Trump's screwing of the conservative movement is unforgivable

Are we confusing Conservatism with anything other than being a selfish, self-centered pig?
A candidate like Kasich or Rubio would have breezed passed a very vulnerable Clinton. Clinton is a train wreck, but lucky for her Trump is a bigger one. She should have been easy to beat, but Trump has given her an easy path to a absolute slaughter it won't be pretty. He will also take the senate with him. Honestly it should have been 53-47 in Nov. conservatives losing IL and WI and us winning NV. It would have been huge since 2018 is going to be Republican year for picking up senate seats. The House majority is going to be safe either way. But the pick loss will be the SCOTUS. They will have a 5 judge liberal bloc.

One man has caused this and it is unforgivable!
Would have, could have should of, what if:laugh:, YEA HINDSIGHT IS ALWAYS 20-20..

You guys on the right wanted him now you got him, having buyers remorse much:lmao:

Funny how the clowns on the right ALWAYS yip and yap about how vulnerable Hillary is YET NOBODY CAN BEAT HER:nono:

She has been a punching bag for the Garbage right wingers :deal:for OVER 30 YEARS NOW, and now on the path to 1600 Pennsylvania ave, with the wind at her back:deal:

As far as Kasich goes, he would have had the best chance against her, and the most competitive, but she still would have beat him, and she would have eaten Rubio's lunch:bye1:, and beaten him to a pulp..
Kasich would have cruised least try to be honest.......Rubio might have had a chance...something tells me though he would pull a Romney and be another nice guy loser.

Kasich would have won in a landslide and every single poll between he and Hillary were showing that. Kasich was winning states like Connecticut, Michigan, Wisconsin, etc. that the GOP hasn't won in 30 years.
People will go to the polls to vote for candidate from both parties who are not died-in-the-wool eternal holders of political seats - AT ALL LEVELS!

That's just wishful thinking, not backed up by any evidence.

Trump is only getting support from the old conservative base, and not as much as previous candidates have gotten. He hasn't drawn in new support from any other demographics. Quite the contrary, he's doing worse everywhere.
and yet the primary numbers disagree. oops. again, tooth, keep telling yourself it isn't so. you'll keep surviving until that auspicious day in November comes. LOL :2up:
Kasich would have cruised least try to be honest.......Rubio might have had a chance...something tells me though he would pull a Romney and be another nice guy loser.

Kasich would have won in a landslide and every single poll between he and Hillary were showing that. Kasich was winning states like Connecticut, Michigan, Wisconsin, etc. that the GOP hasn't won in 30 years.
so why didn't he beat trump? you all keep posting this, :lmao:, nonsense. but, but, but, buts are the only thing you sit on, and that's that.
Kasich would have cruised least try to be honest.......Rubio might have had a chance...something tells me though he would pull a Romney and be another nice guy loser.

Kasich would have won in a landslide and every single poll between he and Hillary were showing that. Kasich was winning states like Connecticut, Michigan, Wisconsin, etc. that the GOP hasn't won in 30 years.
so why didn't he beat trump? you all keep posting this, :lmao:, nonsense. but, but, but, buts are the only thing you sit on, and that's that.

Because the Republican base has moved so far off the reservation that everyone to the left of Cruz is now considered a RINO. The funny thing is, Kasich was the most Reaganesque guy in the race. You nut jobs would call Reagan a RINO if he ran today.
A candidate like Kasich or Rubio would have breezed passed a very vulnerable Clinton. Clinton is a train wreck, but lucky for her Trump is a bigger one. She should have been easy to beat, but Trump has given her an easy path to a absolute slaughter it won't be pretty. He will also take the senate with him. Honestly it should have been 53-47 in Nov. conservatives losing IL and WI and us winning NV. It would have been huge since 2018 is going to be Republican year for picking up senate seats. The House majority is going to be safe either way. But the pick loss will be the SCOTUS. They will have a 5 judge liberal bloc.

One man has caused this and it is unforgivable!

You're just figuring this out now?

One could see this coming six months ago.

Kasich would have crushed Hillary. Rubio probably too.

Most of the Republican candidates probably would have beaten her.

The country doesn't want her.

But the Republican party picked the one guy who can't beat her.
Reagan inspired kasich repulsed. ...... any questions.....if he reminded me of anyone it was nixon
Kasich would have cruised least try to be honest.......Rubio might have had a chance...something tells me though he would pull a Romney and be another nice guy loser.

Kasich would have won in a landslide and every single poll between he and Hillary were showing that. Kasich was winning states like Connecticut, Michigan, Wisconsin, etc. that the GOP hasn't won in 30 years.
so why didn't he beat trump? you all keep posting this, :lmao:, nonsense. but, but, but, buts are the only thing you sit on, and that's that.

Because the Republican base has moved so far off the reservation that everyone to the left of Cruz is now considered a RINO. The funny thing is, Kasich was the most Reaganesque guy in the race. You nut jobs would call Reagan a RINO if he ran today.
I call Reagan greatest in my time
A candidate like Kasich or Rubio would have breezed passed a very vulnerable Clinton. Clinton is a train wreck, but lucky for her Trump is a bigger one. She should have been easy to beat, but Trump has given her an easy path to a absolute slaughter it won't be pretty. He will also take the senate with him. Honestly it should have been 53-47 in Nov. conservatives losing IL and WI and us winning NV. It would have been huge since 2018 is going to be Republican year for picking up senate seats. The House majority is going to be safe either way. But the pick loss will be the SCOTUS. They will have a 5 judge liberal bloc.

One man has caused this and it is unforgivable!

You're just figuring this out now?

One could see this coming six months ago.

Kasich would have crushed Hillary. Rubio probably too.

Most of the Republican candidates probably would have beaten her.

The country doesn't want her.

But the Republican party picked the one guy who can't beat her.
But he couldn't beat trump, makes him a loser.
Yet they picked a guy that least represents those values:
(1) He talked about raising taxes in the rich
(2) Not sure his stance on abortion, but he is definitely not pro-life
(3) He is not a religious zealot by any stretch of the imagination
(4) He publicly supports men going into the women's bathroom
(5) He talked about cutting the defense budget
(6) Talks against free trade and pro-tariffs

All he got right is illegal immigration, but his tactic only worked in the primary and alienated a key demo for the generals.

Did you miss my point completely? Did I need to use smaller words?

Okay- Republican Base- Basically, mostly white, mostly uneducated, Straight, Christian.

They have no interest in Free Trade, it works against them. So do tax cuts for the rich. So does deregulation? Who do they thing those regulations protect?

So for years and years and years, the Dumbasses In Jesusland have been voting for Republicans, and the Republicans have been economically screwing them.

So along comes Trump, and he simply dumps the Plutocracy shit and just goes right in for the racism. He says the bare minimum he has to say about abortion. He really isn't hung up on the gay stuff, but let's be honest, when you guys are talking about Cakes and Bathrooms, you've already lost that war.
I am not sure the GOP will ever be able to recover from the Trump candidacy. True Conservatism may be dead. Comrade Trump has so alienated such large segments of the voters that the Republican Party's hopes of winning national elections is nearly gone. I expect Texas to be Blue by 2020.

Texas will be more red in 2020.

No. Quite the opposite.
Demographics is destiny.

Nice OP, btw.
I am not sure the GOP will ever be able to recover from the Trump candidacy. True Conservatism may be dead. Comrade Trump has so alienated such large segments of the voters that the Republican Party's hopes of winning national elections is nearly gone. I expect Texas to be Blue by 2020.

Texas will be more red in 2020.

No. Quite the opposite.
Demographics is destiny.

Nice OP, btw.

America is NOT getting whiter. That is not good for the GOP.
One man has caused this and it is unforgivable!

No, guy. Trump is the end result of what you've been doing to yourselves for 40 years.

For 40 years, the conservative movement has been playing on the racial, sexual and religious fears to get white men to vote against their own economic interests.

And for 40 years, the rich have gotten their tax cuts, but abortion is still legal.

Trump is the frustration of anger that has been stoked made manifest.

The problem is, he really only appeals to that very small slice of the electorate. That's why he's going to lose.

And right down the ticket will lose as well.

Couldn't happen to a nicer party.
One man has caused this and it is unforgivable!

No, guy. Trump is the end result of what you've been doing to yourselves for 40 years.

For 40 years, the conservative movement has been playing on the racial, sexual and religious fears to get white men to vote against their own economic interests.

And for 40 years, the rich have gotten their tax cuts, but abortion is still legal.

Trump is the frustration of anger that has been stoked made manifest.

The problem is, he really only appeals to that very small slice of the electorate. That's why he's going to lose.

And right down the ticket will lose as well.

Couldn't happen to a nicer party.
there's that wishing statement again. I'm going to will hillary to victory. hahahaahhahahaahaha. you better post it again, it may lose all of its luster and glory shortly.
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A candidate like Kasich or Rubio would have breezed passed a very vulnerable Clinton. Clinton is a train wreck, but lucky for her Trump is a bigger one. She should have been easy to beat, but Trump has given her an easy path to a absolute slaughter it won't be pretty. He will also take the senate with him. Honestly it should have been 53-47 in Nov. conservatives losing IL and WI and us winning NV. It would have been huge since 2018 is going to be Republican year for picking up senate seats. The House majority is going to be safe either way. But the pick loss will be the SCOTUS. They will have a 5 judge liberal bloc.

One man has caused this and it is unforgivable!

Demographic changes would have given ANY democratic candidate an edge against ANY republican candidate.

Denying that reality will not help.

Trump gives the Working Class White Dems a reason to cross party lines. We need that to have a chance at victory.

You establishment republicans have to stop sabotaging our Candidate.
A candidate like Kasich or Rubio would have breezed passed a very vulnerable Clinton. Clinton is a train wreck, but lucky for her Trump is a bigger one. She should have been easy to beat, but Trump has given her an easy path to a absolute slaughter it won't be pretty. He will also take the senate with him. Honestly it should have been 53-47 in Nov. conservatives losing IL and WI and us winning NV. It would have been huge since 2018 is going to be Republican year for picking up senate seats. The House majority is going to be safe either way. But the pick loss will be the SCOTUS. They will have a 5 judge liberal bloc.

One man has caused this and it is unforgivable!

Q. Um, how did Trump win the nomination?

A. He appealed to the lunatics on your side of the aisle. Point your finger at the millions of Republikans who seek a neo fascist leader.
Demographic changes would have given ANY democratic candidate an edge against ANY republican candidate.

Denying that reality will not help.

Trump gives the Working Class White Dems a reason to cross party lines. We need that to have a chance at victory.

You establishment republicans have to stop sabotaging our Candidate.

Guy, most working class whites are racist assholes. The few working class white males who vote for Trump will be offset by the women and minorities who will go screaming towards Clinton.

Trump won't clear 40% in the general.

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