Trump’s pathetic endgame: How his lies damage America


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Great Piece! :clap2:

It’s been more than a month since Election Day. Thanksgiving has come and gone, and Hanukkah and Christmas are fast approaching. The votes have been counted — two or three times in some cases — and the result has become even more convincing for Joe Biden each time.​
And yet Donald Trump and his supporters are still carrying on as if the will of the people will be overturned to pave the way for a second Trump term. Having no evidence of systemic fraud, they are spreading increasingly convoluted lies about hacked voting machines, boxes of fake ballots and a conspiracy that involves Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, who died in 2013. Trump couldn’t defeat Joe Biden, so he has turned his sights on an even tougher rival, reality.​
Trump, as I warned he would do, has refused to concede despite every swing state certifying its results for Biden, several including hand recounts that verified the original counts almost perfectly. At this point, Hugo Chavez has a better chance of coming back to life than Trump’s reelection effort does of succeeding.​
I’ve made many dire predictions about the depths Trump might sink to, and I have to admit that I’ve often been wrong. It’s usually even worse. Trump’s ability to scrape the bottom and then go lower still is simply impossible to overestimate.​
Trump isn’t letting a little thing like reality stop him. Why start now? The subjects of “the Russia hoax” and “the COVID-19 hoax” were both quite real, and that hasn’t stopped Trumpists from denying them to this day. “The election hoax” is another Trump loyalty test, a way for Trump to dare Republicans to point out, at long last, that the emperor has no clothes. Anyone who admits that the election was fair and won by Biden is tossed under the bus and accused of disloyalty, including various Republican governors, attorneys general and election officials. They have committed the unforgivable sin of being loyal to their oaths of office, to the Constitution of the United States, and to observable reality, instead of to the Dear Leader. For this they are excommunicated from the Church of Trump and declared an enemy of the people. It is very much to their credit.​
Trump is using his last weeks in office to focus on a real crisis. No, not the surging pandemic that is now killing around 3,000 Americans per day. The only crisis Trump cares about is how to make more money from his position, and his fundraising is in a higher gear now than before the election, surely a first in American history. It’s hard to feel sorry for the suckers making these donations, including major donors who see it as an investment in controlling a Trump-led GOP in the coming years. The hundreds of millions of dollars Trump is raising for his PAC can be used largely at his discretion.​
Aside from the cash, Trump’s frenetic post-election campaign push, not to say putsch, is also about keeping enough political support and influence to help him avoid prosecution now that his presidential immunity is ending. It’s easy to understand Trump’s actions when you realize that everything is transactional and for his immediate personal benefit. Trump has spent five years attacking the concept of objective truth and its messengers, the free press, in order to insulate himself from justice when damning facts come to light.​
Trump’s Saturday rally in Georgia was ostensibly to support Republican candidates in the Senate runoffs, but Trump mostly whined and talked about himself. He lied about winning states he did not win. He lied about election fraud. These weren’t “baseless claims” or “false narratives,” by the way. They were lies and must be labeled accurately.​
Trump also made explicit the politics of grievance he has specialized in from the start, telling the audience, “We’re all victims. Everybody here.” It’s as if he watched a YouTube tutorial on fascist populism and didn’t understand that you aren’t supposed to explain the method to your audience.​

Mucho Mas:

Great Piece! :clap2:

It’s been more than a month since Election Day. Thanksgiving has come and gone, and Hanukkah and Christmas are fast approaching. The votes have been counted — two or three times in some cases — and the result has become even more convincing for Joe Biden each time.​
And yet Donald Trump and his supporters are still carrying on as if the will of the people will be overturned to pave the way for a second Trump term. Having no evidence of systemic fraud, they are spreading increasingly convoluted lies about hacked voting machines, boxes of fake ballots and a conspiracy that involves Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, who died in 2013. Trump couldn’t defeat Joe Biden, so he has turned his sights on an even tougher rival, reality.​
Trump, as I warned he would do, has refused to concede despite every swing state certifying its results for Biden, several including hand recounts that verified the original counts almost perfectly. At this point, Hugo Chavez has a better chance of coming back to life than Trump’s reelection effort does of succeeding.​
I’ve made many dire predictions about the depths Trump might sink to, and I have to admit that I’ve often been wrong. It’s usually even worse. Trump’s ability to scrape the bottom and then go lower still is simply impossible to overestimate.​
Trump isn’t letting a little thing like reality stop him. Why start now? The subjects of “the Russia hoax” and “the COVID-19 hoax” were both quite real, and that hasn’t stopped Trumpists from denying them to this day. “The election hoax” is another Trump loyalty test, a way for Trump to dare Republicans to point out, at long last, that the emperor has no clothes. Anyone who admits that the election was fair and won by Biden is tossed under the bus and accused of disloyalty, including various Republican governors, attorneys general and election officials. They have committed the unforgivable sin of being loyal to their oaths of office, to the Constitution of the United States, and to observable reality, instead of to the Dear Leader. For this they are excommunicated from the Church of Trump and declared an enemy of the people. It is very much to their credit.​
Trump is using his last weeks in office to focus on a real crisis. No, not the surging pandemic that is now killing around 3,000 Americans per day. The only crisis Trump cares about is how to make more money from his position, and his fundraising is in a higher gear now than before the election, surely a first in American history. It’s hard to feel sorry for the suckers making these donations, including major donors who see it as an investment in controlling a Trump-led GOP in the coming years. The hundreds of millions of dollars Trump is raising for his PAC can be used largely at his discretion.​
Aside from the cash, Trump’s frenetic post-election campaign push, not to say putsch, is also about keeping enough political support and influence to help him avoid prosecution now that his presidential immunity is ending. It’s easy to understand Trump’s actions when you realize that everything is transactional and for his immediate personal benefit. Trump has spent five years attacking the concept of objective truth and its messengers, the free press, in order to insulate himself from justice when damning facts come to light.​
Trump’s Saturday rally in Georgia was ostensibly to support Republican candidates in the Senate runoffs, but Trump mostly whined and talked about himself. He lied about winning states he did not win. He lied about election fraud. These weren’t “baseless claims” or “false narratives,” by the way. They were lies and must be labeled accurately.​
Trump also made explicit the politics of grievance he has specialized in from the start, telling the audience, “We’re all victims. Everybody here.” It’s as if he watched a YouTube tutorial on fascist populism and didn’t understand that you aren’t supposed to explain the method to your audience.​

Mucho Mas:

Hmmmm I think you are the Whiner in Chief......
Great Piece! :clap2:

It’s been more than a month since Election Day. Thanksgiving has come and gone, and Hanukkah and Christmas are fast approaching. The votes have been counted — two or three times in some cases — and the result has become even more convincing for Joe Biden each time.​
And yet Donald Trump and his supporters are still carrying on as if the will of the people will be overturned to pave the way for a second Trump term. Having no evidence of systemic fraud, they are spreading increasingly convoluted lies about hacked voting machines, boxes of fake ballots and a conspiracy that involves Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, who died in 2013. Trump couldn’t defeat Joe Biden, so he has turned his sights on an even tougher rival, reality.​
Trump, as I warned he would do, has refused to concede despite every swing state certifying its results for Biden, several including hand recounts that verified the original counts almost perfectly. At this point, Hugo Chavez has a better chance of coming back to life than Trump’s reelection effort does of succeeding.​
I’ve made many dire predictions about the depths Trump might sink to, and I have to admit that I’ve often been wrong. It’s usually even worse. Trump’s ability to scrape the bottom and then go lower still is simply impossible to overestimate.​
Trump isn’t letting a little thing like reality stop him. Why start now? The subjects of “the Russia hoax” and “the COVID-19 hoax” were both quite real, and that hasn’t stopped Trumpists from denying them to this day. “The election hoax” is another Trump loyalty test, a way for Trump to dare Republicans to point out, at long last, that the emperor has no clothes. Anyone who admits that the election was fair and won by Biden is tossed under the bus and accused of disloyalty, including various Republican governors, attorneys general and election officials. They have committed the unforgivable sin of being loyal to their oaths of office, to the Constitution of the United States, and to observable reality, instead of to the Dear Leader. For this they are excommunicated from the Church of Trump and declared an enemy of the people. It is very much to their credit.​
Trump is using his last weeks in office to focus on a real crisis. No, not the surging pandemic that is now killing around 3,000 Americans per day. The only crisis Trump cares about is how to make more money from his position, and his fundraising is in a higher gear now than before the election, surely a first in American history. It’s hard to feel sorry for the suckers making these donations, including major donors who see it as an investment in controlling a Trump-led GOP in the coming years. The hundreds of millions of dollars Trump is raising for his PAC can be used largely at his discretion.​
Aside from the cash, Trump’s frenetic post-election campaign push, not to say putsch, is also about keeping enough political support and influence to help him avoid prosecution now that his presidential immunity is ending. It’s easy to understand Trump’s actions when you realize that everything is transactional and for his immediate personal benefit. Trump has spent five years attacking the concept of objective truth and its messengers, the free press, in order to insulate himself from justice when damning facts come to light.​
Trump’s Saturday rally in Georgia was ostensibly to support Republican candidates in the Senate runoffs, but Trump mostly whined and talked about himself. He lied about winning states he did not win. He lied about election fraud. These weren’t “baseless claims” or “false narratives,” by the way. They were lies and must be labeled accurately.​
Trump also made explicit the politics of grievance he has specialized in from the start, telling the audience, “We’re all victims. Everybody here.” It’s as if he watched a YouTube tutorial on fascist populism and didn’t understand that you aren’t supposed to explain the method to your audience.​

Mucho Mas:

1. NYDaily = hahahhahahahahahhah
2. more OPINION bullshit
3. Obama hurt America more than Mr Trump ever did
Great Piece! :clap2:

It’s been more than a month since Election Day. Thanksgiving has come and gone, and Hanukkah and Christmas are fast approaching. The votes have been counted — two or three times in some cases — and the result has become even more convincing for Joe Biden each time.​
And yet Donald Trump and his supporters are still carrying on as if the will of the people will be overturned to pave the way for a second Trump term. Having no evidence of systemic fraud, they are spreading increasingly convoluted lies about hacked voting machines, boxes of fake ballots and a conspiracy that involves Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, who died in 2013. Trump couldn’t defeat Joe Biden, so he has turned his sights on an even tougher rival, reality.​
Trump, as I warned he would do, has refused to concede despite every swing state certifying its results for Biden, several including hand recounts that verified the original counts almost perfectly. At this point, Hugo Chavez has a better chance of coming back to life than Trump’s reelection effort does of succeeding.​
I’ve made many dire predictions about the depths Trump might sink to, and I have to admit that I’ve often been wrong. It’s usually even worse. Trump’s ability to scrape the bottom and then go lower still is simply impossible to overestimate.​
Trump isn’t letting a little thing like reality stop him. Why start now? The subjects of “the Russia hoax” and “the COVID-19 hoax” were both quite real, and that hasn’t stopped Trumpists from denying them to this day. “The election hoax” is another Trump loyalty test, a way for Trump to dare Republicans to point out, at long last, that the emperor has no clothes. Anyone who admits that the election was fair and won by Biden is tossed under the bus and accused of disloyalty, including various Republican governors, attorneys general and election officials. They have committed the unforgivable sin of being loyal to their oaths of office, to the Constitution of the United States, and to observable reality, instead of to the Dear Leader. For this they are excommunicated from the Church of Trump and declared an enemy of the people. It is very much to their credit.​
Trump is using his last weeks in office to focus on a real crisis. No, not the surging pandemic that is now killing around 3,000 Americans per day. The only crisis Trump cares about is how to make more money from his position, and his fundraising is in a higher gear now than before the election, surely a first in American history. It’s hard to feel sorry for the suckers making these donations, including major donors who see it as an investment in controlling a Trump-led GOP in the coming years. The hundreds of millions of dollars Trump is raising for his PAC can be used largely at his discretion.​
Aside from the cash, Trump’s frenetic post-election campaign push, not to say putsch, is also about keeping enough political support and influence to help him avoid prosecution now that his presidential immunity is ending. It’s easy to understand Trump’s actions when you realize that everything is transactional and for his immediate personal benefit. Trump has spent five years attacking the concept of objective truth and its messengers, the free press, in order to insulate himself from justice when damning facts come to light.​
Trump’s Saturday rally in Georgia was ostensibly to support Republican candidates in the Senate runoffs, but Trump mostly whined and talked about himself. He lied about winning states he did not win. He lied about election fraud. These weren’t “baseless claims” or “false narratives,” by the way. They were lies and must be labeled accurately.​
Trump also made explicit the politics of grievance he has specialized in from the start, telling the audience, “We’re all victims. Everybody here.” It’s as if he watched a YouTube tutorial on fascist populism and didn’t understand that you aren’t supposed to explain the method to your audience.​

Mucho Mas:

Not to worry. The Fat Lady Orchestra is warming up and will very soon serenade the ex-President. Bigly!!!
Great Piece! :clap2:

It’s been more than a month since Election Day. Thanksgiving has come and gone, and Hanukkah and Christmas are fast approaching. The votes have been counted — two or three times in some cases — and the result has become even more convincing for Joe Biden each time.​
And yet Donald Trump and his supporters are still carrying on as if the will of the people will be overturned to pave the way for a second Trump term. Having no evidence of systemic fraud, they are spreading increasingly convoluted lies about hacked voting machines, boxes of fake ballots and a conspiracy that involves Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, who died in 2013. Trump couldn’t defeat Joe Biden, so he has turned his sights on an even tougher rival, reality.​
Trump, as I warned he would do, has refused to concede despite every swing state certifying its results for Biden, several including hand recounts that verified the original counts almost perfectly. At this point, Hugo Chavez has a better chance of coming back to life than Trump’s reelection effort does of succeeding.​
I’ve made many dire predictions about the depths Trump might sink to, and I have to admit that I’ve often been wrong. It’s usually even worse. Trump’s ability to scrape the bottom and then go lower still is simply impossible to overestimate.​
Trump isn’t letting a little thing like reality stop him. Why start now? The subjects of “the Russia hoax” and “the COVID-19 hoax” were both quite real, and that hasn’t stopped Trumpists from denying them to this day. “The election hoax” is another Trump loyalty test, a way for Trump to dare Republicans to point out, at long last, that the emperor has no clothes. Anyone who admits that the election was fair and won by Biden is tossed under the bus and accused of disloyalty, including various Republican governors, attorneys general and election officials. They have committed the unforgivable sin of being loyal to their oaths of office, to the Constitution of the United States, and to observable reality, instead of to the Dear Leader. For this they are excommunicated from the Church of Trump and declared an enemy of the people. It is very much to their credit.​
Trump is using his last weeks in office to focus on a real crisis. No, not the surging pandemic that is now killing around 3,000 Americans per day. The only crisis Trump cares about is how to make more money from his position, and his fundraising is in a higher gear now than before the election, surely a first in American history. It’s hard to feel sorry for the suckers making these donations, including major donors who see it as an investment in controlling a Trump-led GOP in the coming years. The hundreds of millions of dollars Trump is raising for his PAC can be used largely at his discretion.​
Aside from the cash, Trump’s frenetic post-election campaign push, not to say putsch, is also about keeping enough political support and influence to help him avoid prosecution now that his presidential immunity is ending. It’s easy to understand Trump’s actions when you realize that everything is transactional and for his immediate personal benefit. Trump has spent five years attacking the concept of objective truth and its messengers, the free press, in order to insulate himself from justice when damning facts come to light.​
Trump’s Saturday rally in Georgia was ostensibly to support Republican candidates in the Senate runoffs, but Trump mostly whined and talked about himself. He lied about winning states he did not win. He lied about election fraud. These weren’t “baseless claims” or “false narratives,” by the way. They were lies and must be labeled accurately.​
Trump also made explicit the politics of grievance he has specialized in from the start, telling the audience, “We’re all victims. Everybody here.” It’s as if he watched a YouTube tutorial on fascist populism and didn’t understand that you aren’t supposed to explain the method to your audience.​

Mucho Mas:

The NY Daily news went off the deep end the second Trump got elected. My grandfather, a subscriber for decades cancelled over it.

And next time quote it properly instead of claiming it as your own.
Great Piece! :clap2:

It’s been more than a month since Election Day. Thanksgiving has come and gone, and Hanukkah and Christmas are fast approaching. The votes have been counted — two or three times in some cases — and the result has become even more convincing for Joe Biden each time.​
And yet Donald Trump and his supporters are still carrying on as if the will of the people will be overturned to pave the way for a second Trump term. Having no evidence of systemic fraud, they are spreading increasingly convoluted lies about hacked voting machines, boxes of fake ballots and a conspiracy that involves Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, who died in 2013. Trump couldn’t defeat Joe Biden, so he has turned his sights on an even tougher rival, reality.​
Trump, as I warned he would do, has refused to concede despite every swing state certifying its results for Biden, several including hand recounts that verified the original counts almost perfectly. At this point, Hugo Chavez has a better chance of coming back to life than Trump’s reelection effort does of succeeding.​
I’ve made many dire predictions about the depths Trump might sink to, and I have to admit that I’ve often been wrong. It’s usually even worse. Trump’s ability to scrape the bottom and then go lower still is simply impossible to overestimate.​
Trump isn’t letting a little thing like reality stop him. Why start now? The subjects of “the Russia hoax” and “the COVID-19 hoax” were both quite real, and that hasn’t stopped Trumpists from denying them to this day. “The election hoax” is another Trump loyalty test, a way for Trump to dare Republicans to point out, at long last, that the emperor has no clothes. Anyone who admits that the election was fair and won by Biden is tossed under the bus and accused of disloyalty, including various Republican governors, attorneys general and election officials. They have committed the unforgivable sin of being loyal to their oaths of office, to the Constitution of the United States, and to observable reality, instead of to the Dear Leader. For this they are excommunicated from the Church of Trump and declared an enemy of the people. It is very much to their credit.​
Trump is using his last weeks in office to focus on a real crisis. No, not the surging pandemic that is now killing around 3,000 Americans per day. The only crisis Trump cares about is how to make more money from his position, and his fundraising is in a higher gear now than before the election, surely a first in American history. It’s hard to feel sorry for the suckers making these donations, including major donors who see it as an investment in controlling a Trump-led GOP in the coming years. The hundreds of millions of dollars Trump is raising for his PAC can be used largely at his discretion.​
Aside from the cash, Trump’s frenetic post-election campaign push, not to say putsch, is also about keeping enough political support and influence to help him avoid prosecution now that his presidential immunity is ending. It’s easy to understand Trump’s actions when you realize that everything is transactional and for his immediate personal benefit. Trump has spent five years attacking the concept of objective truth and its messengers, the free press, in order to insulate himself from justice when damning facts come to light.​
Trump’s Saturday rally in Georgia was ostensibly to support Republican candidates in the Senate runoffs, but Trump mostly whined and talked about himself. He lied about winning states he did not win. He lied about election fraud. These weren’t “baseless claims” or “false narratives,” by the way. They were lies and must be labeled accurately.​
Trump also made explicit the politics of grievance he has specialized in from the start, telling the audience, “We’re all victims. Everybody here.” It’s as if he watched a YouTube tutorial on fascist populism and didn’t understand that you aren’t supposed to explain the method to your audience.​

Mucho Mas:

The only lie being told is by libs who deny that biden stole the election
Great Piece! :clap2:

It’s been more than a month since Election Day. Thanksgiving has come and gone, and Hanukkah and Christmas are fast approaching. The votes have been counted — two or three times in some cases — and the result has become even more convincing for Joe Biden each time.​
And yet Donald Trump and his supporters are still carrying on as if the will of the people will be overturned to pave the way for a second Trump term. Having no evidence of systemic fraud, they are spreading increasingly convoluted lies about hacked voting machines, boxes of fake ballots and a conspiracy that involves Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, who died in 2013. Trump couldn’t defeat Joe Biden, so he has turned his sights on an even tougher rival, reality.​
Trump, as I warned he would do, has refused to concede despite every swing state certifying its results for Biden, several including hand recounts that verified the original counts almost perfectly. At this point, Hugo Chavez has a better chance of coming back to life than Trump’s reelection effort does of succeeding.​
I’ve made many dire predictions about the depths Trump might sink to, and I have to admit that I’ve often been wrong. It’s usually even worse. Trump’s ability to scrape the bottom and then go lower still is simply impossible to overestimate.​
Trump isn’t letting a little thing like reality stop him. Why start now? The subjects of “the Russia hoax” and “the COVID-19 hoax” were both quite real, and that hasn’t stopped Trumpists from denying them to this day. “The election hoax” is another Trump loyalty test, a way for Trump to dare Republicans to point out, at long last, that the emperor has no clothes. Anyone who admits that the election was fair and won by Biden is tossed under the bus and accused of disloyalty, including various Republican governors, attorneys general and election officials. They have committed the unforgivable sin of being loyal to their oaths of office, to the Constitution of the United States, and to observable reality, instead of to the Dear Leader. For this they are excommunicated from the Church of Trump and declared an enemy of the people. It is very much to their credit.​
Trump is using his last weeks in office to focus on a real crisis. No, not the surging pandemic that is now killing around 3,000 Americans per day. The only crisis Trump cares about is how to make more money from his position, and his fundraising is in a higher gear now than before the election, surely a first in American history. It’s hard to feel sorry for the suckers making these donations, including major donors who see it as an investment in controlling a Trump-led GOP in the coming years. The hundreds of millions of dollars Trump is raising for his PAC can be used largely at his discretion.​
Aside from the cash, Trump’s frenetic post-election campaign push, not to say putsch, is also about keeping enough political support and influence to help him avoid prosecution now that his presidential immunity is ending. It’s easy to understand Trump’s actions when you realize that everything is transactional and for his immediate personal benefit. Trump has spent five years attacking the concept of objective truth and its messengers, the free press, in order to insulate himself from justice when damning facts come to light.​
Trump’s Saturday rally in Georgia was ostensibly to support Republican candidates in the Senate runoffs, but Trump mostly whined and talked about himself. He lied about winning states he did not win. He lied about election fraud. These weren’t “baseless claims” or “false narratives,” by the way. They were lies and must be labeled accurately.​
Trump also made explicit the politics of grievance he has specialized in from the start, telling the audience, “We’re all victims. Everybody here.” It’s as if he watched a YouTube tutorial on fascist populism and didn’t understand that you aren’t supposed to explain the method to your audience.​

Mucho Mas:

Not to worry. The Fat Lady Orchestra is warming up and will very soon serenade the ex-President. Bigly!!!
The Fat Lady Sang Today! Every state but Wisconsin verified their Electoral votes!

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