Trumps talks of lifting Russia sanctions.

After seeing Trump and hearing him say that sanctions would remain in place for the foreseeable future. The issue of sanctions would later be part of a larger negotiation. I looked it up. I did not find any media agency that reported what Trump said. They all said that Trump was going to remove the sanctions. The impression was that they would be lifted immediately.

This is fake news.
You haven't seen the intelligence report, maybe it all will come out but Trump tells us now that Russia did hack the US.. You still want proof?

Trump admits to Russian hacking even as he attacks U.S. intelligence community
He said many have hacked us and out cyber security is shit 17th out of 17 top nations. But how does that show the election results were altered.

And why is the larger concern on the left about who spilled the beans instead of the corrupt can of beans the Dems tried to feed us?

Derailing the topic is the best way to respond when you know you are wrong , lets bring it back ...

Trump quote:
He noted that the Russian hackers “got far deeper and wider into the DNC than the RNC.” Officials have previously said that the DNC’s cybersecurity was not as strong as the RNC’s.

So just how far did they penetrate?

I must suck to start your 1st day as the president with so much scandal already.

You're easily led....but don't feel bad...the majority of leftists are.

Not really, I do agree with Trump on many things...but I can't believe how he has divided and belittled many on the left who supported him in the beginning..

Many on the right hated Trump, but now act like he was their choice from the beginning.. They kiss Trumps ego so he has forgiven them..

I've never proclaimed Trump was my first choice, he wasn't even my second or third but I'll give him a chance.

Are you willing to say that there is possibility that there was much more Russian involvement with hacking?

Why do you think it is ok for Trump to lift the sanctions? It is just slapping Americans in the face who are upset about the hacking.. ?
He said many have hacked us and out cyber security is shit 17th out of 17 top nations. But how does that show the election results were altered.

And why is the larger concern on the left about who spilled the beans instead of the corrupt can of beans the Dems tried to feed us?

Derailing the topic is the best way to respond when you know you are wrong , lets bring it back ...

Trump quote:
He noted that the Russian hackers “got far deeper and wider into the DNC than the RNC.” Officials have previously said that the DNC’s cybersecurity was not as strong as the RNC’s.

So just how far did they penetrate?

I must suck to start your 1st day as the president with so much scandal already.

You're easily led....but don't feel bad...the majority of leftists are.

Not really, I do agree with Trump on many things...but I can't believe how he has divided and belittled many on the left who supported him in the beginning..

Many on the right hated Trump, but now act like he was their choice from the beginning.. They kiss Trumps ego so he has forgiven them..

I've never proclaimed Trump was my first choice, he wasn't even my second or third but I'll give him a chance.

Are you willing to say that there is possibility that there was much more Russian involvement with hacking?

Why do you think it is ok for Trump to lift the sanctions? It is just slapping Americans in the face who are upset about the hacking.. ?

I've already said this and I'm weary of saying the goddamn proof, until they do it's all chatter and accusations
Yeah, why don't democrats see the good in Russian espionage on our own nation?

They would rather trust Russia than their own American people.
Not all American people. Just democrats.

Tipsy go have another drink before you start shaking ... You are basically confirming what I said.

I bet you argued with everyone when the democrats fought not to bomb Iraq?
I personally trust the Russians more than democrats. Trust in the country means removing all democrats from being decision makers.
Derailing the topic is the best way to respond when you know you are wrong , lets bring it back ...

Trump quote:
He noted that the Russian hackers “got far deeper and wider into the DNC than the RNC.” Officials have previously said that the DNC’s cybersecurity was not as strong as the RNC’s.

So just how far did they penetrate?

I must suck to start your 1st day as the president with so much scandal already.

You're easily led....but don't feel bad...the majority of leftists are.

Not really, I do agree with Trump on many things...but I can't believe how he has divided and belittled many on the left who supported him in the beginning..

Many on the right hated Trump, but now act like he was their choice from the beginning.. They kiss Trumps ego so he has forgiven them..

I've never proclaimed Trump was my first choice, he wasn't even my second or third but I'll give him a chance.

Are you willing to say that there is possibility that there was much more Russian involvement with hacking?

Why do you think it is ok for Trump to lift the sanctions? It is just slapping Americans in the face who are upset about the hacking.. ?

I've already said this and I'm weary of saying the goddamn proof, until they do it's all chatter and accusations

I really think if Trump took on Puttin and kept the sanctions already in place, stepped away from any Exxon involvement and stop stroking Puttin the ones upset may support him but right now he is just making excuses and is defensive, the angry people would support him, just like when Bush walked into ground zero.. ..
Yeah, why don't democrats see the good in Russian espionage on our own nation?

They would rather trust Russia than their own American people.
Not all American people. Just democrats.

Tipsy go have another drink before you start shaking ... You are basically confirming what I said.

I bet you argued with everyone when the democrats fought not to bomb Iraq?
I personally trust the Russians more than democrats. Trust in the country means removing all democrats from being decision makers.

Russians have given us so much to be trustworthy of. You know like killing people who disagree with the Kremlin, locking up people who have a different opinion, state run media and on and on. A stellar record indeed.
Yeah, why don't democrats see the good in Russian espionage on our own nation?

They would rather trust Russia than their own American people.
Not all American people. Just democrats.

Tipsy go have another drink before you start shaking ... You are basically confirming what I said.

I bet you argued with everyone when the democrats fought not to bomb Iraq?
I personally trust the Russians more than democrats. Trust in the country means removing all democrats from being decision makers.

Wow, really? :cuckoo:

So let me understand here. Russia hacked us and Trump wants to reward them by lifting sanctions?

And people are still saying Trump isn't working for Putin?
. No he wants to lift them because he knows Obama was political grandstanding against Trump when sanctioned Russia. Otherwise having this false claim that what ever Russia did caused the outcome of the election to fall into Trump's favor. Using our nation's laws, rules or policies to support a personal agenda is unexceptable.
Yeah, why don't democrats see the good in Russian espionage on our own nation?

They would rather trust Russia than their own American people.
Not all American people. Just democrats.

Tipsy go have another drink before you start shaking ... You are basically confirming what I said.

I bet you argued with everyone when the democrats fought not to bomb Iraq?
I personally trust the Russians more than democrats. Trust in the country means removing all democrats from being decision makers.

Russians have given us so much to be trustworthy of. You know like killing people who disagree with the Kremlin, locking up people who have a different opinion, state run media and on and on. A stellar record indeed.

Puttin wants to stroke Trump so we will step away from Estonia and the others.. Look the other way.
So let me understand here. Russia hacked us and Trump wants to reward them by lifting sanctions?

And people are still saying Trump isn't working for Putin?
. No he wants to lift them because he knows Obama was political grandstanding against Trump when sanctioned Russia. Otherwise having this false claim that what ever Russia did caused the outcome of the election to fall into Trump's favor. Using our nation's laws, rules or policies to support a personal agenda is unexceptable.

Ah no and wrong, Obama put sanctions on because most of America is pissed except for the the ones that are in a Trump coma.
So let me understand here. Russia hacked us and Trump wants to reward them by lifting sanctions?

And people are still saying Trump isn't working for Putin?
. No he wants to lift them because he knows Obama was political grandstanding against Trump when sanctioned Russia. Otherwise having this false claim that what ever Russia did caused the outcome of the election to fall into Trump's favor. Using our nation's laws, rules or policies to support a personal agenda is unexceptable.

Oh so he wants to remove them because you call it grandstanding? And that IS NOT rewarding the Russians for hacking the U.S.?

What better way to disapprove of their espionage! Lift the sanctions and then that'll teach 'em! By giving Putin $500 Billion!

I wish they would be so tough on me the same way.
I believe Mr. Trump is right when he thinks he want to lift sanctions against Russia. If USA and Russia have good relations this is a good thing for them and for the rest of the world either :)

Right! Because before the sanctions were put in place America had such a great relationship with Russia. Then we went and made them interfere with our elections! Why did we make them committ cyber espionage? Why Obama????
Yeah, why don't democrats see the good in Russian espionage on our own nation?

They would rather trust Russia than their own American people.
Not all American people. Just democrats.

Tipsy go have another drink before you start shaking ... You are basically confirming what I said.

I bet you argued with everyone when the democrats fought not to bomb Iraq?
I personally trust the Russians more than democrats. Trust in the country means removing all democrats from being decision makers.

Russians have given us so much to be trustworthy of. You know like killing people who disagree with the Kremlin, locking up people who have a different opinion, state run media and on and on. A stellar record indeed.
Russia tried to warn us about the Boston Bombers. Democrat controlled intelligence let them go. Why? Because those men were going to kill Americans. Russia cared more than democrats.

Who was locked up for having a different opinion?
No, I think when people use terms to describe their own race, they're not being racist. And for the record, I don't view the word, "chocolate," as racist, regardless of who says it.

"No, I think when people use terms to describe their own race, they're not being racist."

Okay so this means white people also? Eg. saying "I'm proud to be white" and/or "I like being part of the white race"

This isn't racist either is it, because you're commenting those things about your own race.
Announcing being my proud of one's own race implies superiority, regardless of the skin color of the person making such proclamations. You'll notice those bragging about how proud they are to be white are often wearing swastikas and/or hoods.

"Announcing being my proud of one's own race implies superiority, regardless of the skin color of the person making such proclamations."

So that also applies to blacks shouting "Black Power" and "Black and Proud" then?

"You'll notice those bragging about how proud they are to be white are often wearing swastikas and/or hoods."

No actually I don't notice, perhaps you've watched too many Hollyweird films.
Of course that applies to blacks as well. What part of, "regardless of skin color," don't you comprehend? Oh, wait, I forgot.... you're the idiot who thinks referring to a black as "chocolate," isn't referring to their race.

So why aren't blacks called Black Supremacists by the MSM when they wearing "Black and Proud" slogans on their clothing or shouting "Black Power"?

Yet white people saying proud to be white are called racist by the same MSM?

"Oh, wait, I forgot.... you're the idiot"

That you resort to name calling illustrates it's you who are deficient in the membrane.
Pointing out someone is an idiot because they're too stupid to comprehend calling a black, "chocolate," is referring to their race; is not name calling any more than it's name calling to call a white, "white." Hell, even the person who used the term, "chocolate," said it was a reference to skin color. You really are an idiot.
And you think that it is ok to lift the sanctions? That basically tell me that the Trumpsters think it is ok what Puttin did .
If this were Clinton you would be all over it I am sure ( not that I like Clinton either )

These same people letting this slide were on here daily saying lock her up, so now they are not the moral and ethic police all of a sudden..

Ethically and Morally Puttin stepped way over the boundaries. What do we do when someone does that? We don't give them candy to congratulate them.

What did Putin do? We're still waiting on proof.
Russia hacked us. Even Trump, who's been shown the intelligence, now admits it.

Yeah they keep saying that....but no proof
So Trump was easily fooled then? Is that what you're saying? And who says there's no proof? Are you privy to the same classified intelligence as Trump?

No, moron...I'm saying you're easily duped and fooled.
I believe the same as Trump that Russia hacked us. If that makes me easily duped and fooled to you, then you're unwittingly admitting Trump is an easily fooled dupe.

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