Trump’s Only Real Political Skill Is To Incite Hatred

I am going to make America great again....
I am going to make our military the greatest in the world...
I am going to make sure our nation is pure....Filled with real Americans....
People of color watch out you will be deported so fast you will not know what the hell happened....

White people, this country will be yours again... Believe me...

Is this the real DJT?.... What say you depolorables?

Trump yelling.jpg
It seems things are coming to a head with the "Birtherism" story! Trump's surrogates are all saying they all agree Obama was born in the United States, but the candidate himself won't let it go! He now says "I don't talk about that anymore!" News headlines will come out tomorrow with him still holding onto this and his campaign is "losing it!" Andy was on CNN and tried to wiggle around Hawaii becoming a state back in '59, then '61! I'm old enough to remember maps that still showed it as "The Sandwich Islands!" Maybe that's what's confusing this knucklehead! This will continue to come up and certainly will be raised at the debate! Add on the issue with his taxes, his illegal contribution to AG of FLA, I have a feeling Trump will dodge the debates! He's already hinting that way with his whining about Anderson Cooper being a moderator! This is going to blow up in his face! Maybe the nightmare of this idiot actually winning will finally be over! We can only hope! :9::banana:
Nobody cares about the birthed issue or his taxes. It's the economy stupid.

Karma since Hillary was beat over the head with some idiotic email scandal for years; Trump getting just desserts! :banana:
It seems things are coming to a head with the "Birtherism" story! Trump's surrogates are all saying they all agree Obama was born in the United States, but the candidate himself won't let it go! He now says "I don't talk about that anymore!" News headlines will come out tomorrow with him still holding onto this and his campaign is "losing it!" Andy was on CNN and tried to wiggle around Hawaii becoming a state back in '59, then '61! I'm old enough to remember maps that still showed it as "The Sandwich Islands!" Maybe that's what's confusing this knucklehead! This will continue to come up and certainly will be raised at the debate! Add on the issue with his taxes, his illegal contribution to AG of FLA, I have a feeling Trump will dodge the debates! He's already hinting that way with his whining about Anderson Cooper being a moderator! This is going to blow up in his face! Maybe the nightmare of this idiot actually winning will finally be over! We can only hope! :9::banana:
Nobody cares about the birthed issue or his taxes. It's the economy stupid.

I figure the birther thing is all about Democrat race baiting & race division..(Hillary News has them in a froth..)

The taxes thing, they're just pissing in the wind.. (again with the froth..)

Yup, jobs, jobs, jobs... work hard and succeed, it's all American.. (not status quo dependence and political servitude)

This is what happens when you don't talk issues; a controversy like this blows up in you face and I'm loving it! :banana:
...and just in case he missed offending somebody, he is now declaring war on Ford, by threatening to slap a 35% tariff on their cars, which, of course, would destroy Ford, and it's stockholders. Fortunately, we all know that only Congress can tear up NAFTA, regardless of Trump's bombastic claims. Even more fortunately, even Ford knows that he is an unelectable blowhard.
Drumpf has all the rubes believing he will be a monarch instead of a POTUS.
By "rubes" you mean left wingers.
Left wingers dont want Drumpf anywhere near the office of POTUS. Obviously by rubes i am talking about retards and right wingers such as yourself.
The only people he incites hatred in are you left-wing moonbats. But then again, it doesn't take much... you guys live in a constant state of hatred of your fellow man.

We can thank Ronald Reagan for teaching conservatives to hate government and the laws we should live by. But Reagan was an amateur when it comes to inciting hatred in his mindless followers.

The Donald opened his campaign by telling his audiences Mexicans (he intended his followers to infer all Hispanics) are nothing but murderers and rapists (and it’s likely his minions quickly added drug dealers, child molesters, thieves, and many other criminal acts to the list).

Trumped also tapped into the right wing certainty that all Muslims are terrorists, and therefore, must be the targets of right wing hatred.

Building on the decades Republican leadership spent convincing most conservative women to have no respect for their own gender, in a very short period, Trump has managed to turn their lack of self-respect into self-loathing.

Liberals, left-leaning moderates, non-Christians, non-whites, foreigners, foreign born citizens, etc., etc., etc, the list of people hated by the Trumpers is long and grows each day.

But at his latest appearance of the “Trump Patent Medicine Show”, his band of lunatic followers demonstrated their hatred of the First Amendment with their cheers when he announced, "I have really good news for you, I just heard that the press is stuck on their airplane. They can't get here. I love it.”

It is understandable The Donald would want his “Trump-bots” to hate certain media outlets and personnel, particularly those few true journalists who are willing to report the truth about Trump. Those services and individuals expect to be on Trump’s “Most Hated List”. But the majority of so-called “liberal media” have permitted his misleading statements, his flights of fantasy, his fibs, his outright lies, and his “hate speech” to go unchallenged. (They have not given Mrs. Clinton the “Cinderella Free Pass From Scrutiny” The Donald has enjoyed during his campaign.)

It is easy for Trump-the-candidate to spew his animosity for the press. However, when he becomes Trump-the-President, he must make the media he hates his friend and ally so as to keep the nitwit Trump voters from realizing they’ve been royally duped (and in turn, screwed).

Of course, the Trump-bots will deny their hero would even think to turn against them. They are truly suckers and have proven this for decades with their strict defense of the conservatism that picks their pockets year after year. They have been too stupid to see how they’ve been consistently screwed by the GOP, so they will happily bend over and take it in the a** from Trump again, and again, and again,...

Those of us who saw it coming will have the satisfaction of telling the few Trump-bots who finally return to reality and see the truth, “told you so.”

Trump starts rally without traveling press: 'They can't make it, I love it!'

You're absolutely right.

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The only people he incites hatred in are you left-wing moonbats. But then again, it doesn't take much... you guys live in a constant state of hatred of your fellow man.
We cant help it if you feel hate because we fight for freedom of speech and the right not to get shot down for being Black. You need to learn to control your emotions.
The only people he incites hatred in are you left-wing moonbats. But then again, it doesn't take much... you guys live in a constant state of hatred of your fellow man.
We cant help it if you feel hate because we fight for freedom of speech and the right not to get shot down for being Black. You need to learn to control your emotions.
you don't fight for freedom of speech dumb ass, you fight to stop opposing speech. Say it with me slowly, you oppose all opposition speech. write it on a board 100 times, it is your belief. No freedom of speech for you.

You all love to talk over someone giving a speech you don't like. And then claim it's your freedom to do that. Well it is and it is theirs as well and it is their right to have your freedom ass removed for talking over the one giving the freedom speech. dig it?
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It seems things are coming to a head with the "Birtherism" story! Trump's surrogates are all saying they all agree Obama was born in the United States, but the candidate himself won't let it go! He now says "I don't talk about that anymore!" News headlines will come out tomorrow with him still holding onto this and his campaign is "losing it!" Andy was on CNN and tried to wiggle around Hawaii becoming a state back in '59, then '61! I'm old enough to remember maps that still showed it as "The Sandwich Islands!" Maybe that's what's confusing this knucklehead! This will continue to come up and certainly will be raised at the debate! Add on the issue with his taxes, his illegal contribution to AG of FLA, I have a feeling Trump will dodge the debates! He's already hinting that way with his whining about Anderson Cooper being a moderator! This is going to blow up in his face! Maybe the nightmare of this idiot actually winning will finally be over! We can only hope! :9::banana:

It's the media and leftwing douche bags like you that won't let it go.

Just like you losers on the "right" that couldn't let the email server issue go even when satisfied by the FBI! How do you like being slimed over and over like that? Ya been doing it to the Clintons over stupid stuff that meant nothing for YEARS! Now Trump's own big mouth will finally end this farce! Thanks so much for playing our game! "Hail to the chief, Madam President!" :anj_stfu: :argue: :9: :banana2:
We're not losing, just look at all the trump threads. WINNING!!!!! BIG
The only people he incites hatred in are you left-wing moonbats. But then again, it doesn't take much... you guys live in a constant state of hatred of your fellow man.
We cant help it if you feel hate because we fight for freedom of speech and the right not to get shot down for being Black. You need to learn to control your emotions.

What on Earth are you talking about?
The only people he incites hatred in are you left-wing moonbats. But then again, it doesn't take much... you guys live in a constant state of hatred of your fellow man.
We cant help it if you feel hate because we fight for freedom of speech and the right not to get shot down for being Black. You need to learn to control your emotions.

What on Earth are you talking about?
maybe they can start another hundred trump threads trying to convince themselves that they aren't losing. When all it shows is the progress Trump has made at making them uncomfortable. I split a gut daily in here.
The only people he incites hatred in are you left-wing moonbats. But then again, it doesn't take much... you guys live in a constant state of hatred of your fellow man.
We cant help it if you feel hate because we fight for freedom of speech and the right not to get shot down for being Black. You need to learn to control your emotions.

What on Earth are you talking about?
I'm talking about you clowns feeling hate when we exercise our first amendment rights. What are you talking about?
The only people he incites hatred in are you left-wing moonbats. But then again, it doesn't take much... you guys live in a constant state of hatred of your fellow man.
We cant help it if you feel hate because we fight for freedom of speech and the right not to get shot down for being Black. You need to learn to control your emotions.

What on Earth are you talking about?
I'm talking about you clowns feeling hate when we exercise our first amendment rights. What are you talking about?
where? where is there hate? still got zero's bubba.
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The only people he incites hatred in are you left-wing moonbats. But then again, it doesn't take much... you guys live in a constant state of hatred of your fellow man.
We cant help it if you feel hate because we fight for freedom of speech and the right not to get shot down for being Black. You need to learn to control your emotions.

What on Earth are you talking about?
I'm talking about you clowns feeling hate when we exercise our first amendment rights. What are you talking about?

What "hate" did I feel? Please explain how you come to the conclusion that I "feel" hate. And furthermore, how you know what I feel.
The only people he incites hatred in are you left-wing moonbats. But then again, it doesn't take much... you guys live in a constant state of hatred of your fellow man.
We cant help it if you feel hate because we fight for freedom of speech and the right not to get shot down for being Black. You need to learn to control your emotions.

What on Earth are you talking about?
I'm talking about you clowns feeling hate when we exercise our first amendment rights. What are you talking about?
where? where is there hate? still got zero's bubba.

That clown is stuck in a perpetual state of victim-hood. Sad. Everything is whitey's fault.
The only people he incites hatred in are you left-wing moonbats. But then again, it doesn't take much... you guys live in a constant state of hatred of your fellow man.
We cant help it if you feel hate because we fight for freedom of speech and the right not to get shot down for being Black. You need to learn to control your emotions.

What on Earth are you talking about?
I'm talking about you clowns feeling hate when we exercise our first amendment rights. What are you talking about?
where? where is there hate? still got zero's bubba.
Where is whos hate? Be specific.

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