Trumps "reset" starting with his press conference yesterday worked

Funny, I saw it and thought that Conway had shot him full of sedatives before he went up there. I don't think I've ever seen him so calm. Weirdly.

Then I see the media use words like "meltdown" and "rage", and their silly hyperbole once again proves his point about them.

Our media has lost its halo. The public simply no longer trusts them, and it's not just the Trumpsters. It's on them to get their shit together now.

funny... i thought he sounded insane. *shrug*
but,but, but, he did not scream. so, it is not unhinged, or a meltdown. amazing.
The shit trump offaled on this press conference was more than bizarre. a complete disaster. SAD!
Yes, he spanked your liberals ass!
that should be asses.
No, just yours, singular. Lol
You are very funny; quite a wit.
funny... i thought he sounded insane. *shrug*
but,but, but, he did not scream. so, it is not unhinged, or a meltdown. amazing.
The shit trump offaled on this press conference was more than bizarre. a complete disaster. SAD!
Yes, he spanked your liberals ass!
that should be asses.
No, just yours, singular. Lol
You are very funny; quite a wit.
Truth hurts?
20% of the US population would support him if he sold the USA to Russia and nuked Mexico.
20% of the US population would not support him if he obtained world peace and cured cancer.
The remaining 60% range from cautiously optimistic to very pessimistic but want to see how he does.

The 60% have been extremely concerned with what they have seen since the inauguration.

Trumps self-serving, incoherent, bombastic press conference, yesterday, lowered everyone's expectations even further of what he can do. THE BAR IS VERY, VERY, VERY LOW.

Trump has reset the bar so low, it is almost impossible he will not do better than expected.
It was a brilliant performance by the President. He understands that according to a recent Gallup poll, only 32% of the public trusts the news media and according to a recent Emerson College poll 53% of the public trusts the President to be truthful but only 39% trust the press to be truthful, so when he tells CNN and others they are fake news, he is saying what most Americans already believe.
View attachment 112988
And the Rasmussen poll of likely voters shows the President has a +10 approval rating, but neither poll is relevant to the fact Americans don't trust the media, so when the President tells them they are publishing fake news, most Americans agree with him.
All should listen to Trump, he is an intellect.
Climate warming was made up by China
Obama was not born in the USA
War heroes are not captured, they are ones not captured
Putin is a great leader
His administration is a well oiled machine
20% of the US population would support him if he sold the USA to Russia and nuked Mexico.
20% of the US population would not support him if he obtained world peace and cured cancer.
The remaining 60% range from cautiously optimistic to very pessimistic but want to see how he does.

The 60% have been extremely concerned with what they have seen since the inauguration.

Trumps self-serving, incoherent, bombastic press conference, yesterday, lowered everyone's expectations even further of what he can do. THE BAR IS VERY, VERY, VERY LOW.

Trump has reset the bar so low, it is almost impossible he will not do better than expected.
It was a brilliant performance by the President. He understands that according to a recent Gallup poll, only 32% of the public trusts the news media and according to a recent Emerson College poll 53% of the public trusts the President to be truthful but only 39% trust the press to be truthful, so when he tells CNN and others they are fake news, he is saying what most Americans already believe.
View attachment 112988
And the Rasmussen poll of likely voters shows the President has a +10 approval rating, but neither poll is relevant to the fact Americans don't trust the media, so when the President tells them they are publishing fake news, most Americans agree with him.
All should listen to Trump, he is an intellect.
Climate warming was made up by China
Obama was not born in the USA
War heroes are not captured, they are ones not captured
Putin is a great leader
His administration is a well oiled machine
And likely voters give him a 55% approval rating. Only 32% of voters trust the media.
This isn't the 1970's or 80's...this is 2017. There is a reason why, during this election cycle, we saw our candidates bunker down on the extreme ends of the spectrum rather than rush towards the middle...the simple fact is that there is very little of the middle that exists.

Absolutely. On the right, there is a push for change such as the Tea Party types. On the left, the US Communist Party supported Obama (both terms) along with Hillary. This is not to mention a close second in Sanders who is a renown Socialist.

So where is the middle-ground between Constitutionalism and Communism? There is none.
Funny, I saw it and thought that Conway had shot him full of sedatives before he went up there. I don't think I've ever seen him so calm. Weirdly.

Then I see the media use words like "meltdown" and "rage", and their silly hyperbole once again proves his point about them.

Our media has lost its halo. The public simply no longer trusts them, and it's not just the Trumpsters. It's on them to get their shit together now.
His blaming the press for everything, saying his administration is a well oiled machine, asking a reporter to set a meeting with Congressional Black Caucus, not answering a question about anti-antisemitism in the USA by saying he was not antisemitic so do not worry about it.
It was unhinged.
But after the press conference, I thought his speech at Boeing today was good. But my expectations could not be lower.
He is what he is. Whatever that is. And yeah, it's tough to watch.

But the media has to decide whether it wants to concentrate on fluff & controversy or real reporting. Right now, they've allowed themselves to get political, they are clearly against Trump (and that was since long before the press conference), and it's playing right into Trump's hands. They voluntarily walked right into the mud pit with him, because they didn't have the self-control to just be reporters.
Last edited:
It's amazing how two groups of people can watch the same thing and see two different things.
Oh yeah.

Such is the nature of ideology, and you won't see a better example of conflicting perceptions than with Trump.

This is absolutely amazing to watch. The stakes are incredibly high, but I have to admit the nihilist in me is enjoying it.
20% of the US population would support him if he sold the USA to Russia and nuked Mexico.
20% of the US population would not support him if he obtained world peace and cured cancer.
The remaining 60% range from cautiously optimistic to very pessimistic but want to see how he does.

The 60% have been extremely concerned with what they have seen since the inauguration.

Trumps self-serving, incoherent, bombastic press conference, yesterday, lowered everyone's expectations even further of what he can do. THE BAR IS VERY, VERY, VERY LOW.

Trump has reset the bar so low, it is almost impossible he will not do better than expected.
It was a brilliant performance by the President. He understands that according to a recent Gallup poll, only 32% of the public trusts the news media and according to a recent Emerson College poll 53% of the public trusts the President to be truthful but only 39% trust the press to be truthful, so when he tells CNN and others they are fake news, he is saying what most Americans already believe.
View attachment 112988
And the Rasmussen poll of likely voters shows the President has a +10 approval rating, but neither poll is relevant to the fact Americans don't trust the media, so when the President tells them they are publishing fake news, most Americans agree with him.
All should listen to Trump, he is an intellect.
Climate warming was made up by China
Obama was not born in the USA
War heroes are not captured, they are ones not captured
Putin is a great leader
His administration is a well oiled machine
And likely voters give him a 55% approval rating. Only 32% of voters trust the media.
One Republican biased poll vs. all the ones that say that poll is way off. But think about this, the poll giving trump the high number is of likely voters at a time when there is no election in the near future. So, who exactly is this pollster polling?
The media never ever asked Obama questions like they do of Trump. Ever.

The double standard is out of control

The fight is on.
The media never ever asked Obama questions like they do of Trump. Ever.

The double standard is out of control

The fight is on.
Obama did not come out and tell provable lies every time he spoke to the press and his spokespeople did not do the same thing. Nor did Obama constantly attack the "media". No President has ever deluged the media with misinformation the way trump has.
The media never ever asked Obama questions like they do of Trump. Ever.

The double standard is out of control

The fight is on.
Obama did not come out and tell provable lies every time he spoke to the press and his spokespeople did not do the same thing. Nor did Obama constantly attack the "media". No President has ever deluged the media with misinformation the way trump has.

Why would DumBama attack people that were on his side and actually an extension of his very own party?
The media never ever asked Obama questions like they do of Trump. Ever.

The double standard is out of control

The fight is on.
Obama did not come out and tell provable lies every time he spoke to the press and his spokespeople did not do the same thing. Nor did Obama constantly attack the "media". No President has ever deluged the media with misinformation the way trump has.

Why would DumBama attack people that were on his side and actually an extension of his very own party?
The "media" being an "extension" of his own party is a talking point with no substance. What is the media? When and if attacks are made on news sources they need to be specific to the news source and specific to the story alleged to be being unfair or fraudulent.
The media never ever asked Obama questions like they do of Trump. Ever.

The double standard is out of control

The fight is on.
Obama did not come out and tell provable lies every time he spoke to the press and his spokespeople did not do the same thing. Nor did Obama constantly attack the "media". No President has ever deluged the media with misinformation the way trump has.

Why would DumBama attack people that were on his side and actually an extension of his very own party?
The "media" being an "extension" of his own party is a talking point with no substance. What is the media? When and if attacks are made on news sources they need to be specific to the news source and specific to the story alleged to be being unfair or fraudulent.

Why would they need to do that? MSM does it so often you would need to attack he media once a week.

We all know who they are. You on the left refuse to acknowledge them, but they are there.

The 3 Most Critical Lies the AP Told About the Supposed Trump National Guard Order
His blaming the press for everything, saying his administration is a well oiled machine, asking a reporter to set a meeting with Congressional Black Caucus, not answering a question about anti-antisemitism in the USA by saying he was not antisemitic so do not worry about it.
It was unhinged.
But after the press conference, I thought his speech at Boeing today was good. But my expectations could not be lower.
Why should anyone have to prove they aren't a racist? You think that's a fair question to ask? And when did he blame the press for everything? He said there are operatives within government violating the law and sending intel to their allies in the press, who then distort the shit out of it for political purposes.

As far as your expectations go ...who cares?
It was a brilliant performance by the President. He understands that according to a recent Gallup poll, only 32% of the public trusts the news media and according to a recent Emerson College poll 53% of the public trusts the President to be truthful but only 39% trust the press to be truthful, so when he tells CNN and others they are fake news, he is saying what most Americans already believe.
View attachment 112988
And the Rasmussen poll of likely voters shows the President has a +10 approval rating, but neither poll is relevant to the fact Americans don't trust the media, so when the President tells them they are publishing fake news, most Americans agree with him.
All should listen to Trump, he is an intellect.
Climate warming was made up by China
Obama was not born in the USA
War heroes are not captured, they are ones not captured
Putin is a great leader
His administration is a well oiled machine
And likely voters give him a 55% approval rating. Only 32% of voters trust the media.
One Republican biased poll vs. all the ones that say that poll is way off. But think about this, the poll giving trump the high number is of likely voters at a time when there is no election in the near future. So, who exactly is this pollster polling?
He is polling voters who are likely to vote and the methodology is the same whether the election is four year away or next week.
The media never ever asked Obama questions like they do of Trump. Ever.

The double standard is out of control

The fight is on.
Obama did not come out and tell provable lies every time he spoke to the press and his spokespeople did not do the same thing. Nor did Obama constantly attack the "media". No President has ever deluged the media with misinformation the way trump has.

Why would DumBama attack people that were on his side and actually an extension of his very own party?
The "media" being an "extension" of his own party is a talking point with no substance. What is the media? When and if attacks are made on news sources they need to be specific to the news source and specific to the story alleged to be being unfair or fraudulent.

Why would they need to do that? MSM does it so often you would need to attack he media once a week.

We all know who they are. You on the left refuse to acknowledge them, but they are there.

The 3 Most Critical Lies the AP Told About the Supposed Trump National Guard Order

You are aware that the Trump Administration "leaked" that Memo to the press in order to undermine the credibility of the media, I hope. This is the Administration's new strategy to make the MSM look incompetent.

It won't work because the media is already onto them.
The media never ever asked Obama questions like they do of Trump. Ever.

The double standard is out of control

The fight is on.
Obama did not come out and tell provable lies every time he spoke to the press and his spokespeople did not do the same thing. Nor did Obama constantly attack the "media". No President has ever deluged the media with misinformation the way trump has.

Why would DumBama attack people that were on his side and actually an extension of his very own party?
The "media" being an "extension" of his own party is a talking point with no substance. What is the media? When and if attacks are made on news sources they need to be specific to the news source and specific to the story alleged to be being unfair or fraudulent.

Why would they need to do that? MSM does it so often you would need to attack he media once a week.

We all know who they are. You on the left refuse to acknowledge them, but they are there.

The 3 Most Critical Lies the AP Told About the Supposed Trump National Guard Order

You are aware that the Trump Administration "leaked" that Memo to the press in order to undermine the credibility of the media, I hope. This is the Administration's new strategy to make the MSM look incompetent.

It won't work because the media is already onto them.

They don't need any help.
Funny, I saw it and thought that Conway had shot him full of sedatives before he went up there. I don't think I've ever seen him so calm. Weirdly.

Then I see the media use words like "meltdown" and "rage", and their silly hyperbole once again proves his point about them.

Our media has lost its halo. The public simply no longer trusts them, and it's not just the Trumpsters. It's on them to get their shit together now.

funny... i thought he sounded insane. *shrug*
Typical conclusion from the hyper sensitive clowns on the left.

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