Trump's Team Ignores Police Reports of Domestic Violence Until Cornered with Proof.

So let's get this straight, people who have actually been convicted of crimes should get out of prison early and given a second chance, but those who have allegations against them with no convictions should never be allowed to earn a living again? Is that what you're going for here?

Let me translate...

a mindless libturd said:
Liberals who have actually been convicted of crimes should get out of prison early and given a second chance, but republicans who have allegations against them with no convictions should never be allowed to earn a living again or breath oxygen for free.

Where the hell did you come up with that?

Nevermind, I guess it was only funny to me.

I didn't read your response that way. I take your word for it that I read it wrong. The sticking point for me was "If the allegations are proven" because you and I both know that ship has sailed. So your default position is that he should not be judged for ethical reasons? Sounds a lot like the Roy Moore justifications.
That's why I misunderstood you.
oldlady, you've confused me. if the wives didn't wish to make him suffer through court, why would they want him to suffer through loss of work? That lends me to lean that the supposed abuse, may not have been what has been reported. battery is battery. why would she not seek battery charges? again, you all talk out both sides of your mouth. The best thing for the WH is to cut all ties, however, that doesn't make him guilty. Just because roy moore lost does not mean he was guilty. you understand?
JC, it was one of Porter's ex-girlfriends, not his ex-wives, who opened this can of worms back up by reporting that Hope Hicks was dating Porter. The wives had no choice but to answer the FBI's questions when they did the background check.
As for women not following through with prosecution? Intimidation, sympathy/love for the guy, there are lots of reasons. I'm sure it's more than half that don't follow through, at least the first few times.
did he get clearance or not?
How the fuck would I know? I'm told by the news, no.
well did they say he had clearance? If someone is in the white house, wouldn't it imply they had clearance?

No they do not have clearance. They have something called interim clearance which is not quite the level of clearance they would have as a permanent employee. This worked. It worked well. Porter had everything on paper including a recommendation of a member of the white house staff, Hope Hicks. There was no way to know that once he was in a permanent relationship it triggered him into violence.
Listen you can not compare these 2 stories, one was a drunk accident which indeed he failed to help her..

to a fist going into your face on purpose.

sure I can. I have the same rights as you. so I say killing a women is more severe than what Porter is alleged to have done, yet you nor anyone on the left have ever denounced Kennedy for his killing of a woman. EVAH!!!

You're a liar, Kennedy most certainly should have been in prison. I don't know anyone who thinks different. Nice try though.
The people of Massachusetts maybe? Really are you that fking stupid?

Nope, I can not think of 1 single person that does not believe that he should not have done time for that crime not 1! So that makes YOU fucking stupid AND a liar! Keep doing what you do, being a lying partisan hack.
Except in Massachusetts right? How else did he serve so many fking years in the Senate?

You said everyone on the left, as usual you lied. Own it it is who you and your Orange stable genius are!
Wow, you guys want transparency and justice when it comes to Trump officials, but you go into denial and see-no-evil mode when it comes to Democratic corruption and treason.

That said, the White House has stated that it could have handled Porter's case better. Keep in mind that the abuse events occurred years ago and were in the process of being investigated as part of Porter's security clearance application.
100% agree, except that the system seems to have hit a "snag" for several months after the accusations were exposed to the Administration. It took the public finding out for the system to complete it's job. Otherwise, you got this one right, Tipsy.
So, the complain is that Trump didn't move fast enough.

Probably true, but this whole situation is not anywhere close to the level of how the story is being spun.
"Probably?" The question is, should they have moved at all? When you have had credible reports that a man is a wife beater but it was never adjudicated, do you hire him/keep him on? There are lots of them out there, so I'm sure the answer is usually yes, why not? He's not beating anyone at work. However, this is the administration of the President, so they have to worry about blackmail/security concerns. So there is a point there, though a fairly minimal risk, I think. Porter couldn't be blackmailed over this because he knew the FBI and his boss already knew about it. When it went public he just angrily denied it.

CNN is at a full boil over the lack-of-morals/ethics of hiring a wife beater and then defending him as a great guy when the news eventually went public. It fits with Trump's less than respectful attitude toward women, a "so what?" attitude. That is what Trump haters are milking right now.
What are you going on about? I said if the allegations are proven he should go to prison. The allegations were made public, he quit. Now, regardless of whether he is guilty or not, his reputation and career are ruined. Rather than wait for the wheels of justice to turn, how about we organize a lynch mob right away, will that satisfy you?
I didn't read your response that way. I take your word for it that I read it wrong. The sticking point for me was "If the allegations are proven" because you and I both know that ship has sailed. So your default position is that he should not be judged for ethical reasons? Sounds a lot like the Roy Moore justifications.
That's why I misunderstood you.
oldlady, you've confused me. if the wives didn't wish to make him suffer through court, why would they want him to suffer through loss of work? That lends me to lean that the supposed abuse, may not have been what has been reported. battery is battery. why would she not seek battery charges? again, you all talk out both sides of your mouth. The best thing for the WH is to cut all ties, however, that doesn't make him guilty. Just because roy moore lost does not mean he was guilty. you understand?
JC, it was one of Porter's ex-girlfriends, not his ex-wives, who opened this can of worms back up by reporting that Hope Hicks was dating Porter. The wives had no choice but to answer the FBI's questions when they did the background check.
As for women not following through with prosecution? Intimidation, sympathy/love for the guy, there are lots of reasons. I'm sure it's more than half that don't follow through, at least the first few times.
did he get clearance or not?
How the fuck would I know? I'm told by the news, no.
Well he hasn’t been found guilty yet but that hasn’t stopped you declaring him so. In fact I remember you doing the same re college boys having their futures ruined on allegations alone. You have a bad habit of preferring guilty until proven innocent when it suits.
A man/woman who does this is a weak coward, bully and should never have a position in the WH... I am so glad is being taken seriously after a year of being excused and ignored by the Trump cabinet.

White House officials knew about Porter's abuse allegations and scrambled to protect him
White House officials knew about Porter's abuse allegations - CNNPolitics

Senior White House official to resign after ex-wives’ allegations of abuse


Porter resigning after pictures surfaced yesterday..He was working for Trump, and unable to get a security clearance due to these old charges..

Two wives have it on a police record of Porter beating them.

Steve Bannon:
Mr Bannon was charged in February 1996 with domestic violence, battery and trying to dissuade a victim - his wife - from reporting a crime, but the case was dropped when she did not turn up to court. She later testified that she had been ordered by Mr Bannon to leave town.

Andy Puzder:
Andy Puzder, who was appointed as labour secretary, was also accused of domestic abuse by his first wife in the 1980s, as reported by the Riverfront Times, and police were twice called to their house.

Yet Porter was allowed to have a top secret security clearance, And John Kelly stuck up for him, saying he can remember growing up where women were respected. Yeah right. You defended a wife beater while attacking a florida congresswoman.
there is nothing on his record since he's not been accused of anything.

Yes it is on police records this is why he was not able to get security clearances..

We're wasting our breath. The Trumpsters have taken to their corner and it will be a Roy Moore defense all over again.
It's a shame how low they've stooped.
It’s low to assume guilt until proven innocent when it suits. This is what you persistently do and it’s quite nauseating.
"Probably?" The question is, should they have moved at all? When you have had credible reports that a man is a wife beater but it was never adjudicated, do you hire him/keep him on? There are lots of them out there, so I'm sure the answer is usually yes, why not? He's not beating anyone at work. However, this is the administration of the President, so they have to worry about blackmail/security concerns. So there is a point there, though a fairly minimal risk, I think. Porter couldn't be blackmailed over this because he knew the FBI and his boss already knew about it. When it went public he just angrily denied it.

CNN is at a full boil over the lack-of-morals/ethics of hiring a wife beater and then defending him as a great guy when the news eventually went public. It fits with Trump's less than respectful attitude toward women, a "so what?" attitude. That is what Trump haters are milking right now.

If the government maintained it's standards, Strozk and Page would have both lost their jobs over their adultery.

However they're democrook apparatchiks so the same standards do not apply. If they were republicrats their entire lives would be ruined at this point.

A man/woman who does this is a weak coward, bully and should never have a position in the WH... I am so glad is being taken seriously after a year of being excused and ignored by the Trump cabinet.

White House officials knew about Porter's abuse allegations and scrambled to protect him
White House officials knew about Porter's abuse allegations - CNNPolitics

Senior White House official to resign after ex-wives’ allegations of abuse


Porter resigning after pictures surfaced yesterday..He was working for Trump, and unable to get a security clearance due to these old charges..

Two wives have it on a police record of Porter beating them.

Steve Bannon:
Mr Bannon was charged in February 1996 with domestic violence, battery and trying to dissuade a victim - his wife - from reporting a crime, but the case was dropped when she did not turn up to court. She later testified that she had been ordered by Mr Bannon to leave town.

Andy Puzder:
Andy Puzder, who was appointed as labour secretary, was also accused of domestic abuse by his first wife in the 1980s, as reported by the Riverfront Times, and police were twice called to their house.
Not the presidents job to investigate claims of criminal activity. It's the AG's job.

"Probably?" The question is, should they have moved at all? When you have had credible reports that a man is a wife beater but it was never adjudicated, do you hire him/keep him on? There are lots of them out there, so I'm sure the answer is usually yes, why not? He's not beating anyone at work. However, this is the administration of the President, so they have to worry about blackmail/security concerns. So there is a point there, though a fairly minimal risk, I think. Porter couldn't be blackmailed over this because he knew the FBI and his boss already knew about it. When it went public he just angrily denied it.

CNN is at a full boil over the lack-of-morals/ethics of hiring a wife beater and then defending him as a great guy when the news eventually went public. It fits with Trump's less than respectful attitude toward women, a "so what?" attitude. That is what Trump haters are milking right now.

If the government maintained it's standards, Strozk and Page would have both lost their jobs over their adultery.

However they're democrook apparatchiks so the same standards do not apply. If they were republicrats their entire lives would be ruined at this point.
I don't know what planet you live on, but in this world, people aren't fired for committing adultery at work. Holy Jeesus, half the country would be unemployed.
A man/woman who does this is a weak coward, bully and should never have a position in the WH... I am so glad is being taken seriously after a year of being excused and ignored by the Trump cabinet.

White House officials knew about Porter's abuse allegations and scrambled to protect him
White House officials knew about Porter's abuse allegations - CNNPolitics

Senior White House official to resign after ex-wives’ allegations of abuse


Porter resigning after pictures surfaced yesterday..He was working for Trump, and unable to get a security clearance due to these old charges..

Two wives have it on a police record of Porter beating them.

Steve Bannon:
Mr Bannon was charged in February 1996 with domestic violence, battery and trying to dissuade a victim - his wife - from reporting a crime, but the case was dropped when she did not turn up to court. She later testified that she had been ordered by Mr Bannon to leave town.

Andy Puzder:
Andy Puzder, who was appointed as labour secretary, was also accused of domestic abuse by his first wife in the 1980s, as reported by the Riverfront Times, and police were twice called to their house.

Yet Porter was allowed to have a top secret security clearance, And John Kelly stuck up for him, saying he can remember growing up where women were respected. Yeah right. You defended a wife beater while attacking a florida congresswoman.
there is nothing on his record since he's not been accused of anything.

Yes it is on police records this is why he was not able to get security clearances..

We're wasting our breath. The Trumpsters have taken to their corner and it will be a Roy Moore defense all over again.
It's a shame how low they've stooped.
It’s low to assume guilt until proven innocent when it suits. This is what you persistently do and it’s quite nauseating.
I'll run out and get you some Tums. You might as well get used to it.
A man/woman who does this is a weak coward, bully and should never have a position in the WH... I am so glad is being taken seriously after a year of being excused and ignored by the Trump cabinet.

White House officials knew about Porter's abuse allegations and scrambled to protect him
White House officials knew about Porter's abuse allegations - CNNPolitics

Senior White House official to resign after ex-wives’ allegations of abuse


Porter resigning after pictures surfaced yesterday..He was working for Trump, and unable to get a security clearance due to these old charges..

Two wives have it on a police record of Porter beating them.

Steve Bannon:
Mr Bannon was charged in February 1996 with domestic violence, battery and trying to dissuade a victim - his wife - from reporting a crime, but the case was dropped when she did not turn up to court. She later testified that she had been ordered by Mr Bannon to leave town.

Andy Puzder:
Andy Puzder, who was appointed as labour secretary, was also accused of domestic abuse by his first wife in the 1980s, as reported by the Riverfront Times, and police were twice called to their house.

Yet Porter was allowed to have a top secret security clearance, And John Kelly stuck up for him, saying he can remember growing up where women were respected. Yeah right. You defended a wife beater while attacking a florida congresswoman.
there is nothing on his record since he's not been accused of anything.

Yes it is on police records this is why he was not able to get security clearances..

We're wasting our breath. The Trumpsters have taken to their corner and it will be a Roy Moore defense all over again.
It's a shame how low they've stooped.
It’s low to assume guilt until proven innocent when it suits. This is what you persistently do and it’s quite nauseating.
Common sense and ethics turn a lot of people's stomachs, especially Trump supporters. I understand.
I don't know what planet you live on, but in this world, people aren't fired for committing adultery at work. Holy Jeesus, half the country would be unemployed.

I'm not talking about everyone in the country.

I'm talking about people in government with security clearances. In the Army if you are found to have fucked around on your wife you can be seriously punished and have your clearance revoked because it makes you susceptible to black mail but it also indicates poor character, and a lack of integrity. Last I looked people in positions that high in government were supposed to be above reproach.

The adultery is one thing of course, but it is quite clear these 2 sociopaths have no business in positions where trust, integrity, or ethics should be important.
I don't know what planet you live on, but in this world, people aren't fired for committing adultery at work. Holy Jeesus, half the country would be unemployed.

I'm not talking about everyone in the country.

I'm talking about people in government with security clearances. In the Army if you are found to have fucked around on your wife you can be seriously punished and have your clearance revoked because it makes you susceptible to black mail but it also indicates poor character, and a lack of integrity. Last I looked people in positions that high in government were supposed to be above reproach.

The adultery is one thing of course, but it is quite clear these 2 sociopaths have no business in positions where trust, integrity, or ethics should be important.
For texting their political opinions? Sometimes this argument scares me.
A man/woman who does this is a weak coward, bully and should never have a position in the WH... I am so glad is being taken seriously after a year of being excused and ignored by the Trump cabinet.

White House officials knew about Porter's abuse allegations and scrambled to protect him
White House officials knew about Porter's abuse allegations - CNNPolitics

Senior White House official to resign after ex-wives’ allegations of abuse


Porter resigning after pictures surfaced yesterday..He was working for Trump, and unable to get a security clearance due to these old charges..

Two wives have it on a police record of Porter beating them.

Steve Bannon:
Mr Bannon was charged in February 1996 with domestic violence, battery and trying to dissuade a victim - his wife - from reporting a crime, but the case was dropped when she did not turn up to court. She later testified that she had been ordered by Mr Bannon to leave town.

Andy Puzder:
Andy Puzder, who was appointed as labour secretary, was also accused of domestic abuse by his first wife in the 1980s, as reported by the Riverfront Times, and police were twice called to their house.
A man/woman who does this is a weak coward, bully and should never have a position in the WH... I am so glad is being taken seriously after a year of being excused and ignored by the Trump cabinet.

White House officials knew about Porter's abuse allegations and scrambled to protect him
White House officials knew about Porter's abuse allegations - CNNPolitics

Senior White House official to resign after ex-wives’ allegations of abuse


Porter resigning after pictures surfaced yesterday..He was working for Trump, and unable to get a security clearance due to these old charges..

Two wives have it on a police record of Porter beating them.

Steve Bannon:
Mr Bannon was charged in February 1996 with domestic violence, battery and trying to dissuade a victim - his wife - from reporting a crime, but the case was dropped when she did not turn up to court. She later testified that she had been ordered by Mr Bannon to leave town.

Andy Puzder:
Andy Puzder, who was appointed as labour secretary, was also accused of domestic abuse by his first wife in the 1980s, as reported by the Riverfront Times, and police were twice called to their house.
that was over 20 years ago...were you outraged by Bill Clinton?...what he did in the White House while he was president? You haters dig up information on a low level member of the Trump administration...Don't you people have anything better to do?
Yet Porter was allowed to have a top secret security clearance, And John Kelly stuck up for him, saying he can remember growing up where women were respected. Yeah right. You defended a wife beater while attacking a florida congresswoman.
there is nothing on his record since he's not been accused of anything.

Yes it is on police records this is why he was not able to get security clearances..

We're wasting our breath. The Trumpsters have taken to their corner and it will be a Roy Moore defense all over again.
It's a shame how low they've stooped.
It’s low to assume guilt until proven innocent when it suits. This is what you persistently do and it’s quite nauseating.
Common sense and ethics turn a lot of people's stomachs, especially Trump supporters. I understand.
Get off your high horse, you pompous twat. Declaring people guilty before they’ve been found guilty isn’t ethical, just as destroying the lives of young men on the basis of allegations isn’t ethical, and you are an avid proponent of both.
there is nothing on his record since he's not been accused of anything.

Yes it is on police records this is why he was not able to get security clearances..

We're wasting our breath. The Trumpsters have taken to their corner and it will be a Roy Moore defense all over again.
It's a shame how low they've stooped.
It’s low to assume guilt until proven innocent when it suits. This is what you persistently do and it’s quite nauseating.
Common sense and ethics turn a lot of people's stomachs, especially Trump supporters. I understand.
Get off your high horse, you pompous twat. Declaring people guilty before they’ve been found guilty isn’t ethical, just as destroying the lives of young men on the basis of allegations isn’t ethical, and you are an avid proponent of both.
The Trump administration fired the guy toot sweet and they have not said the allegations are questionable. The ONLY person who has said Porter is innocent is Porter.
Defending guys who beat their wives is real high tone, I gotta admit.
You go for it.
For texting their political opinions? Sometimes this argument scares me.

Some of those texts implied a conspiracy IMO.

The idea that government agents, especially at that level might allow their own hatred of a candidate to influence how they handle an investigation should terrify you no matter who the candidate is.

I would not want someone who hates hitlery as much as I do to be a part of a team trying to prosecute her, because it compromises the integrity of the case. Furthermore I don't want anyone who can not even uphold their marital vows to be trusted to uphold their oath to the Constitution.

If a common soldier can be punished for infidelity, high level buearucrooks should be held to higher standards.


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