Trumps policies will help me but will they help his supporters

Last I looked his approval ratings were on the rise.
prove it! They are at historic lows
. I said they were on the rise dufus.
This is supposed to be a new Presidents honeymoon period with the voters. he phyucked this up big time, just like everything else he has done.
. You mad, because only liberals are crying ?
I AM mad because we have a sick mentally unstable piece of dreck in the white house.
. Well you caused it, and now your mad about it ?
What is a liberally destroyed education system?

An education system destroyed by liberals in a shorter form of expression. It could have been a liberal-destroyed education system. it could have been An education system that has been destroyed by liberals. It could actually have been more descriptive, more focused, more of many things including words like this mess of shit.
His wall was going to be a priority, it will never be built. NEVER, and you were a fool to believe it was

Dreamer are you? The contracts are already being drafted. I may bid on one of the big ones myself, I want to hire some good security to shoot any hostile liberals. I hope some lie down in the road to stop my dozers and trucks, I will put some heavy road rollers in front of them.
What policies. haven't you learned by now that Trump is a lying piece of manure, and you can't believe a word of what he says
In a global economy can he force manufacturing back to the USA without losing more jobs than he creates.
If we all have to rely on US manufactured products we will pay more. That may good but it will affect lower income much more than the higher income.

I don't get the mediocrity you people want in low margin manufacturing. Services bring far more wealth to this country and it's our strength instead of our weakness.

And if you want manufacturing jobs here, you need to stop fucking employers with taxes and regulations, particularly as I pointed out LOW MARGIN industries

Is Airliner manufacturing low margin?

OK, one example which Trump isn't going to do anything about. You got a few more?

Mmm, I fully expect that, while China is the big offender, that Trump's administration will not be letting the Airbus subsidy scandal just drag on and on, with American workers being constantly fucked.

stock market
housing values
Let's measure those same economic metrics for Trump after his policies kick in.

LOL the left love to credit Obama with things he had nothing to do with. Go ahead list the specific policies, bills, and decisions Obama made to improve the can't. Tune in next week when libtards credit Obama with the rotation of the earth. :laugh:
Shut the F up and read below
In February 2009, Congress approved Obama's $787 billion economic stimulus package. It cut taxes, extended unemployment benefits, and funded public works projects. The recession ended in July when GDP growth turned positive. In just seven months, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act pumped $241.9 billion into the economy. That increased growth to a robust 3.9 percent rate by early 2010. By March 30, 2011, almost all ($633.5 billion) of the funds were spent.

Obama bailed out the U.S. auto industry on March 30, 2009. The Federal government took over General Motors and Chrysler, saving three million jobs. It forced the companies to become more fuel efficient and therefore more globally competitive.

LMAO the stimulus package, the public employee unions pocketed that money, there were no shovel ready jobs, you posted an Obama failure dufus. And speaking of GM, when am I getting my money back? When are the bond holders? You libs are funny. :laugh:
I can tell you are very intelligent, especially when it comes to economics. Trump could use you in his cabinet.

And the arrogant, corrupt, lying Hillary criminal could use you
In a global economy can he force manufacturing back to the USA without losing more jobs than he creates.
If we all have to rely on US manufactured products we will pay more. That may good but it will affect lower income much more than the higher income.

1. It is not an either/or scenario.

2. Lower income people are the ones who will be having access to more jobs.

3. It is the super rich who will be losing out on increased profits from Third World labor, here AND abroad.
We will see. I think Trump's policies will hurt the lower income on averahe. There will be some that benefit.
His policies will benefit a larger % of the rich.
But we will see, I could be wrong but Trump and his followers could be wrong.
. So you're not sure, and so you were just trying to bash Trump eh ?
I am telling you I am very confident his policies will not work but I will leave a chance open they may and I will say I was wrong.

If his policies do not work, will you say you are wrong.
. I won't say I'm wrong if you libs undermined his presidency, and tried everything you could to destroy the nation moving forward
What in the hell do you think the conservatives did to Obama. You are the definition of hypocrite. Plus the ultimate in insecurity in that you will never say you are wrong.
Oh good grief now the left are apologizing for Trump improving their lives...its true nothing makes these people happy.
Whose life has Trump improved, other than his own?
Bingo, we know he is motivated to improve opportunities for himself over anyone else.
. What part don't liberals understand that the things Trump has already done helped American workers keep their jobs ? It's all about him though.. Pathetic!
what has he done to save a significant amount of US jobs
. If you don't know, I can't help you with those liberal mule blinders on.. Good grief.
You are not giving me quantitative evidence of what he has done. You are throwing out BS, not facts.

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