Trump's Second Amendment Rhetoric Again Veers Into Threatening Territory

So, I assume then that Trump will be dismissing his Secret Service security detail
I think his personal security detail is far better prepared since they are not constrained by PC......good thing they are there to direct the SS.....
So, I assume then that Trump will be dismissing his personal security detail
Why, Trump supports the 2A.....

That's a lie.
That's a lie.
Trump threw millions of his supporters under the bus yesterday when he told them they were idiots for believing that Birther crap... inflammatory gun nut remark is maybe just Trump offering some salve for their wounds.

Not really, now he can get to more important issues like how to get Americans a paycheck while the clintons are trying to get them a welfare check. The clintons were the ones that brought up the birther issue anyway in 2008. Your side is losing, hillary well disliked, Trump on the rise. Not too late to get on the Trump train.
Trump isn't the one trying to disarm we the people. I really don't care about his tax returns, I demand to see why the hillary bleached all those emails.
Hillary isn't trying to disarm anyone. Post a link of her saying that or sit down and stfu
You fucking liberals are scary ignorant....

Hillary Clinton: Australia Gun Ban 'Worth Looking At'
So, no quote of her saying she wants to disarm Americans and abolish the Second Amendment

Clinton: "In the Australian example, as I recall, that was a buyback program. The Australian government as part of trying to clamp down on the availability of…weapons offered a good price for buying hundreds of thousands of guns and basically clamped down going forward, in terms of having more of a background check approach–more of a permitting approach. the Australian example, as I recall, that was a buyback program. The Australian government as part of trying to clamp down on the availability of…weapons offered a good price for buying hundreds of thousands of guns and basically clamped down going forward, in terms of having more of a background check approach–more of a permitting approach."

Nice headline, Brietbart, but her quote doesn't live up to it

Thanks for playing :fu:

Of course not. She understands that the 2nd Amendment is a powerful force against tyranny, so she and her buddies have to disarm people bit by bit. Go after the type of guns, while trying to disarm people who were in trouble with the law once, for example. bit by bit. There will come a time when your credit rating will determine if you're eligible to own a gun.
Oh shit Hillary is going to win, go out and buy another dozen guns and a million rounds. You are being played and it sucks for us non paranoid gun owners because the prices for ammo have went insane.
Liberals with guns are the ultimate in humor....:lol:
Democrats wanting to ban all guns is entirely a fabrication by the NRA to sell more guns on behalf of the gun industry. .
I don't know if the NRA is the genesis of the hysteria, but it has certainly been spread by conservative media.

There are eight zillion guns in this country. "They" are not going to break down doors and take them away.

But I'm pretty sure many think that really is the plan.
No, "They" are not at the point of taking law abiding people's guns YET. So the job is to regulate the ability to carry guns to obscurity.
Democrats wanting to ban all guns is entirely a fabrication by the NRA to sell more guns on behalf of the gun industry. .
I don't know if the NRA is the genesis of the hysteria, but it has certainly been spread by conservative media.

There are eight zillion guns in this country. "They" are not going to break down doors and take them away.

But I'm pretty sure many think that really is the plan.
After the supreme court passed it's decision that that total gun bans are unconstitutional I am sure there was a very serious meeting at the NRA where they decided to act as if the decision had went the other way.
Trump suggested the Gun-hating Hillary should have her Secret Service dis-arm if she feels so strongly about no guns. He then suggested to do so would be dangerous for her.

I don't see the problem.

The whole reason they carry gun is because they DO think it is potentially dangerous for her on the campaign trail...which is what Trump said / meant.

The fact / revelation that Hillary started the Birther movement in 2008 now has you libs freaking out & desperate!
Democrats wanting to ban all guns is entirely a fabrication by the NRA to sell more guns on behalf of the gun industry. .
I don't know if the NRA is the genesis of the hysteria, but it has certainly been spread by conservative media.

There are eight zillion guns in this country. "They" are not going to break down doors and take them away.

But I'm pretty sure many think that really is the plan.
After the supreme court passed it's decision that that total gun bans are unconstitutional I am sure there was a very serious meeting at the NRA where they decided to act as if the decision had went the other way.
A lot of the things you liberals think is insane.....
Democrats wanting to ban all guns is entirely a fabrication by the NRA to sell more guns on behalf of the gun industry. .
I don't know if the NRA is the genesis of the hysteria, but it has certainly been spread by conservative media.

There are eight zillion guns in this country. "They" are not going to break down doors and take them away.

But I'm pretty sure many think that really is the plan.
No, "They" are not at the point of taking law abiding people's guns YET. So the job is to regulate the ability to carry guns to obscurity.
Your phantom fears have no basis in reality.
The man is insane. Encouraging the assination of his competitor ( Hillary ) is just a stutter step short of Stalins tactics.

Trump's Second Amendment Rhetoric Again Veers Into Threatening Territory

Donald Trump hit Hillary Clinton on Second Amendment rights during a Miami rally Friday night, but made a controversial statement while doing so — suggesting her Secret Service detail should stop carrying guns and "see what happens to her."

"Now, you know she's very much against the Second Amendment, she wants to destroy your Second Amendment — guns, guns, guns, right? I think what we should do is, she goes around with armed bodyguards like you have never seen before," the GOP nominee said, deviating from his prepared remarks on the teleprompter. "I think that her bodyguards should drop all weapons, they should disarm, right? I think they should disarm. Immediately, what do you think? Yeah, take their guns away. She doesn't want guns. Take their – let's see what happens to her. Take their guns away, OK? It'll be very dangerous."

Actually he made a solid point that some on the progressive left believe removing firearms from the general society will make this country safer but what if you took the firearms away from Hillary Clinton Secret Service Detail?

She would be less safe and no Donald Trump was not making any threat against her but pointing out the reality that her Security Detail are carrying guns and make her life safer.

What trump said was clearly a threat to Clintons life. And he knows it. That's why he said it.

that is a LIE !!!
I don't know if the NRA is the genesis of the hysteria, but it has certainly been spread by conservative media.

There are eight zillion guns in this country. "They" are not going to break down doors and take them away.

But I'm pretty sure many think that really is the plan.

No, we don't.

What is the plan is to put in as many lib judges on the Supreme Court to guarantee they will rule we don't have a constitutional right to own firearms outside of our police, military and militias which really don't exist anymore.

From there, cities and states could make any law they want against guns. Cities could allow lawsuits against gun manufacturers for the unintended firearm deaths in their city. That would cause them to stop selling guns in that city or state. They could place a dollar per round tax on ammo. They could make you buy a half million dollar liability insurance policy if you are a gun owner. They could even outlaw guns in their state entirely.

Nothing would be able to stop cities and states from doing such things because we would no longer have the constitutional right to own or carry firearms.
Trump suggested the Gun-hating Hillary should have her Secret Service dis-arm if she feels so strongly about no guns. He then suggested to do so would be dangerous for her.

I don't see the problem.

The whole reason they carry gun is because they DO think it is potentially dangerous for her on the campaign trail...which is what Trump said / meant.

The fact / revelation that Hillary started the Birther movement in 2008 now has you libs freaking out & desperate!
He is lying about Clinton's policy position on guns.
Trump suggested the Gun-hating Hillary should have her Secret Service dis-arm if she feels so strongly about no guns. He then suggested to do so would be dangerous for her.

I don't see the problem.

The whole reason they carry gun is because they DO think it is potentially dangerous for her on the campaign trail...which is what Trump said / meant.

The fact / revelation that Hillary started the Birther movement in 2008 now has you libs freaking out & desperate!
He is lying about Clinton's policy position on guns.
This position?

Hillary Clinton: Australia Gun Ban 'Worth Looking At'
Typical leftist blather.

mrs bill says "guns are bad, we must get rid of guns!"

Trump says "you first"

Leftist morons screech "zomg! Did you HEAR that?? Trump, Trump, Trump!!"


Fucking idiots.

Trump trump trump, all aboard, get on the trump train towards more paychecks instead of welfare checks, which is all bill and hillary have to offer anyway, since they want to eliminate more jobs anyway, right tim? Link below. Where does this monstrosity of a candidate think the coal miners are going to get jobs after she shuts down coal country? Why, uncle sam will take care of them. They might have to get in line behind all the refugees her and barak are bringing here though. Hey, immigration is our strength.

Does anyone smell that STANK? Liberal desperation on a Saturday morning? :banana: The loony left on display for the entire world to watch- with their media whores in tow.. LOL
Let's be real dude. That's pure unmitigated nonsense.

How so?

If we disarm society, the bad guys will still have their guns. Even the Democrats know this. Even if we in the US had the strictest gun laws in the world, her agents would still need theirs. Why? Because you can't eliminate all guns. Somebody will have them and it's not something you can stop.

Yes, Hil-Liar needs guns, but so do the rest of us. If you come here and talk to the people on the east side of Cleveland, they will tell you how it sounds like a firing range in their neighborhood almost every night. Yes, those people do need their guns--even more so than Hillary.

Your straw man argument is bs. Trump knows a gunfight would ensue if anybody tried to disarm Clintons Secret Service security detail. And timing is everything to a reality tv show star like Trump.
So, you're saying hitlerys SS detail would shoot her when she tries to disarm them?

Is that you butplug ?
Careful, I have huge hands....:lol:
Democrats wanting to ban all guns is entirely a fabrication by the NRA to sell more guns on behalf of the gun industry. The NRA has no reason to exist, the supreme court passed their ruling and still half the country thinks their 2nd amendment rights hang in the balance.

No because gun sales don't increase based on what the NRA has to say. Gun sales did increase dramatically after DumBama yapped about more restrictions on guns. He's the best gun salesman in the entire US.
I don't know if the NRA is the genesis of the hysteria, but it has certainly been spread by conservative media.

There are eight zillion guns in this country. "They" are not going to break down doors and take them away.

But I'm pretty sure many think that really is the plan.

No, we don't.

What is the plan is to put in as many lib judges on the Supreme Court to guarantee they will rule we don't have a constitutional right to own firearms outside of our police, military and militias which really don't exist anymore.

From there, cities and states could make any law they want against guns. Cities could allow lawsuits against gun manufacturers for the unintended firearm deaths in their city. That would cause them to stop selling guns in that city or state. They could place a dollar per round tax on ammo. They could make you buy a half million dollar liability insurance policy if you are a gun owner. They could even outlaw guns in their state entirely.

Nothing would be able to stop cities and states from doing such things because we would no longer have the constitutional right to own or carry firearms.
Well, that is the most comprehensive argument I've seen from that side, thanks.

My question on this has always been, "okay, what would this look like logistically, in real life?"

I think the only way the scenario you describe could happen on a widespread level is if conservatives/Republicans were just wiped out electorally from coast to coast. Yes, courts could have influence, but electoral results would have to be such that cities and states took it to the courts in the first place.

But thanks.
Trump just said, "Hillary doesn't look healthy."



You libs are pathetic...and funny as hell!

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