Trump's Stock Market is Cratering

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At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?
When it was setting records people like yourself were giving the credit to Obama, a little down trend and now its suddenly Trumps market.
these douches are nothing but tops. they spin on command.

There were a 1000 threads on here about "Trump's market" when it was going up, but a few down days and all you zealots forget about those.

Talk about spin, you are the king
There are always many threads when the market is going up. The market is down now almost where it was when Trump signed the tax bill; that is the market has discounted the tax cut which makes today a better time to buy after all the hoopla over the tax cut has died down.
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So the wealthy invest in the stock market, yet most Americans aren't invested. Sounds like we need to imitate where the rich invest their money.
We need to do a better job of teaching personal finance to kids, something that is sadly lacking today.

I agree with you, our educational system for finance is horrible. We need to teach budgeting, investing, going into business for yourself. We need to let people take risks and chances on investing and business and we need a return to the small business mentality.
The financial knowledge of most kids getting out of high school today is you can spend money until your debit card is turned down and start again when your parents or an employer puts some money in your account.

I have 3 grand kids graduating from high school this year and next. I seriously doubt that any of them have ever heard of a 401K, know the difference between simple interest and compound interest, or what determines the price of a stock.

/----/ I set up custodial accounts for my 4 grandkids ranging in age from 1 1/2 to 5. Each has about $10k in them so far and I add more each year. I've explained to their parents that the grandkids will gain control of the money when they graduate college and have taken at least two courses, one in financial planning and another in stock trading. As they get older I plan to teaching them as much as I can and showing them how I trade the Options market.

I did about same the same thing but set up 529 college savings plans for each kid so I don't have to pay any tax on earnings of the plans and as long as the funds are used for college, distributions will be tax free. However, if the kid does not go to college, community college, or an accredited trade or vocational schools, the plan earnings will be taxable on withdrawal plus a 10% penalty. So there is a downside.

Trump just made a change to 529 plans allowing the funds to be used for private K-12 schools which makes the plans even more flexible.
/----/ Great job !!!!
At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?
When it was setting records people like yourself were giving the credit to Obama, a little down trend and now its suddenly Trumps market.
these douches are nothing but tops. they spin on command.

There were a 1000 threads on here about "Trump's market" when it was going up, but a few down days and all you zealots forget about those.

Talk about spin, you are the king
There are always many threads when the market is going up. The market is down now almost where it was when Trump signed the tax bill; that is the market has discounted the tax cut which makes today a better time to buy after all the hoopla over the tax cut has died down.

Naw, the SP500 is still up 4% YTD , so it has a ways to go to get back down to where it was on 12/22/2017 when Trump signed the tax bill.;)
At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?
When it was setting records people like yourself were giving the credit to Obama, a little down trend and now its suddenly Trumps market.
these douches are nothing but tops. they spin on command.

There were a 1000 threads on here about "Trump's market" when it was going up, but a few down days and all you zealots forget about those.

Talk about spin, you are the king
There are always many threads when the markets going up. The market is down now almost where it was when Trump signed the tax bill; that is the market has discounted tax cut which makes today a better time to buy after all the hoopla over the tax cut has died down.

True but that ain't saying much. Put/Call, AAII bear/bull ratios and short interest are in the loony tunes zone. Amazon has less revenues than WalMart but a much higher market cap with net revenues going down. Similar problems also exist in all the non-financial hot stocks.
It's just terrible I tell ya!

Why just the other day I stood in a soup line for 12 hours, only to get a tea spoon and sent away.
I'm surprised this silly thread is still going, but perhaps people are taking turns mocking the OP for its ignorance. Google "dow jones" and select the 5-year view. Notice how the market took off shortly after Trump was elected.
THE Left's Poc Marked face is Cratering along with their COUP.

No one should be shocked! It's amusing to see and hear people "poo-pooing" a drop of 2%, down 590+ when they were so sure The DOW would continue to skyrocket! They'll probably call it a "correction!" Idiots & liars abound on 'the right!' When will it stop inching up? The inflation rate is also going up so Trump's big mouth may have triggered something in the economy! We'll see! :1peleas: :dunno: :eusa_naughty:
At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?

Ha Ha. The run up goes to Obama while the decline goes to Trump. Do you know the difference between a crater and a correction? At this point, what difference does it make? Liberals hate capitalism.

You're denying that Trump supporters have been giving Trump credit for the market rise ever since he won the election?

No..... I am denying nothing. I’m sure Trump Supporters have given him credit for market rise. Markets respond rationally and irrationally alike to policy from a President or Congress. I don’t put too much blame ore credit either way. I do however watch to see how business react to policy. Are they reducing workforce, cutting pay, reducing benefits or hours in response to policy such as mandated healthcare type or artificial wage mandates or are we seeing more take-home pay, more jobs, more bonuses in response to policy?
I'm surprised this silly thread is still going, but perhaps people are taking turns mocking the OP for its ignorance. Google "dow jones" and select the 5-year view. Notice how the market took off shortly after Trump was elected.
The market took off in 2009 and has not stopped since.
Trump bragged about the stock market doing well, can he now take the blame for the worst week in 2 years?
No one should be shocked! It's amusing to see and hear people "poo-pooing" a drop of 2%, down 590+ when they were so sure The DOW would continue to skyrocket! They'll probably call it a "correction!" Idiots & liars abound on 'the right!' When will it stop inching up? The inflation rate is also going up so Trump's big mouth may have triggered something in the economy! We'll see! :1peleas: :dunno: :eusa_naughty:

More left wing hoping the economy goes bad. The left is pathetic.
At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?

Ha Ha. The run up goes to Obama while the decline goes to Trump. Do you know the difference between a crater and a correction? At this point, what difference does it make? Liberals hate capitalism.

You're denying that Trump supporters have been giving Trump credit for the market rise ever since he won the election?

No..... I am denying nothing. I’m sure Trump Supporters have given him credit for market rise. Markets respond rationally and irrationally alike to policy from a President or Congress. I don’t put too much blame ore credit either way. I do however watch to see how business react to policy. Are they reducing workforce, cutting pay, reducing benefits or hours in response to policy such as mandated healthcare type or artificial wage mandates or are we seeing more take-home pay, more jobs, more bonuses in response to policy?

Do you think it will last? I’m seeing signs the economy might be in for another slowdown.
At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?
When it was setting records people like yourself were giving the credit to Obama, a little down trend and now its suddenly Trumps market.
these douches are nothing but tops. they spin on command.

There were a 1000 threads on here about "Trump's market" when it was going up, but a few down days and all you zealots forget about those.

Talk about spin, you are the king
There are always many threads when the market is going up. The market is down now almost where it was when Trump signed the tax bill; that is the market has discounted the tax cut which makes today a better time to buy after all the hoopla over the tax cut has died down.
so is it trump's stock market or obummer's?
Actually we do need about a 10% correction soon or bank interest rates could hit 6% by June. The Fed expects 5.4% GDP this quarter. I got laughed at on this board for predicting 5+% for the first qtr of 2019 only a few months ago. That rate of delta growth is also a prediction of more than $1T budget surplus this year. Treasuries could go negative interest rates. The Westpac model Trump is using is quite robust and Blue Wall defaults are coming because those states are not participating in GDP boom.
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