Trump’s Summer Plans Include 7-Hour Grilling in Fraud Suit

Another day in court for this troubled Prince and his kids.

All of these fraud cases may lead people to think that he might be involved in , er , fraud. Maybe he could just get Eric to take the rap for this and give his kids the chance of a nights sleep ?
Did ACME deliver more roadrunner food?

Evening tommy
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Another day in court for this troubled Prince and his kids.

All of these fraud cases may lead people to think that he might be involved in , er , fraud. Maybe he could just get Eric to take the rap for this and give his kids the chance of a nights sleep ?
The worst thing that could happen for a con man like trump is to be found out. There was a reason his casinos were always overdone and flashy. Like himself, extremely narcissistic, always dressed for success when he makes his pitches. Pushing get rich schemes that appeal to our worst desires. Greed, envy, blame, hatred are all utilized in the scheme of things to build up camaraderie. Then he's got you. A fool's born every minute, in America it seems like every second. GOD help us all.

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