Trump's scams and swindles beginning to saturate the media.

My friends on the right should take a breath and ask themselves "Why would an authentic billionaire need to scam people for money from a phony university?" I don't think Trump is who we think he is.

I'm more concerned about the mental makeup (no pun intended on 'makeup') of a psychotic who thinks he can get away with claiming things never happened that are already on the record, as well as claiming things did happen that have no record.

It speaks to a severe self-delusion. As does his inability to ever admit to any kind of mistake or take any kind of criticism.

Still can't think of a reason to let that degree of psychosis anywhere near the proverbial car keys.

I'm surprised and disappointed that he has gotten as far as he has without a major jerk back in reality from his supporters and I think the effect that he has on our elective system will be written about for years. That said, I can only hope that if he is elected we have a fully Democratic congress to keep him honest and in check.
My friends on the right should take a breath and ask themselves "Why would an authentic billionaire need to scam people for money from a phony university?" I don't think Trump is who we think he is.
Yeah but he'll teach you the secrets insiders don't want you to know.

That's exactly what this guy does too.


He should be Rump's running mate.
If the Democrats are smart they'll send out attack dogs (step up Liz Warren!) instead of having Clinton do the work.
That way he'll be too busy and distracted flailing about at moving multiple targets to concentrate on Clinton.
That's actually the Clinton slime machine's MO.
Yep, absolutely the tip of the iceberg. A long steady unveiling of Don The Con will have him limping into November with the GOP cringing.
Whistling past the graveyard. Hillary is dissolving before our very eyes just like the wicked witch of the West after you throw a bucket of water on her. Hillary's life story is one scandal after another She's still up to her neck in her latest one. How anyone can believe Hillary is a winning candidate is astonishing.
when they can't support hillary it is the only tactic left.
Yep, absolutely the tip of the iceberg. A long steady unveiling of Don The Con will have him limping into November with the GOP cringing.
Whistling past the graveyard. Hillary is dissolving before our very eyes just like the wicked witch of the West after you throw a bucket of water on her. Hillary's life story is one scandal after another She's still up to her neck in her latest one. How anyone can believe Hillary is a winning candidate is astonishing.
when they can't support hillary it is the only tactic left.

"Hillary" isn't any part of the topic here.
Yep, absolutely the tip of the iceberg. A long steady unveiling of Don The Con will have him limping into November with the GOP cringing.
Whistling past the graveyard. Hillary is dissolving before our very eyes just like the wicked witch of the West after you throw a bucket of water on her. Hillary's life story is one scandal after another She's still up to her neck in her latest one. How anyone can believe Hillary is a winning candidate is astonishing.
when they can't support hillary it is the only tactic left.

"Hillary" isn't any part of the topic here.
there also isn't anything about the title in here that matters. So?
Yep, absolutely the tip of the iceberg. A long steady unveiling of Don The Con will have him limping into November with the GOP cringing.
Whistling past the graveyard. Hillary is dissolving before our very eyes just like the wicked witch of the West after you throw a bucket of water on her. Hillary's life story is one scandal after another She's still up to her neck in her latest one. How anyone can believe Hillary is a winning candidate is astonishing.
when they can't support hillary it is the only tactic left.

"Hillary" isn't any part of the topic here.
there also isn't anything about the title in here that matters. So?

So you think you can hijack any thread that's not about what you want to bloviate about?

What are you, eight years old? Like Finger Boy?
Vince Foster's Sister Condemns Trump's 'Cruel' Speculations

BY Tierney Sneed
Sheila Foster Anthony, the sister of the late Vince Foster, has condemned recent speculations by Trump that the Clintons were involved in Foster's death

"How wrong. How irresponsible. How cruel," she wrote in a Washington Post op-ed Thursday.
it's real simple, release the autopsy photos.
or, it's real simple, release the autopsy photos
Vince Foster's Sister Condemns Trump's 'Cruel' Speculations

BY Tierney Sneed
Sheila Foster Anthony, the sister of the late Vince Foster, has condemned recent speculations by Trump that the Clintons were involved in Foster's death

"How wrong. How irresponsible. How cruel," she wrote in a Washington Post op-ed Thursday.
it's real simple, release the autopsy photos.

Are you the family?


Then it's real simple -- go fuck yourself.
This is scurrilous enough coming from right-wing political operatives who have peddled conspiracy theories about Vince’s death for more than two decades. How could this be coming from the presumptive Republican nominee for president?

Vince Foster was my brother. Donald Trump should be ashamed.

Five investigations
, including by independent counsels Robert B. Fiske Jr. and Kenneth Starr, concluded that Vince suffered from severe depression that caused him to be unable to sleep, unable to work, unable to think straight, and finally to take his own life.
Vince Foster was my brother. Donald Trump should be ashamed.
or, it's real simple, release the autopsy photos
Go Fuck yourself you mindless piece of dog Fuck:2up: you want the sister to have to see her brother tore up autopsy photos
for what you mother fucker ...five Investigations have said no murder...get bent
Vince Foster's Sister Condemns Trump's 'Cruel' Speculations

BY Tierney Sneed
Sheila Foster Anthony, the sister of the late Vince Foster, has condemned recent speculations by Trump that the Clintons were involved in Foster's death

"How wrong. How irresponsible. How cruel," she wrote in a Washington Post op-ed Thursday.
it's real simple, release the autopsy photos.

Are you the family?


Then it's real simple -- go fuck yourself.
well there is a report there were two gun shots. so, was there or not, without the photos we don't know. I need the evidence son. Sorry sis, get over it, it's been 20 years.
or, it's real simple, release the autopsy photos
Go Fuck yourself you mindless piece of dog Fuck:2up: you want the sister to have to see her brother tore up autopsy photos
for what you mother fucker ...five Investigations have said no murder...get bent
to show he was murdered that's what, cause I believe he was. hmmmmmmmmmm, how convenient for the Clintons again right? LOL....
to show he was murdered that's what, cause I believe he was. hmmmmmmmmmm, how convenient for the Clintons again right? LOL....

go fuck yourself you worthless shameless blob of lime are a loony mother fucker

Here is the devastating Condemnation of Donald Trump by the sister of Vincent Foster ...Donald Trump is nasty Mother fucker
Vince Foster was my brother. Donald Trump should be ashamed.

Vince Foster was my brother. Donald Trump should be ashamed.

This is scurrilous enough coming from right-wing political operatives who have peddled conspiracy theories about Vince’s death for more than two decades. How could this be coming from the presumptive Republican nominee for president?

Five investigations, including by independent counsels Robert B. Fiske Jr. and Kenneth Starr, concluded that Vince suffered from severe depression that caused him to be unable to sleep, unable to work, unable to think straight, and finally to take his own life.

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