Trump's Revenge: Dems Will Not Be Able To Steal 2024

Let's hope the Steal of 2020 goes the way of hijacking planes with box cutters - once the element of surprise is revealed, you don't see it again.

The planet was thunderstruck when the counting was halted while ballots were manufactured for 6 hours. That kind of treason should be met with lethal force this time around.

Yo stupid... yeah you, gop.... it's about BALLOTS, not votes. Wise the fuck up.

stolen election asterisk.jpg
We had to start fixing it back in 2020. The Covid election laws had to be changed back. People needed to go to jail. Too late to catch up now IMO. I think the only hope is overwhelming numbers to override the cheat, which will be tough.
I think we do have very large margins. If the polls are showing Trump ahead of Dementia by 5 and 6 points in the swing states, you can bet he’s ahead by 9 and 10.

The irony is that while the Progs accuse US of wanting to bring down democracy, that’s what they are doing. What would you call people who know that the majority of voters in all swing states, and in the country as a whole, want Trump - and they plan to pull out every trick in the book to make sure Americans don’t get to elect the president?
The recent MAGA conquest of the RNC has been depicted by the Lamestream media as some narcissistic coup to mold the Republican machine in Trump's image and pay his (Banana Republic induced) legal bills.

Oh, but that's tremendously wishful thinking.

The Democrats should be so lucky.

The reality is the RNC is being transformed into an election integrity sustaining, vote producing super weapon - that is about to be deployed against the DNC and their media toady minions in the most epic possible fashion.

Republicans and right leaning voters everywhere are no longer being forced to pick the Generic "conservative" brand over the greater evil that is the establishment commie Borg.

We've got the real deal this time, and there will be no hiding for the Democrats.

Legal ballot harvesting, true poll watching where we know how many ballots are arriving in real time to each and every precinct, and all expenses being spent to one end: The conclusion of Joe Biden's potemkin "Presidency".

And a team truly invested in nothing less than a resounding Donald Trump, Republican Party romp in November.

Let 2024 begin.

If Trump had been a good conservative president, the dems wouldn't have been able to steal the 2020 election.
Democrats will win in November then MAGAs will attempt to steal it again by threatening our election officials, rioting and then they will continue to lie (and whine and bitch) about election fraud for another four years.
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The fact that you actually think that ANY one who thinks for them self, and is not a follower, becomes un AMERICAN.
lean left or right matters not. The right to chose, not follow is American
Then why wouldn’t the people in Colorado allow their citizens to choose Trump? Or any of the other states trying to kick him off the ballot?

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