Trump's Piss In A Cup Scam


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009

Many high ranking Republicans have called Trump a fraud, a fake, a phony, and...'ve undoubtedly heard about the Trump University scam, but scams abound in Trump's business dealings. Below is just one of Trump's many scams.


Donald Trump Selling a Naturopathic Product
The company’s flagship product was a customized multi-vitamin called the PrivaTest, which supposedly relied upon a mail-in urine test to create a custom vitamin formula (about $140 for the test; $70 per month for the vitamins; $100 to retest every 6 months). In fact, Dr. Stephen Barrett began warning about Ideal Health’s PrivaTest in 2003. Because Quackwatch maintains the best description and criticism of the PrivaTest, please go there for more information. Bottom line: urine testing for customized vitamins is never a good value.

As early as 2007, Ideal Health employed a naturopath named David Macallan, ND. From Ideal Health’s homepage, one could find “Dr. Mac’s blog” and his descriptions about how Ideal Health’s products worked and the purported scientific evidence. One of his blog entries is titled “Stephen Barrett and Quackwatch – Biased and Unworthy of Credibility,” which I recommend as an entertaining rebuttal to Dr. Barrett by a naturopath with vested financial interest in a pseudoscientific product.


Ideal Health's PrivaTest
Stephen Barrett, M.D.


Neithe[r] the test nor the nutrients offer good value. Urine tests do not provide a legitimate basis for recommending that people take dietary supplements. Moreover, even if they could, the nutrients in Ideal Health's so-called customized formulas can be obtained far more inexpensively in retail stores.


yawn. After all the snake oil obama has been selling? Big deal.

Please state the name of one product Obama has either co-ventured or endorsed, and please also provide any law suits brought against him....ever. Oh, and don't leave out his business bankruptcies, either.

Many high ranking Republicans have called Trump a fraud, a fake, a phony, and...'ve undoubtedly heard about the Trump University scam, but scams abound in Trump's business dealings. Below is just one of Trump's many scams.


Donald Trump Selling a Naturopathic Product
The company’s flagship product was a customized multi-vitamin called the PrivaTest, which supposedly relied upon a mail-in urine test to create a custom vitamin formula (about $140 for the test; $70 per month for the vitamins; $100 to retest every 6 months). In fact, Dr. Stephen Barrett began warning about Ideal Health’s PrivaTest in 2003. Because Quackwatch maintains the best description and criticism of the PrivaTest, please go there for more information. Bottom line: urine testing for customized vitamins is never a good value.

As early as 2007, Ideal Health employed a naturopath named David Macallan, ND. From Ideal Health’s homepage, one could find “Dr. Mac’s blog” and his descriptions about how Ideal Health’s products worked and the purported scientific evidence. One of his blog entries is titled “Stephen Barrett and Quackwatch – Biased and Unworthy of Credibility,” which I recommend as an entertaining rebuttal to Dr. Barrett by a naturopath with vested financial interest in a pseudoscientific product.


Ideal Health's PrivaTest
Stephen Barrett, M.D.


Neithe[r] the test nor the nutrients offer good value. Urine tests do not provide a legitimate basis for recommending that people take dietary supplements. Moreover, even if they could, the nutrients in Ideal Health's so-called customized formulas can be obtained far more inexpensively in retail stores.



This OP possibly has the potential to develop into ANOTHER Golden Showers thread....quick alert Aaronland already :smoke:
How much was the average person forced to pay for this?
with over 2 billion in taxpayer losses for your black Jesus energy failures, I cant believe anyone has the nerve to bring up something like this.
Liberals, only see what they are told to see.

Many high ranking Republicans have called Trump a fraud, a fake, a phony, and...'ve undoubtedly heard about the Trump University scam, but scams abound in Trump's business dealings. Below is just one of Trump's many scams.


Donald Trump Selling a Naturopathic Product
The company’s flagship product was a customized multi-vitamin called the PrivaTest, which supposedly relied upon a mail-in urine test to create a custom vitamin formula (about $140 for the test; $70 per month for the vitamins; $100 to retest every 6 months). In fact, Dr. Stephen Barrett began warning about Ideal Health’s PrivaTest in 2003. Because Quackwatch maintains the best description and criticism of the PrivaTest, please go there for more information. Bottom line: urine testing for customized vitamins is never a good value.

As early as 2007, Ideal Health employed a naturopath named David Macallan, ND. From Ideal Health’s homepage, one could find “Dr. Mac’s blog” and his descriptions about how Ideal Health’s products worked and the purported scientific evidence. One of his blog entries is titled “Stephen Barrett and Quackwatch – Biased and Unworthy of Credibility,” which I recommend as an entertaining rebuttal to Dr. Barrett by a naturopath with vested financial interest in a pseudoscientific product.


Ideal Health's PrivaTest
Stephen Barrett, M.D.


Neithe[r] the test nor the nutrients offer good value. Urine tests do not provide a legitimate basis for recommending that people take dietary supplements. Moreover, even if they could, the nutrients in Ideal Health's so-called customized formulas can be obtained far more inexpensively in retail stores.


YEAH? and those same Republicans called Obama those things. were you kissing the ground they were walking on then?

this is the state of the nasty dirty politics from the left. it is time to stomp it out of lives. vote them out in 2016 and NEVER put them charge of our lives ever again
yawn. After all the snake oil obama has been selling? Big deal.

because Obama did it's ok if Trump does?

so much for a change for the better ... RW hypocrisy knows no bunds.
Trump isnt doing what obama did. Trumps scams dont cost me a single penny. obamas scams force me against my will to contribute to the losses.
I just cant see how the left is unable to understand this.
There is a lot of shit that is going to come out about Trump in the general election and there is a lot of shit that is going to come out about Hillary. Both parties are pushing two very flawed candidates. The time is ripe for a third party candidate to rise up, but the obedient American sheeple will stick to their duopoly like they're told, contributing to the continued rot of the USA.
If these are the general quality of the Trump voters, the Dem will win by 20 pts.
There is a lot of shit that is going to come out about Trump in the general election and there is a lot of shit that is going to come out about Hillary. Both parties are pushing two very flawed candidates. The time is ripe for a third party candidate to rise up, but the obedient American sheeple will stick to their duopoly like they're told, contributing to the continued rot of the USA.

My thoughts exactly and couldn't of said it better. It's actually pathetic. I don't trust either one of them, they have unethical history and both are chronic liars.
There is a lot of shit that is going to come out about Trump in the general election and there is a lot of shit that is going to come out about Hillary. Both parties are pushing two very flawed candidates. The time is ripe for a third party candidate to rise up,
Agree. I don't think we're sheeple, though. How does one go about starting a third party? Most of us are just ordinary people. We'd love a choice and we know we're being played, but we aren't politicians. We don't know where to begin...

Many high ranking Republicans have called Trump a fraud, a fake, a phony, and...'ve undoubtedly heard about the Trump University scam, but scams abound in Trump's business dealings. Below is just one of Trump's many scams.


Donald Trump Selling a Naturopathic Product
The company’s flagship product was a customized multi-vitamin called the PrivaTest, which supposedly relied upon a mail-in urine test to create a custom vitamin formula (about $140 for the test; $70 per month for the vitamins; $100 to retest every 6 months). In fact, Dr. Stephen Barrett began warning about Ideal Health’s PrivaTest in 2003. Because Quackwatch maintains the best description and criticism of the PrivaTest, please go there for more information. Bottom line: urine testing for customized vitamins is never a good value.

As early as 2007, Ideal Health employed a naturopath named David Macallan, ND. From Ideal Health’s homepage, one could find “Dr. Mac’s blog” and his descriptions about how Ideal Health’s products worked and the purported scientific evidence. One of his blog entries is titled “Stephen Barrett and Quackwatch – Biased and Unworthy of Credibility,” which I recommend as an entertaining rebuttal to Dr. Barrett by a naturopath with vested financial interest in a pseudoscientific product.


Ideal Health's PrivaTest
Stephen Barrett, M.D.


Neithe[r] the test nor the nutrients offer good value. Urine tests do not provide a legitimate basis for recommending that people take dietary supplements. Moreover, even if they could, the nutrients in Ideal Health's so-called customized formulas can be obtained far more inexpensively in retail stores.


Many high ranking Republicans are heavily invested in by the corporate's that desire to keep people enslaved to their gmo and other shit. So that is no surprise.

If that urine test is fake surely our [cough] excellent FDA would have already taken it to task.

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