Trumps talks of lifting Russia sanctions.

I believe Mr. Trump is right when he thinks he want to lift sanctions against Russia. If USA and Russia have good relations this is a good thing for them and for the rest of the world either :)
Oh look, a coloring book understanding of the world events. Why, you must be a liberal.
Let's review. Exxon Mobile was set to sign a 500 billion deal with Russia & then Obama slapped sanctions on Russia due to their action in Crimea & Ukraine. The Exxon/Putin deal was off.

Trump is running for President. Russia helped Trump by hacking & leaking damaging information against Clinton.

Trump wins & says he will consider lifting the Russian sanctions if Russia helps us fight terrorism or helps us in some other way.

But noooooooooo, there is no collusion, no illegal dealings, because we can trust Trump to tell the truth.

The saddest part is not the disgusting conniving POS Trump. Its the idea his supporters see nothing wrong.

They see nothing wrong working with a war criminal who helped kill our soldiers to get a 500 billion deal for Exxon/Mobile and accepted Russia's help in the election process as Trump knew about the Russian hacking & kept denying it.

It is a sad period in our country';s history that the Republicans have finally dumbed down enough Americans to bring us Trump.
Sounds like Russia has incriminating material in their possession with which their blackmailing Trump.

I hope that material leaks out, lock him


You leftists are over the top, grasping at anything and everything on Trump but give Obama a pass for all he did...and didn't do. Then you wonder why you have no power and your party is decimated
Yeah, you rightwingnuts often overlooked even the tiniest minutiae when it came to Obama. :lol:
Derailing the topic is the best way to respond when you know you are wrong , lets bring it back ...

Trump quote:
He noted that the Russian hackers “got far deeper and wider into the DNC than the RNC.” Officials have previously said that the DNC’s cybersecurity was not as strong as the RNC’s.

So just how far did they penetrate?

I must suck to start your 1st day as the president with so much scandal already.

You're easily led....but don't feel bad...the majority of leftists are.

Not really, I do agree with Trump on many things...but I can't believe how he has divided and belittled many on the left who supported him in the beginning..

Many on the right hated Trump, but now act like he was their choice from the beginning.. They kiss Trumps ego so he has forgiven them..

I've never proclaimed Trump was my first choice, he wasn't even my second or third but I'll give him a chance.

Are you willing to say that there is possibility that there was much more Russian involvement with hacking?

Why do you think it is ok for Trump to lift the sanctions? It is just slapping Americans in the face who are upset about the hacking.. ?

I've already said this and I'm weary of saying the goddamn proof, until they do it's all chatter and accusations
Trump's seen the proof and says it's true that Russia hacked us.
Well Leftists call The Donald orange and sometimes The Orange Jesus.
What race is "orange?"

"What race is "orange?"

Orange isn't a race and chocolate isn't a race.
I see you're an idiot. That explains it. But yes, describing a black person as "chocolate" certainly speaks to their race.

No I'm not an idiot.

Why has race been brought into this thread, nobody has mentioned Obama's race, he's black and nobody mentioned him being black, which is his race.
Of course you're an idiot. Only an idiot would think referring to someone as "chocolate," isn't referring to their race.
Darrel Dawkins was referred to as chocolate Thunder his whole career.
Just Trump undoing Obungle's errors.

Get used to it lefties

And you think that it is ok to lift the sanctions? That basically tell me that the Trumpsters think it is ok what Puttin did .
If this were Clinton you would be all over it I am sure ( not that I like Clinton either )

These same people letting this slide were on here daily saying lock her up, so now they are not the moral and ethic police all of a sudden..

Ethically and Morally Puttin stepped way over the boundaries. What do we do when someone does that? We don't give them candy to congratulate them.

What did Putin do? We're still waiting on proof.
Russia hacked us. Even Trump, who's been shown the intelligence, now admits it.
So did Iran, Chinese, and the North Koreans.
Obama hacked Merkel as well as Bernie Sanders, and your tax dollars tried to fix Israeli elections
Did he sanction those countries? Did he sanction himself?
But that all involves jugears and not Trump.
After completely snubbing obama and banning him from Syrian peace talks, President Trump has been invited to participate.

First sign of enhanced U.S.-Russia relations under Trump: An invite to Syria talks

The peace agreement hashed out will be Assad returns to power, safe zones set up for civilians under American supervision. Russian and Syrian forces will drive the formerly backed isis out of Syria. Peace restored.
Let's review. Exxon Mobile was set to sign a 500 billion deal with Russia & then Obama slapped sanctions on Russia due to their action in Crimea & Ukraine. The Exxon/Putin deal was off.

Trump is running for President. Russia helped Trump by hacking & leaking damaging information against Clinton.

Trump wins & says he will consider lifting the Russian sanctions if Russia helps us fight terrorism or helps us in some other way.

But noooooooooo, there is no collusion, no illegal dealings, because we can trust Trump to tell the truth.

The saddest part is not the disgusting conniving POS Trump. Its the idea his supporters see nothing wrong.

They see nothing wrong working with a war criminal who helped kill our soldiers to get a 500 billion deal for Exxon/Mobile and accepted Russia's help in the election process as Trump knew about the Russian hacking & kept denying it.

It is a sad period in our country';s history that the Republicans have finally dumbed down enough Americans to bring us Trump.
. And you can pack your bags to move to another country of your choice anytime you are ready. What kind of person are you to call the incoming POTUS a piece of sh-t ? The left is proving their treachery in this nation now, and the agenda that groups were running for years has finally done it's damage, but hopefully the damage can be undone now.
Fuck you. This is my country. Your choice as President is a proven liar, a con man, cheated his business partners, cheated on his wives, groped women, crashed dressing rooms to see naked under aged girls, and had the nerve to call POW's not heroes & trash John Lewis. That IS a POS. It is so sad that you don't agree.
After completely snubbing obama and banning him from Syrian peace talks, President Trump has been invited to participate.

First sign of enhanced U.S.-Russia relations under Trump: An invite to Syria talks

The peace agreement hashed out will be Assad returns to power, safe zones set up for civilians under American supervision. Russian and Syrian forces will drive the formerly backed isis out of Syria. Peace restored.
Great, troops in Syria controlled by the Russians.
Just Trump undoing Obungle's errors.

Get used to it lefties

And you think that it is ok to lift the sanctions? That basically tell me that the Trumpsters think it is ok what Puttin did .
If this were Clinton you would be all over it I am sure ( not that I like Clinton either )

These same people letting this slide were on here daily saying lock her up, so now they are not the moral and ethic police all of a sudden..

Ethically and Morally Puttin stepped way over the boundaries. What do we do when someone does that? We don't give them candy to congratulate them.

What did Putin do? We're still waiting on proof.
Russia hacked us. Even Trump, who's been shown the intelligence, now admits it.
So did Iran, Chinese, and the North Koreans.
Obama hacked Merkel as well as Bernie Sanders, and your tax dollars tried to fix Israeli elections
Did he sanction those countries? Did he sanction himself?
But that all involves jugears and not Trump.
We spy on other countries. So we should laugh off Russian interference & be best buds with Putin. You & Trump belong together.
Of course. Putin has him by the pussy. Trump will do and say anything Trump wants.
. You have liberal derangement syndrome. Get help.

And you conservatives have denial syndrome. You deny until your messiah says otherwise.
Is that what chocolate Jesus spoke unto you?
When cornered, out comes the racial slurs.
Cornered? What race is chocolate? You never say, you just puke up the same mindless insult.
I have news, you are not as clever as you think.

I managed to bitch about George W Bush for years without bringing up his race. You racist fucks can't seem to bitch about Obama without bringing up his race.
Is that what chocolate Jesus spoke unto you?
When cornered, out comes the racial slurs.

Well Leftists call The Donald orange and sometimes The Orange Jesus.
What race is "orange?"

"What race is "orange?"

Orange isn't a race and chocolate isn't a race.
I actually got it from the black New Orleans mayor, Nagin.


That is no excuse, racist fuck.
This whole demonization of the Russians is a construct of democrats. Russia stepped in to out obama as an ally and a parent of isis.
I see you're an idiot. That explains it. But yes, describing a black person as "chocolate" certainly speaks to their race.

This New Orleans mayor Nagin is a black man, so you think he's a racist? He used the word chocolate to describe New Orleans, a Chocolate City.
No, I think when people use terms to describe their own race, they're not being racist. And for the record, I don't view the word, "chocolate," as racist, regardless of who says it.

"No, I think when people use terms to describe their own race, they're not being racist."

Okay so this means white people also? Eg. saying "I'm proud to be white" and/or "I like being part of the white race"

This isn't racist either is it, because you're commenting those things about your own race.
Yeah. Say white power and see how that flies. Libs can't think or be honest for a second.

Well Black Lives Matter is okay, but White Lives Matter was ruled, yes racist.
Well, Black Lives Matter is not racist. The idea you think it is proves how uninformed you are.
"No, I think when people use terms to describe their own race, they're not being racist."

Okay so this means white people also? Eg. saying "I'm proud to be white" and/or "I like being part of the white race"

This isn't racist either is it, because you're commenting those things about your own race.
Yeah. Say white power and see how that flies. Libs can't think or be honest for a second.

Well Black Lives Matter is okay, but White Lives Matter was ruled, yes racist.
Just "all lives matter' was enough to make the libs foam over in outrage.

Yes that illustrates that they're lunatics, how is All Lives Matter in any way offensive? It isn't, Leftism is a mental illness.

Saying all lives matter ruins their narrative
No, it shows how ignorant you are to the problem BLM addresses.
None have mentioned the Ernst & Young connection to Exxon Mobil, which is the Paul Klebnikov connection (Godfather of the Kremlin) as well as the Sandy Hook connection (Lanza's brother).
Let's review. Exxon Mobile was set to sign a 500 billion deal with Russia & then Obama slapped sanctions on Russia due to their action in Crimea & Ukraine. The Exxon/Putin deal was off.

Trump is running for President. Russia helped Trump by hacking & leaking damaging information against Clinton.

Trump wins & says he will consider lifting the Russian sanctions if Russia helps us fight terrorism or helps us in some other way.

But noooooooooo, there is no collusion, no illegal dealings, because we can trust Trump to tell the truth.

The saddest part is not the disgusting conniving POS Trump. Its the idea his supporters see nothing wrong.

They see nothing wrong working with a war criminal who helped kill our soldiers to get a 500 billion deal for Exxon/Mobile and accepted Russia's help in the election process as Trump knew about the Russian hacking & kept denying it.

It is a sad period in our country';s history that the Republicans have finally dumbed down enough Americans to bring us Trump.
. And you can pack your bags to move to another country of your choice anytime you are ready. What kind of person are you to call the incoming POTUS a piece of sh-t ? The left is proving their treachery in this nation now, and the agenda that groups were running for years has finally done it's damage, but hopefully the damage can be undone now.
Fuck you. This is my country. Your choice as President is a proven liar, a con man, cheated his business partners, cheated on his wives, groped women, crashed dressing rooms to see naked under aged girls, and had the nerve to call POW's not heroes & trash John Lewis. That IS a POS. It is so sad that you don't agree.
Say it slowly.

President Trump.
They would rather trust Russia than their own American people.
Not all American people. Just democrats.

Tipsy go have another drink before you start shaking ... You are basically confirming what I said.

I bet you argued with everyone when the democrats fought not to bomb Iraq?
I personally trust the Russians more than democrats. Trust in the country means removing all democrats from being decision makers.

Russians have given us so much to be trustworthy of. You know like killing people who disagree with the Kremlin, locking up people who have a different opinion, state run media and on and on. A stellar record indeed.
Russia tried to warn us about the Boston Bombers. Democrat controlled intelligence let them go. Why? Because those men were going to kill Americans. Russia cared more than democrats.

Who was locked up for having a different opinion?

Lol...Russia tried to warn us about something so their hacking should be rewarded by lifting sanctions?
After completely snubbing obama and banning him from Syrian peace talks, President Trump has been invited to participate.

First sign of enhanced U.S.-Russia relations under Trump: An invite to Syria talks

The peace agreement hashed out will be Assad returns to power, safe zones set up for civilians under American supervision. Russian and Syrian forces will drive the formerly backed isis out of Syria. Peace restored.
Great, troops in Syria controlled by the Russians.
Yes. Fighting the American backed isis. Are you ready to send our military to Syria to oust Russia? Is that what you want?

Obama made a disastrous mistake in doing anything in Syria. Then compounding his disaster, he crumbled.

Assad was never going to be deposed. Russia was never going to hand its navy base to isis. This country was never willing to engage in a major war with Russia.

All those people died and were displaced, Europe is threatened all because obama is stupid and full of himself.
Not all American people. Just democrats.

Tipsy go have another drink before you start shaking ... You are basically confirming what I said.

I bet you argued with everyone when the democrats fought not to bomb Iraq?
I personally trust the Russians more than democrats. Trust in the country means removing all democrats from being decision makers.

Russians have given us so much to be trustworthy of. You know like killing people who disagree with the Kremlin, locking up people who have a different opinion, state run media and on and on. A stellar record indeed.
Russia tried to warn us about the Boston Bombers. Democrat controlled intelligence let them go. Why? Because those men were going to kill Americans. Russia cared more than democrats.

Who was locked up for having a different opinion?

Lol...Russia tried to warn us about something so their hacking should be rewarded by lifting sanctions?
Sanctions should never have been imposed. That democrats are untrustworthy is a separate issue.

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