Trump's Stock Market is Cratering

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Dow is down another 200 points today

Why has Trump stopped bragging about how good his stock market is?

but but but, I thought it was Obama's market when it was going up. You know, all the wonderful things obozo did finally coming home to roost. LOL, a couple down days are normal, the market if just fine. Today is actually an excellent time to be buying.

the desperation of you libs is funny as algore sitting on an ice flow with a blow torch trying to warm the arctic.

Trump won, Hillary lost, get the fuck over it.

Where is Fat Donnie when his market is crashing?

watching Hannity to get an answer
What if Friday's decline was a precursor to Trump's Black Monday,

as was the Friday decline ahead of Reagan's Black Monday?

ooh, very scary...

We shall see, but I doubt it. But if it all falls apart isn’t only the rich that get hurt, according to the left only the rich benefit when it goes up , so only the rich will be hurt if it goes down and since the left hates the rich, they should be excited that Trump had the market crash. What a win for Trump! You lefties would adore him.
The DJIA is down about 240 point midday Monday and the world is still turning. The correction in the market is too be expected. Whenever the economy is expanding as it has been for a number of years and it gets a big dose of stimulus such as a tax cut, you get a surge in prices following by a retreat as investors begin to worry about an overheated economy, inflation, and fed interest rate increases. This is normal and is nothing to be worried about. In fact, it's a good time for investors that are sitting on sidelines to start moving money into the market conservatively with dollar cost averaging.

That is one of the continuous should-bes but won'ts in the market. Other than staying out of the market in the Jewish high holy days then get back in after Yom Kippur I have yet to see any timing system that even makes good nonsense. There are numerous low or no cost fundamental resources but they are largely ignored. Playing the market to impress the neighbors seems to be the main motivation for getting in/out/whatever the market and that ain't going to change.
I never try to time the market. I stopped that over 40 years ago. As I said, now is a good time for dollar cost averaging as it always has been. I have found that it easier for investors who are sitting on the sideline to start moving money into the market during a correction. Searching for a bottom is a fool's errand for investors.

Preaching to the choir and the deaf for 90% of market participants but maybe someone who doesn't know this might get convinced. I hope so.
A skyrocketing economy, which is what we have been seeing with Trump, produces all kinds of pressures on the investment markets. Like higher interest rates, inflation, scarce goods etc. This correction we are seeing is nothing more than the investment community trying to adjust to changing market pressures.
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sure there's a correction When more than half the country can't trust the swine in our WH they lose trust in our markets The rest of the world can't trust him either
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