Trump's only crime is pissing off Democrats

No matter who beat Hillary, Jeb, Marco, Ted, they would be suffering the same withering assault from the left as president Trump is BANK on it.
I disagree. All those guys were part of the establishment playing by long-standing unwritten rules. Trump, almost single-handedly brought down the what was considered as acceptable by the rulers who had lost touch with the common people.

On the other hand, liberals have a very strong sense of entitlement. They felt Crooked Hillary was entitled to be president. History has still not brought them tot their senses.

You underestimate the left's reaction to losing an election they were convinced was in the bag. Democrats refuse to acknowledge the will of the people, they have been undermining the election results since the day after the election.
No matter who beat Hillary, Jeb, Marco, Ted, they would be suffering the same withering assault from the left as president Trump is BANK on it.
. . . because you say so? :lol:
Flakey, making snowflakes whine and cry is not a crime. You have no entitlement in that regard.
You are the snowflakes who are whining and crying.

The anti-Trump side of America, the great majority of America, is making Trump act like a buffoon every single day. :)
No matter who beat Hillary, Jeb, Marco, Ted, they would be suffering the same withering assault from the left as president Trump is BANK on it.
I disagree. All those guys were part of the establishment playing by long-standing unwritten rules. Trump, almost single-handedly brought down the what was considered as acceptable by the rulers who had lost touch with the common people.

On the other hand, liberals have a very strong sense of entitlement. They felt Crooked Hillary was entitled to be president. History has still not brought them tot their senses.

You underestimate the left's reaction to losing an election they were convinced was in the bag. Democrats refuse to acknowledge the will of the people, they have been undermining the election results since the day after the election.
The Will of the People cast ELEVEN MILLION VOTES MORE against the Orange Fiasco then for him. Report to SnowFlake Central, please.
Dumb ass the so called free press is openly hostile to president Trump, pull your head out of your ass.
What is wrong with the "free press" being hostile to a President, Congress, or Court? Are they supposed to always be supportive and friendly to the government?
No asshole. A free press is supposed to be free with hopefully some shreds of journalistic integrity; not the mouthpiece of a failed political party.

The so called press and journalists are nothing more than the Democratic party propaganda ministry. Lacking a real story or issue they are fabricating BS and lying its really off the charts.
Ya, Breitbart, Info Wars, Drudge, Gateway Pundit, FOX NEWS, Rush Limpdick, right wing talk radio, etc, etc, are all Democratic party propaganda ministry operations.

Get lost libtroll, go stink up your safe space.
You are having a meltdown snowflake. Go to your nearest walk-in freezer. Try the Dairy Queen and have a coconut vanilla blizzard while you stand inside the freezer.
This witch hunt is NOT about Trump, its about Democrats refusing to accept the results of an election and trying to overthrow the will of the people by somehow getting rid of president Trump. If Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio or any other Republican beat Hillary do you think it would be any different? Hell no.
Well the last potus who was as openly hostile to a free press was Nixon

Dumb ass the so called free press is openly hostile to president Trump, pull your head out of your ass.
What is wrong with the "free press" being hostile to a President, Congress, or Court? Are they supposed to always be supportive and friendly to the government?

Fabricating stories and lying about a US president is not the job of a free press.
It's a free press. They can do what they want to do. If you don't like what they do don't read them of go live in some other country where the press is controlled.

I agree 100%, I don't expect the press to be objective, that is why so much of this noise from the media is just noise and nothing of substance. Long ago were the days of professional journalism.
No matter who beat Hillary, Jeb, Marco, Ted, they would be suffering the same withering assault from the left as president Trump is BANK on it.
. . . because you say so? :lol:
Flakey, making snowflakes whine and cry is not a crime. You have no entitlement in that regard.
You are the snowflakes who are whining and crying.

The anti-Trump side of America, the great majority of America, is making Trump act like a buffoon every single day. :)
Good luck with that Flakey. It would sound much more believable if you weren't still choking through your sobs. Don't worry, Camp is even worse.

You snowflakes have to terms with the fact that you're not entitled to all you wish and the world is not a safe-space.
No matter who beat Hillary, Jeb, Marco, Ted, they would be suffering the same withering assault from the left as president Trump is BANK on it.
. . . because you say so? :lol:
Flakey, making snowflakes whine and cry is not a crime. You have no entitlement in that regard.
You are the snowflakes who are whining and crying.

The anti-Trump side of America, the great majority of America, is making Trump act like a buffoon every single day. :)
Good luck with that Flakey. It would sound much more believable if you weren't still choking through your sobs. Don't worry, Camp is even worse.

You snowflakes have to terms with the fact that you're not entitled to all you wish and the world is not a safe-space.
Says the Snowflake :lol:

The terms include Trump acting competently and appropriately during the election and after and . . . guess what?
Well the last potus who was as openly hostile to a free press was Nixon

Dumb ass the so called free press is openly hostile to president Trump, pull your head out of your ass.
What is wrong with the "free press" being hostile to a President, Congress, or Court? Are they supposed to always be supportive and friendly to the government?

Fabricating stories and lying about a US president is not the job of a free press.
It's a free press. They can do what they want to do. If you don't like what they do don't read them of go live in some other country where the press is controlled.

I agree 100%, I don't expect the press to be objective, that is why so much of this noise from the media is just noise and nothing of substance. Long ago were the days of professional journalism.
Honestly, I am not sure when or even ever there was this fantasy news media that was completely unbiased and objective. I posted in a thread a few days ago about Thomas Paine and his pre-revolution publication "Common Sense". Paine's work represented the "media" of that era. Far from objective or unbiased, it was published anonymously. It is doubtful that the media ever played a more important role in American history. Paine's writings were quoted by the founders
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No matter who beat Hillary, Jeb, Marco, Ted, they would be suffering the same withering assault from the left as president Trump is BANK on it.
. . . because you say so? :lol:
Flakey, making snowflakes whine and cry is not a crime. You have no entitlement in that regard.
You are the snowflakes who are whining and crying.

The anti-Trump side of America, the great majority of America, is making Trump act like a buffoon every single day. :)
Good luck with that Flakey. It would sound much more believable if you weren't still choking through your sobs. Don't worry, Camp is even worse.

You snowflakes have to terms with the fact that you're not entitled to all you wish and the world is not a safe-space.
You are delusional.
It's not merely about pissing off Democrats. He's pissed off the most powerful NWO Globalist Elites in the world. He advocated putting Americans first again. That amounts to a declaration of war for the Globalist Elites, especially American Globalists. They don't care about American Citizens. They see Nationalists as a serious threat to their power. Trump's made some very dangerous powerful enemies. It's way beyond the Democrats.
Says the Snowflake :lol:

The terms include Trump acting competently and appropriately during the election and after and . . . guess what?
He won the election and snowflakes failed. Vanquished in every branch of government in fact both federal and state.

You must take this like big girls instead of whinny coed campus bitches.
No matter who beat Hillary, Jeb, Marco, Ted, they would be suffering the same withering assault from the left as president Trump is BANK on it.
. . . because you say so? :lol:
Flakey, making snowflakes whine and cry is not a crime. You have no entitlement in that regard.
You are the snowflakes who are whining and crying.

The anti-Trump side of America, the great majority of America, is making Trump act like a buffoon every single day. :)
Good luck with that Flakey. It would sound much more believable if you weren't still choking through your sobs. Don't worry, Camp is even worse.

You snowflakes have to terms with the fact that you're not entitled to all you wish and the world is not a safe-space.
You are delusional.
Extremely delusional. He can't argue the facts, so he attacks personalities. Sad but there it is. Trump is being investigated by his own administration, by the intel agencies, and by the feebs. Oh, my.
Yup, Trump is in deep water. Joe McCarthy said Putin was paying Trump.

Impeachment requires commitment of "high crimes and misdemeanors". Trump's only crime is pissing off Liberal Democrats and their sycophantic Media.
But If anything happens to Mr. Trump. you Liberals will see what a REAL Protest looks like!
And who decides the high crimes and misdemeanors? The House of Representatives decides, Does anyone know what a high crime is? Does anyone know how the high crimes thing got in the Constitution?
Impeachment requires commitment of "high crimes and misdemeanors". Trump's only crime is pissing off Liberal Democrats and their sycophantic Media.
But If anything happens to Mr. Trump. you Liberals will see what a REAL Protest looks like!
And who decides the high crimes and misdemeanors? The House of Representatives decides, Does anyone know what a high crime is? Does anyone know how the high crimes thing got in the Constitution?
Impeachment is a political tool not necessarily a criminal one.
Impeachment requires commitment of "high crimes and misdemeanors". Trump's only crime is pissing off Liberal Democrats and their sycophantic Media.
But If anything happens to Mr. Trump. you Liberals will see what a REAL Protest looks like!

Could not have been stated better.
Impeachment requires commitment of "high crimes and misdemeanors". Trump's only crime is pissing off Liberal Democrats and their sycophantic Media.
But If anything happens to Mr. Trump. you Liberals will see what a REAL Protest looks like!

Could not have been stated better.
Please research what is required to meet "high crimes and misdemeanors"? You will be distraught afterward, imo.

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