Trump's scams and swindles beginning to saturate the media.

liberal stupidity

"when Republicans are investigated to within an inch of their lives, that's good, but when Democrats are it's because those people doing it are racist and misogynists, and just downright nasty people"
Since the media was already saturated with political liars, what difference can it make?
Five Investigations of Vince Foster say NO MURDER
where are the autopsy photos, let's see the evidence of a single shot, that's all. Have someone who isn't getting paid off by the clintons to witness the photos and tell everyone what is there. I don't need to see the actual photo, just someone not paid off by the clintons money.
Vince Foster was my brother. Donald Trump should be ashamed.

These outrageous suggestions have caused our family untold pain because this issue went on for so long and these reports were so painful to read. For years, our family had to wage a court fight to prevent release of photographs of Vince’s dead body. My heartbroken mother was plagued by harassing phone calls from a reporter.

Vince Foster was my brother. Donald Trump should be ashamed.
Five Investigations of Vince Foster say NO MURDER
where are the autopsy photos, let's see the evidence of a single shot, that's all. Have someone who isn't getting paid off by the clintons to witness the photos and tell everyone what is there. I don't need to see the actual photo, just someone not paid off by the clintons money.
Vince Foster was my brother. Donald Trump should be ashamed.
Vince Foster was my brother. Donald Trump should be ashamed.
If the Democrats are smart they'll send out attack dogs (step up Liz Warren!) instead of having Clinton do the work.
That way he'll be too busy and distracted flailing about at moving multiple targets to concentrate on Clinton.

Clinton’s female surrogates are 100% essential in this campaign. Because what has been Drumpfs history when a woman says anything about him that isn’t glowing….he insults their appearance. This will play right into HRC’s hands that Drumpf’s demeanor disqualifies him from serious consideration for President (which has the added benefit of being the truth).

Only a leftist could consider truth to be a nice bonus perk in what a politician says, rather than an essential requirement and the point of the exercise.
You think Donald Trump is truthful?

Did I say he was? No? Then next time, use your brain for something other than keeping your ears apart, and stop making assumptions and asking asinine questions.
You almost gotta laugh that Harvard reveals stuff about Trump but they have Obama's records locked up in a vault.
Five Investigations of Vince Foster say NO MURDER
where are the autopsy photos, let's see the evidence of a single shot, that's all. Have someone who isn't getting paid off by the clintons to witness the photos and tell everyone what is there. I don't need to see the actual photo, just someone not paid off by the clintons money.

Oh brother.
My friends on the right should take a breath and ask themselves "Why would an authentic billionaire need to scam people for money from a phony university?" I don't think Trump is who we think he is.

I'm more concerned about the mental makeup (no pun intended on 'makeup') of a psychotic who thinks he can get away with claiming things never happened that are already on the record, as well as claiming things did happen that have no record.

It speaks to a severe self-delusion. As does his inability to ever admit to any kind of mistake or take any kind of criticism.

Still can't think of a reason to let that degree of psychosis anywhere near the proverbial car keys.

I'm surprised and disappointed that he has gotten as far as he has without a major jerk back in reality from his supporters and I think the effect that he has on our elective system will be written about for years. That said, I can only hope that if he is elected we have a fully Democratic congress to keep him honest and in check.
That's because many of his supporters are major jerks. Only Republicans see "let him die" as a health policy.
Five Investigations of Vince Foster say NO MURDER
where are the autopsy photos, let's see the evidence of a single shot, that's all. Have someone who isn't getting paid off by the clintons to witness the photos and tell everyone what is there. I don't need to see the actual photo, just someone not paid off by the clintons money.

Oh brother.
If the GOP spent tens of millions of taxpayer money going after the Clinton's over consensual sex, imagine what they would do if they thought there was an actual murder.
I see much Trump victory in this thread. The poor lib fools can't look his stuff up fast enough. I love it. got anymore? Please your showing us your true selves. Something that is truly funny.

Let's see the photos.
Five Investigations of Vince Foster say NO MURDER
where are the autopsy photos, let's see the evidence of a single shot, that's all. Have someone who isn't getting paid off by the clintons to witness the photos and tell everyone what is there. I don't need to see the actual photo, just someone not paid off by the clintons money.

Oh brother.
Trump’s Vince Foster attack backed by new evidence

"Thirteen years ago, WND reported Rodriguez, an assistant U.S. attorney, made an audio recording in which he charged the suicide ruling was predetermined, the crime scene was altered and major newspaper editors killed stories by reporters pursuing the truth.

“This whole notion of [Fiske and Starr] doing an honest investigation is laughable,” Rodriguez says in the tape.

In his resignation letter, Rodriquez refers to photographs showing a wound on Foster’s neck that was not mentioned in Starr’s official government report.

Read more at Trump’s Vince Foster attack backed by new evidence"

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