Trump's Stock Market is Cratering

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Trump created 200,000 jobs just in January. MAGA Baby!

US Population Grew by 190,000 in January. So all that increased debt & inflation for 10k jobs. Plus it does not make up for the dismal jobs numbers since September. LOL

The unemployment rate for Blacks increased from 6.8% to 7.7 percent in January.

Overall unemployment is down to a 17 year low. Sorry for the bad news skippy.

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 227,000 in January 2017, and the unemployment rate was little changed at 4.8 percent, the U.S. Bureau of LaborStatistics reported today. Job gains occurred in retail trade, construction, and financial activities. Feb 3, 2017

Trump must be the Wizard of Washington in your mind, before the ink was dry on his inauguration papers he was solely responsible for turning around our economy (of course those of us who peek behind the curtain, know the real Donald Trump).

Why credit has not been bestowed on President Obama for his part in digging our economy out of the hole he inherited, and Trump get accolades for it is no mystery.
There were a 1000 threads on here about "Trump's market" when it was going up, but a few down days and all you zealots forget about those.

Talk about spin, you are the king

This forum was filled daily with mulitpeld threads giving Trump 100% credit for the stock market when it was moving up.

But the first even small downturn you Trump zealots are making post like this....Who knew that Trump owned the stock market??

You whine about the left spinning when you are just as bad, it not worse.
dude, it's trump's stock market. if you think it is as well why were you and the rest giving credit to obummer.

I give credit to neither as I am neither a sheep nor a zealot. The POTUS does not control the stock market, and in fact has very little impact on its ups and downs. The fact you think it is Trump's stock market just shows your lack of understanding of our economy.
Oh correct, the president does not control the stock market, the president does not create jobs. yet when people talk about presidents if the policies and confidence brings economic trouble, who gets blamed? I just love the lack of patriotism from you and your kind.

So, because I do not give any POTUS credit for shit they didn’t do I have a lack of patriotism?

20 years in the Marines mean nothing because I refuse to suck the cock of Trump like you do daily.

Only in the mind of a brain dead zealot

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This forum was filled daily with mulitpeld threads giving Trump 100% credit for the stock market when it was moving up.

But the first even small downturn you Trump zealots are making post like this....Who knew that Trump owned the stock market??

You whine about the left spinning when you are just as bad, it not worse.
dude, it's trump's stock market. if you think it is as well why were you and the rest giving credit to obummer.

I give credit to neither as I am neither a sheep nor a zealot. The POTUS does not control the stock market, and in fact has very little impact on its ups and downs. The fact you think it is Trump's stock market just shows your lack of understanding of our economy.
Oh correct, the president does not control the stock market, the president does not create jobs. yet when people talk about presidents if the policies and confidence brings economic trouble, who gets blamed? I just love the lack of patriotism from you and your kind.

So, because I do not give any POTUS credit for shit they didn’t do I have a lack of patriotism?

20 years in the Marines mean nothing because I refuse to suck the cock of Trump like you do daily.

Only in the mind of a brain dead zealot

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you know what, fk your answer. Pulling out your service doesn't prove anything. Service men kill regular civilians and other retired service people. proves absolutely nothing. if you don't give credit to POTUS how do you judge his success? too funny.
Trump created 200,000 jobs just in January. MAGA Baby!

US Population Grew by 190,000 in January. So all that increased debt & inflation for 10k jobs. Plus it does not make up for the dismal jobs numbers since September. LOL

The unemployment rate for Blacks increased from 6.8% to 7.7 percent in January.

Overall unemployment is down to a 17 year low. Sorry for the bad news skippy.

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 227,000 in January 2017, and the unemployment rate was little changed at 4.8 percent, the U.S. Bureau of LaborStatistics reported today. Job gains occurred in retail trade, construction, and financial activities. Feb 3, 2017

Trump must be the Wizard of Washington in your mind, before the ink was dry on his inauguration papers he was solely responsible for turning around our economy (of course those of us who peek behind the curtain, know the real Donald Trump).

Why credit has not been bestowed on President Obama for his part in digging our economy out of the hole he inherited, and Trump get accolades for it is no mystery.

I don’t credit Trump for it. I don’t blame Trump for it. I didn’t blame Clinton for the recession right after he left office. I didn’t blame Obama for the slow economy. The economy has its own path and we just ride it out.

Why is “kiss my” so intent on wanting bad news? Instead of asking him why he wants things in this country to go bad, you jump me for nothing I ever said or claimed. You are a real partisan lefty. You aren’t for America you are for the left. This is the lowest unemployment in several years and our wages are going up. This is a time to be happy but you losers seem to want doom and gloom. By the way, Obama was still taking credit for the stock market in December of 2017, yet you morons don’t say a thing about it. Lol!
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Trump created 200,000 jobs just in January. MAGA Baby!

US Population Grew by 190,000 in January. So all that increased debt & inflation for 10k jobs. Plus it does not make up for the dismal jobs numbers since September. LOL

The unemployment rate for Blacks increased from 6.8% to 7.7 percent in January.

Overall unemployment is down to a 17 year low. Sorry for the bad news skippy.

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 227,000 in January 2017, and the unemployment rate was little changed at 4.8 percent, the U.S. Bureau of LaborStatistics reported today. Job gains occurred in retail trade, construction, and financial activities. Feb 3, 2017

Trump must be the Wizard of Washington in your mind, before the ink was dry on his inauguration papers he was solely responsible for turning around our economy (of course those of us who peek behind the curtain, know the real Donald Trump).

Why credit has not been bestowed on President Obama for his part in digging our economy out of the hole he inherited, and Trump get accolades for it is no mystery.

I don’t credit Trump for it. I don’t blame Trump for it. I didn’t blame Clinton for the recession right after left office. I didn’t blame Obama for the slow economy. The economy has its own path and we just ride it out.

Why is kiss my so intent on wanting bad news. This is the lowest unemployment in several years and our wages are going up. This is a time to be happy but you losers seem to want doom and gloom. By the way, Obama was still taking credit for the stock market in December of 2017, yet you morons don’t say a thing about it. Lol!

If they weren't thick as a brick they wouldn't be Ds in the first place.
Trump created 200,000 jobs just in January. MAGA Baby!

US Population Grew by 190,000 in January. So all that increased debt & inflation for 10k jobs. Plus it does not make up for the dismal jobs numbers since September. LOL

The unemployment rate for Blacks increased from 6.8% to 7.7 percent in January.

Overall unemployment is down to a 17 year low. Sorry for the bad news skippy.

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 227,000 in January 2017, and the unemployment rate was little changed at 4.8 percent, the U.S. Bureau of LaborStatistics reported today. Job gains occurred in retail trade, construction, and financial activities. Feb 3, 2017

Trump must be the Wizard of Washington in your mind, before the ink was dry on his inauguration papers he was solely responsible for turning around our economy (of course those of us who peek behind the curtain, know the real Donald Trump).

Why credit has not been bestowed on President Obama for his part in digging our economy out of the hole he inherited, and Trump get accolades for it is no mystery.

I don’t credit Trump for it. I don’t blame Trump for it. I didn’t blame Clinton for the recession right after left office. I didn’t blame Obama for the slow economy. The economy has its own path and we just ride it out.

Why is kiss my so intent on wanting bad news. This is the lowest unemployment in several years and our wages are going up. This is a time to be happy but you losers seem to want doom and gloom. By the way, Obama was still taking credit for the stock market in December of 2017, yet you morons don’t say a thing about it. Lol!

If they weren't thick as a brick they wouldn't be Ds in the first place.

Time will tell if Trump&dCo., Ryan and McConnell are effective in keeping the economy off the rocks. The attack on the PPACA , The Tax Bill and the new Chair of the FED need to be watched for what they do, not what they say.

Cutting taxes when the national debt was the major concern of the R's, until they passed the tax bill, should make everyone wonder. Clearly it is a new iteration of trickle down / Voodoo economics, a fake theory which has in the past not done what it was promised to do.
This forum was filled daily with mulitpeld threads giving Trump 100% credit for the stock market when it was moving up.

But the first even small downturn you Trump zealots are making post like this....Who knew that Trump owned the stock market??

You whine about the left spinning when you are just as bad, it not worse.
dude, it's trump's stock market. if you think it is as well why were you and the rest giving credit to obummer.

I give credit to neither as I am neither a sheep nor a zealot. The POTUS does not control the stock market, and in fact has very little impact on its ups and downs. The fact you think it is Trump's stock market just shows your lack of understanding of our economy.
Oh correct, the president does not control the stock market, the president does not create jobs. yet when people talk about presidents if the policies and confidence brings economic trouble, who gets blamed? I just love the lack of patriotism from you and your kind.

So, because I do not give any POTUS credit for shit they didn’t do I have a lack of patriotism?

20 years in the Marines mean nothing because I refuse to suck the cock of Trump like you do daily.

Only in the mind of a brain dead zealot

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you know what, fk your answer. Pulling out your service doesn't prove anything. Service men kill regular civilians and other retired service people. proves absolutely nothing. if you don't give credit to POTUS how do you judge his success? too funny.

Well, fuck you too for questioning my loyalty to the country just because we disagree politically.

It is shit like thIs that is fucking up the country.

I judge success based on things the POTUS has control over, spending, debt, govt intrusions into our lives

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dude, it's trump's stock market. if you think it is as well why were you and the rest giving credit to obummer.

I give credit to neither as I am neither a sheep nor a zealot. The POTUS does not control the stock market, and in fact has very little impact on its ups and downs. The fact you think it is Trump's stock market just shows your lack of understanding of our economy.
Oh correct, the president does not control the stock market, the president does not create jobs. yet when people talk about presidents if the policies and confidence brings economic trouble, who gets blamed? I just love the lack of patriotism from you and your kind.

So, because I do not give any POTUS credit for shit they didn’t do I have a lack of patriotism?

20 years in the Marines mean nothing because I refuse to suck the cock of Trump like you do daily.

Only in the mind of a brain dead zealot

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you know what, fk your answer. Pulling out your service doesn't prove anything. Service men kill regular civilians and other retired service people. proves absolutely nothing. if you don't give credit to POTUS how do you judge his success? too funny.

Well, fuck you too for questioning my loyalty to the country just because we disagree politically.

It is shit like thIs that is fucking up the country.

I judge success based on things the POTUS has control over, spending, debt, govt intrusions into our lives

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isn't that what you supposedly fought for? to give me the right to challenge you. I did. you don't like it, your problem
US Population Grew by 190,000 in January. So all that increased debt & inflation for 10k jobs. Plus it does not make up for the dismal jobs numbers since September. LOL

The unemployment rate for Blacks increased from 6.8% to 7.7 percent in January.

Overall unemployment is down to a 17 year low. Sorry for the bad news skippy.

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 227,000 in January 2017, and the unemployment rate was little changed at 4.8 percent, the U.S. Bureau of LaborStatistics reported today. Job gains occurred in retail trade, construction, and financial activities. Feb 3, 2017

Trump must be the Wizard of Washington in your mind, before the ink was dry on his inauguration papers he was solely responsible for turning around our economy (of course those of us who peek behind the curtain, know the real Donald Trump).

Why credit has not been bestowed on President Obama for his part in digging our economy out of the hole he inherited, and Trump get accolades for it is no mystery.

I don’t credit Trump for it. I don’t blame Trump for it. I didn’t blame Clinton for the recession right after left office. I didn’t blame Obama for the slow economy. The economy has its own path and we just ride it out.

Why is kiss my so intent on wanting bad news. This is the lowest unemployment in several years and our wages are going up. This is a time to be happy but you losers seem to want doom and gloom. By the way, Obama was still taking credit for the stock market in December of 2017, yet you morons don’t say a thing about it. Lol!

If they weren't thick as a brick they wouldn't be Ds in the first place.

Time will tell if Trump&dCo., Ryan and McConnell are effective in keeping the economy off the rocks. The attack on the PPACA , The Tax Bill and the new Chair of the FED need to be watched for what they do, not what they say.

Cutting taxes when the national debt was the major concern of the R's, until they passed the tax bill, should make everyone wonder. Clearly it is a new iteration of trickle down / Voodoo economics, a fake theory which has in the past not done what it was promised to do.

So when did not spending become such an issue for Democrats? Hell, they spent every chance they got for eight years and were upset that Republicans wouldn’t spend more, now you are all conservative. Bizarre!

We need to cut spending deeply and need to raise taxes to pay the debt down. Again, you right and left loons aren’t smart enough to do what is right, just what is easy.

Then you bring up promises? Lol! You nut jobs are so moronic.

This forum was filled daily with mulitpeld threads giving Trump 100% credit for the stock market when it was moving up.

But the first even small downturn you Trump zealots are making post like this....Who knew that Trump owned the stock market??

You whine about the left spinning when you are just as bad, it not worse.
dude, it's trump's stock market. if you think it is as well why were you and the rest giving credit to obummer.

I give credit to neither as I am neither a sheep nor a zealot. The POTUS does not control the stock market, and in fact has very little impact on its ups and downs. The fact you think it is Trump's stock market just shows your lack of understanding of our economy.
Oh correct, the president does not control the stock market, the president does not create jobs. yet when people talk about presidents if the policies and confidence brings economic trouble, who gets blamed? I just love the lack of patriotism from you and your kind.

So, because I do not give any POTUS credit for shit they didn’t do I have a lack of patriotism?

20 years in the Marines mean nothing because I refuse to suck the cock of Trump like you do daily.

Only in the mind of a brain dead zealot

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I don’t give Presidents much credit or blame when things go well or awry. There are so many other real factors that can turn the economy. I do think the Presidents outlook on the economy can help or hinder the economy, but not to the extent of preventing or causing a recession.
I think the reliance on 2.6% GDP growth being the dividing line between deficit and surplus is being overdone. A tax on remittances would be a big help in speeding up self deportation and therefore wage growth.
At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?

Ha Ha. The run up goes to Obama while the decline goes to Trump. Do you know the difference between a crater and a correction? At this point, what difference does it make? Liberals hate capitalism.
At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?

Ha Ha. The run up goes to Obama while the decline goes to Trump. Do you know the difference between a crater and a correction? At this point, what difference does it make? Liberals hate capitalism.

You're denying that Trump supporters have been giving Trump credit for the market rise ever since he won the election?
Trump created 200,000 jobs just in January. MAGA Baby!

US Population Grew by 190,000 in January. So all that increased debt & inflation for 10k jobs. Plus it does not make up for the dismal jobs numbers since September. LOL

The unemployment rate for Blacks increased from 6.8% to 7.7 percent in January.

That is the same thing we use to say about Obama's dismal employment records. The sonofabitch would get up in front of you stupid Moon Bats and brag about the jobs he created but it never kept up with population growth, especially with him allowing the Illegals to flood across. You Moon Bats never said a word about it. You Moon Bats also never bitched about eight years of an increase in poverty, decrease in family income, tremendous debt and dismal economic growth. You pretended that low workforce participation rate was not important and that the increase in come disparity was a no never mind.

Trump is working hard to undo the damage done by Obama and he is making headway. I am getting a nice fat 401K check each month and I am paying a few hundred dollars less in filthy income tax because of Trump. Career outlook for my two sons are looking great with the expanding economy due to lower taxation. Those are good things. He is doing a good job. Obama did a terrible job.
Trump created 200,000 jobs just in January. MAGA Baby!

US Population Grew by 190,000 in January. So all that increased debt & inflation for 10k jobs. Plus it does not make up for the dismal jobs numbers since September. LOL

The unemployment rate for Blacks increased from 6.8% to 7.7 percent in January.

Overall unemployment is down to a 17 year low. Sorry for the bad news skippy.

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 227,000 in January 2017, and the unemployment rate was little changed at 4.8 percent, the U.S. Bureau of LaborStatistics reported today. Job gains occurred in retail trade, construction, and financial activities. Feb 3, 2017

Trump must be the Wizard of Washington in your mind, before the ink was dry on his inauguration papers he was solely responsible for turning around our economy (of course those of us who peek behind the curtain, know the real Donald Trump).

Why credit has not been bestowed on President Obama for his part in digging our economy out of the hole he inherited, and Trump get accolades for it is no mystery.

I don’t credit Trump for it. I don’t blame Trump for it. I didn’t blame Clinton for the recession right after left office. I didn’t blame Obama for the slow economy. The economy has its own path and we just ride it out.

Why is kiss my so intent on wanting bad news. This is the lowest unemployment in several years and our wages are going up. This is a time to be happy but you losers seem to want doom and gloom. By the way, Obama was still taking credit for the stock market in December of 2017, yet you morons don’t say a thing about it. Lol!

If they weren't thick as a brick they wouldn't be Ds in the first place.

It takes a real moron to be a Democrat. They are the scum of this country. The only smart Democrats are the Welfare Queens and Illegals sitting around doing nothing and collecting their welfare check. All they have to do to earn that nice check is to vote for Democrats every couple of years. They even get a free Obamaphone out of the deal.
Trump created 200,000 jobs just in January. MAGA Baby!

US Population Grew by 190,000 in January. So all that increased debt & inflation for 10k jobs. Plus it does not make up for the dismal jobs numbers since September. LOL

The unemployment rate for Blacks increased from 6.8% to 7.7 percent in January.

That is the same thing we use to say about Obama's dismal employment records. The sonofabitch would get up in front of you stupid Moon Bats and brag about the jobs he created but it never kept up with population growth, especially with him allowing the Illegals to flood across. You Moon Bats never said a word about it. You Moon Bats also never bitched about eight years of an increase in poverty, decrease in family income, tremendous debt and dismal economic growth. You pretended that low workforce participation rate was not important and that the increase in come disparity was a no never mind.

Trump is working hard to undo the damage done by Obama and he is making headway. I am getting a nice fat 401K check each month and I am paying a few hundred dollars less in filthy income tax because of Trump. Career outlook for my two sons are looking great with the expanding economy due to lower taxation. Those are good things. He is doing a good job. Obama did a terrible job.
Trump is seeing LFF reentry: discouraged workers are starting to look for work and that gets them listed as UE. To Trump's credit he is trying to increase this form of UE. Ideally black LFF reentry should drive black UE well north of 10%.
Since most Americans have little or no money invested in the stock market, changes in stock prices are of little or no benefit to them. Those that see the big benefits in bull markets are the top 20% who own 92% of the stock.

The value of a bull market is indirect for most people. It certainly has a positive effect on the economy by increasing the overall expansion of business but most people are unaware of that.
Since most Americans have little or no money invested in the stock market, changes in stock prices are of little or no benefit to them. Those that see the big benefits in bull markets are the top 20% who own 92% of the stock.

The value of a bull market is indirect for most people. It certainly has a positive effect on the economy by increasing the overall expansion of business but most people are unaware of that.

So the wealthy invest in the stock market, yet most Americans aren't invested. Sounds like we need to imitate where the rich invest their money.
We need to do a better job of teaching personal finance to kids, something that is sadly lacking today.

I agree with you, our educational system for finance is horrible. We need to teach budgeting, investing, going into business for yourself. We need to let people take risks and chances on investing and business and we need a return to the small business mentality.
The financial knowledge of most kids getting out of high school today is you can spend money until your debit card is turned down and start again when your parents or an employer puts some money in your account.

I have 3 grand kids graduating from high school this year and next. I seriously doubt that any of them have ever heard of a 401K, know the difference between simple interest and compound interest, or what determines the price of a stock.

/----/ I set up custodial accounts for my 4 grandkids ranging in age from 1 1/2 to 5. Each has about $10k in them so far and I add more each year. I've explained to their parents that the grandkids will gain control of the money when they graduate college and have taken at least two courses, one in financial planning and another in stock trading. As they get older I plan to teaching them as much as I can and showing them how I trade the Options market.

I did about same the same thing but set up 529 college savings plans for each kid so I don't have to pay any tax on earnings of the plans and as long as the funds are used for college, distributions will be tax free. However, if the kid does not go to college, community college, or an accredited trade or vocational schools, the plan earnings will be taxable on withdrawal plus a 10% penalty. So there is a downside.

Trump just made a change to 529 plans allowing the funds to be used for private K-12 schools which makes the plans even more flexible.
Oh correct, the president does not control the stock market, the president does not create jobs. yet when people talk about presidents if the policies and confidence brings economic trouble, who gets blamed? I just love the lack of patriotism from you and your kind.

So nobody has been crediting Trump with the economy and the stock market?

then how did he create a crater?

By being able to move the markets, as all of you claim, or at least you did when the market was going up.
dude, you can't have it both ways. I keep telling you that. either it is or it isn't. Now what is it?

You're the one that wants it both ways. You want credit for Trump when market goes up, no blame for Trump if market goes down.
bullshit. it's his. either direction. I am an american first bubba. I want my country to be doing great. you don't.
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