Trump's Stock Market is Cratering

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Trump was stupid to take credit for the rising stock market. It's way overvalued and is due for a crash. Nazdaq is at 7400 and should be at maybe 2000. When the crash comes it will likely go to 1000.
But then, this stinking asshole of a traitor that we have for President is stupid in all things.
At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?

Do you know why the market is down? It's because we had a positive job report, which led people to fear rising interest rates.

Methinks you don't know why there has been a large sell off. It might be because of profit taking, or fear of interest rates rising, or fear that Trump will once too often wag the dog and lead us into a war by accident.
If they were afraid of Trump leading us into war, the market would have fallen a few months ago when the rhetoric between Trump and KJU ramped up.

That is my thought, why now? These lefties are looking for the worst. Sad little morons.

For them it is the worst that is coming:

The deep state is facing numerous perjury charges over the Trump dossier. As in Mueller, Comey, et al engaged in a conspiracy to lie to the FISA courts under oath.

CA is already cutting public services such as dam maintenance and increasing taxes. The collapse of the blue wall will be greeted with a deal the D machines cannot accept the same way they couldn't accept Trump's DACA deals that involve the wall.

Inflation and real growth will quickly make it impossible for them to roll over their debts because of increasing interest rates and Draconian bond covenants.

They will also mostly run against ads pointing out that they voted for illegal immigrant felons at the expense of their citizen constituents.

So, in this case it is not just paranoia. Trump has in fact led them into a political Cannae.
Who to trust, do you feel forced to pick one insanity over the other? the stock market has had a long slow upward movement. & a nice big gain. people got back a little hope. new person new chance.
many don't have that feeling see the hand writing on the wall. & Think its going to get worse. still no reason to hate each other. but we do.
Clinton averaged 224,000 Jobs per month
Obama averaged 266,000 Jobs per month last 7 years, 190,000 including Bush Depression.
Trump averaging 174,000 Jobs per month so far
Bush Lost average -37,000 Jobs per month

Repubtards got beaten by a Black Community Organizer! LOL
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At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?

Do you know why the market is down? It's because we had a positive job report, which led people to fear rising interest rates.

Methinks you don't know why there has been a large sell off. It might be because of profit taking, or fear of interest rates rising, or fear that Trump will once too often wag the dog and lead us into a war by accident.
If they were afraid of Trump leading us into war, the market would have fallen a few months ago when the rhetoric between Trump and KJU ramped up.

That is my thought, why now? These lefties are looking for the worst. Sad little morons.

Why do you want others to believe what you think is a fact, since you have no idea what a leftist is, nor what they want?

I know what a leftist is, they are not liberals, just as righties are not conservatives.
It doesn't really matter how the Market is doing. After all, it was at a record high when the Great Depression hit.
/-----/ And the North Atlantic was cold when the Titanic sank. It's cold today. The market crashed for reasons that are not applicable today.
Stock prices began to decline in September and early October 1929, and on October 18 the fall began. Panic set in, and on October 24, Black Thursday, a record 12,894,650 shares were traded. Investment companies and leading bankers attempted to stabilize the market by buying up great blocks of stock, producing a moderate rally on Friday. On Monday, however, the storm broke anew, and the market went into free fall. Black Monday was followed by Black Tuesday (October 29), in which stock prices collapsed completely and 16,410,030 shares were traded on the New York Stock Exchange in a single day.
What's to stop the same thing from happening again?
/----/ I guess you down trade much if at all. You learn this in Investing 101:
The one big thing economist Robert Shiller says is preventing a 1929-like stock market crash
Unlike 1929, Shiller points out there's not much talk about people borrowing exorbitant amounts of money to buy stocks. Plus, he notes there's now more regulation.
quote) regulation on its way out.
/----/ And that's a good thing. He's targeting Dodd-Frank mostly, not the rules from 1933. Trump Moves to Roll Back Obama-Era Financial Regulations
Do you know why the market is down? It's because we had a positive job report, which led people to fear rising interest rates.

Methinks you don't know why there has been a large sell off. It might be because of profit taking, or fear of interest rates rising, or fear that Trump will once too often wag the dog and lead us into a war by accident.
If they were afraid of Trump leading us into war, the market would have fallen a few months ago when the rhetoric between Trump and KJU ramped up.

That is my thought, why now? These lefties are looking for the worst. Sad little morons.

Why do you want others to believe what you think is a fact, since you have no idea what a leftist is, nor what they want?

I know what a leftist is, they are not liberals, just as righties are not conservatives.

so what do rightwingers believe in that conservatives don't believe in?
Do you know why the market is down? It's because we had a positive job report, which led people to fear rising interest rates.

Methinks you don't know why there has been a large sell off. It might be because of profit taking, or fear of interest rates rising, or fear that Trump will once too often wag the dog and lead us into a war by accident.
If they were afraid of Trump leading us into war, the market would have fallen a few months ago when the rhetoric between Trump and KJU ramped up.

That is my thought, why now? These lefties are looking for the worst. Sad little morons.

Why do you want others to believe what you think is a fact, since you have no idea what a leftist is, nor what they want?

I know what a leftist is, they are not liberals, just as righties are not conservatives.

It depends on someone's perspective. I get your point, but it simplifies a rather complex number of issues. Example: those on the left and right can be supporters of the NRA, can support a women's right to choose or the Right to life movement, can support government run health care, public education, voting rights, etc.
Has Trump found a Democrat to blame this week's market decline on yet?

Yes, since Obama took credit in December for the rise of the stock market, Trump blames Obama and in turn Obama blames Bush.
Trumps first fiscal year started in September. Nothing but disappointing Jobs numbers & fiscal disaster every since. Raising Debt Limit, Inflation & Devaluing US Dollars.
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Has Trump found a Democrat to blame this week's market decline on yet?

Yes, since Obama took credit in December for the rise of the stock market, Trump blames Obama and in turn Obama blames Bush.
Trumps first fiscal year started in September. Nothing but disappointing Jobs numbers & fiscal disaster every since. Raising Debt Limit, Inflation & Devaluing US Dollars.

Ok, simpleton, that is one negative perspective, seems that is your focus, being negative. I’m glad I’m not as simple minded as you.
What if Friday's decline was a precursor to Trump's Black Monday,

as was the Friday decline ahead of Reagan's Black Monday?

ooh, very scary...
What if Friday's decline was a precursor to Trump's Black Monday,

as was the Friday decline ahead of Reagan's Black Monday?

ooh, very scary...

We shall see, but I doubt it. But if it all falls apart isn’t only the rich that get hurt, according to the left only the rich benefit when it goes up , so only the rich will be hurt if it goes down and since the left hates the rich, they should be excited that Trump had the market crash. What a win for Trump! You lefties would adore him.
What if Friday's decline was a precursor to Trump's Black Monday,

as was the Friday decline ahead of Reagan's Black Monday?

ooh, very scary...

We shall see, but I doubt it. But if it all falls apart isn’t only the rich that get hurt, according to the left only the rich benefit when it goes up , so only the rich will be hurt if it goes down and since the left hates the rich, they should be excited that Trump had the market crash. What a win for Trump! You lefties would adore him.
The DJIA is down about 240 point midday Monday and the world is still turning. The correction in the market is too be expected. Whenever the economy is expanding as it has been for a number of years and it gets a big dose of stimulus such as a tax cut, you get a surge in prices following by a retreat as investors begin to worry about an overheated economy, inflation, and fed interest rate increases. This is normal and is nothing to be worried about. In fact, it's a good time for investors that are sitting on sidelines to start moving money into the market conservatively with dollar cost averaging.
What if Friday's decline was a precursor to Trump's Black Monday,

as was the Friday decline ahead of Reagan's Black Monday?

ooh, very scary...
That's "Double Dip Job Killing Recession Reagan". Democrats just add Jobs & don't have Job Killing Recessions.
Dow is down another 200 points today

Why has Trump stopped bragging about how good his stock market is?
Stock market down another 240 today already?

More of too much winning. Stop. That's enough winning now.
What if Friday's decline was a precursor to Trump's Black Monday,

as was the Friday decline ahead of Reagan's Black Monday?

ooh, very scary...

We shall see, but I doubt it. But if it all falls apart isn’t only the rich that get hurt, according to the left only the rich benefit when it goes up , so only the rich will be hurt if it goes down and since the left hates the rich, they should be excited that Trump had the market crash. What a win for Trump! You lefties would adore him.
The DJIA is down about 240 point midday Monday and the world is still turning. The correction in the market is too be expected. Whenever the economy is expanding as it has been for a number of years and it gets a big dose of stimulus such as a tax cut, you get a surge in prices following by a retreat as investors begin to worry about an overheated economy, inflation, and fed interest rate increases. This is normal and is nothing to be worried about. In fact, it's a good time for investors that are sitting on sidelines to start moving money into the market conservatively with dollar cost averaging.
Or we're heading for a recession because the fed will jack up rates faster, and since the gop cut taxes we have to sell more gummit bonds, and there's no market so we'll have to pay more interest, requiring more gummit bonds, for which there's no market, requiring us to again pay even more interest ....
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