Trump's only crime is pissing off Democrats

It's a free press. They can do what they want to do. If you don't like what they do don't read them of go live in some other country where the press is controlled.
Sounds very much like a statement from the politburo. Reagan kicked your asses. Move on snowflake.
Sounds like you don't know how the US works. We take turns kicking each other's asses. The political pendulum swings in America.
Impeachment requires commitment of "high crimes and misdemeanors". Trump's only crime is pissing off Liberal Democrats and their sycophantic Media.
But If anything happens to Mr. Trump. you Liberals will see what a REAL Protest looks like!
Oh, shut up, you Alt Right are nothing at all to fear.

You don't understand what are "high crimes and misdemeanors" at all.

But you will.
Yeah right,
keep up your stupidity , I Hope your IRA, is still there.
My retirement and security do not depend on President Trump. I secured those for myself through decades of hard work, smart investment, and starting our own family business, which is now in the hands of the genxrs in the family. They are terrified of their millennials taking control when the time arrives. :lol:
Good for you , now take it to Cuba and enjoy it
This witch hunt is NOT about Trump, its about Democrats refusing to accept the results of an election and trying to overthrow the will of the people by somehow getting rid of president Trump. If Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio or any other Republican beat Hillary do you think it would be any different? Hell no.
Well the last potus who was as openly hostile to a free press was Nixon

Dumb ass the so called free press is openly hostile to president Trump, pull your head out of your ass.
What is wrong with the "free press" being hostile to a President, Congress, or Court? Are they supposed to always be supportive and friendly to the government?
No asshole. A free press is supposed to be free with hopefully some shreds of journalistic integrity; not the mouthpiece of a failed political party.

The so called press and journalists are nothing more than the Democratic party propaganda ministry. Lacking a real story or issue they are fabricating BS and lying its really off the charts.
Ya, Breitbart, Info Wars, Drudge, Gateway Pundit, FOX NEWS, Rush Limpdick, right wing talk radio, etc, etc, are all Democratic party propaganda ministry operations.
It's a free press. They can do what they want to do. If you don't like what they do don't read them of go live in some other country where the press is controlled.
Sounds very much like a statement from the politburo. Reagan kicked your asses. Move on snowflake.
Sounds like you don't know how the US works. We take turns kicking each other's asses. The political pendulum swings in America.
OK. Now take your spanking like a big girl and stop whining. I'm not optimistic though. Three decades on and you're still bellyaching of the whooping Reagan gave you and your comrades.
Impeachment requires commitment of "high crimes and misdemeanors". Trump's only crime is pissing off Liberal Democrats and their sycophantic Media.
But If anything happens to Mr. Trump. you Liberals will see what a REAL Protest looks like!

pity you dont seem to know the def of liberal. No latin in college?
Jealous of his vagina bragging grabbing, dragging his wife by the hair before raping her?. Ricky Scarfo atlantic city bankruptcies?
It's a free press. They can do what they want to do. If you don't like what they do don't read them of go live in some other country where the press is controlled.
Sounds very much like a statement from the politburo. Reagan kicked your asses. Move on snowflake.
Sounds like you don't know how the US works. We take turns kicking each other's asses. The political pendulum swings in America.
OK. Now take your spanking like a big girl and stop whining. I'm not optimistic though. Three decades on and you're still bellyaching of the whooping Reagan gave you and your comrades.
meathead. well named.
Sort of like Trump -UK word for fart.. Guess yoou didnt know that. like the def of liberal. bet you dont know that either
The last thing id put on a building
Impeachment requires commitment of "high crimes and misdemeanors". Trump's only crime is pissing off Liberal Democrats and their sycophantic Media.
But If anything happens to Mr. Trump. you Liberals will see what a REAL Protest looks like!


Trump aroused the demo_rats angered when he defeated HRC even though the "polls" showed Clinton winning by a landslide.

The crooked media was exposed as political shills determined to help elect HRC with fake polls and claims that DJT's campaign was in "chaos"

The deep state who is determined to enforced its agenda and protect their civil service careers at all costs

Then the Soros crowd who have found out that by destabilizing a country they can buy its assets and property on the cheap.

Four formidable opponents.

Let's stick together and help the prez.

As long as Trump is breathing he is pissing off democrats. It's amazing how democrats can maintain the level of hatred and anger after six months.
It's a free press. They can do what they want to do. If you don't like what they do don't read them of go live in some other country where the press is controlled.
Sounds very much like a statement from the politburo. Reagan kicked your asses. Move on snowflake.
Sounds like you don't know how the US works. We take turns kicking each other's asses. The political pendulum swings in America.
OK. Now take your spanking like a big girl and stop whining. I'm not optimistic though. Three decades on and you're still bellyaching of the whooping Reagan gave you and your comrades.

No one bellyaching about Reagan. He is an era long gone. Some remember it with fondness, some with disdain. Some think he was a good guy, some think he was a misguided romantic. Some think he was evil. He gave birth to modern middle eastern and Muslim terrorism. That is how I remember him. A fool who allowed what was limited regional and specific terror attacks to become acceptable and routine tactics to be used against America due to his failure to respond properly to the terrorist attacks committed against the US during his administration.
This witch hunt is NOT about Trump, its about Democrats refusing to accept the results of an election and trying to overthrow the will of the people by somehow getting rid of president Trump. If Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio or any other Republican beat Hillary do you think it would be any different? Hell no.
Well the last potus who was as openly hostile to a free press was Nixon

Dumb ass the so called free press is openly hostile to president Trump, pull your head out of your ass.
What is wrong with the "free press" being hostile to a President, Congress, or Court? Are they supposed to always be supportive and friendly to the government?

Fabricating stories and lying about a US president is not the job of a free press.
It's a free press. They can do what they want to do. If you don't like what they do don't read them of go live in some other country where the press is controlled.

Lowlife scum filth lying liberals can go straight to hell how's that.
This witch hunt is NOT about Trump, its about Democrats refusing to accept the results of an election and trying to overthrow the will of the people by somehow getting rid of president Trump. If Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio or any other Republican beat Hillary do you think it would be any different? Hell no.
Well the last potus who was as openly hostile to a free press was Nixon

Dumb ass the so called free press is openly hostile to president Trump, pull your head out of your ass.
What is wrong with the "free press" being hostile to a President, Congress, or Court? Are they supposed to always be supportive and friendly to the government?

Fabricating stories and lying about a US president is not the job of a free press.
There is no fabrication of Trump's actions, but fabrication has a long history .... including the birthers.

You are lying, there has been outright lies and fabrications by the liberal media FACT! Goddamn is there one liberal on this forum who isn't a liar holy shit.
Well the last potus who was as openly hostile to a free press was Nixon

Dumb ass the so called free press is openly hostile to president Trump, pull your head out of your ass.
What is wrong with the "free press" being hostile to a President, Congress, or Court? Are they supposed to always be supportive and friendly to the government?
No asshole. A free press is supposed to be free with hopefully some shreds of journalistic integrity; not the mouthpiece of a failed political party.

The so called press and journalists are nothing more than the Democratic party propaganda ministry. Lacking a real story or issue they are fabricating BS and lying its really off the charts.
Ya, Breitbart, Info Wars, Drudge, Gateway Pundit, FOX NEWS, Rush Limpdick, right wing talk radio, etc, etc, are all Democratic party propaganda ministry operations.

Get lost libtroll, go stink up your safe space.
Impeachment requires commitment of "high crimes and misdemeanors". Trump's only crime is pissing off Liberal Democrats and their sycophantic Media.
But If anything happens to Mr. Trump. you Liberals will see what a REAL Protest looks like!
The Skull & Bones Belong in a Graveyard

Then how come the obsolete anti-populist Republicans are cringing every time Trump pisses off their secret fraternity brothers? This is a democracy; a republic is the sole property of the united 1%.
It's a free press. They can do what they want to do. If you don't like what they do don't read them of go live in some other country where the press is controlled.
Sounds very much like a statement from the politburo. Reagan kicked your asses. Move on snowflake.
Sounds like you don't know how the US works. We take turns kicking each other's asses. The political pendulum swings in America.
OK. Now take your spanking like a big girl and stop whining. I'm not optimistic though. Three decades on and you're still bellyaching of the whooping Reagan gave you and your comrades.

No one bellyaching about Reagan. He is an era long gone. Some remember it with fondness, some with disdain. Some think he was a good guy, some think he was a misguided romantic. Some think he was evil. He gave birth to modern middle eastern and Muslim terrorism. That is how I remember him. A fool who allowed what was limited regional and specific terror attacks to become acceptable and routine tactics to be used against America due to his failure to respond properly to the terrorist attacks committed against the US during his administration.
We get it Camp. Watching your dream die twice in a lifetime, regardless of how idiotic, cannot be easy however sad it might be. Reagan stuck it to you decades ago. Trump is sticking it to you today, even as we speak.

You must be a big girl about it now!
Good for you , now take it to Cuba and enjoy it
A Communist Is a Capitalist, Jr.

Castro and his most important supporters were HeirHeads. This was pointed out in the Robert Redford movie, Havana. Any American with self-respect would want those obstructive birth privileges abolished. Whether they pretend to be Left Wing or Right Wing, all brats of the rich have a Born to Rule attitude and despise those who weren't born rich. Only someone who hates himself and his father would believe in any of the self-appointed ruling class's ideologies. Why is everybody afraid to trash the upper class's self-serving propaganda and admit that the have-nots have been had by the haves?
No matter who beat Hillary, Jeb, Marco, Ted, they would be suffering the same withering assault from the left as president Trump is BANK on it.
No matter who beat Hillary, Jeb, Marco, Ted, they would be suffering the same withering assault from the left as president Trump is BANK on it.
I disagree. All those guys were part of the establishment playing by long-standing unwritten rules. Trump, almost single-handedly brought down the what was considered as acceptable by the rulers who had lost touch with the common people.

On the other hand, liberals have a very strong sense of entitlement. They felt Crooked Hillary was entitled to be president. History has still not brought them tot their senses.

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