Trump’s Only Real Political Skill Is To Incite Hatred


We can thank Ronald Reagan for teaching conservatives to hate government and the laws we should live by. But Reagan was an amateur when it comes to inciting hatred in his mindless followers.

The Donald opened his campaign by telling his audiences Mexicans (he intended his followers to infer all Hispanics) are nothing but murderers and rapists (and it’s likely his minions quickly added drug dealers, child molesters, thieves, and many other criminal acts to the list).

Trumped also tapped into the right wing certainty that all Muslims are terrorists, and therefore, must be the targets of right wing hatred.

Building on the decades Republican leadership spent convincing most conservative women to have no respect for their own gender, in a very short period, Trump has managed to turn their lack of self-respect into self-loathing.

Liberals, left-leaning moderates, non-Christians, non-whites, foreigners, foreign born citizens, etc., etc., etc, the list of people hated by the Trumpers is long and grows each day.

But at his latest appearance of the “Trump Patent Medicine Show”, his band of lunatic followers demonstrated their hatred of the First Amendment with their cheers when he announced, "I have really good news for you, I just heard that the press is stuck on their airplane. They can't get here. I love it.”

It is understandable The Donald would want his “Trump-bots” to hate certain media outlets and personnel, particularly those few true journalists who are willing to report the truth about Trump. Those services and individuals expect to be on Trump’s “Most Hated List”. But the majority of so-called “liberal media” have permitted his misleading statements, his flights of fantasy, his fibs, his outright lies, and his “hate speech” to go unchallenged. (They have not given Mrs. Clinton the “Cinderella Free Pass From Scrutiny” The Donald has enjoyed during his campaign.)

It is easy for Trump-the-candidate to spew his animosity for the press. However, when he becomes Trump-the-President, he must make the media he hates his friend and ally so as to keep the nitwit Trump voters from realizing they’ve been royally duped (and in turn, screwed).

Of course, the Trump-bots will deny their hero would even think to turn against them. They are truly suckers and have proven this for decades with their strict defense of the conservatism that picks their pockets year after year. They have been too stupid to see how they’ve been consistently screwed by the GOP, so they will happily bend over and take it in the a** from Trump again, and again, and again,...

Those of us who saw it coming will have the satisfaction of telling the few Trump-bots who finally return to reality and see the truth, “told you so.”

Trump starts rally without traveling press: 'They can't make it, I love it!'

Trump sure does incite the hateful left.....

We can thank Ronald Reagan for teaching conservatives to hate government and the laws we should live by. But Reagan was an amateur when it comes to inciting hatred in his mindless followers.

The Donald opened his campaign by telling his audiences Mexicans (he intended his followers to infer all Hispanics) are nothing but murderers and rapists (and it’s likely his minions quickly added drug dealers, child molesters, thieves, and many other criminal acts to the list).

Trumped also tapped into the right wing certainty that all Muslims are terrorists, and therefore, must be the targets of right wing hatred.

Building on the decades Republican leadership spent convincing most conservative women to have no respect for their own gender, in a very short period, Trump has managed to turn their lack of self-respect into self-loathing.

Liberals, left-leaning moderates, non-Christians, non-whites, foreigners, foreign born citizens, etc., etc., etc, the list of people hated by the Trumpers is long and grows each day.

But at his latest appearance of the “Trump Patent Medicine Show”, his band of lunatic followers demonstrated their hatred of the First Amendment with their cheers when he announced, "I have really good news for you, I just heard that the press is stuck on their airplane. They can't get here. I love it.”

It is understandable The Donald would want his “Trump-bots” to hate certain media outlets and personnel, particularly those few true journalists who are willing to report the truth about Trump. Those services and individuals expect to be on Trump’s “Most Hated List”. But the majority of so-called “liberal media” have permitted his misleading statements, his flights of fantasy, his fibs, his outright lies, and his “hate speech” to go unchallenged. (They have not given Mrs. Clinton the “Cinderella Free Pass From Scrutiny” The Donald has enjoyed during his campaign.)

It is easy for Trump-the-candidate to spew his animosity for the press. However, when he becomes Trump-the-President, he must make the media he hates his friend and ally so as to keep the nitwit Trump voters from realizing they’ve been royally duped (and in turn, screwed).

Of course, the Trump-bots will deny their hero would even think to turn against them. They are truly suckers and have proven this for decades with their strict defense of the conservatism that picks their pockets year after year. They have been too stupid to see how they’ve been consistently screwed by the GOP, so they will happily bend over and take it in the a** from Trump again, and again, and again,...

Those of us who saw it coming will have the satisfaction of telling the few Trump-bots who finally return to reality and see the truth, “told you so.”

Trump starts rally without traveling press: 'They can't make it, I love it!'

Didn't watch the DNC Black Lives Matter Convention did you? Talk about a hate fest.
It seems things are coming to a head with the "Birtherism" story! Trump's surrogates are all saying they all agree Obama was born in the United States, but the candidate himself won't let it go! He now says "I don't talk about that anymore!" News headlines will come out tomorrow with him still holding onto this and his campaign is "losing it!" Andy was on CNN and tried to wiggle around Hawaii becoming a state back in '59, then '61! I'm old enough to remember maps that still showed it as "The Sandwich Islands!" Maybe that's what's confusing this knucklehead! This will continue to come up and certainly will be raised at the debate! Add on the issue with his taxes, his illegal contribution to AG of FLA, I have a feeling Trump will dodge the debates! He's already hinting that way with his whining about Anderson Cooper being a moderator! This is going to blow up in his face! Maybe the nightmare of this idiot actually winning will finally be over! We can only hope! :9::banana:
Nobody cares about the birthed issue or his taxes. It's the economy stupid.
It seems things are coming to a head with the "Birtherism" story! Trump's surrogates are all saying they all agree Obama was born in the United States, but the candidate himself won't let it go! He now says "I don't talk about that anymore!" News headlines will come out tomorrow with him still holding onto this and his campaign is "losing it!" Andy was on CNN and tried to wiggle around Hawaii becoming a state back in '59, then '61! I'm old enough to remember maps that still showed it as "The Sandwich Islands!" Maybe that's what's confusing this knucklehead! This will continue to come up and certainly will be raised at the debate! Add on the issue with his taxes, his illegal contribution to AG of FLA, I have a feeling Trump will dodge the debates! He's already hinting that way with his whining about Anderson Cooper being a moderator! This is going to blow up in his face! Maybe the nightmare of this idiot actually winning will finally be over! We can only hope! :9::banana:
Nobody cares about the birthed issue or his taxes. It's the economy stupid.

I figure the birther thing is all about Democrat race baiting & race division..(Hillary News has them in a froth..)

The taxes thing, they're just pissing in the wind.. (again with the froth..)

Yup, jobs, jobs, jobs... work hard and succeed, it's all American.. (not status quo dependence and political servitude)

We can thank Ronald Reagan for teaching conservatives to hate government and the laws we should live by. But Reagan was an amateur when it comes to inciting hatred in his mindless followers.

The Donald opened his campaign by telling his audiences Mexicans (he intended his followers to infer all Hispanics) are nothing but murderers and rapists (and it’s likely his minions quickly added drug dealers, child molesters, thieves, and many other criminal acts to the list).

Trumped also tapped into the right wing certainty that all Muslims are terrorists, and therefore, must be the targets of right wing hatred.

Building on the decades Republican leadership spent convincing most conservative women to have no respect for their own gender, in a very short period, Trump has managed to turn their lack of self-respect into self-loathing.

Liberals, left-leaning moderates, non-Christians, non-whites, foreigners, foreign born citizens, etc., etc., etc, the list of people hated by the Trumpers is long and grows each day.

But at his latest appearance of the “Trump Patent Medicine Show”, his band of lunatic followers demonstrated their hatred of the First Amendment with their cheers when he announced, "I have really good news for you, I just heard that the press is stuck on their airplane. They can't get here. I love it.”

It is understandable The Donald would want his “Trump-bots” to hate certain media outlets and personnel, particularly those few true journalists who are willing to report the truth about Trump. Those services and individuals expect to be on Trump’s “Most Hated List”. But the majority of so-called “liberal media” have permitted his misleading statements, his flights of fantasy, his fibs, his outright lies, and his “hate speech” to go unchallenged. (They have not given Mrs. Clinton the “Cinderella Free Pass From Scrutiny” The Donald has enjoyed during his campaign.)

It is easy for Trump-the-candidate to spew his animosity for the press. However, when he becomes Trump-the-President, he must make the media he hates his friend and ally so as to keep the nitwit Trump voters from realizing they’ve been royally duped (and in turn, screwed).

Of course, the Trump-bots will deny their hero would even think to turn against them. They are truly suckers and have proven this for decades with their strict defense of the conservatism that picks their pockets year after year. They have been too stupid to see how they’ve been consistently screwed by the GOP, so they will happily bend over and take it in the a** from Trump again, and again, and again,...

Those of us who saw it coming will have the satisfaction of telling the few Trump-bots who finally return to reality and see the truth, “told you so.”

Trump starts rally without traveling press: 'They can't make it, I love it!'

I don't know if it's the fact that Obama never does his job or the fact that he's actively trying to make everything worse in America, it's clear that he provides cover for his malicious activity by pitting everyone against each other. It's the only thing he's any good at. That's what community-organizers do. They're professional troublemakers.

Anything he fails at is blamed on Republicans. Nothing that he does is his fault. He literally has parts of America that he has shafted wanting to kick his ass. Hillary is no different. The only thing you can expect from any Democrat is lies and hatred. Which makes your OP seem like nothing but pure projection.

Psychological projection
Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unpleasant impulses by denying their existence while attributing them to others. For example, a person who is habitually rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude. It can take the form of blame shifting.​
What Democrats are good at is turning Americans into assholes.

They tell us that you don't have to respect the cops. They tell us that you don't have to be productive. They tell us that you can piss all over this country and tell it to go to Hell.

It's not much of a mystery who is generating all of this hate.
It is telling how Reagan's criticisms of government have come back to haunt republicans. They don't seem to realize this, but they helped create Trump, an outsider who then used their own rhetoric to defeat their own people.

"Republican presidents Eisenhower and Nixon and congressional leaders such as Senators Everett Dirksen, Hugh Scott, Howard Baker, and Bob Dole, and Representatives Gerald Ford, John Rhodes, and Bob Michel, pragmatic institutional figures who found ways to work within the system and focused on solving problems, are unimaginable in the present context. President Reagan ushered in the new Republican Party but governed pragmatically. The steps he took in office, as well as those the two Bush presidents took, were so far outside the policy and procedural bounds of the contemporary GOP that none of them could likely win a Republican presidential nomination today without disavowing their own actions. Reagan was a serial violator of what we could call "Axiom One" for today's GOP, the no-tax-increase pledge: he followed his tax cuts of 1981 with tax increases in nearly every subsequent year of his presidency." George H. W. Bush agreed to a 1990 deficit-reduction package that included tax increases and budget process reforms, turning back significant congressional Republican opposition (led by Newt Gingrich) along the way. And in more recent years, conservatives turned sharply against George W. Bush's advocacy of broad immigration reform (a violation of "Axiom Two"), expansion of government in health care and education (Oops! There goes "Axiom Three"), and steps to deal with the financial meltdown. That legacy, and Barack Obama's election and extraordinary measures to limit the damage from the financial crisis and deep recession, prompted the formation of a right-wing populist Tea Party movement, which the Republican establishment subsequently embraced." p53 'It's Even Worse Than It Looks' Norman Ornstein and Thomas E. Mann
It is telling how Reagan's criticisms of government have come back to haunt republicans. They don't seem to realize this, but they helped create Trump, an outsider who then used their own rhetoric to defeat their own people.

"Republican presidents Eisenhower and Nixon and congressional leaders such as Senators Everett Dirksen, Hugh Scott, Howard Baker, and Bob Dole, and Representatives Gerald Ford, John Rhodes, and Bob Michel, pragmatic institutional figures who found ways to work within the system and focused on solving problems, are unimaginable in the present context. President Reagan ushered in the new Republican Party but governed pragmatically. The steps he took in office, as well as those the two Bush presidents took, were so far outside the policy and procedural bounds of the contemporary GOP that none of them could likely win a Republican presidential nomination today without disavowing their own actions. Reagan was a serial violator of what we could call "Axiom One" for today's GOP, the no-tax-increase pledge: he followed his tax cuts of 1981 with tax increases in nearly every subsequent year of his presidency." George H. W. Bush agreed to a 1990 deficit-reduction package that included tax increases and budget process reforms, turning back significant congressional Republican opposition (led by Newt Gingrich) along the way. And in more recent years, conservatives turned sharply against George W. Bush's advocacy of broad immigration reform (a violation of "Axiom Two"), expansion of government in health care and education (Oops! There goes "Axiom Three"), and steps to deal with the financial meltdown. That legacy, and Barack Obama's election and extraordinary measures to limit the damage from the financial crisis and deep recession, prompted the formation of a right-wing populist Tea Party movement, which the Republican establishment subsequently embraced." p53 'It's Even Worse Than It Looks' Norman Ornstein and Thomas E. Mann
Trump fucking outright stomped the GOP' was Reagan'esque....

We can thank Ronald Reagan for teaching conservatives to hate government and the laws we should live by. But Reagan was an amateur when it comes to inciting hatred in his mindless followers.

The Donald opened his campaign by telling his audiences Mexicans (he intended his followers to infer all Hispanics) are nothing but murderers and rapists (and it’s likely his minions quickly added drug dealers, child molesters, thieves, and many other criminal acts to the list).

Trumped also tapped into the right wing certainty that all Muslims are terrorists, and therefore, must be the targets of right wing hatred.

Building on the decades Republican leadership spent convincing most conservative women to have no respect for their own gender, in a very short period, Trump has managed to turn their lack of self-respect into self-loathing.

Liberals, left-leaning moderates, non-Christians, non-whites, foreigners, foreign born citizens, etc., etc., etc, the list of people hated by the Trumpers is long and grows each day.

But at his latest appearance of the “Trump Patent Medicine Show”, his band of lunatic followers demonstrated their hatred of the First Amendment with their cheers when he announced, "I have really good news for you, I just heard that the press is stuck on their airplane. They can't get here. I love it.”

It is understandable The Donald would want his “Trump-bots” to hate certain media outlets and personnel, particularly those few true journalists who are willing to report the truth about Trump. Those services and individuals expect to be on Trump’s “Most Hated List”. But the majority of so-called “liberal media” have permitted his misleading statements, his flights of fantasy, his fibs, his outright lies, and his “hate speech” to go unchallenged. (They have not given Mrs. Clinton the “Cinderella Free Pass From Scrutiny” The Donald has enjoyed during his campaign.)

It is easy for Trump-the-candidate to spew his animosity for the press. However, when he becomes Trump-the-President, he must make the media he hates his friend and ally so as to keep the nitwit Trump voters from realizing they’ve been royally duped (and in turn, screwed).

Of course, the Trump-bots will deny their hero would even think to turn against them. They are truly suckers and have proven this for decades with their strict defense of the conservatism that picks their pockets year after year. They have been too stupid to see how they’ve been consistently screwed by the GOP, so they will happily bend over and take it in the a** from Trump again, and again, and again,...

Those of us who saw it coming will have the satisfaction of telling the few Trump-bots who finally return to reality and see the truth, “told you so.”

Trump starts rally without traveling press: 'They can't make it, I love it!'

RR never incited hatred you lying pussball.

the lift uses hate like a fucking hammer, nonstop

don't agree with them? then your a racist, sexist, islamaphobe, etc, etc

the left runs on hate and devision
It is telling how Reagan's criticisms of government have come back to haunt republicans. They don't seem to realize this, but they helped create Trump, an outsider who then used their own rhetoric to defeat their own people.

"Republican presidents Eisenhower and Nixon and congressional leaders such as Senators Everett Dirksen, Hugh Scott, Howard Baker, and Bob Dole, and Representatives Gerald Ford, John Rhodes, and Bob Michel, pragmatic institutional figures who found ways to work within the system and focused on solving problems, are unimaginable in the present context. President Reagan ushered in the new Republican Party but governed pragmatically. The steps he took in office, as well as those the two Bush presidents took, were so far outside the policy and procedural bounds of the contemporary GOP that none of them could likely win a Republican presidential nomination today without disavowing their own actions. Reagan was a serial violator of what we could call "Axiom One" for today's GOP, the no-tax-increase pledge: he followed his tax cuts of 1981 with tax increases in nearly every subsequent year of his presidency." George H. W. Bush agreed to a 1990 deficit-reduction package that included tax increases and budget process reforms, turning back significant congressional Republican opposition (led by Newt Gingrich) along the way. And in more recent years, conservatives turned sharply against George W. Bush's advocacy of broad immigration reform (a violation of "Axiom Two"), expansion of government in health care and education (Oops! There goes "Axiom Three"), and steps to deal with the financial meltdown. That legacy, and Barack Obama's election and extraordinary measures to limit the damage from the financial crisis and deep recession, prompted the formation of a right-wing populist Tea Party movement, which the Republican establishment subsequently embraced." p53 'It's Even Worse Than It Looks' Norman Ornstein and Thomas E. Mann
Republicans are politicians deep down. Reagan was the real deal. I don't think there is one Democrat that's honest. They spend their entire campaign trying to make the other guy look as bad as they are. Now that's not working for them, so they have to bring people from other countries here to stuff the ballot boxes in battleground states. Trust me. They're registering these new citizens to win elections, not to help them. They don't care that it's costing us hundreds of billions of dollars to "Help" them. Heck, it's not the Democrat's money, so why not. It doesn't come out of their own pockets. Their entire platform is nothing but a massive bribe to voters using our money to pay for it and one fraud after another. The Republicans have been left out in the cold for so long that it seems some of them want in on it. It's part of the relaxing of standards in Washington.

We can thank Ronald Reagan for teaching conservatives to hate government and the laws we should live by. But Reagan was an amateur when it comes to inciting hatred in his mindless followers.

The Donald opened his campaign by telling his audiences Mexicans (he intended his followers to infer all Hispanics) are nothing but murderers and rapists (and it’s likely his minions quickly added drug dealers, child molesters, thieves, and many other criminal acts to the list).

Trumped also tapped into the right wing certainty that all Muslims are terrorists, and therefore, must be the targets of right wing hatred.

Building on the decades Republican leadership spent convincing most conservative women to have no respect for their own gender, in a very short period, Trump has managed to turn their lack of self-respect into self-loathing.

Liberals, left-leaning moderates, non-Christians, non-whites, foreigners, foreign born citizens, etc., etc., etc, the list of people hated by the Trumpers is long and grows each day.

But at his latest appearance of the “Trump Patent Medicine Show”, his band of lunatic followers demonstrated their hatred of the First Amendment with their cheers when he announced, "I have really good news for you, I just heard that the press is stuck on their airplane. They can't get here. I love it.”

It is understandable The Donald would want his “Trump-bots” to hate certain media outlets and personnel, particularly those few true journalists who are willing to report the truth about Trump. Those services and individuals expect to be on Trump’s “Most Hated List”. But the majority of so-called “liberal media” have permitted his misleading statements, his flights of fantasy, his fibs, his outright lies, and his “hate speech” to go unchallenged. (They have not given Mrs. Clinton the “Cinderella Free Pass From Scrutiny” The Donald has enjoyed during his campaign.)

It is easy for Trump-the-candidate to spew his animosity for the press. However, when he becomes Trump-the-President, he must make the media he hates his friend and ally so as to keep the nitwit Trump voters from realizing they’ve been royally duped (and in turn, screwed).

Of course, the Trump-bots will deny their hero would even think to turn against them. They are truly suckers and have proven this for decades with their strict defense of the conservatism that picks their pockets year after year. They have been too stupid to see how they’ve been consistently screwed by the GOP, so they will happily bend over and take it in the a** from Trump again, and again, and again,...

Those of us who saw it coming will have the satisfaction of telling the few Trump-bots who finally return to reality and see the truth, “told you so.”

Trump starts rally without traveling press: 'They can't make it, I love it!'

"Hatred" is such a deplorable word. What we are is fed up with morons such as yourself who have run this country into a ditch...economically, militarily and morally. GFY.
.We can thank Ronald Reagan for teaching conservatives to hate government and the laws we should live by. But Reagan was an amateur when it comes to inciting hatred in his mindless followers.
You are right but not for the reasons you think. Reagan, Bush and now Trump incite hatred because they disagree with leftist retards like you. Disagreement is intolerable to losers like you. You want big corrupt government to force its' policy on its' subjects. We on the right want government to do our bidding, not hobble us or strip away freedoms that that isn't theirs to take.

I'm glad you and your fellow leftist drones hate Trump so vehemently. It warms my heart and I've missed it.
President Reagan ushered in the new Republican Party but governed pragmatically. The steps he took in office, as well as those the two Bush presidents took, were so far outside the policy and procedural bounds of the contemporary GOP that none of them could likely win a Republican presidential nomination today without disavowing their own actions. Reagan was a serial violator of what we could call "Axiom One" for today's GOP, the no-tax-increase pledge: he followed his tax cuts of 1981 with tax increases in nearly every subsequent year of his presidency."
More leftist dishonesty. Which is par for the course, they have to lie to further their agenda.

Reagan Showed it Can Be Done: Lower the Top Rate to 28 Percent and Raise More Revenue
To put it mildly, many in the press and in the public remain unconvinced that Romney can lower tax rates without lowering revenue. Ruth Marcus at the

Washington Post writes that Romney’s plan:
“hinges on the faith-based assertion that this revenue neutrality can be achieved through the ensuing miracle of faster economic growth. History counsels against counting on tax miracles.”

Well, Reagan counted on just such a miracle, and he got it. So did Kennedy. Let’s look at the Reagan years, since it provides the closest example of what Romney would do, i.e. lower the top marginal income tax rate to 28 percent. As the chart below shows, Reagan lowered the top marginal income tax rate from 70 percent in 1980 to 28 percent in 1988. Individual income tax revenue increased, even after adjusting for inflation and population growth.


Reagan’s tax-cutting legacy
Reagan’s 1981 Economic Recovery Tax Act was an across-the-board 25 percent reduction in tax rates. Everyone got tax relief.

The Tax Reform Act of 1986 was quintessential Reagan. He knew closing loopholes and lowering rates would create efficiency gains. No one thought it could be done. But the legislation passed, reducing the number of tax brackets to two, 15 percent for the middle class and 28 percent for the wealthy. As a result, the highest income-tax rate fell from 70 percent to 28 percent — one of the biggest rate reductions in American history.

The Reagan tax-rate reductions increased tax revenues from $500 billion to $1 trillion by the end of the 1980s.
.We can thank Ronald Reagan for teaching conservatives to hate government and the laws we should live by. But Reagan was an amateur when it comes to inciting hatred in his mindless followers.
You are right but not for the reasons you think. Reagan, Bush and now Trump incite hatred because they disagree with leftist retards like you. Disagreement is intolerable to losers like you. You want big corrupt government to force its' policy on its' subjects. We on the right want government to do our bidding, not hobble us or strip away freedoms that that isn't theirs to take.

I'm glad you and your fellow leftist drones hate Trump so vehemently. It warms my heart and I've missed it.
Democrats believe in one primary issue. Screwing everything up and blaming it on Republicans.

Why do Democrats do anything? To win elections. Why do that take irrational stands on every issue? Because they're dishonest and know that most of the media won't Factcheck them.

Name any stance and it's only the an issue because it opposes Republicans.

  1. Same-sex marriage
  2. Illegal immigration
  3. Blacklivesmatter
  4. Tax the rich
  5. Gun control
  6. Global Warming
  7. Income equality
  8. Abortion
  9. Separation of church and state
All they do is take an irrational position in opposition to the GOP.

Tax cuts for businesses, traditional marriage, patriotism, smaller government, a strong defense, secure borders. Anything that makes sense comes under attack by Democrats. It has to be only because Democrats are attacking Republican principles any way they can and to Hell with the consequences.

Let's face it; If everyone had a job and everyone got along, we wouldn't need Democrats. Their sole purpose is creating poverty and hatred. Without that they wouldn't win an election.

We can thank Ronald Reagan for teaching conservatives to hate government and the laws we should live by. But Reagan was an amateur when it comes to inciting hatred in his mindless followers.

The Donald opened his campaign by telling his audiences Mexicans (he intended his followers to infer all Hispanics) are nothing but murderers and rapists (...


I stopped reading there.

You are a liar and a panic monger.

When you tell Hispanics that Trump and Trump supporters consider them murderers and rapists you are trying to make them fear and thus Hate us so that they will vote for you.

A present. For you.


Deport the illegals, thus improving jobs and wages for the Working Class and Middle Class.

Bring back manufacturing jobs, thus improving jobs and wages for the Working and Middle CLass.

Stop Fucking with Russia, thus greatly reducing the chance of a WWIII.

That is what Trump's campaign is about. Everything else is just desperate lefties trying to distract from that.

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