Trumps rally, just hitting it out of the park, one win after another

I keep hearing what a lousy job he's doing..gotta be honest though he's dealing with not only demoquacks but also people that should be behind him.

Trumps party controls all of the federal government, and still can't get shit done.
Trump claimed he was a great deal maker, that he could sit down and hammer out deals to make america great again. Whether with china, or japan, or south korea, or the republicans in congress.

Fail, Fail, Fail.
I keep hearing what a lousy job he's doing..gotta be honest though he's dealing with not only demoquacks but also people that should be behind him.

Trumps party controls all of the federal government, and still can't get shit done.
Trump claimed he was a great deal maker, that he could sit down and hammer out deals to make america great again. Whether with china, or japan, or south korea, or the republicans in congress.

Fail, Fail, Fail.

You just proved my point. Here's a thought jackass why don't you dumbfuck left loons get over you lost and actually work on this nation's problems? It's old and tiresome. You lost, deal
He can still be a good salesman and be a believer, ya know.
Ye without sin does not exist. If so, we wouldn’t have needed Christ.
Actually that is pretty judgmental there. You have no idea what his faith is. Are you stating anyone with money cannot be Christian? A person that takes risk in life can’t be a Christian? That a man that loved his women can never grow and settle down and be a Christian? Because I believe that all are possible, as a Christian.
Trump is a man of money, high stakes & fast women. No damn way with his lifestyle & attitude is he a believer.
If you need to believe so to justify your faith in him that's fine but a little common sense should tell you otherwise.
When Trump "settles down" we can talk.

Until then the man is nothing but talk. He is a superb bullshitter. I recognize it because I do it. I could sell 30 acres of sand to a wheat farmer I'm so good at it.

It is sad if most of you that support him don't see it. Means you fell for the bullshit rather than supporting him because of his no nonsense ways and cavalier attitude.

He can still be a good president DESPITE being a non believer ya know.
You just proved my point. Here's a thought jackass why don't you dumbfuck left loons get over you lost and actually work on this nation's problems? It's old and tiresome. You lost, deal

Trump said he could do it all on his own.

Who's the dumbass now?
Actually that is pretty judgmental there. You have no idea what his faith is. Are you stating anyone with money cannot be Christian? A person that takes risk in life can’t be a Christian? That a man that loved his women can never grow and settle down and be a Christian? Because I believe that all are possible, as a Christian.
Trump is a man of money, high stakes & fast women. No damn way with his lifestyle & attitude is he a believer.
If you need to believe so to justify your faith in him that's fine but a little common sense should tell you otherwise.
When Trump "settles down" we can talk.

Until then the man is nothing but talk. He is a superb bullshitter. I recognize it because I do it. I could sell 30 acres of sand to a wheat farmer I'm so good at it.

It is sad if most of you that support him don't see it. Means you fell for the bullshit rather than supporting him because of his no nonsense ways and cavalier attitude.

He can still be a good president DESPITE being a non believer ya know.

I keep hearing what a lousy job he's doing..gotta be honest though he's dealing with not only demoquacks but also people that should be behind him.

He's flamboyant, I wish he'd simmer down, I think he does things to poke...but all said I think he's doing OK. Gotta love how the ecoomy is picking up steam
I don't think he's doing a bad job. Pretty good from what I can see.
Actually that is pretty judgmental there. You have no idea what his faith is. Are you stating anyone with money cannot be Christian? A person that takes risk in life can’t be a Christian? That a man that loved his women can never grow and settle down and be a Christian? Because I believe that all are possible, as a Christian.
Trump is a man of money, high stakes & fast women. No damn way with his lifestyle & attitude is he a believer.
If you need to believe so to justify your faith in him that's fine but a little common sense should tell you otherwise.
When Trump "settles down" we can talk.

Until then the man is nothing but talk. He is a superb bullshitter. I recognize it because I do it. I could sell 30 acres of sand to a wheat farmer I'm so good at it.

It is sad if most of you that support him don't see it. Means you fell for the bullshit rather than supporting him because of his no nonsense ways and cavalier attitude.

He can still be a good president DESPITE being a non believer ya know.

I keep hearing what a lousy job he's doing..gotta be honest though he's dealing with not only demoquacks but also people that should be behind him.

He's flamboyant, I wish he'd simmer down, I think he does things to poke...but all said I think he's doing OK. Gotta love how the ecoomy is picking up steam
I don't think he's doing a bad job. Pretty good from what I can see.

Yeah, given all the shit he's doing OK
Those thousands of people at that rally are real America.

Not these greedy assholes from the inner city shitholes that vote for the filthy Democrats.

Yeah, we watched the Florida rally too. Migod, what an orator. Churchill, Mussolini quality. No question. He's got it. I feel privileged to see something so historic as a populist of this quality. The connection between him and the crowd, and even us at home ----- amazing. Just as well to experience this sort of thing directly. Europe was full of such world class orators just before and during WWII: I hope this doesn't mean we're going into that again, but I think it's possible, with North Korea and Iran and Pakistan.
Trump is a man of money, high stakes & fast women. No damn way with his lifestyle & attitude is he a believer.
If you need to believe so to justify your faith in him that's fine but a little common sense should tell you otherwise.

You mean like Slick Willy and his asshole wife who also chained they were believers to get votes but we all know they were scum?
[QUOTE="Grampa Murked U, post: 18782460, member: 30538
Trump is not a man of faith lol.[/QUOTE]

He's been going to the Presbyterian Church all his life, so I don't know why you're so sure about that.

Reminds me of all those homosexuals who accuse X and Y and Z of being "gays" --- when they have a wife and two or three children. What does someone have to DO to be believed he's what he says he is??? Darn.
Trump is a man of money, high stakes & fast women. No damn way with his lifestyle & attitude is he a believer.
If you need to believe so to justify your faith in him that's fine but a little common sense should tell you otherwise.

You mean like Slick Willy and his asshole wife who also chained they were believers to get votes but we all know they were scum?
Pretty much but I don't consider Trump scum. He's a player.
[QUOTE="Grampa Murked U, post: 18782460, member: 30538
Trump is not a man of faith lol.

He's been going to the Presbyterian Church all his life, so I don't know why you're so sure about that.

Reminds me of all those homosexuals who accuse X and Y and Z of being "gays" --- when they have a wife and two or three children. What does someone have to DO to be believed he's what he says he is??? Darn.
Act like it
Trump is a man of money, high stakes & fast women. No damn way with his lifestyle & attitude is he a believer.
If you need to believe so to justify your faith in him that's fine but a little common sense should tell you otherwise.
Reminds me of how St. Augustine is described...
I keep hearing what a lousy job he's doing..gotta be honest though he's dealing with not only demoquacks but also people that should be behind him.

Trumps party controls all of the federal government, and still can't get shit done.
Trump claimed he was a great deal maker, that he could sit down and hammer out deals to make america great again. Whether with china, or japan, or south korea, or the republicans in congress.

Fail, Fail, Fail.

His party is made up of some real Conservatives but also some RINOs that are just like the stupid Democrats.

Trump could not get Obamacare repealed because of 46 stupid idiot Democrats, two shithead Independents that vote with the filthy Democrats and three RINOs. The fault doesn't lie with Trump but with the idiots that voted in the stupid Libtards that support the failed Obamacare. You know, Moon Bats like yourself.
I don't think he's doing a bad job. Pretty good from what I can see.

Trump promised to do hundreds of things, within his first 100 days. Now after almost a year, he's still making the same promises, since he got shit done.
Trump is not a King. A willing Congress is necessary.
Having said that, despite an inept GOP, Trump has done well.

Trump imagined himself a king, that like a CEO, what he says becomes law and the peopel underneath him have to get it done or be fired. Trump didn't / doesn't know how government works, which explains why he's gotten virtually nothing done.

Trumps only accomplishment is that the economy is standing on the shoulders of giants.
[QUOTE="Grampa Murked U, post: 18782460, member: 30538
Trump is not a man of faith lol.

He's been going to the Presbyterian Church all his life, so I don't know why you're so sure about that.

Reminds me of all those homosexuals who accuse X and Y and Z of being "gays" --- when they have a wife and two or three children. What does someone have to DO to be believed he's what he says he is??? Darn.
Act like it
Presbyterian and Anglican churches have gotten so liberal in many cases that it is highly debatable even within their denominations as to whether they are Christian for the most part. I was an atheist until after I was married because I actually listened to the sermons I was dragged to I tend to agree with the Amish that only adults can be members of the church. Adults are at least 13 according to Tim 1, ch. 5 (Nephews at least 13 or older adults by Jewish law were told to support widowed aunts to reduce financial strain on the local congregation)
He ran with a desire to win, he has been keeping his promises and he is not f$%king around. All the wins and now calling out the institutions who have been a "sickness".

This is what I like to see. Call out the economic wins and let the resisters know that the wins are coming, and it will continue in 2018 I'm willing to bet.

The Japanese had a victory at Pearl Harbor which led to their eventual defeat. The Republicans are constantly trying to go against the will of the voters. Voters do not support Republican healthcare plans, tax plan and immigration policies to name a few. In November, Democrats picked up 15 seats in the House of delegates and won the Governor's race by a larger margin that Clinton did. In NJ, Clinton won 7 CDs to Trump's 5. The Democrat candidate for Governor won 9 of the 12 CDs. In Oklahoma, Democrats won a legislative seat that went 60% for Trump in 2016. Republicans are destroying themselves.
blah blah blah blah
great analogy :rolleyes-41:

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