Trumps rally, just hitting it out of the park, one win after another

It is amazing that Trump (who is a New York billionaire) can connect with mainstream America.

It is also amazing that the is an egotistical obnoxious New Yorker that always praises the people speaks to and the military and the hard working average American.

The hardworking average Americans are being screwed in this tax bill. Marco Rubio and Mike Lee admitted it but their attempt to fix it was defeated.
I keep hearing what a lousy job he's doing..gotta be honest though he's dealing with not only demoquacks but also people that should be behind him.

Trumps party controls all of the federal government, and still can't get shit done.
Trump claimed he was a great deal maker, that he could sit down and hammer out deals to make america great again. Whether with china, or japan, or south korea, or the republicans in congress.

Fail, Fail, Fail.

You just proved my point. Here's a thought jackass why don't you dumbfuck left loons get over you lost and actually work on this nation's problems? It's old and tiresome. You lost, deal

The fact is that Republicans are not willing to work on this country's problems either. They are more interested in satisfying their far right extremist base. They are as bad as Democrats who cater to their far left wing base. Senate Republicans could have reached out to moderate Democrats like Joe Manchin on healthcare. Yet they did not. You have compromises on Obamacare and DACA sitting in the Senate yet Republicans will not bring them to the floor.
I keep hearing what a lousy job he's doing..gotta be honest though he's dealing with not only demoquacks but also people that should be behind him.

Trumps party controls all of the federal government, and still can't get shit done.
Trump claimed he was a great deal maker, that he could sit down and hammer out deals to make america great again. Whether with china, or japan, or south korea, or the republicans in congress.

Fail, Fail, Fail.

His party is made up of some real Conservatives but also some RINOs that are just like the stupid Democrats.

Trump could not get Obamacare repealed because of 46 stupid idiot Democrats, two shithead Independents that vote with the filthy Democrats and three RINOs. The fault doesn't lie with Trump but with the idiots that voted in the stupid Libtards that support the failed Obamacare. You know, Moon Bats like yourself.

The Republican Party is made up of conservatives, moderates and right wing extremists. The fact is Republicans made it clear that they were not going to work with even moderate Democrats. The reason Obamacare was not repealed is because some Republicans have a conscience and do not believe that people should be kicked off their insurance because they have low incomes, pre-existing conditions or old age. Ronald Reagan said that no one should be prevented from seeing a doctor because he cannot afford it. Apparently that is not the guiding principle of Republicans. It is about pandering to extremists, racists and sexists like you. It is people like you that need gto be gotten rid off.
Trump does not worship God, Christians are a tool for him to manipulate. The only God that Trump believes in is himself, power, and money. Does anyone who believes in God say that they don't have to ask for God's forgiveness? Trump knows exactly what buttons to push and Christians follow like sheep without thinking for themselves. They are not real Christians. They are fake Christians.

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