Trumps policies will help me but will they help his supporters

I am a white male in my 60's. I own a business. My net worth is in the top 5% of the USA, at least.
Trump's personal and business tax breaks will help me. Pulling back regulation on business makes doing business easier.
I see his cabinet built to help me and my business.

I feel his policies will help me and others like me much more than the un-employed and under-employed in the lower income brackets.

We will see if the jobs he brings back will make up for the jobs and US business he loses.

Deporting illegals reduces the supply of labor, and thus empowers American workers.

Should lead to a rise in wages.
Are Americans going to take the jobs that Latinos were working at? Will they cut grass, shovel snow, wash cars and floors?

Of course.
. That's right, where as they might be young Americans getting out of their mom & dad's basement, and into the light of day again to get the job's, but that's a good thing. Don't you just love seeing these elites whine and crying because they might lose their 50 year old Mexican Gardner for whom they had absolutely no respect for ?? I mean listen to them talk about how it is that we are going to replace these modern day slaves in which they were working for little of nothing ? It's called get these lazy ace kids in their 20's now working again or working for the first time in their lives.
I do not think any elites are going to suffer under Trump.They will benefit, big time.
The question is will the un-employed and under employed benefit.
I am a white male in my 60's. I own a business. My net worth is in the top 5% of the USA, at least.
Trump's personal and business tax breaks will help me. Pulling back regulation on business makes doing business easier.
I see his cabinet built to help me and my business.

I feel his policies will help me and others like me much more than the un-employed and under-employed in the lower income brackets.

We will see if the jobs he brings back will make up for the jobs and US business he loses.

So apparently your business doesn't employ anyone since you don't know how helping businesses helps create jobs
I am a white male in my 60's. I own a business. My net worth is in the top 5% of the USA, at least.
Trump's personal and business tax breaks will help me. Pulling back regulation on business makes doing business easier.
I see his cabinet built to help me and my business.

I feel his policies will help me and others like me much more than the un-employed and under-employed in the lower income brackets.

We will see if the jobs he brings back will make up for the jobs and US business he loses.
Trump policies will help me financially but it's blood money. That said, I probably won't be donating any gains.
. Of course you won't.
I am a white male in my 60's. I own a business. My net worth is in the top 5% of the USA, at least.
Trump's personal and business tax breaks will help me. Pulling back regulation on business makes doing business easier.
I see his cabinet built to help me and my business.

I feel his policies will help me and others like me much more than the un-employed and under-employed in the lower income brackets.

We will see if the jobs he brings back will make up for the jobs and US business he loses.
Trump policies will help me financially but it's blood money. That said, I probably won't be donating any gains.

Please explain how you reach the conclusion that it is "blood money".
For starters, Trump's deregulation of environmental protections and his rollback of programs that benefit the poor (Current and forthcoming) are factors in the current bull market. Now, please explain why you think I'm an idiot.

1. What environmental protections have been lost that will lead to physical harm to Americans?

2. WHat program that benefits the poor has been rolled back?
I am a white male in my 60's. I own a business. My net worth is in the top 5% of the USA, at least.
Trump's personal and business tax breaks will help me. Pulling back regulation on business makes doing business easier.
I see his cabinet built to help me and my business.

I feel his policies will help me and others like me much more than the un-employed and under-employed in the lower income brackets.

We will see if the jobs he brings back will make up for the jobs and US business he loses.
Trump policies will help me financially but it's blood money. That said, I probably won't be donating any gains.

Please explain how you reach the conclusion that it is "blood money".
For starters, Trump's deregulation of environmental protections and his rollback of programs that benefit the poor (Current and forthcoming) are factors in the current bull market. Now, please explain why you think I'm an idiot.

1. What environmental protections have been lost that will lead to physical harm to Americans?

2. WHat program that benefits the poor has been rolled back?
If you're not aware, you haven't been paying attention and you shouldn't be posting here until you read up on what's going on.
I am a white male in my 60's. I own a business. My net worth is in the top 5% of the USA, at least.
Trump's personal and business tax breaks will help me. Pulling back regulation on business makes doing business easier.
I see his cabinet built to help me and my business.

I feel his policies will help me and others like me much more than the un-employed and under-employed in the lower income brackets.

We will see if the jobs he brings back will make up for the jobs and US business he loses.

Deporting illegals reduces the supply of labor, and thus empowers American workers.

Should lead to a rise in wages.
Are Americans going to take the jobs that Latinos were working at? Will they cut grass, shovel snow, wash cars and floors?

Of course.
. That's right, where as they might be young Americans getting out of their mom & dad's basement, and into the light of day again to get the job's, but that's a good thing. Don't you just love seeing these elites whine and crying because they might lose their 50 year old Mexican Gardner for whom they had absolutely no respect for ?? I mean listen to them talk about how it is that we are going to replace these modern day slaves in which they were working for little of nothing ? It's called get these lazy ace kids in their 20's now working again or working for the first time in their lives.
I do not think any elites are going to suffer under Trump.They will benefit, big time.
The question is will the un-employed and under employed benefit.

Funny, the elites seemed to think they would suffer. THey certainly lined up behind Hillary like a bunch of brainless lemmings.

Reducing competition for jobs while increasing jobs will benefit un and under employed.
I am a white male in my 60's. I own a business. My net worth is in the top 5% of the USA, at least.
Trump's personal and business tax breaks will help me. Pulling back regulation on business makes doing business easier.
I see his cabinet built to help me and my business.

I feel his policies will help me and others like me much more than the un-employed and under-employed in the lower income brackets.

We will see if the jobs he brings back will make up for the jobs and US business he loses.
Trump policies will help me financially but it's blood money. That said, I probably won't be donating any gains.

Please explain how you reach the conclusion that it is "blood money".
For starters, Trump's deregulation of environmental protections and his rollback of programs that benefit the poor (Current and forthcoming) are factors in the current bull market. Now, please explain why you think I'm an idiot.

1. What environmental protections have been lost that will lead to physical harm to Americans?

2. WHat program that benefits the poor has been rolled back?
I am a white male in my 60's. I own a business. My net worth is in the top 5% of the USA, at least.
Trump's personal and business tax breaks will help me. Pulling back regulation on business makes doing business easier.
I see his cabinet built to help me and my business.

I feel his policies will help me and others like me much more than the un-employed and under-employed in the lower income brackets.

We will see if the jobs he brings back will make up for the jobs and US business he loses.
Trump policies will help me financially but it's blood money. That said, I probably won't be donating any gains.

Please explain how you reach the conclusion that it is "blood money".
For starters, Trump's deregulation of environmental protections and his rollback of programs that benefit the poor (Current and forthcoming) are factors in the current bull market. Now, please explain why you think I'm an idiot.

1. What environmental protections have been lost that will lead to physical harm to Americans?

2. WHat program that benefits the poor has been rolled back?
If you're not aware, you haven't been paying attention and you shouldn't be posting here until you read up on what's going on.

Got it, you were just saying stuff, didn't mean nothing.
Trump policies will help me financially but it's blood money. That said, I probably won't be donating any gains.

Please explain how you reach the conclusion that it is "blood money".
For starters, Trump's deregulation of environmental protections and his rollback of programs that benefit the poor (Current and forthcoming) are factors in the current bull market. Now, please explain why you think I'm an idiot.

1. What environmental protections have been lost that will lead to physical harm to Americans?

2. WHat program that benefits the poor has been rolled back?
Trump policies will help me financially but it's blood money. That said, I probably won't be donating any gains.

Please explain how you reach the conclusion that it is "blood money".
For starters, Trump's deregulation of environmental protections and his rollback of programs that benefit the poor (Current and forthcoming) are factors in the current bull market. Now, please explain why you think I'm an idiot.

1. What environmental protections have been lost that will lead to physical harm to Americans?

2. WHat program that benefits the poor has been rolled back?
If you're not aware, you haven't been paying attention and you shouldn't be posting here until you read up on what's going on.

Got it, you were just saying stuff, didn't mean nothing.
Clueless, you live in an alternate reality
If you're not aware, you haven't been paying attention and you shouldn't be posting here until you read up on what's going on.

no, that's not how it works.

you make an assertion, that makes it incumbent upon you to back it up. With links and everything.

I do not see any dangers to the environment or methods to hurt poor Americans either.

So you go ahead and spell it out, THEN I will explain to you how and why you are wrong, THAT's how it works baw
I am a white male in my 60's. I own a business. My net worth is in the top 5% of the USA, at least.
Trump's personal and business tax breaks will help me. Pulling back regulation on business makes doing business easier.
I see his cabinet built to help me and my business.

I feel his policies will help me and others like me much more than the un-employed and under-employed in the lower income brackets.

We will see if the jobs he brings back will make up for the jobs and US business he loses.

Deporting illegals reduces the supply of labor, and thus empowers American workers.

Should lead to a rise in wages.
Are Americans going to take the jobs that Latinos were working at? Will they cut grass, shovel snow, wash cars and floors?

Of course.
. That's right, where as they might be young Americans getting out of their mom & dad's basement, and into the light of day again to get the job's, but that's a good thing. Don't you just love seeing these elites whine and crying because they might lose their 50 year old Mexican Gardner for whom they had absolutely no respect for ?? I mean listen to them talk about how it is that we are going to replace these modern day slaves in which they were working for little of nothing ? It's called get these lazy ace kids in their 20's now working again or working for the first time in their lives.

I've personally worked many of those jobs they claim Americans won't do.

They are fools and assholes.
What jobs have you worked on- picking fruit, washing cars, mowing lawns, washing dishes? Get real
Oh good grief now the left are apologizing for Trump improving their lives...its true nothing makes these people happy.
Are Americans going to take the jobs that Latinos were working at? Will they cut grass, shovel snow, wash cars and floors?

we won't be kicking out enough illegals to make all that happen

we're starting with the violent ones & the ones that have committed some kind of felony

there ain't gonna be no big witch hunt - sorry

If we merely STOP new ones from entering while deporting the violent ones, that alone would lead to a decrease in labor pool.

IF we have more deportations above and beyond that, as promised, AND we prevent them from re-entry, then we can see some rapid change.

The incidence of violence among immigrants, is far less than what we get with American citizens. How will you stop new ones from entering? You really think Trump is going to build a wall
Are Americans going to take the jobs that Latinos were working at? Will they cut grass, shovel snow, wash cars and floors?

we won't be kicking out enough illegals to make all that happen

we're starting with the violent ones & the ones that have committed some kind of felony

there ain't gonna be no big witch hunt - sorry
I thought Trump told us he was going to get rid of ALL illegals. Did he change his mind?
Deporting illegals reduces the supply of labor, and thus empowers American workers.

Should lead to a rise in wages.
Are Americans going to take the jobs that Latinos were working at? Will they cut grass, shovel snow, wash cars and floors?

Of course.
. That's right, where as they might be young Americans getting out of their mom & dad's basement, and into the light of day again to get the job's, but that's a good thing. Don't you just love seeing these elites whine and crying because they might lose their 50 year old Mexican Gardner for whom they had absolutely no respect for ?? I mean listen to them talk about how it is that we are going to replace these modern day slaves in which they were working for little of nothing ? It's called get these lazy ace kids in their 20's now working again or working for the first time in their lives.

I've personally worked many of those jobs they claim Americans won't do.

They are fools and assholes.
What jobs have you worked on- picking fruit, washing cars, mowing lawns, washing dishes? Get real

I am being real. Why are you surprised that someone on this site might have a history of low paid, and/or unskilled jobs?

And to be specific, I've worked in housekeeping (floors), and various food services (dishes).
Got it, you were just saying stuff, didn't mean nothing.
Clueless, you live in an alternate reality[/QUOTE]

Actually I don't believe you, SORRY but your posts do not even strike me as those of anyone with a job. Most real economically secure people are intelligent enough to have a real idea of the workings of the financial markets, and they know enough that any expansion requires more entry level workers. Mechanization is the largest loss for entry level jobs. You make a great point in the fact that you state that you need to import midlevel, and higher educated employees from countries that don't have a liberally destroyed education system. Just proves to me we need someone like TRUMP to unwind the tenacles of an oppressive government from the throats of ALL Americans. I guess you could be a hollywood liberal piece of trash showperson and be wealthy but you don't count if you are because your work helps no one and produces nothing of value except in your egotistical twisted mind.
Are Americans going to take the jobs that Latinos were working at? Will they cut grass, shovel snow, wash cars and floors?

we won't be kicking out enough illegals to make all that happen

we're starting with the violent ones & the ones that have committed some kind of felony

there ain't gonna be no big witch hunt - sorry

If we merely STOP new ones from entering while deporting the violent ones, that alone would lead to a decrease in labor pool.

IF we have more deportations above and beyond that, as promised, AND we prevent them from re-entry, then we can see some rapid change.

The incidence of violence among immigrants, is far less than what we get with American citizens. How will you stop new ones from entering? You really think Trump is going to build a wall

It is interesting that your first sentence is an attempt to switch the subject and thus muddy the waters.

THe various ways that TRump plans to stop new ones from entering have been posted and already partially enacted.

Don't play dumb.
Got it, you were just saying stuff, didn't mean nothing.
Clueless, you live in an alternate reality

Actually I don't believe you, SORRY but your posts do not even strike me as those of anyone with a job. Most real economically secure people are intelligent enough to have a real idea of the workings of the financial markets, and they know enough that any expansion requires more entry level workers. Mechanization is the largest loss for entry level jobs. You make a great point in the fact that you state that you need to import midlevel, and higher educated employees from countries that don't have a liberally destroyed education system. Just proves to me we need someone like TRUMP to unwind the tenacles of an oppressive government from the throats of ALL Americans. I guess you could be a hollywood liberal piece of trash showperson and be wealthy but you don't count if you are because your work helps no one and produces nothing of value except in your egotistical twisted mind.[/QUOTE]
What is a liberally destroyed education system?
Are Americans going to take the jobs that Latinos were working at? Will they cut grass, shovel snow, wash cars and floors?

we won't be kicking out enough illegals to make all that happen

we're starting with the violent ones & the ones that have committed some kind of felony

there ain't gonna be no big witch hunt - sorry

If we merely STOP new ones from entering while deporting the violent ones, that alone would lead to a decrease in labor pool.

IF we have more deportations above and beyond that, as promised, AND we prevent them from re-entry, then we can see some rapid change.

The incidence of violence among immigrants, is far less than what we get with American citizens. How will you stop new ones from entering? You really think Trump is going to build a wall

It is interesting that your first sentence is an attempt to switch the subject and thus muddy the waters.

THe various ways that TRump plans to stop new ones from entering have been posted and already partially enacted.

Don't play dumb.
His wall was going to be a priority, it will never be built. NEVER, and you were a fool to believe it was
Oh good grief now the left are apologizing for Trump improving their lives...its true nothing makes these people happy.

Well, liberals are all rich and only wanted to help all the poor Republicans by giving them money. But the stupid Republicans voted in Republicans instead of caring Democrats against their own interest. So now the Democrats can't give Republicans the money they were planning to give them, and the Democrats feel very sad and sorry, really, they do ...

That doesn't ring true with you? Hmm ... me either ...
My assault carbine is already safe from Hillary's gun grabbing.

My concealed firearms permit may even become effective in all 50 states if the GOP and Trump get their way in Congress. Of course I am sure Schumer will filibuster this.

And the SCOTUS is again secure for the next generation.

DJT's victory has improved lots of people's lives, whether they know it or not.
My assault carbine is already safe from Hillary's gun grabbing.

Liberals feel less safe because of that.

My concealed firearms permit may even become effective in all 50 states if the GOP and Trump get their way in Congress. Of course I am sure Schumer will filibuster this.

Liberals feel less safe because of that.

And the SCOTUS is again secure for the next generation.

Liberals feel less safe because of that.
Got it, you were just saying stuff, didn't mean nothing.
Clueless, you live in an alternate reality

Actually I don't believe you, SORRY but your posts do not even strike me as those of anyone with a job. Most real economically secure people are intelligent enough to have a real idea of the workings of the financial markets, and they know enough that any expansion requires more entry level workers. Mechanization is the largest loss for entry level jobs. You make a great point in the fact that you state that you need to import midlevel, and higher educated employees from countries that don't have a liberally destroyed education system. Just proves to me we need someone like TRUMP to unwind the tenacles of an oppressive government from the throats of ALL Americans. I guess you could be a hollywood liberal piece of trash showperson and be wealthy but you don't count if you are because your work helps no one and produces nothing of value except in your egotistical twisted mind.
What is a liberally destroyed education system?[/QUOTE]

Democrats don't know shit about financial markets, so you don't have a job?

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