Trump's revenge tour begins this week.

Trump will restart his rallies this month starting with the North Carolina Republican Party convention. As a confirmed left winger, I am looking forward to his return. We all know his first and main goal will be to seek revenge on each and every republican who he doesn't deem to be supportive enough of him. The bodies of the unfaithful will be piled high. The fact that many of those people are already in danger of losing their seats to Democrats doesn't make a bit of difference to him. They weren't supportive enough, and they will pay. Of course he will continue to make absurd claims about how the election was stolen from him, but he isn't capable of just making the same old absurd and totally debunked claims. He will have a fresh, new list of claims that are so crazy that even his minions might secretly think he has gone off the deep end. I was wrong when I said there weren't enough crazies to elect him the first time, but that was before the left realized just how terrible he is, and brought out more voters for his opponent than had ever voted before. Keep in mind that his approval rating never reached 50%. It should be entertaining to see him continue to destroy the right wing, and encouraging to know that with each rally, all those who opposed him will again vow to do everything they can to prevent him being elected again. Complacency in any election he is in won't be a problem. I say let his revenge tour begin. Let Trump be Trump. It's the best way to crush him, and his party, or to let him do it himself.
View attachment 497258
Biden is doing great. It's great having a president that doesn't resemble an exploding cigar.
View attachment 497272
A great job indeed, even the media is starting to report on Biden's inflation. He hasn't even been in office for 6 months. He is a disaster.
Democrats hate the poor.
Do you know who doesn't agree with you? The poor.
That is because they are low information. Just the way the Democrats like it.
So the Orange crybaby's Bitch and moan show is going on the road again.

It's impossible to understand how trump's sheep can find joy in watching the Orange pervert beat off in public for two, or more hours.
It is impossible to understand why Congress did not act when they knew( on Jan. 6) 40% of voters thought there was fraud.
Trump will restart his rallies this month starting with the North Carolina Republican Party convention. As a confirmed left winger, I am looking forward to his return. We all know his first and main goal will be to seek revenge on each and every republican who he doesn't deem to be supportive enough of him. The bodies of the unfaithful will be piled high. The fact that many of those people are already in danger of losing their seats to Democrats doesn't make a bit of difference to him. They weren't supportive enough, and they will pay. Of course he will continue to make absurd claims about how the election was stolen from him, but he isn't capable of just making the same old absurd and totally debunked claims. He will have a fresh, new list of claims that are so crazy that even his minions might secretly think he has gone off the deep end. I was wrong when I said there weren't enough crazies to elect him the first time, but that was before the left realized just how terrible he is, and brought out more voters for his opponent than had ever voted before. Keep in mind that his approval rating never reached 50%. It should be entertaining to see him continue to destroy the right wing, and encouraging to know that with each rally, all those who opposed him will again vow to do everything they can to prevent him being elected again. Complacency in any election he is in won't be a problem. I say let his revenge tour begin. Let Trump be Trump. It's the best way to crush him, and his party, or to let him do it himself.
Was going to post it...lolol

I love it. He ain't Prez anymore.LOLOL

He can says a whole lotsa stuffy....HAHAHAHA

The money he will make off these rallies....LOLOLOL


Every libturd will see them....HAHA

He'll make Witter and Facefuck look like childs play...................hehehehehehehehehehe


Yep. He will make a lot of money off of his crazies.

Yeah. All the useless legal fees for 4 yrs of your bullshit.

What you morons did to this country to rid you of Trump. We're a fucking mess in 4 MONTHS

We need someone to unite us against your preplanned destruction of our country. Ain't happenin.

You control the shit holes....fine

Rest of us. Stick it

The Country is doing fine. It's your brain that's a mess. Seek help.

Shut up stupid. Believe in a Russia Hoax for 5 fucking years you dumb ass. You licked every drop out of Fauci's cock you fucking fool. How stupid can you be shit head.

Still butthurt that Biden beat Trump's ass aintcha, pinhead? Reelect your boy & when he rams it deep, he'll make sure he gets a running start on your sorry ass. He's pissed at the whole Country & that includes his cult. Know why? Because he's crazier then a shithouse rat, that's why. Have fun while you still can.
So the Orange crybaby's Bitch and moan show is going on the road again.

It's impossible to understand how trump's sheep can find joy in watching the Orange pervert beat off in public for two, or more hours.
It is impossible to understand why Congress did not act when they knew( on Jan. 6) 40% of voters thought there was fraud.
Yes, but remember, the operative word in your statement is: "thought" there was fraud.
Trump will restart his rallies this month starting with the North Carolina Republican Party convention. As a confirmed left winger, I am looking forward to his return. We all know his first and main goal will be to seek revenge on each and every republican who he doesn't deem to be supportive enough of him. The bodies of the unfaithful will be piled high. The fact that many of those people are already in danger of losing their seats to Democrats doesn't make a bit of difference to him. They weren't supportive enough, and they will pay. Of course he will continue to make absurd claims about how the election was stolen from him, but he isn't capable of just making the same old absurd and totally debunked claims. He will have a fresh, new list of claims that are so crazy that even his minions might secretly think he has gone off the deep end. I was wrong when I said there weren't enough crazies to elect him the first time, but that was before the left realized just how terrible he is, and brought out more voters for his opponent than had ever voted before. Keep in mind that his approval rating never reached 50%. It should be entertaining to see him continue to destroy the right wing, and encouraging to know that with each rally, all those who opposed him will again vow to do everything they can to prevent him being elected again. Complacency in any election he is in won't be a problem. I say let his revenge tour begin. Let Trump be Trump. It's the best way to crush him, and his party, or to let him do it himself.
View attachment 497258
Biden is doing great. It's great having a president that doesn't resemble an exploding cigar.
View attachment 497272
A great job indeed, even the media is starting to report on Biden's inflation. He hasn't even been in office for 6 months. He is a disaster.
Democrats hate the poor.
Do you know who doesn't agree with you? The poor.
That is because they are low information. Just the way the Democrats like it.
Ohhh, Goodie!! Are you saying the poor are stupid just like you say the blacks are stupid? I gotta say I don't understand your strategy, but at least you are consistent.
So the Orange crybaby's Bitch and moan show is going on the road again.

It's impossible to understand how trump's sheep can find joy in watching the Orange pervert beat off in public for two, or more hours.
It is impossible to understand why Congress did not act when they knew( on Jan. 6) 40% of voters thought there was fraud.
Yes, but remember, the operative word in your statement is: "thought" there was fraud.
It was still 40% of the voters that certainly deserved more than being called traitors. There was a way to do like it was done before. It would have taken 10 days. They could not cover their tracks that quick so they betrayed us. There is no other way to look at that huge slap in the face to every citizen.

If you think 40% is a small number the American in you is far lower one, approaching zero.
So the Orange crybaby's Bitch and moan show is going on the road again.

It's impossible to understand how trump's sheep can find joy in watching the Orange pervert beat off in public for two, or more hours.
It is impossible to understand why Congress did not act when they knew( on Jan. 6) 40% of voters thought there was fraud.
Yes, but remember, the operative word in your statement is: "thought" there was fraud.
It was still 40% of the voters that certainly deserved more than being called traitors. There was a way to do like it was done before. It would have taken 10 days. They could not cover their tracks that quick so they betrayed us. There is no other way to look at that huge slap in the face to every citizen.

If you think 40% is a small number the American in you is far lower one, approaching zero.
So you think 40% is higher than the remaining 60%?
So the Orange crybaby's Bitch and moan show is going on the road again.

It's impossible to understand how trump's sheep can find joy in watching the Orange pervert beat off in public for two, or more hours.
It is impossible to understand why Congress did not act when they knew( on Jan. 6) 40% of voters thought there was fraud.
Yes, but remember, the operative word in your statement is: "thought" there was fraud.
It was still 40% of the voters that certainly deserved more than being called traitors. There was a way to do like it was done before. It would have taken 10 days. They could not cover their tracks that quick so they betrayed us. There is no other way to look at that huge slap in the face to every citizen.

If you think 40% is a small number the American in you is far lower one, approaching zero.
So you think 40% is higher than the remaining 60%?
Please. Give it a rest. Trump sheep only thought there was election fraud because Trump was butt-hurt about losing.

He's like a spoiled child. He's been crying and whining for a full year now. It's sickening. Follow this sick Orange clown if you choose to, but don't expect anyone to respect such a stupid choice.

Now let's let it go. Trump is not worth arguing about. He's a loser, a fraud, a thief, a whiner, a degenerate, a bully, and a crybaby.

Sadly, he has a lot of gullible supporters. But the old saying is true, birds of a feather whine together.

Goodbye ... I hope.
Trump will restart his rallies this month starting with the North Carolina Republican Party convention. As a confirmed left winger, I am looking forward to his return. We all know his first and main goal will be to seek revenge on each and every republican who he doesn't deem to be supportive enough of him. The bodies of the unfaithful will be piled high. The fact that many of those people are already in danger of losing their seats to Democrats doesn't make a bit of difference to him. They weren't supportive enough, and they will pay. Of course he will continue to make absurd claims about how the election was stolen from him, but he isn't capable of just making the same old absurd and totally debunked claims. He will have a fresh, new list of claims that are so crazy that even his minions might secretly think he has gone off the deep end. I was wrong when I said there weren't enough crazies to elect him the first time, but that was before the left realized just how terrible he is, and brought out more voters for his opponent than had ever voted before. Keep in mind that his approval rating never reached 50%. It should be entertaining to see him continue to destroy the right wing, and encouraging to know that with each rally, all those who opposed him will again vow to do everything they can to prevent him being elected again. Complacency in any election he is in won't be a problem. I say let his revenge tour begin. Let Trump be Trump. It's the best way to crush him, and his party, or to let him do it himself.
Name one Democrat publicly critical of Biden.
Goose stepping is a Leftist thing.
What a dumb remark. Biden is doing great.
Proof? I mean POOF! Joe Bi-Dumb ain't doing shit except tear the country apart.
So the Orange crybaby's Bitch and moan show is going on the road again.

It's impossible to understand how trump's sheep can find joy in watching the Orange pervert beat off in public for two, or more hours.
It is impossible to understand why Congress did not act when they knew( on Jan. 6) 40% of voters thought there was fraud.
Yes, but remember, the operative word in your statement is: "thought" there was fraud.
It was still 40% of the voters that certainly deserved more than being called traitors. There was a way to do like it was done before. It would have taken 10 days. They could not cover their tracks that quick so they betrayed us. There is no other way to look at that huge slap in the face to every citizen.

If you think 40% is a small number the American in you is far lower one, approaching zero.
So you think 40% is higher than the remaining 60%?
Please. Give it a rest. Trump sheep only thought there was election fraud because Trump was butt-hurt about losing.

He's like a spoiled child. He's been crying and whining for a full year now. It's sickening. Follow this sick Orange clown if you choose to, but don't expect anyone to respect such a stupid choice.

Now let's let it go. Trump is not worth arguing about. He's a loser, a fraud, a thief, a whiner, a degenerate, a bully, and a crybaby.

Sadly, he has a lot of gullible supporters. But the old saying is true, birds of a feather whine together.

Goodbye ... I hope.
Ahh another far Left Communist, just like all the rest of the DemoCRAP party advocation for a far Left one party state.
So the Orange crybaby's Bitch and moan show is going on the road again.

It's impossible to understand how trump's sheep can find joy in watching the Orange pervert beat off in public for two, or more hours.
It is impossible to understand why Congress did not act when they knew( on Jan. 6) 40% of voters thought there was fraud.
Yes, but remember, the operative word in your statement is: "thought" there was fraud.
It was still 40% of the voters that certainly deserved more than being called traitors. There was a way to do like it was done before. It would have taken 10 days. They could not cover their tracks that quick so they betrayed us. There is no other way to look at that huge slap in the face to every citizen.

If you think 40% is a small number the American in you is far lower one, approaching zero.
So you think 40% is higher than the remaining 60%?
Please. Give it a rest. Trump sheep only thought there was election fraud because Trump was butt-hurt about losing.

He's like a spoiled child. He's been crying and whining for a full year now. It's sickening. Follow this sick Orange clown if you choose to, but don't expect anyone to respect such a stupid choice.

Now let's let it go. Trump is not worth arguing about. He's a loser, a fraud, a thief, a whiner, a degenerate, a bully, and a crybaby.

Sadly, he has a lot of gullible supporters. But the old saying is true, birds of a feather whine together.

Goodbye ... I hope.
Why did 7 states symbolically pick alternative electors? There was mountains of evidence that were never investigated.

Don't kid yourself Trump won the election. Don't kid yourself about supporting traitors either.
So the Orange crybaby's Bitch and moan show is going on the road again.

It's impossible to understand how trump's sheep can find joy in watching the Orange pervert beat off in public for two, or more hours.
It is impossible to understand why Congress did not act when they knew( on Jan. 6) 40% of voters thought there was fraud.
Yes, but remember, the operative word in your statement is: "thought" there was fraud.
It was still 40% of the voters that certainly deserved more than being called traitors. There was a way to do like it was done before. It would have taken 10 days. They could not cover their tracks that quick so they betrayed us. There is no other way to look at that huge slap in the face to every citizen.

If you think 40% is a small number the American in you is far lower one, approaching zero.
So you think 40% is higher than the remaining 60%?
Please. Give it a rest. Trump sheep only thought there was election fraud because Trump was butt-hurt about losing.

He's like a spoiled child. He's been crying and whining for a full year now. It's sickening. Follow this sick Orange clown if you choose to, but don't expect anyone to respect such a stupid choice.

Now let's let it go. Trump is not worth arguing about. He's a loser, a fraud, a thief, a whiner, a degenerate, a bully, and a crybaby.

Sadly, he has a lot of gullible supporters. But the old saying is true, birds of a feather whine together.

Goodbye ... I hope.
As long as trump is still the leader of his party, he will be a subject for discussion.
So the Orange crybaby's Bitch and moan show is going on the road again.

It's impossible to understand how trump's sheep can find joy in watching the Orange pervert beat off in public for two, or more hours.
It is impossible to understand why Congress did not act when they knew( on Jan. 6) 40% of voters thought there was fraud.
Yes, but remember, the operative word in your statement is: "thought" there was fraud.
It was still 40% of the voters that certainly deserved more than being called traitors. There was a way to do like it was done before. It would have taken 10 days. They could not cover their tracks that quick so they betrayed us. There is no other way to look at that huge slap in the face to every citizen.

If you think 40% is a small number the American in you is far lower one, approaching zero.
So you think 40% is higher than the remaining 60%?
Please. Give it a rest. Trump sheep only thought there was election fraud because Trump was butt-hurt about losing.

He's like a spoiled child. He's been crying and whining for a full year now. It's sickening. Follow this sick Orange clown if you choose to, but don't expect anyone to respect such a stupid choice.

Now let's let it go. Trump is not worth arguing about. He's a loser, a fraud, a thief, a whiner, a degenerate, a bully, and a crybaby.

Sadly, he has a lot of gullible supporters. But the old saying is true, birds of a feather whine together.

Goodbye ... I hope.
Ahh another far Left Communist, just like all the rest of the DemoCRAP party advocation for a far Left one party state.
I'm not a democrat. I' m an Independent.

But I refuse to follow someone I consider a degenerate. And, that's Trump through and through

Remember, the friends we choose, and the leaders we follow, says a lot about us. If I were ever within ten feet of trump, I'd rush home to take a bath in Penicillin. He's a filthy pig, imo.
Trump will restart his rallies this month starting with the North Carolina Republican Party convention. As a confirmed left winger, I am looking forward to his return. We all know his first and main goal will be to seek revenge on each and every republican who he doesn't deem to be supportive enough of him. The bodies of the unfaithful will be piled high. The fact that many of those people are already in danger of losing their seats to Democrats doesn't make a bit of difference to him. They weren't supportive enough, and they will pay. Of course he will continue to make absurd claims about how the election was stolen from him, but he isn't capable of just making the same old absurd and totally debunked claims. He will have a fresh, new list of claims that are so crazy that even his minions might secretly think he has gone off the deep end. I was wrong when I said there weren't enough crazies to elect him the first time, but that was before the left realized just how terrible he is, and brought out more voters for his opponent than had ever voted before. Keep in mind that his approval rating never reached 50%. It should be entertaining to see him continue to destroy the right wing, and encouraging to know that with each rally, all those who opposed him will again vow to do everything they can to prevent him being elected again. Complacency in any election he is in won't be a problem. I say let his revenge tour begin. Let Trump be Trump. It's the best way to crush him, and his party, or to let him do it himself.
Name one Democrat publicly critical of Biden.
Goose stepping is a Leftist thing.
What a dumb remark. Biden is doing great.
Proof? I mean POOF! Joe Bi-Dumb ain't doing shit except tear the country apart.
You are free to whine all you want. Nobody cares.
Trump will restart his rallies this month starting with the North Carolina Republican Party convention. As a confirmed left winger, I am looking forward to his return. We all know his first and main goal will be to seek revenge on each and every republican who he doesn't deem to be supportive enough of him. The bodies of the unfaithful will be piled high. The fact that many of those people are already in danger of losing their seats to Democrats doesn't make a bit of difference to him. They weren't supportive enough, and they will pay. Of course he will continue to make absurd claims about how the election was stolen from him, but he isn't capable of just making the same old absurd and totally debunked claims. He will have a fresh, new list of claims that are so crazy that even his minions might secretly think he has gone off the deep end. I was wrong when I said there weren't enough crazies to elect him the first time, but that was before the left realized just how terrible he is, and brought out more voters for his opponent than had ever voted before. Keep in mind that his approval rating never reached 50%. It should be entertaining to see him continue to destroy the right wing, and encouraging to know that with each rally, all those who opposed him will again vow to do everything they can to prevent him being elected again. Complacency in any election he is in won't be a problem. I say let his revenge tour begin. Let Trump be Trump. It's the best way to crush him, and his party, or to let him do it himself.

He will be having rallies with people who aren't vaccinated and won't wear masks.

It's a prescription for new surges in the virus.
Trump will restart his rallies this month starting with the North Carolina Republican Party convention. As a confirmed left winger, I am looking forward to his return. We all know his first and main goal will be to seek revenge on each and every republican who he doesn't deem to be supportive enough of him. The bodies of the unfaithful will be piled high. The fact that many of those people are already in danger of losing their seats to Democrats doesn't make a bit of difference to him. They weren't supportive enough, and they will pay. Of course he will continue to make absurd claims about how the election was stolen from him, but he isn't capable of just making the same old absurd and totally debunked claims. He will have a fresh, new list of claims that are so crazy that even his minions might secretly think he has gone off the deep end. I was wrong when I said there weren't enough crazies to elect him the first time, but that was before the left realized just how terrible he is, and brought out more voters for his opponent than had ever voted before. Keep in mind that his approval rating never reached 50%. It should be entertaining to see him continue to destroy the right wing, and encouraging to know that with each rally, all those who opposed him will again vow to do everything they can to prevent him being elected again. Complacency in any election he is in won't be a problem. I say let his revenge tour begin. Let Trump be Trump. It's the best way to crush him, and his party, or to let him do it himself.
Name one Democrat publicly critical of Biden.
Goose stepping is a Leftist thing.
It’s not about criticism, but what would happen if they did. Biden would sit down and talk. Trump would throw a childish fit.

Yes Biden wouldn't go out for revenge on anyone.

He wouldn't publicly threaten them and their job nor would he spend his time working to destroy that person.

That's what trump does.
Trump will restart his rallies this month starting with the North Carolina Republican Party convention. As a confirmed left winger, I am looking forward to his return. We all know his first and main goal will be to seek revenge on each and every republican who he doesn't deem to be supportive enough of him. The bodies of the unfaithful will be piled high. The fact that many of those people are already in danger of losing their seats to Democrats doesn't make a bit of difference to him. They weren't supportive enough, and they will pay. Of course he will continue to make absurd claims about how the election was stolen from him, but he isn't capable of just making the same old absurd and totally debunked claims. He will have a fresh, new list of claims that are so crazy that even his minions might secretly think he has gone off the deep end. I was wrong when I said there weren't enough crazies to elect him the first time, but that was before the left realized just how terrible he is, and brought out more voters for his opponent than had ever voted before. Keep in mind that his approval rating never reached 50%. It should be entertaining to see him continue to destroy the right wing, and encouraging to know that with each rally, all those who opposed him will again vow to do everything they can to prevent him being elected again. Complacency in any election he is in won't be a problem. I say let his revenge tour begin. Let Trump be Trump. It's the best way to crush him, and his party, or to let him do it himself.

I agree with all that but it was disgruntled republicans who voted him out. Statistics will prove that. It had to be because the margin of approx 8 million difference in the fi so count can only have cone from republicans.
None of the repigs have addressed or acknowledged it. Their own party got rid of him. That's a fact.
Trump will restart his rallies this month starting with the North Carolina Republican Party convention. As a confirmed left winger, I am looking forward to his return. We all know his first and main goal will be to seek revenge on each and every republican who he doesn't deem to be supportive enough of him. The bodies of the unfaithful will be piled high. The fact that many of those people are already in danger of losing their seats to Democrats doesn't make a bit of difference to him. They weren't supportive enough, and they will pay. Of course he will continue to make absurd claims about how the election was stolen from him, but he isn't capable of just making the same old absurd and totally debunked claims. He will have a fresh, new list of claims that are so crazy that even his minions might secretly think he has gone off the deep end. I was wrong when I said there weren't enough crazies to elect him the first time, but that was before the left realized just how terrible he is, and brought out more voters for his opponent than had ever voted before. Keep in mind that his approval rating never reached 50%. It should be entertaining to see him continue to destroy the right wing, and encouraging to know that with each rally, all those who opposed him will again vow to do everything they can to prevent him being elected again. Complacency in any election he is in won't be a problem. I say let his revenge tour begin. Let Trump be Trump. It's the best way to crush him, and his party, or to let him do it himself.
I think you pawns should focus on the accomplishments of the Democrats in Congress and the White House. After all, things are going so well it should be easy to speak about all the wonderful things that Democrats have done for the American people.
Trump will restart his rallies this month starting with the North Carolina Republican Party convention. As a confirmed left winger, I am looking forward to his return. We all know his first and main goal will be to seek revenge on each and every republican who he doesn't deem to be supportive enough of him. The bodies of the unfaithful will be piled high. The fact that many of those people are already in danger of losing their seats to Democrats doesn't make a bit of difference to him. They weren't supportive enough, and they will pay. Of course he will continue to make absurd claims about how the election was stolen from him, but he isn't capable of just making the same old absurd and totally debunked claims. He will have a fresh, new list of claims that are so crazy that even his minions might secretly think he has gone off the deep end. I was wrong when I said there weren't enough crazies to elect him the first time, but that was before the left realized just how terrible he is, and brought out more voters for his opponent than had ever voted before. Keep in mind that his approval rating never reached 50%. It should be entertaining to see him continue to destroy the right wing, and encouraging to know that with each rally, all those who opposed him will again vow to do everything they can to prevent him being elected again. Complacency in any election he is in won't be a problem. I say let his revenge tour begin. Let Trump be Trump. It's the best way to crush him, and his party, or to let him do it himself.
I think you pawns should focus on the accomplishments of the Democrats in Congress and the White House. After all, things are going so well it should be easy to speak about all the wonderful things that Democrats have done for the American people.
But surprisingly, nobody cares what you might think.

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