Trumps talks of lifting Russia sanctions.

Announcing being my proud of one's own race implies superiority, regardless of the skin color of the person making such proclamations. You'll notice those bragging about how proud they are to be white are often wearing swastikas and/or hoods.
Are you proud or ashamed of the accomplishments of your forefathers? I'm PROUD of the civilization they brought to this world.
Russians have given us so much to be trustworthy of. You know like killing people who disagree with the Kremlin, locking up people who have a different opinion, state run media and on and on. A stellar record indeed.
Ted Kennedy would be ashamed of you. He worked so damn hard with Russia to undermine President Reagan. Why the change of heart?
When cornered, out comes the racial slurs.

Well Leftists call The Donald orange and sometimes The Orange Jesus.
What race is "orange?"

"What race is "orange?"

Orange isn't a race and chocolate isn't a race.
I actually got it from the black New Orleans mayor, Nagin.


That is no excuse, racist fuck.

You guys get so angry when you lose -- elections AND debates
Let's review. Exxon Mobile was set to sign a 500 billion deal with Russia & then Obama slapped sanctions on Russia due to their action in Crimea & Ukraine. The Exxon/Putin deal was off.

Trump is running for President. Russia helped Trump by hacking & leaking damaging information against Clinton.

Trump wins & says he will consider lifting the Russian sanctions if Russia helps us fight terrorism or helps us in some other way.

But noooooooooo, there is no collusion, no illegal dealings, because we can trust Trump to tell the truth.

The saddest part is not the disgusting conniving POS Trump. Its the idea his supporters see nothing wrong.

They see nothing wrong working with a war criminal who helped kill our soldiers to get a 500 billion deal for Exxon/Mobile and accepted Russia's help in the election process as Trump knew about the Russian hacking & kept denying it.

It is a sad period in our country';s history that the Republicans have finally dumbed down enough Americans to bring us Trump.

/---- Russia didn't help Trump win. Hillary did by running a lousy campaign.
B;sacks fighting for equal rights scares the fuck out of you flabby old white men but it is not racist.

I thought it was RAYYYYSSSSIIIISSSS to mention skin color?

I guess not if you're a Demonrat and you're talking about WHITES.
i hope that the new President Trump does what he thinks is best for the USA and Americans as he disregards what mrobama , juan mccain and lindsey graham and others have done to try to tie up the incoming President Trump !!
Meh! I hope Trump screws the red state voters who voted for him!!!
Obama and the left has done all they can to hand Trump a shit sandwich. And where was all this concern about Russia during Hillary's reset? Lefties change positions faster than Sheila the Contortionist.
President Obama left Trump a good recovering economy compared to what GW Bush left Obama. Now lets sit back and watch con artist Trump and his band of wall street-Goldman Sachs criminals of who specializes in bankruptcies......bankrupt the U.S. while enriching the 1 percent.
We did have a lot of Russian spies here during the McCarthy era. I remember the endless nuke drills of getting under our desks as well to keep us scared, the race to arms.

This is different, Russia did a coup in the US Presidential election and the Trumpets have no issue with it.

You'll have to show some date it's nonexistent
PROOF! By the time conservatives find out it will be to late!!

Let's review. Exxon Mobile was set to sign a 500 billion deal with Russia & then Obama slapped sanctions on Russia due to their action in Crimea & Ukraine. The Exxon/Putin deal was off.

Trump is running for President. Russia helped Trump by hacking & leaking damaging information against Clinton.

Trump wins & says he will consider lifting the Russian sanctions if Russia helps us fight terrorism or helps us in some other way.

But noooooooooo, there is no collusion, no illegal dealings, because we can trust Trump to tell the truth.

The saddest part is not the disgusting conniving POS Trump. Its the idea his supporters see nothing wrong.

They see nothing wrong working with a war criminal who helped kill our soldiers to get a 500 billion deal for Exxon/Mobile and accepted Russia's help in the election process as Trump knew about the Russian hacking & kept denying it.

It is a sad period in our country';s history that the Republicans have finally dumbed down enough Americans to bring us Trump.
. And you can pack your bags to move to another country of your choice anytime you are ready. What kind of person are you to call the incoming POTUS a piece of sh-t ? The left is proving their treachery in this nation now, and the agenda that groups were running for years has finally done it's damage, but hopefully the damage can be undone now.
Let's ensure Trump is Impeached in 2 years!!! Trump has enough stolen wealth to move to Russia.
We did have a lot of Russian spies here during the McCarthy era. I remember the endless nuke drills of getting under our desks as well to keep us scared, the race to arms.

This is different, Russia did a coup in the US Presidential election and the Trumpets have no issue with it.
The problem is you don't like the fact that someone revealed how corrupt the Democrat party is and think it should be all about them, not the corruption. Plus you assume it cost Hillary votes when we all pretty much knew what the left was all about anyway.

So we "don't care" about speculations and fantasies you've come up with. Now IF the corruption cause the Dems the election, that's a good thing. We owe someone a debt of gratitude.
Putin is laughing his ass off how pliable and stupid conservatives are.
Let's review. Exxon Mobile was set to sign a 500 billion deal with Russia & then Obama slapped sanctions on Russia due to their action in Crimea & Ukraine. The Exxon/Putin deal was off.

Trump is running for President. Russia helped Trump by hacking & leaking damaging information against Clinton.

Trump wins & says he will consider lifting the Russian sanctions if Russia helps us fight terrorism or helps us in some other way.

But noooooooooo, there is no collusion, no illegal dealings, because we can trust Trump to tell the truth.

The saddest part is not the disgusting conniving POS Trump. Its the idea his supporters see nothing wrong.

They see nothing wrong working with a war criminal who helped kill our soldiers to get a 500 billion deal for Exxon/Mobile and accepted Russia's help in the election process as Trump knew about the Russian hacking & kept denying it.

It is a sad period in our country';s history that the Republicans have finally dumbed down enough Americans to bring us Trump.
Real dave is real dumb
. Wow, listen to that Hillary outburst laugh... LOL. How stupid the Russians must have thought the administration was to present them with a flipping rediculous prop like that... Good grief.

Meanwhile Trump will prove to be Putin's useful idiot and PUPPET.

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