Trumps rally, just hitting it out of the park, one win after another

It is amazing that Trump (who is a New York billionaire) can connect with mainstream America.

It is also amazing that the is an egotistical obnoxious New Yorker that always praises the people speaks to and the military and the hard working average American.

I've followed him when he was a businessman, and I always saw him as a slick, high roller. The more I thought about his work on construction sites and rubbing shoulders with guys in steel toe boots who swear like drunken sailors, the more I realised he knows the people much better than one would think. Of course, it wasn't until he was running his campaign that it came out with such ease. It's been a transformation on his part I think.
It's always been his persona. Was not new to the candidate
Listen to him when he says "can you believe that we send $150B to Iran, $1.8B in cash. We didn't even have enough money in Washington we had to get it from other countries". He then goes for the jugular (are you listening Obama?), "can you believe the president has this much power!? I don't want to ever try that".

I'm telling you, now that they have hit him under the belt and are even going after his family with lies in the media there are some former politicians who are going to wish they had just quietly left and let the Will of the American People pursue their objectives.

He has that fire in his belly again, I wouldn't want to be in his path. You serve your country and you leave, you don't turn your life into a 365 day a year resistance against the very government you once served.

Love this, right before Christmas and Hanukkah, "We are Americans, we don't worship government, we worship God". Amen brother.
Do you believe Trump worships God?

I sure as hell don't. But I get the sentiment and why it might excite some. I just hope they see the car salesman act for what it is.

I was a devout atheist until about 20 years ago when I found God through my own exploration.

Do I think he believes in God? Yes I do. To what degree or his interest in the ritual of organized religion, I cannot say obviously, but I think he has embraced it.
I don't and your faith is not pertinent to the question.

It's pertinent because I know I wasn't raised in the church (other than Sunday School when I was really young), but yet I found God in my own imperfect way. There are many who firmly believe in God but they don't fit the cookie cutter mold we are used to seeing.
Trump is fine but the way the Dumbers find an even deeper depth of dumbness to refute Trump's auto-pilot presidency is hilareous. Conway told him if you run as an R and do this, that and the other you will win a probable two terms and maybe get added to Rushmore. If the Dumbers didn't live down to their title he wouldn't be in office and he certainly wouldn't have the economic record That will get him through 2018 and quite possibly 2020 more or less still on autopilot.
Listen to him when he says "can you believe that we send $150B to Iran, $1.8B in cash. We didn't even have enough money in Washington we had to get it from other countries". He then goes for the jugular (are you listening Obama?), "can you believe the president has this much power!? I don't want to ever try that".

I'm telling you, now that they have hit him under the belt and are even going after his family with lies in the media there are some former politicians who are going to wish they had just quietly left and let the Will of the American People pursue their objectives.

He has that fire in his belly again, I wouldn't want to be in his path. You serve your country and you leave, you don't turn your life into a 365 day a year resistance against the very government you once served.

Love this, right before Christmas and Hanukkah, "We are Americans, we don't worship government, we worship God". Amen brother.
Do you believe Trump worships God?

I sure as hell don't. But I get the sentiment and why it might excite some. I just hope they see the car salesman act for what it is.

I was a devout atheist until about 20 years ago when I found God through my own exploration.

Do I think he believes in God? Yes I do. To what degree or his interest in the ritual of organized religion, I cannot say obviously, but I think he has embraced it.
I don't and your faith is not pertinent to the question.

It's pertinent because I know I wasn't raised in the church (other than Sunday School when I was really young), but yet I found God in my own imperfect way. There are many who firmly believe in God but they don't fit the cookie cutter mold we are used to seeing.
Trump is not a man of faith lol.
Listen to him when he says "can you believe that we send $150B to Iran, $1.8B in cash. We didn't even have enough money in Washington we had to get it from other countries". He then goes for the jugular (are you listening Obama?), "can you believe the president has this much power!? I don't want to ever try that".

I'm telling you, now that they have hit him under the belt and are even going after his family with lies in the media there are some former politicians who are going to wish they had just quietly left and let the Will of the American People pursue their objectives.

He has that fire in his belly again, I wouldn't want to be in his path. You serve your country and you leave, you don't turn your life into a 365 day a year resistance against the very government you once served.

Love this, right before Christmas and Hanukkah, "We are Americans, we don't worship government, we worship God". Amen brother.
Do you believe Trump worships God?

I sure as hell don't. But I get the sentiment and why it might excite some. I just hope they see the car salesman act for what it is.

I was a devout atheist until about 20 years ago when I found God through my own exploration.

Do I think he believes in God? Yes I do. To what degree or his interest in the ritual of organized religion, I cannot say obviously, but I think he has embraced it.
I don't and your faith is not pertinent to the question.

It's pertinent because I know I wasn't raised in the church (other than Sunday School when I was really young), but yet I found God in my own imperfect way. There are many who firmly believe in God but they don't fit the cookie cutter mold we are used to seeing.

My Grandfather is a powerful believer, teaches his grandchildren to follow God's laws, lean on Him and let him guide you. I dont think he's been to Mass in a decade.

People can believe and follow in their own way
It is amazing that Trump (who is a New York billionaire) can connect with mainstream America.

It is also amazing that the is an egotistical obnoxious New Yorker that always praises the people speaks to and the military and the hard working average American.

I've followed him when he was a businessman, and I always saw him as a slick, high roller. The more I thought about his work on construction sites and rubbing shoulders with guys in steel toe boots who swear like drunken sailors, the more I realised he knows the people much better than one would think. Of course, it wasn't until he was running his campaign that it came out with such ease. It's been a transformation on his part I think.

He connects so good I don't think it can be an act. He is a successful person that doesn't have to do what he is doing. He is doing it because he knows he has the skills and knows what needs to be done. He knows what is hurting this country and he can connect to America with it.

This country was on a road to destruction after eight years of that scumbag Slick Willy, eight years of that weak Bush and eight years of that disastrous asshole Obama. Trump is the right person at the right time to slow down the destruction. I don't know if he can stop it but he can slow it down significantly. Thank god Crooked Hillary wasn't elected.
Trump is a man of money, high stakes & fast women. No damn way with his lifestyle & attitude is he a believer.
If you need to believe so to justify your faith in him that's fine but a little common sense should tell you otherwise.
One thing about Trump for sure...he loves this country. That's a huge plus for me
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Listen to him when he says "can you believe that we send $150B to Iran, $1.8B in cash. We didn't even have enough money in Washington we had to get it from other countries". He then goes for the jugular (are you listening Obama?), "can you believe the president has this much power!? I don't want to ever try that".

I'm telling you, now that they have hit him under the belt and are even going after his family with lies in the media there are some former politicians who are going to wish they had just quietly left and let the Will of the American People pursue their objectives.

He has that fire in his belly again, I wouldn't want to be in his path. You serve your country and you leave, you don't turn your life into a 365 day a year resistance against the very government you once served.

Love this, right before Christmas and Hanukkah, "We are Americans, we don't worship government, we worship God". Amen brother.

And this could be why he could be in such danger.
Where there is a will there is a way.....and I doubt there has ever been a President with so many crazed lunatics willing to try.
I'm going to say here and's not IF....but WHEN.....

WHEN and WHERE will the first attempt on his life take place? The answer is most likely Mar-a-lago, West Palm Beach, Florida. Probably on a golf course or airport. The cowards might even stoop so low as to go after a family member (easy target).

GOOD Americans need to step up to the plate and help avert a catastrophe as only Demented Democrats can serve up.
All that is required for Evil men to prevail is for Good men to do nothing.....

Where ever he is, TRY to be vigilant and help if you can. Look for odd people acting oddly. See something...say something.
I can guarantee that somewhere, right now, someone on the Left is plotting the unthinkable.
Is there any shortage of sick Leftists today? Nuff said.

They would herald that person as a hero. Sickness abounds in America and it lives (with very few exceptions) in the minds of Leftists.

Trump and most people may have no clue.....but there is an army of vigilant, capable GOOD people already watching his 6 that have nothing to do with his security team.
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I actually believe he is.
Listen to him when he says "can you believe that we send $150B to Iran, $1.8B in cash. We didn't even have enough money in Washington we had to get it from other countries". He then goes for the jugular (are you listening Obama?), "can you believe the president has this much power!? I don't want to ever try that".

I'm telling you, now that they have hit him under the belt and are even going after his family with lies in the media there are some former politicians who are going to wish they had just quietly left and let the Will of the American People pursue their objectives.

He has that fire in his belly again, I wouldn't want to be in his path. You serve your country and you leave, you don't turn your life into a 365 day a year resistance against the very government you once served.

Love this, right before Christmas and Hanukkah, "We are Americans, we don't worship government, we worship God". Amen brother.
Do you believe Trump worships God?

I sure as hell don't. But I get the sentiment and why it might excite some. I just hope they see the car salesman act for what it is.

I was a devout atheist until about 20 years ago when I found God through my own exploration.

Do I think he believes in God? Yes I do. To what degree or his interest in the ritual of organized religion, I cannot say obviously, but I think he has embraced it.
I don't and your faith is not pertinent to the question.

It's pertinent because I know I wasn't raised in the church (other than Sunday School when I was really young), but yet I found God in my own imperfect way. There are many who firmly believe in God but they don't fit the cookie cutter mold we are used to seeing.
Trump is not a man of faith lol.
Actually that is pretty judgmental there. You have no idea what his faith is. Are you stating anyone with money cannot be Christian? A person that takes risk in life can’t be a Christian? That a man that loved his women can never grow and settle down and be a Christian? Because I believe that all are possible, as a Christian.
Trump is a man of money, high stakes & fast women. No damn way with his lifestyle & attitude is he a believer.
If you need to believe so to justify your faith in him that's fine but a little common sense should tell you otherwise.
Actually that is pretty judgmental there. You have no idea what his faith is. Are you stating anyone with money cannot be Christian? A person that takes risk in life can’t be a Christian? That a man that loved his women can never grow and settle down and be a Christian? Because I believe that all are possible, as a Christian.
Trump is a man of money, high stakes & fast women. No damn way with his lifestyle & attitude is he a believer.
If you need to believe so to justify your faith in him that's fine but a little common sense should tell you otherwise.
When Trump "settles down" we can talk.

Until then the man is nothing but talk. He is a superb bullshitter. I recognize it because I do it. I could sell 30 acres of sand to a wheat farmer I'm so good at it.

It is sad if most of you that support him don't see it. Means you fell for the bullshit rather than supporting him because of his no nonsense ways and cavalier attitude.

He can still be a good president DESPITE being a non believer ya know.
I don't care about his faith or lack thereof. That is between him and his higher power. It's really none of my business, and frankly, I prefer not to know.

He has exposed the lying media. He is getting rid of stupid regulations that do nothing but protect vested interests and cost business money, and he is putting America First.

LWNJ heads are exploding on a daily basis. For that alone, I am thankful.
I don't care about his faith or lack thereof. That is between him and his higher power. It's really none of my business, and frankly, I prefer not to know.

He has exposed the lying media. He is getting rid of stupid regulations that do nothing but protect vested interests and cost business money, and he is putting America First.

LWNJ heads are exploding on a daily basis. For that alone, I am thankful.
Here is the first smart position I've seen.
Actually that is pretty judgmental there. You have no idea what his faith is. Are you stating anyone with money cannot be Christian? A person that takes risk in life can’t be a Christian? That a man that loved his women can never grow and settle down and be a Christian? Because I believe that all are possible, as a Christian.
Trump is a man of money, high stakes & fast women. No damn way with his lifestyle & attitude is he a believer.
If you need to believe so to justify your faith in him that's fine but a little common sense should tell you otherwise.
When Trump "settles down" we can talk.

Until then the man is nothing but talk. He is a superb bullshitter. I recognize it because I do it. I could sell 30 acres of sand to a wheat farmer I'm so good at it.

It is sad if most of you that support him don't see it. Means you fell for the bullshit rather than supporting him because of his no nonsense ways and cavalier attitude.

He can still be a good president DESPITE being a non believer ya know.

I keep hearing what a lousy job he's doing..gotta be honest though he's dealing with not only demoquacks but also people that should be behind him.

He's flamboyant, I wish he'd simmer down, I think he does things to poke...but all said I think he's doing OK. Gotta love how the ecoomy is picking up steam
Listen to him when he says "can you believe that we send $150B to Iran, $1.8B in cash. We didn't even have enough money in Washington we had to get it from other countries". He then goes for the jugular (are you listening Obama?), "can you believe the president has this much power!? I don't want to ever try that".

I'm telling you, now that they have hit him under the belt and are even going after his family with lies in the media there are some former politicians who are going to wish they had just quietly left and let the Will of the American People pursue their objectives.

He has that fire in his belly again, I wouldn't want to be in his path. You serve your country and you leave, you don't turn your life into a 365 day a year resistance against the very government you once served.

Love this, right before Christmas and Hanukkah, "We are Americans, we don't worship government, we worship God". Amen brother.
Do you believe Trump worships God?

I sure as hell don't. But I get the sentiment and why it might excite some. I just hope they see the car salesman act for what it is.

Each according to their own lights, Bru!! I like his economic policies. A lot to like.

He has exposed the lying media. He is getting rid of stupid regulations that do nothing but protect vested interests and cost business money, and he is putting America First.

Trump talked about wanting clean air and clean water, but also got rid of many of the regulations making that a requirement. Coal companies can how dump slag again.

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