Trump's Second Amendment Rhetoric Again Veers Into Threatening Territory

The man is insane. Encouraging the assination of his competitor ( Hillary ) is just a stutter step short of Stalins tactics.

Trump's Second Amendment Rhetoric Again Veers Into Threatening Territory

Donald Trump hit Hillary Clinton on Second Amendment rights during a Miami rally Friday night, but made a controversial statement while doing so — suggesting her Secret Service detail should stop carrying guns and "see what happens to her."

"Now, you know she's very much against the Second Amendment, she wants to destroy your Second Amendment — guns, guns, guns, right? I think what we should do is, she goes around with armed bodyguards like you have never seen before," the GOP nominee said, deviating from his prepared remarks on the teleprompter. "I think that her bodyguards should drop all weapons, they should disarm, right? I think they should disarm. Immediately, what do you think? Yeah, take their guns away. She doesn't want guns. Take their – let's see what happens to her. Take their guns away, OK? It'll be very dangerous."

"Encouraging the assination of his competitor ( Hillary ) is just a stutter step short of Stalins tactics."

You get the award for the dumbest post of the day.
Mr. Obama in the wake of another mass shooting suggested that the clinically insane and people on the terrorist watch list should not be able to buy guns and you people go apeshit. It's all so overblown and stupid that it's almost like you are unaware that it would take a new amendment to the constitution to totally ban your guns.

Nope. As I pointed out, a simple supreme court ruling stating the Constitution does not protect our gun rights, and then all hell breaks loose.
No congress is going to pass a law banning guns for it to even be challenged in federal court. The 2nd amendment is considered "settled law". Justices cannot just reverse what 2 centuries of jurisprudence has said concerning gun rights. Your fears are groundless.
NO matter what Trump says you are going to interpret it in a negative way. He could say he wants to help the poor better themselves and you would turn around and says he is telling poor people that their is something wrong with them because he wants to make them better.
Yeah, no doubt this is a big election regarding the Supes.

They do have to be confirmed, though, and I'm not at all convinced that Hillary would govern as a hardcore liberal. My suspicion is that she'd be just to the left of Bill and not much more.

Remember she's gotta keep the base happy during the campaign, like anyone else.

Like Trump, more than likely she won't go a second term, so she won't care about who she makes happy. If you were a betting man, would you bet that we have a better chance at keeping our gun rights with Trump or with Hil-Liar? That's why I'm voting for Trump.
Well, if we were going by chance or likelihood, yeah, I'd have to agree. I just don't see it getting anywhere near that far.

On the other hand, I'm wrong all the time. Just ask my wife.
What's her user name? :spinner:
No congress is going to pass a law banning guns for it to even be challenged in federal court. The 2nd amendment is considered "settled law". Justices cannot just reverse what 2 centuries of jurisprudence has said concerning gun rights. Your fears are groundless.

The hell they can't. All it takes is another case to go in front of the SC and they can rule anyway they desire.

Congress is not who I was referring to anyway. If after the court changes, a gun owner wants to have his or her right protected because the city placed a ban on semi-automatic handguns, that's when the SC will hear a new case regarding guns. They can rule that it's either a violation of the 2nd or it isn't. When they rule that it isn't, that opens the door for every city and state to do the exact same thing.
Mr. Obama in the wake of another mass shooting suggested that the clinically insane and people on the terrorist watch list should not be able to buy guns and you people go apeshit. It's all so overblown and stupid that it's almost like you are unaware that it would take a new amendment to the constitution to totally ban your guns.

Nope. As I pointed out, a simple supreme court ruling stating the Constitution does not protect our gun rights, and then all hell breaks loose.
No congress is going to pass a law banning guns for it to even be challenged in federal court. The 2nd amendment is considered "settled law". Justices cannot just reverse what 2 centuries of jurisprudence has said concerning gun rights. Your fears are groundless.
Justices can rule however the freaking want to rule on cases. Also, they get to pick and choose from a large list of cases from the lower courts that get appealed, so they certainly can find one that deals with the 2nd amendment.
Trump is just pointing out Hillary's hypocrisy on the 2nd amendment. Guns to protect her elitist ass okay, but guns to protect the average citizen should be banned.
The man is insane. Encouraging the assination of his competitor ( Hillary ) is just a stutter step short of Stalins tactics.

Trump's Second Amendment Rhetoric Again Veers Into Threatening Territory

Donald Trump hit Hillary Clinton on Second Amendment rights during a Miami rally Friday night, but made a controversial statement while doing so — suggesting her Secret Service detail should stop carrying guns and "see what happens to her."

"Now, you know she's very much against the Second Amendment, she wants to destroy your Second Amendment — guns, guns, guns, right? I think what we should do is, she goes around with armed bodyguards like you have never seen before," the GOP nominee said, deviating from his prepared remarks on the teleprompter. "I think that her bodyguards should drop all weapons, they should disarm, right? I think they should disarm. Immediately, what do you think? Yeah, take their guns away. She doesn't want guns. Take their – let's see what happens to her. Take their guns away, OK? It'll be very dangerous."
considering the 2nd was written with the ability of the people being able to fight back against an oppressive or over reaching government, I assume you think that the 2nd, and I suppose those that wrote the constitution were in your mind, also venturing into dangerous territory and should have been rounded up for suggesting a way to overthrow and restore the government.
And yes I do think our government is getting dangerously close to fitting the description of what the founding fathers were afraid of.
Liberals have destroyed this country with their pansy ass afraid of everything and everyone no responsibility lifestyle
Trump threw millions of his supporters under the bus yesterday when he told them they were idiots for believing that Birther crap... inflammatory gun nut remark is maybe just Trump offering some salve for their wounds.

"Trump threw millions of his supporters under the bus yesterday when he told them they were idiots for believing that Birther crap..."

Do you have a link to that statement you say he made?
Actually he made a solid point that some on the progressive left believe removing firearms from the general society will make this country safer but what if you took the firearms away from Hillary Clinton Secret Service Detail?

She would be less safe and no Donald Trump was not making any threat against her but pointing out the reality that her Security Detail are carrying guns and make her life safer.

Stupid premise.....Hillary is NOT calling for the removal of ALL guns (like those carried by her security team).....Hillary is advocating for stronger background checks on the sale of military style know, the kind that insane and terrorists can buy at any gun store.
Anyway, trump doesn't give a hoot about this second amendment thing, for one, he knows the second amendment will never be eliminated,

and second,

He's said what he said because he WANTED another controversy for the press to talk about in HOPES that they would focus on this instead of his useless "show and a dance" he put on yesterday at his new hotel and with his fallen flat Birther Statement....he doesn't want the "talk" this weekend to be on his Birther stances....

Are you guys truly so clueless on Trump's modus operandi? This is what he does...creates another scandal to get the press off of the last scandalous thing he said....
The man is insane. Encouraging the assination of his competitor ( Hillary ) is just a stutter step short of Stalins tactics.

Trump's Second Amendment Rhetoric Again Veers Into Threatening Territory

Donald Trump hit Hillary Clinton on Second Amendment rights during a Miami rally Friday night, but made a controversial statement while doing so — suggesting her Secret Service detail should stop carrying guns and "see what happens to her."

"Now, you know she's very much against the Second Amendment, she wants to destroy your Second Amendment — guns, guns, guns, right? I think what we should do is, she goes around with armed bodyguards like you have never seen before," the GOP nominee said, deviating from his prepared remarks on the teleprompter. "I think that her bodyguards should drop all weapons, they should disarm, right? I think they should disarm. Immediately, what do you think? Yeah, take their guns away. She doesn't want guns. Take their – let's see what happens to her. Take their guns away, OK? It'll be very dangerous."
Not surprised the op fell for another click bait propaganda piece. Of course his take is complete bull shit. The point is Hillary doesn't want citizens to defend themselves so she should also give up the guns used to protect her. Anything else is pure made up crap.
Let's be real dude. That's pure unmitigated nonsense.

How so?

If we disarm society, the bad guys will still have their guns. Even the Democrats know this. Even if we in the US had the strictest gun laws in the world, her agents would still need theirs. Why? Because you can't eliminate all guns. Somebody will have them and it's not something you can stop.

Yes, Hil-Liar needs guns, but so do the rest of us. If you come here and talk to the people on the east side of Cleveland, they will tell you how it sounds like a firing range in their neighborhood almost every night. Yes, those people do need their guns--even more so than Hillary.

Your straw man argument is bs. Trump knows a gunfight would ensue if anybody tried to disarm Clintons Secret Service security detail. And timing is everything to a reality tv show star like Trump.
You and your desperado sheep of liberal morons know precisely his intent but you're so fucking desperate now because that old rotten BIATCH is losing her fat azz off.. The DOnald is 100% correct. Helly wants to disarm Americans.. YOU FIRST YOU BIATCH.. DISARM, which means your secret service detail..
The point has been made that government officials want to disarm people who want to protect themselves from crime. The same government officials still walk around with armed guards. Now if they feel that they need to be protected and insist that they have that right then why can't anyone else?
So, I assume then that Trump will be dismissing his Secret Service security detail
I think his personal security detail is far better prepared since they are not constrained by PC......good thing they are there to direct the SS.....
So, I assume then that Trump will be dismissing his personal security detail
Why, Trump supports the 2A.....

That's a lie.

Is that why the NRA endorsed him?
Donald Trump hit Hillary Clinton on Second Amendment rights during a Miami rally Friday night, but made a controversial statement while doing so — suggesting her Secret Service detail should stop carrying guns and "see what happens to her."
Any time he veers off the teleprompter, pretty much anything can happen.

Conway has improved his public persona by keeping him on a very short leash, but the real Trump can pop out at any time.
The coward steps up and LIES..
Trump points out Hillary's hypocrisy & libs have gone ape shit, as we all see.

'Nuff said...
The point has been made that government officials want to disarm people who want to protect themselves from crime. The same government officials still walk around with armed guards. Now if they feel that they need to be protected and insist that they have that right then why can't anyone else?

They know that... IT'S CALLED DESPERATION.. Throwing out anything now to see if it will stick.. and it fucking won't.. This is how INSANE these liberoidal pukes are.. America fucking hates these people and their media whores.. NOTHING will stop the TrumpTrain.
No congress is going to pass a law banning guns for it to even be challenged in federal court. The 2nd amendment is considered "settled law". Justices cannot just reverse what 2 centuries of jurisprudence has said concerning gun rights. Your fears are groundless.

The hell they can't. All it takes is another case to go in front of the SC and they can rule anyway they desire.

Congress is not who I was referring to anyway. If after the court changes, a gun owner wants to have his or her right protected because the city placed a ban on semi-automatic handguns, that's when the SC will hear a new case regarding guns. They can rule that it's either a violation of the 2nd or it isn't. When they rule that it isn't, that opens the door for every city and state to do the exact same thing.
You live in a fantasy world so much that you cannot even admit your side won the guns in America debate. I repeat, your side won. There is no political will on the left to pursue total gun bans anymore because they finally realized how useless and politically damaging it would be. Talking to a gun nut is like trying to talk a suicidal person off a ledge.

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