Trump's Stock Market is Cratering

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This forum was filled daily with mulitpeld threads giving Trump 100% credit for the stock market when it was moving up.

But the first even small downturn you Trump zealots are making post like this....Who knew that Trump owned the stock market??

You whine about the left spinning when you are just as bad, it not worse.
dude, it's trump's stock market. if you think it is as well why were you and the rest giving credit to obummer.

I give credit to neither as I am neither a sheep nor a zealot. The POTUS does not control the stock market, and in fact has very little impact on its ups and downs. The fact you think it is Trump's stock market just shows your lack of understanding of our economy.
Oh correct, the president does not control the stock market, the president does not create jobs. yet when people talk about presidents if the policies and confidence brings economic trouble, who gets blamed? I just love the lack of patriotism from you and your kind.

So nobody has been crediting Trump with the economy and the stock market?

then how did he create a crater?

By being able to move the markets, as all of you claim, or at least you did when the market was going up.
these douches are nothing but tops. they spin on command.

There were a 1000 threads on here about "Trump's market" when it was going up, but a few down days and all you zealots forget about those.

Talk about spin, you are the king

This forum was filled daily with mulitpeld threads giving Trump 100% credit for the stock market when it was moving up.

But the first even small downturn you Trump zealots are making post like this....Who knew that Trump owned the stock market??

You whine about the left spinning when you are just as bad, it not worse.
dude, it's trump's stock market. if you think it is as well why were you and the rest giving credit to obummer.
Well, the stock market had about an equal run up under Obama as under Trump. I actually gave Bernank and the Fed more credit than Obama, but he didn't undercut the Feds' actions. Trump's talk of more spending and the tax cuts have fueled the "Trump Bullmarket."

But the problem with taking credit, is .... markets ALWAYS fall, and this one is sent for the fall, and that's not my opinon, but the opinion of people who do this for a living. Not that people want to dump stocks, but they are watching bond yields by the minute. The Fed's shedding bonds. Foreign investors don't love our gummit debt as they used to (and Trump deserves partial "credit.") Investors are buying stocks with money they borrow at low rates, and the Fed's slowly raising rates ... and the personal income tax is potentially inflationary, and at any sign of inflation the Fed's job is to jack up rates faster ..... and that would lead not just to a fall in the stock market but a recession. So, give Trump credit now, but don't expect posters to let you walk it back when it falls, and esp if it falls really badly.
dude, I would be fine with what you wrote. My only issue is the negative press to trump about it. and the obummer stock market and kept up obummer's momentum. How can it be obummer momentum if the president shouldn't get credit? you all talk out both sides of your mouth. If any of you fks ever got an honest bone in your body, I'd behave differently to you. but, hypocrisy doesn't float my boat.
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dude, it's trump's stock market. if you think it is as well why were you and the rest giving credit to obummer.

I give credit to neither as I am neither a sheep nor a zealot. The POTUS does not control the stock market, and in fact has very little impact on its ups and downs. The fact you think it is Trump's stock market just shows your lack of understanding of our economy.
Oh correct, the president does not control the stock market, the president does not create jobs. yet when people talk about presidents if the policies and confidence brings economic trouble, who gets blamed? I just love the lack of patriotism from you and your kind.

So nobody has been crediting Trump with the economy and the stock market?

then how did he create a crater?

By being able to move the markets, as all of you claim, or at least you did when the market was going up.
dude, you can't have it both ways. I keep telling you that. either it is or it isn't. Now what is it?
I give credit to neither as I am neither a sheep nor a zealot. The POTUS does not control the stock market, and in fact has very little impact on its ups and downs. The fact you think it is Trump's stock market just shows your lack of understanding of our economy.
Oh correct, the president does not control the stock market, the president does not create jobs. yet when people talk about presidents if the policies and confidence brings economic trouble, who gets blamed? I just love the lack of patriotism from you and your kind.

So nobody has been crediting Trump with the economy and the stock market?

then how did he create a crater?

By being able to move the markets, as all of you claim, or at least you did when the market was going up.
dude, you can't have it both ways. I keep telling you that. either it is or it isn't. Now what is it?
Investors are speculators and large numbers of them have been speculating that Trump's policies are and will be terrific for business and future prosperity. Many are now having second thoughts and doubts.
Oh correct, the president does not control the stock market, the president does not create jobs. yet when people talk about presidents if the policies and confidence brings economic trouble, who gets blamed? I just love the lack of patriotism from you and your kind.

So nobody has been crediting Trump with the economy and the stock market?

then how did he create a crater?

By being able to move the markets, as all of you claim, or at least you did when the market was going up.
dude, you can't have it both ways. I keep telling you that. either it is or it isn't. Now what is it?
Investors are speculators and large numbers of them have been speculating that Trump's policies are and will be terrific for business and future prosperity. Many are now having second thoughts and doubts.
so if you don't think the market makes correction or takes profits, then you shouldn't be in this discussion.
At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?
Today getting murdered Trump is an AH who doesn't know how to speak to others. In grade school he received an F in works and plays well with others
I give credit to neither as I am neither a sheep nor a zealot. The POTUS does not control the stock market, and in fact has very little impact on its ups and downs. The fact you think it is Trump's stock market just shows your lack of understanding of our economy.
Oh correct, the president does not control the stock market, the president does not create jobs. yet when people talk about presidents if the policies and confidence brings economic trouble, who gets blamed? I just love the lack of patriotism from you and your kind.

So nobody has been crediting Trump with the economy and the stock market?

then how did he create a crater?

By being able to move the markets, as all of you claim, or at least you did when the market was going up.
dude, you can't have it both ways. I keep telling you that. either it is or it isn't. Now what is it?

You're the one that wants it both ways. You want credit for Trump when market goes up, no blame for Trump if market goes down.
Oh correct, the president does not control the stock market, the president does not create jobs. yet when people talk about presidents if the policies and confidence brings economic trouble, who gets blamed? I just love the lack of patriotism from you and your kind.

So nobody has been crediting Trump with the economy and the stock market?

then how did he create a crater?

By being able to move the markets, as all of you claim, or at least you did when the market was going up.
dude, you can't have it both ways. I keep telling you that. either it is or it isn't. Now what is it?

You're the one that wants it both ways. You want credit for Trump when market goes up, no blame for Trump if market goes down.
nope, it's his until he's out, up or down. dude, don't make up shit about my beliefs.
Here's a prediction:

if we're in a market decline of a few months, an intermediate term bear market as they call it,

Trump will blame it on the Democrats.
I have to start taking money out of my 401K this year because of the stupid IRS rules. Thanks to Trump I am getting a nice fat check every month. A lot better than what it would have been a year ago. In addition to that thanks to Trump's tax cut I am also getting about $300 more take home pay that would have went tot he filthy ass government. God bless Trump.

By the way Moon Bats, Trump created 200,000 jobs just in January. MAGA Baby!
Trump created 200,000 jobs just in January. MAGA Baby!

US Population Grew by 190,000 in January. So all that increased debt & inflation for 10k jobs. Plus it does not make up for the dismal jobs numbers since September. LOL

The unemployment rate for Blacks increased from 6.8% to 7.7 percent in January.
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Trump created 200,000 jobs just in January. MAGA Baby!

US Population Grew by 190,000 in January. So all that increased debt & inflation for 10k jobs. Plus it does not make up for the dismal jobs numbers since September. LOL

The unemployment rate for Blacks increased from 6.8% to 7.7 percent in January.

Overall unemployment is down to a 17 year low. Sorry for the bad news skippy.
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