Trump's respect for service members.

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A new report details multiple instances of Donald Trump allegedly making disparaging remarks about members of the US military who have been captured or killed, including referring to the American war dead at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France in 2018 as “losers” and “suckers”.

The allegations were first reported Thursday in the Atlantic. A senior Defense Department official with firsthand knowledge of events confirmed some of the remarks to the Associated Press, including the 2018 cemetery comments.

The defense official said Trump made the comments as he declined to visit the cemetery outside Paris during a meeting following his presidential daily briefing on the morning of 10 November 2018.

It sort of fits with his comments on McCain and his shocking treatment of that bereaved family. He has no class as well. Why does he hate America and those who fought for it ?
Trump supporters should demand the truth of this as a condition for their vote – but instead they’ll hide from it.
They will probably decide to agree with him.
Every American should consider his right to vote sacred and place upon it the greatest of value – given only to those who merit something so significant.

Clearly Trump voters do not.

I agree, that is why a Trump nor a Biden will get my vote. Both are an embarrassment to the United States.
we need people that represent all the people, not just the rich. Iwill look for a third party candidate worthy of my vote.
President Trump represents me and my political beliefs just fine. I'm an America First Nationalist first above anything else.

Donald hates his supporters, hates the military, hates everyone but himself. If this is who you want as C in C ... I can't help ya son!
Did you notice in all of the Biden ads he talks about how when he was Vice President he "saved" a million jobs? It that same old bullshit with the "jobs created or saved" they came up with when the Obama Stimulus failed to create even close to the jobs they said it would!

Can't wait to watch you twist yourself into pretzels to special plead this one:

We enacted the largest package of financial relief in American history. Thanks to our Paycheck Protection Program, we have saved or supported more than 50 million American jobs.

- Trump's Republican nomination acceptance speech
"I like people who weren't captured". We all heard that.

Trump couldn't be bothered to honor dead solders because of the rain. ...

In the rain the next day.

Different event dipshit. He wouldn't even lay a wreathe for our dead soldiers because of the rain and then blamed it on others for not attending like the SS.

"I like people who weren't captured"
~Donald Trump
Trump said the same thing about senator John McCain, so I believe the report. Bone spurs draft dodger president too cowardly to defend his country and passing off his duty to others has no problem insulting the war records of honorable America soldiers. Trump dodged the draft three times because he had a rich daddy. No wonder Trump did not care when Russia placed bounties on U.S sevicemen heads.

McCain was a loser
Hows your market yesterday and today ? AAPL ? There goes the pos's great markets
Lol my Apple orchards are up 600 percent

Yawning at the poor slob
Trump said the same thing about senator John McCain, so I believe the report. Bone spurs draft dodger president too cowardly to defend his country and passing off his duty to others has no problem insulting the war records of honorable America soldiers. Trump dodged the draft three times because he had a rich daddy. No wonder Trump did not care when Russia placed bounties on U.S sevicemen heads.

McCain was a loser
Hows your market yesterday and today ? AAPL ? There goes the pos's great markets

Yipes - Not good :oops:

27,768.34 −524.39 (1.85%)
Sep 4, 11:22 AM EDT
Lol if apple drops 50 percent off current levels i am still up 550 percent

And watch the starch in my shirts dweeb

A new report details multiple instances of Donald Trump allegedly making disparaging remarks about members of the US military who have been captured or killed, including referring to the American war dead at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France in 2018 as “losers” and “suckers”.

The allegations were first reported Thursday in the Atlantic. A senior Defense Department official with firsthand knowledge of events confirmed some of the remarks to the Associated Press, including the 2018 cemetery comments.

The defense official said Trump made the comments as he declined to visit the cemetery outside Paris during a meeting following his presidential daily briefing on the morning of 10 November 2018.

It sort of fits with his comments on McCain and his shocking treatment of that bereaved family. He has no class as well. Why does he hate America and those who fought for it ?

Let's see...we're about two months out from the cue the Democratic Smear Machine!

It's sad that rather than run on their plans to make America great...they're pulling this shit!

They have no intention of making America great.
They have no plan to make America great! It's why they're going with the smear campaign!

Did you notice in all of the Biden ads he talks about how when he was Vice President he "saved" a million jobs? It that same old bullshit with the "jobs created or saved" they came up with when the Obama Stimulus failed to create even close to the jobs they said it would! So now Joe's going to "save" jobs again? What about the millions that have LOST their jobs, Joe! Are you going to create jobs for them? You couldn't do it when you were part of the Obama Administration...what would make anyone think you could do it now? You'll increase taxes and push the Green New Deal and America will get another of the same slow, grinding recovery that we got under Obama!
And what was that slight of hand they pulled with folks who’d quit looking for jobs? Weren’t they suddenly un-unemployed in order to keep the unemployment number down?
They went with "jobs created or saved" because there was no way to count how many jobs were "saved" and they could claim any number they wanted! Jobs created on the other hand is a real number. They didn't want to use that because it was painfully obvious that despite spending a trillion dollars they didn't create many jobs! Why would ANYONE want that guy in charge of our economy in a recession?
Trump just does not have the understanding of human suffering and human sacrifice or serving a cause larger than himself

if you love our troops, vote Biden on Nov 3

Yep, ya gotta be a Democrat and live in a Democrat run city to fully understand human suffering and human sacrifice.

Yup and I'm wondering if the mayors of Portland, Seattle and Indianapolis will be re-elected after all the care and support they rendered to the business owners in their cities.

Only a moron would doubt Trumps love of the military. Of course "anonymous" tells them exactly what they want to hear. Imbeciles.

Barry hated the military and the only time he was around them was for a photo shoot with Seal team 6 after UBL bought it. Other than that he had nothing but contempt for the military.
Love of the military?? Trump?? LOL Ever hear the term LIP SERVICE? He's fos and Generals and admirals know it

Of course he loves the military. Why wouldn't he? He did go to a military college and he wouldn't have if he hated the military like you think.

Use what little brain you have. dumbass.
Run on the issues, Democrats! I dare you. Tell the people what YOUR agenda is and let them compare it to what Trump promises to do. Let the voters decide on THAT instead of all this other crap you're wasting our time with!
Trump just does not have the understanding of human suffering and human sacrifice or serving a cause larger than himself

if you love our troops, vote Biden on Nov 3

Yep, ya gotta be a Democrat and live in a Democrat run city to fully understand human suffering and human sacrifice.

Yup and I'm wondering if the mayors of Portland, Seattle and Indianapolis will be re-elected after all the care and support they rendered to the business owners in their cities.

Only a moron would doubt Trumps love of the military. Of course "anonymous" tells them exactly what they want to hear. Imbeciles.

Barry hated the military and the only time he was around them was for a photo shoot with Seal team 6 after UBL bought it. Other than that he had nothing but contempt for the military.
Love of the military?? Trump?? LOL Ever hear the term LIP SERVICE? He's fos and Generals and admirals know it

Of course he loves the military. Why wouldn't he? He did go to a military college and he wouldn't have if he hated the military like you think.

Use what little brain you have. dumbass.
My Brain?? You idiot He was sent to military school at a young age because he was an asshole even then
Did you notice in all of the Biden ads he talks about how when he was Vice President he "saved" a million jobs? It that same old bullshit with the "jobs created or saved" they came up with when the Obama Stimulus failed to create even close to the jobs they said it would!

Can't wait to watch you twist yourself into pretzels to special plead this one:

We enacted the largest package of financial relief in American history. Thanks to our Paycheck Protection Program, we have saved or supported more than 50 million American jobs.

- Trump's Republican nomination acceptance speech
I'll simply point out that Trump doesn't have to deceive the voters on his ability to create jobs! Unlike Obama and Biden were forced to. Pretty simple stuff, Anton! Trump's policies create jobs...Biden's will not.
Trump rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain, and because he did not believe it important to honor American war dead, according to four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day. In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed.

Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’

This would fall perfectly inline with what he said about McCain. So if kneeling is disrespectful, what is this?
True..after what he said about POWs I have no doubt he called fallen servicemen 'suckers'.
Run on the issues, Democrats! I dare you. Tell the people what YOUR agenda is and let them compare it to what Trump promises to do. Let the voters decide on THAT instead of all this other crap you're wasting our time with!
You mean like cons trying to make a big deal out of Pelosi's salon visit?
Trump just does not have the understanding of human suffering and human sacrifice or serving a cause larger than himself

if you love our troops, vote Biden on Nov 3

Yep, ya gotta be a Democrat and live in a Democrat run city to fully understand human suffering and human sacrifice.

Yup and I'm wondering if the mayors of Portland, Seattle and Indianapolis will be re-elected after all the care and support they rendered to the business owners in their cities.

Only a moron would doubt Trumps love of the military. Of course "anonymous" tells them exactly what they want to hear. Imbeciles.

Barry hated the military and the only time he was around them was for a photo shoot with Seal team 6 after UBL bought it. Other than that he had nothing but contempt for the military.
Love of the military?? Trump?? LOL Ever hear the term LIP SERVICE? He's fos and Generals and admirals know it

Of course he loves the military. Why wouldn't he? He did go to a military college and he wouldn't have if he hated the military like you think.

Use what little brain you have. dumbass.
My Brain?? You idiot He was sent to military school at a young age because he was an asshole even then

No he went because he wanted to go. You sure are an idiot. But then only an idiot would back Biden. Carry on clueless.
Run on the issues, Democrats! I dare you. Tell the people what YOUR agenda is and let them compare it to what Trump promises to do. Let the voters decide on THAT instead of all this other crap you're wasting our time with!
You mean like cons trying to make a big deal out of Pelosi's salon visit?

Apparently Dems thought that it was such a problem for them, that they decided to come out with this to change the narrative.
Dems must control the narrative or literally no one would support them.
Trump just does not have the understanding of human suffering and human sacrifice or serving a cause larger than himself

if you love our troops, vote Biden on Nov 3

Yep, ya gotta be a Democrat and live in a Democrat run city to fully understand human suffering and human sacrifice.

Yup and I'm wondering if the mayors of Portland, Seattle and Indianapolis will be re-elected after all the care and support they rendered to the business owners in their cities.

Only a moron would doubt Trumps love of the military. Of course "anonymous" tells them exactly what they want to hear. Imbeciles.

Barry hated the military and the only time he was around them was for a photo shoot with Seal team 6 after UBL bought it. Other than that he had nothing but contempt for the military.
Love of the military?? Trump?? LOL Ever hear the term LIP SERVICE? He's fos and Generals and admirals know it

Of course he loves the military. Why wouldn't he? He did go to a military college and he wouldn't have if he hated the military like you think.

Use what little brain you have. dumbass.
My Brain?? You idiot He was sent to military school at a young age because he was an asshole even then

No he went because he wanted to go. You sure are an idiot. But then only an idiot would back Biden. Carry on clueless.
Claude are you always this stupid???
What military school did Donald Trump go to?”

Trump spent five years at New York Military Academy (NYMA), starting in fall 1959, after his father - having concluded that his son, then in seventh grade, needed a more discipline-focused setting - removed him from his Queens private school and sent him upstate to NYMA.
Trump just does not have the understanding of human suffering and human sacrifice or serving a cause larger than himself

if you love our troops, vote Biden on Nov 3

Yep, ya gotta be a Democrat and live in a Democrat run city to fully understand human suffering and human sacrifice.

Yup and I'm wondering if the mayors of Portland, Seattle and Indianapolis will be re-elected after all the care and support they rendered to the business owners in their cities.

Only a moron would doubt Trumps love of the military. Of course "anonymous" tells them exactly what they want to hear. Imbeciles.

Barry hated the military and the only time he was around them was for a photo shoot with Seal team 6 after UBL bought it. Other than that he had nothing but contempt for the military.
Love of the military?? Trump?? LOL Ever hear the term LIP SERVICE? He's fos and Generals and admirals know it

Of course he loves the military. Why wouldn't he? He did go to a military college and he wouldn't have if he hated the military like you think.

Use what little brain you have. dumbass.
My Brain?? You idiot He was sent to military school at a young age because he was an asshole even then

No he went because he wanted to go. You sure are an idiot. But then only an idiot would back Biden. Carry on clueless.
Claude are you always this stupid???
What military school did Donald Trump go to?”

Trump spent five years at New York Military Academy (NYMA), starting in fall 1959, after his father - having concluded that his son, then in seventh grade, needed a more discipline-focused setting - removed him from his Queens private school and sent him upstate to NYMA.

NYMA was a place he loved. He loved that discipline. Being as strong willed as he is If didn't love it he would have left.

Oh and those 44 Trump loving deputies I work with are still waiting to give your Biden loving ass a warm welcome down here in Florida. Come on down. They would love to talk with you about the differences between Trump and Biden. LOL
Run on the issues, Democrats! I dare you. Tell the people what YOUR agenda is and let them compare it to what Trump promises to do. Let the voters decide on THAT instead of all this other crap you're wasting our time with!
You mean like cons trying to make a big deal out of Pelosi's salon visit?
Why should piglousy be treated special
Did you notice in all of the Biden ads he talks about how when he was Vice President he "saved" a million jobs? It that same old bullshit with the "jobs created or saved" they came up with when the Obama Stimulus failed to create even close to the jobs they said it would!

Can't wait to watch you twist yourself into pretzels to special plead this one:

We enacted the largest package of financial relief in American history. Thanks to our Paycheck Protection Program, we have saved or supported more than 50 million American jobs.

- Trump's Republican nomination acceptance speech
I'll simply point out that Trump doesn't have to deceive the voters on his ability to create jobs! Unlike Obama and Biden were forced to. Pretty simple stuff, Anton! Trump's policies create jobs...Biden's will not.

So "jobs saved or..." is only deceptive when Obama/Biden uses it, when Trump uses it, it's god honest truth. Right?

You can't make this insane comedy up :auiqs.jpg:
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