Trumps talks of lifting Russia sanctions.

After completely snubbing obama and banning him from Syrian peace talks, President Trump has been invited to participate.

First sign of enhanced U.S.-Russia relations under Trump: An invite to Syria talks

The peace agreement hashed out will be Assad returns to power, safe zones set up for civilians under American supervision. Russian and Syrian forces will drive the formerly backed isis out of Syria. Peace restored.
Great, troops in Syria controlled by the Russians.
Yes. Fighting the American backed isis. Are you ready to send our military to Syria to oust Russia? Is that what you want?

Obama made a disastrous mistake in doing anything in Syria. Then compounding his disaster, he crumbled.

Assad was never going to be deposed. Russia was never going to hand its navy base to isis. This country was never willing to engage in a major war with Russia.

All those people died and were displaced, Europe is threatened all because obama is stupid and full of himself.
Troops are being lined up now to be shipped to the Middle East on Inauguration Day. Thanks to the most militaristic man in the world.
After completely snubbing obama and banning him from Syrian peace talks, President Trump has been invited to participate.

First sign of enhanced U.S.-Russia relations under Trump: An invite to Syria talks

The peace agreement hashed out will be Assad returns to power, safe zones set up for civilians under American supervision. Russian and Syrian forces will drive the formerly backed isis out of Syria. Peace restored.
Great, troops in Syria controlled by the Russians.
Yes. Fighting the American backed isis. Are you ready to send our military to Syria to oust Russia? Is that what you want?

Obama made a disastrous mistake in doing anything in Syria. Then compounding his disaster, he crumbled.

Assad was never going to be deposed. Russia was never going to hand its navy base to isis. This country was never willing to engage in a major war with Russia.

All those people died and were displaced, Europe is threatened all because obama is stupid and full of himself.
After completely snubbing obama and banning him from Syrian peace talks, President Trump has been invited to participate.

First sign of enhanced U.S.-Russia relations under Trump: An invite to Syria talks

The peace agreement hashed out will be Assad returns to power, safe zones set up for civilians under American supervision. Russian and Syrian forces will drive the formerly backed isis out of Syria. Peace restored.
Great, troops in Syria controlled by the Russians.
Yes. Fighting the American backed isis. Are you ready to send our military to Syria to oust Russia? Is that what you want?

Obama made a disastrous mistake in doing anything in Syria. Then compounding his disaster, he crumbled.

Assad was never going to be deposed. Russia was never going to hand its navy base to isis. This country was never willing to engage in a major war with Russia.

All those people died and were displaced, Europe is threatened all because obama is stupid and full of himself.
Troops are being lined up now to be shipped to the Middle East on Inauguration Day. Thanks to the most militaristic man in the world.
Link and who gave these orders if this isn't another democrat lie.
After completely snubbing obama and banning him from Syrian peace talks, President Trump has been invited to participate.

First sign of enhanced U.S.-Russia relations under Trump: An invite to Syria talks

The peace agreement hashed out will be Assad returns to power, safe zones set up for civilians under American supervision. Russian and Syrian forces will drive the formerly backed isis out of Syria. Peace restored.
Great, troops in Syria controlled by the Russians.
Yes. Fighting the American backed isis. Are you ready to send our military to Syria to oust Russia? Is that what you want?

Obama made a disastrous mistake in doing anything in Syria. Then compounding his disaster, he crumbled.

Assad was never going to be deposed. Russia was never going to hand its navy base to isis. This country was never willing to engage in a major war with Russia.

All those people died and were displaced, Europe is threatened all because obama is stupid and full of himself.
Troops are being lined up now to be shipped to the Middle East on Inauguration Day. Thanks to the most militaristic man in the world.

Let's hope so. Bombs away....
Sanctions should never have been imposed. That democrats are untrustworthy is a separate issue.
Oh? So what do you think we should have done to Russia for hacking us?

Get better defenses.

What should have been done to us for hacking Andrea Merkel 's communications? What should have been done to us for interfering in Israel's election?

Democrats phonied up this whole thing just to attack Trump and everyone knows it.
Sanctions should never have been imposed. That democrats are untrustworthy is a separate issue.
Oh? So what do you think we should have done to Russia for hacking us?

Get better defenses.

What should have been done to us for hacking Andrea Merkel 's communications? What should have been done to us for interfering in Israel's election?

Democrats phonied up this whole thing just to attack Trump and everyone knows it.
Democrats did not invent the story. Hacking is no big deal to you,is it?
So let me understand here. Russia hacked us and Trump wants to reward them by lifting sanctions?

And people are still saying Trump isn't working for Putin?

You should understand by now thatTrumpettes are dumb as rocks. Putin has Stump by the short hairs and EVERYONE except them know it.
Fuck you. This is my country. Your choice as President is a proven liar, a con man, cheated his business partners, cheated on his wives, groped women, crashed dressing rooms to see naked under aged girls, and had the nerve to call POW's not heroes & trash John Lewis. That IS a POS. It is so sad that you don't agree.
Was there any smear job you didn't believe? You can't support any of that.
Just Trump undoing Obungle's errors.

Get used to it lefties

And you think that it is ok to lift the sanctions? That basically tell me that the Trumpsters think it is ok what Puttin did .
If this were Clinton you would be all over it I am sure ( not that I like Clinton either )

These same people letting this slide were on here daily saying lock her up, so now they are not the moral and ethic police all of a sudden..

Ethically and Morally Puttin stepped way over the boundaries. What do we do when someone does that? We don't give them candy to congratulate them.

What did Putin do? We're still waiting on proof.
Russia hacked us. Even Trump, who's been shown the intelligence, now admits it.
So did Iran, Chinese, and the North Koreans.
Obama hacked Merkel as well as Bernie Sanders, and your tax dollars tried to fix Israeli elections
Did he sanction those countries? Did he sanction himself?
But that all involves jugears and not Trump.
We spy on other countries. So we should laugh off Russian interference & be best buds with Putin. You & Trump belong together.
We're laughing at you guys. You want to avoid the real problem. Democrat corruption.
When cornered, out comes the racial slurs.

Well Leftists call The Donald orange and sometimes The Orange Jesus.
What race is "orange?"

"What race is "orange?"

Orange isn't a race and chocolate isn't a race.
I actually got it from the black New Orleans mayor, Nagin.


That is no excuse, racist fuck.
Why would I need an excuse. You proved your moral are corrupt. I could be a klansman and you'd have no room to talk.
. You have liberal derangement syndrome. Get help.

And you conservatives have denial syndrome. You deny until your messiah says otherwise.
Is that what chocolate Jesus spoke unto you?
When cornered, out comes the racial slurs.
Cornered? What race is chocolate? You never say, you just puke up the same mindless insult.
I have news, you are not as clever as you think.

I managed to bitch about George W Bush for years without bringing up his race. You racist fucks can't seem to bitch about Obama without bringing up his race.
I've hardly ever mentioned his race. You are just a foaming hate filled retard that can't see straight. And your vision is getting blurrier with the severe ass kicking. But you can't grow up. Boohoo. Not my problem.
After completely snubbing obama and banning him from Syrian peace talks, President Trump has been invited to participate.

First sign of enhanced U.S.-Russia relations under Trump: An invite to Syria talks

The peace agreement hashed out will be Assad returns to power, safe zones set up for civilians under American supervision. Russian and Syrian forces will drive the formerly backed isis out of Syria. Peace restored.
Great, troops in Syria controlled by the Russians.
Yes. Fighting the American backed isis. Are you ready to send our military to Syria to oust Russia? Is that what you want?

Obama made a disastrous mistake in doing anything in Syria. Then compounding his disaster, he crumbled.

Assad was never going to be deposed. Russia was never going to hand its navy base to isis. This country was never willing to engage in a major war with Russia.

All those people died and were displaced, Europe is threatened all because obama is stupid and full of himself.
Troops are being lined up now to be shipped to the Middle East on Inauguration Day. Thanks to the most militaristic man in the world.
Link and who gave these orders if this isn't another democrat lie.
There is no link that I'm aware of. A reservist I know personally has been called up, along with 500 others from our area.
Just Trump undoing Obungle's errors.

Get used to it lefties

And you think that it is ok to lift the sanctions? That basically tell me that the Trumpsters think it is ok what Puttin did .
If this were Clinton you would be all over it I am sure ( not that I like Clinton either )

These same people letting this slide were on here daily saying lock her up, so now they are not the moral and ethic police all of a sudden..

Ethically and Morally Puttin stepped way over the boundaries. What do we do when someone does that? We don't give them candy to congratulate them.

Sure you don't like Clinton, rigggghttt. :bsflag:
Just Trump undoing Obungle's errors.

Get used to it lefties

And you think that it is ok to lift the sanctions? That basically tell me that the Trumpsters think it is ok what Puttin did .
If this were Clinton you would be all over it I am sure ( not that I like Clinton either )

These same people letting this slide were on here daily saying lock her up, so now they are not the moral and ethic police all of a sudden..

Ethically and Morally Puttin stepped way over the boundaries. What do we do when someone does that? We don't give them candy to congratulate them.

Sure you don't like Clinton, rigggghttt. :bsflag:

Less of 2 evils....:wink_2:
After completely snubbing obama and banning him from Syrian peace talks, President Trump has been invited to participate.

First sign of enhanced U.S.-Russia relations under Trump: An invite to Syria talks

The peace agreement hashed out will be Assad returns to power, safe zones set up for civilians under American supervision. Russian and Syrian forces will drive the formerly backed isis out of Syria. Peace restored.
Great, troops in Syria controlled by the Russians.
Yes. Fighting the American backed isis. Are you ready to send our military to Syria to oust Russia? Is that what you want?

Obama made a disastrous mistake in doing anything in Syria. Then compounding his disaster, he crumbled.

Assad was never going to be deposed. Russia was never going to hand its navy base to isis. This country was never willing to engage in a major war with Russia.

All those people died and were displaced, Europe is threatened all because obama is stupid and full of himself.
Troops are being lined up now to be shipped to the Middle East on Inauguration Day. Thanks to the most militaristic man in the world.
Link and who gave these orders if this isn't another democrat lie.
There is no link that I'm aware of. A reservist I know personally has been called up, along with 500 others from our area.
It really wouldn't surprisev me. I would expect obama to order a strike or attack on Russia just before he leaves office.
Let's review. Exxon Mobile was set to sign a 500 billion deal with Russia & then Obama slapped sanctions on Russia due to their action in Crimea & Ukraine. The Exxon/Putin deal was off.

Trump is running for President. Russia helped Trump by hacking & leaking damaging information against Clinton.

Trump wins & says he will consider lifting the Russian sanctions if Russia helps us fight terrorism or helps us in some other way.

But noooooooooo, there is no collusion, no illegal dealings, because we can trust Trump to tell the truth.

The saddest part is not the disgusting conniving POS Trump. Its the idea his supporters see nothing wrong.

They see nothing wrong working with a war criminal who helped kill our soldiers to get a 500 billion deal for Exxon/Mobile and accepted Russia's help in the election process as Trump knew about the Russian hacking & kept denying it.

It is a sad period in our country';s history that the Republicans have finally dumbed down enough Americans to bring us Trump.

Funny how the far left is Ok with the sanctions being lifted on Iran and giving them billions and are against anyone else getting the same treatment!
Sanctions should never have been imposed. That democrats are untrustworthy is a separate issue.
Oh? So what do you think we should have done to Russia for hacking us?

Get better defenses.

What should have been done to us for hacking Andrea Merkel 's communications? What should have been done to us for interfering in Israel's election?

Democrats phonied up this whole thing just to attack Trump and everyone knows it.
Democrats did not invent the story. Hacking is no big deal to you,is it?
In this case we were rightly warned about Democrat corruption. We owe Russia a fat thank you.

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