Trumps "reset" starting with his press conference yesterday worked

Here's where we are, fuck the Press and fuck the Left. You aren't as smart as you think you are. You don't know how to run our lives better than we do. You can't make us feel guilty, you aren't smart enough to even run your own lives without your Government, we aren't going to let you run ours. You don't get to dictate who we elect, you don't get to dictate what cars we drive, how much gas we use or how warm or cool we keep our homes. You don't get to take our guns, you don't get to tell us how or what we believe or how we get to practice our Religion if any.

In short, fuck you. You just keep this insanity up for the next 4 years and watch what happens to you. You are simply too stupid to understand why you've gotten your asses kicked for 6 years. Here we are, here we stand. You have been reduced to whining about how the Constitution was written and how you've been cheated. You're nothing but a bunch of children who throw fits when you don't get your way.

YOUR side is trying to push this Nation into another Civil War, you better think twice because if it happens you won't have any "safe places". You won't be able to shut us up and you won't be able shut us down.
You are a very angry person. Settle down dude. You are going to have a heart attack.

All these Trump supporters were very angry people before he was elected.

Your man won and you seem more angry.

Are you ever happy?

I'm smiling kid. It's funny watching you simple minded folk melt down over this guy. The fact is that you AND your side want to try and control everything I listed. Not going to happen. Tell me kid, you out there breaking windows, burning and robbing honest people with your kin? Or are you just one more keyboard Lib hiding behind mommy?
Well Doc, you appear to be the simple minded one.
Everyone who does not care for Trump is out there breaking windows, burning and robbing honest people with your kin. There are a few like that but most are not.
To understand the diversity of those who did not vote for Trump requires critical thinking not a simple mind.
I realize all who voted for Trump are the same.
There is one group of Trump supporters who are the equivalent of the liberals that are out there breaking windows, burning and robbing honest people. They are the angry, crude, name calling, simple minded, racist, put others down to put themselves up, disgusting human beings.
Doc, that sounds like you.

Ah yes, the old "WE are the smart ones" and that's why we voted for Hillary. There are thousands out there pulling this shit. The fact is that I respect them more than I do a little punk like you who does nothing but cry and complain. Simple minded? You are indeed.
Funny, I saw it and thought that Conway had shot him full of sedatives before he went up there. I don't think I've ever seen him so calm. Weirdly.

Then I see the media use words like "meltdown" and "rage", and their silly hyperbole once again proves his point about them.

Our media has lost its halo. The public simply no longer trusts them, and it's not just the Trumpsters. It's on them to get their shit together now.
His blaming the press for everything, saying his administration is a well oiled machine, asking a reporter to set a meeting with Congressional Black Caucus, not answering a question about anti-antisemitism in the USA by saying he was not antisemitic so do not worry about it.
It was unhinged.
But after the press conference, I thought his speech at Boeing today was good. But my expectations could not be lower.

It's amazing how two groups of people can watch the same thing and see two different things.

I don't recall Trump blaming the media for everything. I think he's the first to actually call them out on their lies and reporting one side of a story. Unhinged? He addressed them in a humorous way instead of angrily. He even made jokes while getting to the meat of the problem.

The only part of it I was uncomfortable with is when he brought Hillary into the discussion. That's something he should have left alone. Other than that, I thought it went pretty well.
20% of the US population would support him if he sold the USA to Russia and nuked Mexico.
20% of the US population would not support him if he obtained world peace and cured cancer.
The remaining 60% range from cautiously optimistic to very pessimistic but want to see how he does.

The 60% have been extremely concerned with what they have seen since the inauguration.

Trumps self-serving, incoherent, bombastic press conference, yesterday, lowered everyone's expectations even further of what he can do. THE BAR IS VERY, VERY, VERY LOW.

Trump has reset the bar so low, it is almost impossible he will not do better than expected.
It was a brilliant performance by the President. He understands that according to a recent Gallup poll, only 32% of the public trusts the news media and according to a recent Emerson College poll 53% of the public trusts the President to be truthful but only 39% trust the press to be truthful, so when he tells CNN and others they are fake news, he is saying what most Americans already believe.
Funny, I saw it and thought that Conway had shot him full of sedatives before he went up there. I don't think I've ever seen him so calm. Weirdly.

Then I see the media use words like "meltdown" and "rage", and their silly hyperbole once again proves his point about them.

Our media has lost its halo. The public simply no longer trusts them, and it's not just the Trumpsters. It's on them to get their shit together now.

funny... i thought he sounded insane. *shrug*
but,but, but, he did not scream. so, it is not unhinged, or a meltdown. amazing.
The shit trump offaled on this press conference was more than bizarre. a complete disaster. SAD!
Here's where we are, fuck the Press and fuck the Left. You aren't as smart as you think you are. You don't know how to run our lives better than we do. You can't make us feel guilty, you aren't smart enough to even run your own lives without your Government, we aren't going to let you run ours. You don't get to dictate who we elect, you don't get to dictate what cars we drive, how much gas we use or how warm or cool we keep our homes. You don't get to take our guns, you don't get to tell us how or what we believe or how we get to practice our Religion if any.

In short, fuck you. You just keep this insanity up for the next 4 years and watch what happens to you. You are simply too stupid to understand why you've gotten your asses kicked for 6 years. Here we are, here we stand. You have been reduced to whining about how the Constitution was written and how you've been cheated. You're nothing but a bunch of children who throw fits when you don't get your way.

YOUR side is trying to push this Nation into another Civil War, you better think twice because if it happens you won't have any "safe places". You won't be able to shut us up and you won't be able shut us down.
You are a very angry person. Settle down dude. You are going to have a heart attack.

All these Trump supporters were very angry people before he was elected.

Your man won and you seem more angry.

Are you ever happy?
We are very happy, it's liberals that are committing the violence.
Funny, I saw it and thought that Conway had shot him full of sedatives before he went up there. I don't think I've ever seen him so calm. Weirdly.

Then I see the media use words like "meltdown" and "rage", and their silly hyperbole once again proves his point about them.

Our media has lost its halo. The public simply no longer trusts them, and it's not just the Trumpsters. It's on them to get their shit together now.

funny... i thought he sounded insane. *shrug*
but,but, but, he did not scream. so, it is not unhinged, or a meltdown. amazing.
The shit trump offaled on this press conference was more than bizarre. a complete disaster. SAD!
Yes, he spanked your liberals ass!
Asses chewed.png

Chewed Up Spit Out Press
Here's where we are, fuck the Press and fuck the Left. You aren't as smart as you think you are. You don't know how to run our lives better than we do. You can't make us feel guilty, you aren't smart enough to even run your own lives without your Government, we aren't going to let you run ours. You don't get to dictate who we elect, you don't get to dictate what cars we drive, how much gas we use or how warm or cool we keep our homes. You don't get to take our guns, you don't get to tell us how or what we believe or how we get to practice our Religion if any.

In short, fuck you. You just keep this insanity up for the next 4 years and watch what happens to you. You are simply too stupid to understand why you've gotten your asses kicked for 6 years. Here we are, here we stand. You have been reduced to whining about how the Constitution was written and how you've been cheated. You're nothing but a bunch of children who throw fits when you don't get your way.

YOUR side is trying to push this Nation into another Civil War, you better think twice because if it happens you won't have any "safe places". You won't be able to shut us up and you won't be able shut us down.
You are a very angry person. Settle down dude. You are going to have a heart attack.

All these Trump supporters were very angry people before he was elected.

Your man won and you seem more angry.

Are you ever happy?
We are very happy, it's liberals that are committing the violence.
We? You are all the same?
Funny, I saw it and thought that Conway had shot him full of sedatives before he went up there. I don't think I've ever seen him so calm. Weirdly.

Then I see the media use words like "meltdown" and "rage", and their silly hyperbole once again proves his point about them.

Our media has lost its halo. The public simply no longer trusts them, and it's not just the Trumpsters. It's on them to get their shit together now.

funny... i thought he sounded insane. *shrug*
but,but, but, he did not scream. so, it is not unhinged, or a meltdown. amazing.
The shit trump offaled on this press conference was more than bizarre. a complete disaster. SAD!
Yes, he spanked your liberals ass!
that should be asses.
20% of the US population would support him if he sold the USA to Russia and nuked Mexico.
20% of the US population would not support him if he obtained world peace and cured cancer.
The remaining 60% range from cautiously optimistic to very pessimistic but want to see how he does.

The 60% have been extremely concerned with what they have seen since the inauguration.

Trumps self-serving, incoherent, bombastic press conference, yesterday, lowered everyone's expectations even further of what he can do. THE BAR IS VERY, VERY, VERY LOW.

Trump has reset the bar so low, it is almost impossible he will not do better than expected.
As a moderate who is one of the few individuals who can honestly say that he voted for a split ticket, I would disagree with what you just stated. The nation is marked by a large partisan divide and an absence of moderates in the middle. This isn't the 1970's or 80's...this is 2017. There is a reason why, during this election cycle, we saw our candidates bunker down on the extreme ends of the spectrum rather than rush towards the middle...the simple fact is that there is very little of the middle that exists.

I'd actually point towards the main reason for this as being the media we consume. Fox News for the right and CNN / MSNBC on the left tell different enough stories that people who do not consume content from both sides of the fence simply don't have the same basis of reality that their opponents work off of.
20% of the US population would support him if he sold the USA to Russia and nuked Mexico.
20% of the US population would not support him if he obtained world peace and cured cancer.
The remaining 60% range from cautiously optimistic to very pessimistic but want to see how he does.

The 60% have been extremely concerned with what they have seen since the inauguration.

Trumps self-serving, incoherent, bombastic press conference, yesterday, lowered everyone's expectations even further of what he can do. THE BAR IS VERY, VERY, VERY LOW.

Trump has reset the bar so low, it is almost impossible he will not do better than expected.
It was a brilliant performance by the President. He understands that according to a recent Gallup poll, only 32% of the public trusts the news media and according to a recent Emerson College poll 53% of the public trusts the President to be truthful but only 39% trust the press to be truthful, so when he tells CNN and others they are fake news, he is saying what most Americans already believe.
Trump is trolling MSM and the left and to view it differently tell me many have yet to realize the real asshole Trump is!
Trump made them all look stupid yesterday, it was fun to watch.
Here's where we are, fuck the Press and fuck the Left. You aren't as smart as you think you are. You don't know how to run our lives better than we do. You can't make us feel guilty, you aren't smart enough to even run your own lives without your Government, we aren't going to let you run ours. You don't get to dictate who we elect, you don't get to dictate what cars we drive, how much gas we use or how warm or cool we keep our homes. You don't get to take our guns, you don't get to tell us how or what we believe or how we get to practice our Religion if any.

In short, fuck you. You just keep this insanity up for the next 4 years and watch what happens to you. You are simply too stupid to understand why you've gotten your asses kicked for 6 years. Here we are, here we stand. You have been reduced to whining about how the Constitution was written and how you've been cheated. You're nothing but a bunch of children who throw fits when you don't get your way.

YOUR side is trying to push this Nation into another Civil War, you better think twice because if it happens you won't have any "safe places". You won't be able to shut us up and you won't be able shut us down.
You are a very angry person. Settle down dude. You are going to have a heart attack.

All these Trump supporters were very angry people before he was elected.

Your man won and you seem more angry.

Are you ever happy?

I'm smiling kid. It's funny watching you simple minded folk melt down over this guy. The fact is that you AND your side want to try and control everything I listed. Not going to happen. Tell me kid, you out there breaking windows, burning and robbing honest people with your kin? Or are you just one more keyboard Lib hiding behind mommy?
Well Doc, you appear to be the simple minded one.
Everyone who does not care for Trump is out there breaking windows, burning and robbing honest people with your kin. There are a few like that but most are not.
To understand the diversity of those who did not vote for Trump requires critical thinking not a simple mind.
I realize all who voted for Trump are the same.
There is one group of Trump supporters who are the equivalent of the liberals that are out there breaking windows, burning and robbing honest people. They are the angry, crude, name calling, simple minded, racist, put others down to put themselves up, disgusting human beings.
Doc, that sounds like you.

^ The projection is strong with this one.
Funny, I saw it and thought that Conway had shot him full of sedatives before he went up there. I don't think I've ever seen him so calm. Weirdly.

Then I see the media use words like "meltdown" and "rage", and their silly hyperbole once again proves his point about them.

Our media has lost its halo. The public simply no longer trusts them, and it's not just the Trumpsters. It's on them to get their shit together now.

funny... i thought he sounded insane. *shrug*
but,but, but, he did not scream. so, it is not unhinged, or a meltdown. amazing.
The shit trump offaled on this press conference was more than bizarre. a complete disaster. SAD!
Yes, he spanked your liberals ass!
that should be asses.
No, just yours, singular. Lol
Here's where we are, fuck the Press and fuck the Left. You aren't as smart as you think you are. You don't know how to run our lives better than we do. You can't make us feel guilty, you aren't smart enough to even run your own lives without your Government, we aren't going to let you run ours. You don't get to dictate who we elect, you don't get to dictate what cars we drive, how much gas we use or how warm or cool we keep our homes. You don't get to take our guns, you don't get to tell us how or what we believe or how we get to practice our Religion if any.

In short, fuck you. You just keep this insanity up for the next 4 years and watch what happens to you. You are simply too stupid to understand why you've gotten your asses kicked for 6 years. Here we are, here we stand. You have been reduced to whining about how the Constitution was written and how you've been cheated. You're nothing but a bunch of children who throw fits when you don't get your way.

YOUR side is trying to push this Nation into another Civil War, you better think twice because if it happens you won't have any "safe places". You won't be able to shut us up and you won't be able shut us down.
You are a very angry person. Settle down dude. You are going to have a heart attack.

All these Trump supporters were very angry people before he was elected.

Your man won and you seem more angry.

Are you ever happy?
We are very happy, it's liberals that are committing the violence.
We? You are all the same?
No, we don't feed at the same plate that liberals do. You know, the community plate.
20% of the US population would support him if he sold the USA to Russia and nuked Mexico.
20% of the US population would not support him if he obtained world peace and cured cancer.
The remaining 60% range from cautiously optimistic to very pessimistic but want to see how he does.

The 60% have been extremely concerned with what they have seen since the inauguration.

Trumps self-serving, incoherent, bombastic press conference, yesterday, lowered everyone's expectations even further of what he can do. THE BAR IS VERY, VERY, VERY LOW.

Trump has reset the bar so low, it is almost impossible he will not do better than expected.
It was a brilliant performance by the President. He understands that according to a recent Gallup poll, only 32% of the public trusts the news media and according to a recent Emerson College poll 53% of the public trusts the President to be truthful but only 39% trust the press to be truthful, so when he tells CNN and others they are fake news, he is saying what most Americans already believe.
View attachment 112988
And the Rasmussen poll of likely voters shows the President has a +10 approval rating, but neither poll is relevant to the fact Americans don't trust the media, so when the President tells them they are publishing fake news, most Americans agree with him.
20% of the US population would support him if he sold the USA to Russia and nuked Mexico.
20% of the US population would not support him if he obtained world peace and cured cancer.
The remaining 60% range from cautiously optimistic to very pessimistic but want to see how he does.

The 60% have been extremely concerned with what they have seen since the inauguration.

Trumps self-serving, incoherent, bombastic press conference, yesterday, lowered everyone's expectations even further of what he can do. THE BAR IS VERY, VERY, VERY LOW.

Trump has reset the bar so low, it is almost impossible he will not do better than expected.

Yes, the bar is very low.

20% of the US population would support him if he sold the USA to Russia and nuked Mexico.
20% of the US population would not support him if he obtained world peace and cured cancer.
The remaining 60% range from cautiously optimistic to very pessimistic but want to see how he does.

The 60% have been extremely concerned with what they have seen since the inauguration.

Trumps self-serving, incoherent, bombastic press conference, yesterday, lowered everyone's expectations even further of what he can do. THE BAR IS VERY, VERY, VERY LOW.

Trump has reset the bar so low, it is almost impossible he will not do better than expected.
As a moderate who is one of the few individuals who can honestly say that he voted for a split ticket, I would disagree with what you just stated. The nation is marked by a large partisan divide and an absence of moderates in the middle. This isn't the 1970's or 80's...this is 2017. There is a reason why, during this election cycle, we saw our candidates bunker down on the extreme ends of the spectrum rather than rush towards the middle...the simple fact is that there is very little of the middle that exists.

I'd actually point towards the main reason for this as being the media we consume. Fox News for the right and CNN / MSNBC on the left tell different enough stories that people who do not consume content from both sides of the fence simply don't have the same basis of reality that their opponents work off of.
I agree that you need to diversify where you get your news. You should see learn opinions from all sides.

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