Trump's Second Amendment Rhetoric Again Veers Into Threatening Territory

Democrats wanting to ban all guns is entirely a fabrication by the NRA to sell more guns on behalf of the gun industry. The NRA has no reason to exist, the supreme court passed their ruling and still half the country thinks their 2nd amendment rights hang in the balance.

No because gun sales don't increase based on what the NRA has to say. Gun sales did increase dramatically after DumBama yapped about more restrictions on guns. He's the best gun salesman in the entire US.

Mr. Obama in the wake of another mass shooting suggested that the clinically insane and people on the terrorist watch list should not be able to buy guns and you people go apeshit. It's all so overblown and stupid that it's almost like you are unaware that it would take a new amendment to the constitution to totally ban your guns.
Democrats wanting to ban all guns is entirely a fabrication by the NRA to sell more guns on behalf of the gun industry. .
I don't know if the NRA is the genesis of the hysteria, but it has certainly been spread by conservative media.

There are eight zillion guns in this country. "They" are not going to break down doors and take them away.

But I'm pretty sure many think that really is the plan.
No, "They" are not at the point of taking law abiding people's guns YET. So the job is to regulate the ability to carry guns to obscurity.
Your phantom fears have no basis in reality.
Then John Stossel should be able to get a CWP in NY. His life has been publicly threatened.
Well, that is the most comprehensive argument I've seen from that side, thanks.

My question on this has always been, "okay, what would this look like logistically, in real life?"

I think the only way the scenario you describe could happen on a widespread level is if conservatives/Republicans were just wiped out electorally from coast to coast. Yes, courts could have influence, but electoral results would have to be such that cities and states took it to the courts in the first place.

But thanks.

SC justices are there for life. It wouldn't matter if we changed every seat in the House and Senate to GOP. There is no law that they could write against the US Constitution. That's the problem, and it's why this election is so crucial. Once Hillary changes that court, it will remain that way for at least a generation if not longer.
What trump said was clearly a threat to Clintons life. And he knows it. That's why he said it.

That's the funny thing about you leftists, you make up meanings of words in your own mind.

What Trump did was make a point that we all need protection in this country--not just Hil-Liar. The reason her people carry guns is for protection. Democrats try to convince us that we little people don't need guns. Okay, if we don't, why does Hil-Lair? And if she really believes that guns don't protect us, then why is her SS using them to protect her?

You're so full of shit that you stink. All Hillary wants to do(it's been explained dozens of times) is to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and mentally unstable folks. 'Course since the NRA is nothing more than a branch of the gun manufacturers of America they are "Johnny On The Spot" to make every possible gun control look like a "Do Away With Guns" move by the Left. Phuck 'Em!!
Trump's correct again and displays both the glaring idiocy of the left and exposes the Dem base as useful idiots.

Hillary and her unarmed security detail should only appear in gunew free zones.

But some animals are more equal than others

Gun free zones don't prohibit armed security.

Why would you need armed security in a gun free Zone?

Why do government officials think they get to assume the basic rights they would deny American citizens
The man is insane. Encouraging the assination of his competitor ( Hillary ) is just a stutter step short of Stalins tactics.

Trump's Second Amendment Rhetoric Again Veers Into Threatening Territory

Donald Trump hit Hillary Clinton on Second Amendment rights during a Miami rally Friday night, but made a controversial statement while doing so — suggesting her Secret Service detail should stop carrying guns and "see what happens to her."

"Now, you know she's very much against the Second Amendment, she wants to destroy your Second Amendment — guns, guns, guns, right? I think what we should do is, she goes around with armed bodyguards like you have never seen before," the GOP nominee said, deviating from his prepared remarks on the teleprompter. "I think that her bodyguards should drop all weapons, they should disarm, right? I think they should disarm. Immediately, what do you think? Yeah, take their guns away. She doesn't want guns. Take their – let's see what happens to her. Take their guns away, OK? It'll be very dangerous."

Where exactly was the threat made? Man is the left getting desperate.
Well, that is the most comprehensive argument I've seen from that side, thanks.

My question on this has always been, "okay, what would this look like logistically, in real life?"

I think the only way the scenario you describe could happen on a widespread level is if conservatives/Republicans were just wiped out electorally from coast to coast. Yes, courts could have influence, but electoral results would have to be such that cities and states took it to the courts in the first place.

But thanks.

SC justices are there for life. It wouldn't matter if we changed every seat in the House and Senate to GOP. There is no law that they could write against the US Constitution. That's the problem, and it's why this election is so crucial. Once Hillary changes that court, it will remain that way for at least a generation if not longer.
Yeah, no doubt this is a big election regarding the Supes.

They do have to be confirmed, though, and I'm not at all convinced that Hillary would govern as a hardcore liberal. My suspicion is that she'd be just to the left of Bill and not much more.

Remember she's gotta keep the base happy during the campaign, like anyone else.
Mr. Obama in the wake of another mass shooting suggested that the clinically insane and people on the terrorist watch list should not be able to buy guns and you people go apeshit. It's all so overblown and stupid that it's almost like you are unaware that it would take a new amendment to the constitution to totally ban your guns.

Nope. As I pointed out, a simple supreme court ruling stating the Constitution does not protect our gun rights, and then all hell breaks loose.
Libs are idiots for denying for so long Hillary started it all.

She didn't. It's your new Birtherism after Trump told you that you were and are an idiot for being an original Birther.
Sorry, DENIER, her camp already admitted they circulated it in 2008, & the links / evidence have been posted. It's done. Either OWN IT or go back into your cave and keep DENYING it.

Trump's correct again and displays both the glaring idiocy of the left and exposes the Dem base as useful idiots.

Hillary and her unarmed security detail should only appear in gunew free zones.

But some animals are more equal than others

Gun free zones don't prohibit armed security.

Why would you need armed security in a gun free Zone?

DUUUHH!!! You just don't get the idea of law enforcement do you?
What trump said was clearly a threat to Clintons life. And he knows it. That's why he said it.

That's the funny thing about you leftists, you make up meanings of words in your own mind.

What Trump did was make a point that we all need protection in this country--not just Hil-Liar. The reason her people carry guns is for protection. Democrats try to convince us that we little people don't need guns. Okay, if we don't, why does Hil-Lair? And if she really believes that guns don't protect us, then why is her SS using them to protect her?

You're so full of shit that you stink. All Hillary wants to do(it's been explained dozens of times) is to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and mentally unstable folks. 'Course since the NRA is nothing more than a branch of the gun manufacturers of America they are "Johnny On The Spot" to make every possible gun control look like a "Do Away With Guns" move by the Left. Phuck 'Em!!
For a group that likes to glorify responsible gun ownership they are remarkably irresponsible with their gun politics.
Yeah, no doubt this is a big election regarding the Supes.

They do have to be confirmed, though, and I'm not at all convinced that Hillary would govern as a hardcore liberal. My suspicion is that she'd be just to the left of Bill and not much more.

Remember she's gotta keep the base happy during the campaign, like anyone else.

Like Trump, more than likely she won't go a second term, so she won't care about who she makes happy. If you were a betting man, would you bet that we have a better chance at keeping our gun rights with Trump or with Hil-Liar? That's why I'm voting for Trump.
Trump's correct again and displays both the glaring idiocy of the left and exposes the Dem base as useful idiots.

Hillary and her unarmed security detail should only appear in gunew free zones.

But some animals are more equal than others

Gun free zones don't prohibit armed security.

Why would you need armed security in a gun free Zone?

DUUUHH!!! You just don't get the idea of law enforcement do you?

Hillarys SS detail is now law enforcement?
Trump's correct again and displays both the glaring idiocy of the left and exposes the Dem base as useful idiots.

Hillary and her unarmed security detail should only appear in gunew free zones.

But some animals are more equal than others

Gun free zones don't prohibit armed security.

Why would you need armed security in a gun free Zone?

DUUUHH!!! You just don't get the idea of law enforcement do you?
You just don't get the idea of America, do You?
Yeah, no doubt this is a big election regarding the Supes.

They do have to be confirmed, though, and I'm not at all convinced that Hillary would govern as a hardcore liberal. My suspicion is that she'd be just to the left of Bill and not much more.

Remember she's gotta keep the base happy during the campaign, like anyone else.

Like Trump, more than likely she won't go a second term, so she won't care about who she makes happy. If you were a betting man, would you bet that we have a better chance at keeping our gun rights with Trump or with Hil-Liar? That's why I'm voting for Trump.
Well, if we were going by chance or likelihood, yeah, I'd have to agree. I just don't see it getting anywhere near that far.

On the other hand, I'm wrong all the time. Just ask my wife.
You're so full of shit that you stink. All Hillary wants to do(it's been explained dozens of times) is to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and mentally unstable folks. 'Course since the NRA is nothing more than a branch of the gun manufacturers of America they are "Johnny On The Spot" to make every possible gun control look like a "Do Away With Guns" move by the Left. Phuck 'Em!!

And it's all a lie that you and your ilk bought into. You can't keep guns out of the hands of criminals. That's been our point all along. Laws only work on law abiding citizens--not criminals. So all she would be able to do is disarm the victims and then have a society where only the police and criminals have the guns.

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