support the existence of a heart in that body?

Yea, I know putting Americans first is an outrageous concept for American liberals.
Is that what he's doing?
Ask the Americans in PR how that's going for them....

I think he's done as much as any president could do.
Lucky San Juan's mayor will not dictate how the US handles Puerto Rico.

I suggest Boris get rid of her ASAP. She ain't doing a damn thing for ya.

What Mayor? No disaster response plan? "Sup? You didn't already have supplies there? 'Sup?

No teams to clear roads and distribute supplies? 'Sup?

What have you been spending all this government money on?

You watch, that mayor will LOSE her next election bid. She's incompetent and her opponents will take her to the woodshed.
Old school Boris are pretty cool. I don't see them them putting up with her. That's unacceptable. A skeleton crew could have got aid out in time. There was no plan, no good governing.
Did you tell him that yet? I don't think he knows...

Trump says a lot of dumb shit, no doubt, but at least his heart is in the right place.
He has a heart? Is there evidence to support the existence of a heart in that body?

Yea, I know putting Americans first is an outrageous concept for American liberals.
Is that what he's doing?
Ask the Americans in PR how that's going for them....

I think he's done as much as any president could do.
I don't think that's true at all. I have family in PR and things are not good, it is still really bad. We still have Americans desperate for basic needs. And he's picking fights on Twitter with the NFL....

We went from "America first"
To, "oh no not you Americans"
Real quick
Trump says a lot of dumb shit, no doubt, but at least his heart is in the right place.
He has a heart? Is there evidence to support the existence of a heart in that body?

Yea, I know putting Americans first is an outrageous concept for American liberals.
Is that what he's doing?
Ask the Americans in PR how that's going for them....

I think he's done as much as any president could do.
I don't think that's true at all. I have family in PR and things are not good, it is still really bad. We still have Americans desperate for basic needs. And he's picking fights on Twitter with the NFL....

We went from "America first"
To, "oh no not you Americans"
Real quick

That explains a lot. :rolleyes:
He has a heart? Is there evidence to support the existence of a heart in that body?

Yea, I know putting Americans first is an outrageous concept for American liberals.
Is that what he's doing?
Ask the Americans in PR how that's going for them....

I think he's done as much as any president could do.
I don't think that's true at all. I have family in PR and things are not good, it is still really bad. We still have Americans desperate for basic needs. And he's picking fights on Twitter with the NFL....

We went from "America first"
To, "oh no not you Americans"
Real quick

That explains a lot. :rolleyes:
I've said before my husband is Puerto Rican. It's not breaking news.
Trump says a lot of dumb shit, no doubt, but at least his heart is in the right place.
He has a heart? Is there evidence to support the existence of a heart in that body?

Yea, I know putting Americans first is an outrageous concept for American liberals.
Is that what he's doing?
Ask the Americans in PR how that's going for them....

I think he's done as much as any president could do.
I don't think that's true at all. I have family in PR and things are not good, it is still really bad. We still have Americans desperate for basic needs. And he's picking fights on Twitter with the NFL....

We went from "America first"
To, "oh no not you Americans"
Real quick

What specifically should Trump have done that he didn't do?
Aries, I'm guessing that you've never had a good word to say about Trump on any topic, before or after the hurricane, would that be correct?
Yea, I know putting Americans first is an outrageous concept for American liberals.
Is that what he's doing?
Ask the Americans in PR how that's going for them....

I think he's done as much as any president could do.
I don't think that's true at all. I have family in PR and things are not good, it is still really bad. We still have Americans desperate for basic needs. And he's picking fights on Twitter with the NFL....

We went from "America first"
To, "oh no not you Americans"
Real quick

That explains a lot. :rolleyes:
I've said before my husband is Puerto Rican. It's not breaking news.

Apparently he's not of the old-school Bori.

I'll save the next thought fer a minute. :D
Trump suggests challenging NBC's broadcast license

Well, it looks like trump has had enough of liberal propoganda.

Hopefully this will be the end of MSNBC. NBC, CNN et al.

Once we shut down the propoganda networks, i bet our country will be stronger than ever before!

It doesn't work like that, dumbass. Anyone who feels like a press outlet has lied about them is free to sue based on libel or slander. Trump is not suing anyone, or have you not noticed? He's not suing NBC because he knows he will lose. It's that simple. Any other questions?
He has a heart? Is there evidence to support the existence of a heart in that body?

Yea, I know putting Americans first is an outrageous concept for American liberals.
Is that what he's doing?
Ask the Americans in PR how that's going for them....

I think he's done as much as any president could do.
I don't think that's true at all. I have family in PR and things are not good, it is still really bad. We still have Americans desperate for basic needs. And he's picking fights on Twitter with the NFL....

We went from "America first"
To, "oh no not you Americans"
Real quick

What specifically should Trump have done that he didn't do?
Gave a shit, for starters.
Trump suggests challenging NBC's broadcast license

Well, it looks like trump has had enough of liberal propoganda.

Hopefully this will be the end of MSNBC. NBC, CNN et al.

Once we shut down the propoganda networks, i bet our country will be stronger than ever before!

It doesn't work like that, dumbass. Anyone who feels like a press outlet has lied about them is free to sue based on libel or slander. Trump is not suing anyone, or have you not noticed? He's not suing NBC because he knows he will lose. It's that simple. Any other questions?

Honestly don't think that people that support Trump understand in a libel case, the proof of burden falls on the shoulders of the one suing.
Aries, I'm guessing that you've never had a good word to say about Trump on any topic, before or after the hurricane, would that be correct?
You'd be correct I've known for decades what a low life scum bag he is. I have friends who he hired for work and stiffed back in the day. A man's word is a man's bond. Trumps words are poisonous and dishonest. He's a snake.
Who decides what is "fake"?

...of course when 'news' agencies refuse to report news or admit live on air they have refused to report scandals to protect politicians / candidates - like MSNBC and CNN...
Facts. Like Fox's story on Seth Rich?

What about Seth Rich? Fox was late on that story. I was posting about long before Fox did and alternative media got it right. Seth Rich was the leaker and he was murdered by operatives within the DNC and the Washington police department heads are covering it up. Why was Seth Rich's computer seized if this was just a random burglary? Why did the D.C police let the DNC heads that there was a P.I snooping around? Why did the D.N.C refuse to turn their server over to the F.B.I but instead allowed DNC friendly CloudStrike do all the legwork? You obviously have no intellectual curiosity and believe that your beloved sack of shit political party is as pure as the new driven snow. The ends justifies the means, right, wiley coyote????
^Fake news.

The problem is that you idiots can't tell the difference between real and fake. It's exactly why the Russian misinformation campaign was so brilliantly effective. They've got you pegged. Trump is still playing you even after more than enough evidence has surfaced to warrant skepticism.
It would be interesting to see how many threads were created that pushed the narratives that have since been identified as Russian generated disinformation.

LMAO! Anything that paints the leftard clown posse in a bad light is nothing but Russian propaganda!!!! Hutch sez so!!!

haha, madeup nonsense. as if you have any idea what security cameras did or did not capture. who fed this garbage to you ... aliens?

Get bent, spew global warming bullshit while ignoring the stratospheric aerosol injection program of heavy metal nano-particulates. You are a joke in search of a punchline.
"while ignoring the stratospheric aerosol injection program of heavy metal nano-particulates"

As does everyone on earth who knows anything about anything, because you are a hack with no credibility and no standing in the scientific community whatsoever.

I know infinitely more than you. There are PLENTY of scientists that have been warning about the artificial warming, cooling and weather modification programs using geo-engineering. Water and soil samples are scientific, no? Here is your "climate-change"....take a real close look and then tell me that this is normal.

View attachment 153873

Normal for a departure corridor from a busy airport.
Tell us us how you differentiate between a naturally occurring vapor trail and diabolical govt program.

But "contrails" (we are told) are because of the exhaust of planes flying 30,000 feet or so. Planes start their descent a good thirty minutes before landing. I have taken MANY pics of the spraying where there is no airport close. Can you come back hours later and see the vapor left by your vehicle or your breath on a cold day??????
No, they're not free, they're biased. They lie freely and are freely biased. If lying is wrong, why do we tolerate either side doing it? I thought news was supposed to be accurate, not tainted by political views?

And just because I'm a conservative does not allow me to exempt the press organizations that are closer to my points of view.

Hence, why I said one "one party or the other." Do you even read the whole post or do you simply cherry pick?
No one is lying more than Trump. Can you acknowledge that he lies or not?

Of course he lies, all presidents have lied at some point or another. But that is just a convenient talking point for you. A default response when you have no real arguments to make.
" all presidents have lied at some point or another."

Ugh.... jesus man, so what? Trump is worse for the reasons he is worse. Criticizing his lying is like complaining about not getting a pickle on your burger at a fly-infested truck stop. The problems with Trump run much deeper than his special brand of dishonesty, which appears to also be self-delusion.

What is it that you are claiming Trump lied about? What has he allegedly lied about that has cost the serfs any money? Now, you may claim he was wrong about things as it pertains to your perception but that's not the same thing as flat out and knowingly lying like Bush 1 and 2 Bill "drop trou" did or like the Barrypuppet did when he said "If you like your plan you can keep your plan...period" ad naseum...........put up or STFU.

What is it that you are claiming Trump lied about?

It's certainly interesting how your mind works. You have no difficulty believing in impossibly complex and difficult conspiracy theories while at the same time being completely oblivious to what is glaringly apparent to most. It seems you prefer fantasy.

Trump is conspiring against the leftards? Do tell?????

Why are you RWNJs so eager to trash the US Constitution? The cheeto has said all along that he wants an end to free speech as well as to other parts of the constitution and the damn trumpanzees just nod their heads up and down.

Is there any way to get them to understand that its not just liberals/Dems who would lose their rights?

The founders would slap you in the stocks and whip you senseless.

i love this post, vivid imagery, especially the kind that would offend them and a perfect point as well.

I'm mean to liberals, its intentional :muahaha:

Okay BluesLegend and buckeye45_73, and the rest of you who thinks the press should have some sort of govt control to keep them from "lying", just who gets to decide who is lying?

First, its simply fact that trump lies every single day. Period. That is undeniable.

So, who decides what content gets aired and what does not? Are you really okay with having that decided for you. Where in the constitution does it state any sort of limitation on free speech?

Stop the partisan and very childish screeching long enough to really think this through. Ask yourself who would gain from us not having free access to all points of view?

When it comes time the Repubs are pushing to end net neutrality, remember that YOU will lose rights there as well.

Do you actually read our posts? Please let me know where we advocated that?
net neutrality is new.....we didn't need it before, we don't need it now......why more govt regulations???? Is that what you said we wer trying to do? You project your love of govt control onto guys project your sexism and racism onto us....we don't advocate thse things, you do. Do you even listen to on both sides of the issue in one are an idiot.
you need to get up to speed I quote you .(net neutrality is new) 2006 the last time we beat back the bill to kill Net Neutrality HR5252 was set to turn control over to corporations. again now trying to do the same thing. Keep the net neutral
Not related to this thread, but JFK was killed by Oswald who was working with a group of Cubans. The Cubans were part of a program that was created by JFK to train them for the Bay of Pigs invasion to overthrow Castro. Problem was JFK pulled military support for them in the midst of the fighting, that caused many of them to die and the coup to fail. These Cubans were then pissed and vowed to take revenge on JFK. Castro was able to get a mole in the group to help push the assassination agenda for his own revenge as well.

Now, what has Trump lied about? Well how about a recent lie where he says that the U.S. is the most taxed country in the world. That's not true at all.

What is tax freedom day now? May 5th? That means once all the taxes and all other fees are figured in that the Average American works until May 5th for this corporate entity that you worship at the feet of. If us serfs are not the most taxed population? I would hate to have to live some place else that steals even more of what our labor produces.

And as far as the JFK murder goes? You are 100 percent WRONG. Oswald was a patsy and worked in military intelligence. The cover-up of the murder of JFK goes to incredibly great lengths to hide the truth. The Warren commission findings were a total joke. JFK took on the bankers that finance the military industrial complex and the CIA and lost......bottom line.

View attachment 153892

Trump's statement about the U.S. being the highest taxed country in the world is wrong. It's been proven. Not only are we NOT the highest taxed country in the world, we are below the average of the 35 countries included in the study.

"This statement is completely false. According to 2015 data from the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), taxation accounted for 26.4 percent of the United States’ gross domestic product (GDP). This was lower than the average for the 35 nations in the OECD (34.3 percent) and in some cases far lower than comparable countries (45.5 percent in France, for instance)."

Trump returns to false tax claim as he pushes for reform

Oswald worked with a group of Cuban revolutionaries named Alpha 66. ;)

But again, that is off topic.


You pick the information that can back your claim if you take only that information into count.

Answer this. How much money federal government collect in all taxes?


Idk, but Americans are taxed 30%+ of their income.

$3.7 trillion

according to this:
US Government Revenue in $ trillion for Federal, State, and Local for 2018 - Charts
Make Every Dynasty Die Nasty

Confiscating inheritance from the 1% alone would give us back $3 trillion a year. Aristocracies are an unrecognized cancer on society. The privileges of richkids have no right to exist. They are in high positions everywhere, but would be nobodies without Daddy's Money.

They know it, too, even though they spend their whole lives denying it. Harass them incessantly about it and drive them to suicide.

No one over 18 has a right to his Daddy's Money; that's for children. If we have to do it on our own, so must they. They get in our way and must be run over. Any unAmerican serf who disagrees with plebeian supremacy does so because he hates his own Daddy for not getting rich and spoiling him.

So what makes you think YOU are entitled to someone else's money??????

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