Trump's Team Ignores Police Reports of Domestic Violence Until Cornered with Proof.

Hope Hicks is going to take her licks. Allegedly it is worth it for the makeup.

$20T debt and the MSM finds some employee story to continue a smear job on "the Oarnge Charleton"
We're wasting our breath. The Trumpsters have taken to their corner and it will be a Roy Moore defense all over again.
It's a shame how low they've stooped.
It’s low to assume guilt until proven innocent when it suits. This is what you persistently do and it’s quite nauseating.
Common sense and ethics turn a lot of people's stomachs, especially Trump supporters. I understand.
Get off your high horse, you pompous twat. Declaring people guilty before they’ve been found guilty isn’t ethical, just as destroying the lives of young men on the basis of allegations isn’t ethical, and you are an avid proponent of both.
The Trump administration fired the guy toot sweet and they have not said the allegations are questionable. The ONLY person who has said Porter is innocent is Porter.
Defending guys who beat their wives is real high tone, I gotta admit.
You go for it.
I'm so tired of this shit. One of the exwives was on the today show and stated she did not seek out the news to make an issue about it. So the news is now making our news for us. fk them.
True enough. But they didn't "make the news" here. Porter did. Then Trump's WH staff did. Is it getting a bunch more attention than it probably deserves? Maybe you're right. I've pretty much had my fill of discussing it. By tonight's news, only CNN will be devoting much time to it, I predict.
It’s low to assume guilt until proven innocent when it suits. This is what you persistently do and it’s quite nauseating.
Common sense and ethics turn a lot of people's stomachs, especially Trump supporters. I understand.
Get off your high horse, you pompous twat. Declaring people guilty before they’ve been found guilty isn’t ethical, just as destroying the lives of young men on the basis of allegations isn’t ethical, and you are an avid proponent of both.
The Trump administration fired the guy toot sweet and they have not said the allegations are questionable. The ONLY person who has said Porter is innocent is Porter.
Defending guys who beat their wives is real high tone, I gotta admit.
You go for it.
I'm so tired of this shit. One of the exwives was on the today show and stated she did not seek out the news to make an issue about it. So the news is now making our news for us. fk them.
True enough. But they didn't "make the news" here. Porter did. Then Trump's WH staff did. Is it getting a bunch more attention than it probably deserves? Maybe you're right. I've pretty much had my fill of discussing it. By tonight's news, only CNN will be devoting much time to it, I predict.
who brought all of this up? I'm confident it wasn't Porter or the WH. so who? Why did it take so fking long?
It’s low to assume guilt until proven innocent when it suits. This is what you persistently do and it’s quite nauseating.
Common sense and ethics turn a lot of people's stomachs, especially Trump supporters. I understand.
Get off your high horse, you pompous twat. Declaring people guilty before they’ve been found guilty isn’t ethical, just as destroying the lives of young men on the basis of allegations isn’t ethical, and you are an avid proponent of both.
The Trump administration fired the guy toot sweet and they have not said the allegations are questionable. The ONLY person who has said Porter is innocent is Porter.
Defending guys who beat their wives is real high tone, I gotta admit.
You go for it.
I'm so tired of this shit. One of the exwives was on the today show and stated she did not seek out the news to make an issue about it. So the news is now making our news for us. fk them.
True enough. But they didn't "make the news" here. Porter did. Then Trump's WH staff did. Is it getting a bunch more attention than it probably deserves? Maybe you're right. I've pretty much had my fill of discussing it. By tonight's news, only CNN will be devoting much time to it, I predict.

no no no no NO ...

Faux will spend all evening reporting about Republicans beating women .....

Common sense and ethics turn a lot of people's stomachs, especially Trump supporters. I understand.
Get off your high horse, you pompous twat. Declaring people guilty before they’ve been found guilty isn’t ethical, just as destroying the lives of young men on the basis of allegations isn’t ethical, and you are an avid proponent of both.
The Trump administration fired the guy toot sweet and they have not said the allegations are questionable. The ONLY person who has said Porter is innocent is Porter.
Defending guys who beat their wives is real high tone, I gotta admit.
You go for it.
I'm so tired of this shit. One of the exwives was on the today show and stated she did not seek out the news to make an issue about it. So the news is now making our news for us. fk them.
True enough. But they didn't "make the news" here. Porter did. Then Trump's WH staff did. Is it getting a bunch more attention than it probably deserves? Maybe you're right. I've pretty much had my fill of discussing it. By tonight's news, only CNN will be devoting much time to it, I predict.
who brought all of this up? I'm confident it wasn't Porter or the WH. so who? Why did it take so fking long?
They made the news that is being reported, and it would not be coming out if (1) Porter had not been accused by two exwives of being abusive and (2) the WH had not kept Porter on for a year knowing that he had these allegations in his past. They are the real newsmakers. The media is simply reporting it.
What I understand is that an ex GIRLFRIEND of Porter's dropped the dime. She had heard that Porter was dating Hope Hicks and my guess is that the gf was jealous. Boy, did she ever pay him back!
Didn't these incidents happen years ago, some of them many years ago? How long do we hold incidents against someone? If any of them happened within the last two or three years, that would be one thing. But if we're talking about incidents that occurred eight or 10 more years ago, that's a long time ago.
It’s low to assume guilt until proven innocent when it suits. This is what you persistently do and it’s quite nauseating.
Common sense and ethics turn a lot of people's stomachs, especially Trump supporters. I understand.
Get off your high horse, you pompous twat. Declaring people guilty before they’ve been found guilty isn’t ethical, just as destroying the lives of young men on the basis of allegations isn’t ethical, and you are an avid proponent of both.
The Trump administration fired the guy toot sweet and they have not said the allegations are questionable. The ONLY person who has said Porter is innocent is Porter.
Defending guys who beat their wives is real high tone, I gotta admit.
You go for it.
I'm so tired of this shit. One of the exwives was on the today show and stated she did not seek out the news to make an issue about it. So the news is now making our news for us. fk them.
True enough. But they didn't "make the news" here. Porter did. Then Trump's WH staff did. Is it getting a bunch more attention than it probably deserves? Maybe you're right. I've pretty much had my fill of discussing it. By tonight's news, only CNN will be devoting much time to it, I predict.

I had to turn off the news this morning, it was all they were talking about.. I did watch some Fox news just to see what they were reporting and of coarse they focused on how many on Obama's team didn't have security
Just stop with the finger pointing...Domestic Violence is rampant , this is what is important..

Didn't these incidents happen years ago, some of them many years ago? How long do we hold incidents against someone? If any of them happened within the last two or three years, that would be one thing. But if we're talking about incidents that occurred eight or 10 more years ago, that's a long time ago.

Incidents? Did you see the woman's eye? I would call that a crime, but we are still in the dark ages as far as women's issues.
A man/woman who does this is a weak coward, bully and should never have a position in the WH... I am so glad is being taken seriously after a year of being excused and ignored by the Trump cabinet.

White House officials knew about Porter's abuse allegations and scrambled to protect him
White House officials knew about Porter's abuse allegations - CNNPolitics

Senior White House official to resign after ex-wives’ allegations of abuse


Porter resigning after pictures surfaced yesterday..He was working for Trump, and unable to get a security clearance due to these old charges..

Two wives have it on a police record of Porter beating them.

Steve Bannon:
Mr Bannon was charged in February 1996 with domestic violence, battery and trying to dissuade a victim - his wife - from reporting a crime, but the case was dropped when she did not turn up to court. She later testified that she had been ordered by Mr Bannon to leave town.

Andy Puzder:
Andy Puzder, who was appointed as labour secretary, was also accused of domestic abuse by his first wife in the 1980s, as reported by the Riverfront Times, and police were twice called to their house.

I saw on the news this morning that reportedly there are dozens in the White House who have not been granted security clearances. So much for our national security.

I saw that too ... Why does this security clearance not apply to the WH..I had to go through a lot just to drive women to school in a rehab I did my internship
It's just sad to see how the Dems are in full gotcha mode over anything and everything. No context. No consideration about the age of the events. No nothing. They're doing in spades the very thing they complained that conservatives did toward Obama.
A man/woman who does this is a weak coward, bully and should never have a position in the WH... I am so glad is being taken seriously after a year of being excused and ignored by the Trump cabinet.

White House officials knew about Porter's abuse allegations and scrambled to protect him
White House officials knew about Porter's abuse allegations - CNNPolitics

Senior White House official to resign after ex-wives’ allegations of abuse


Porter resigning after pictures surfaced yesterday..He was working for Trump, and unable to get a security clearance due to these old charges..

Two wives have it on a police record of Porter beating them.

Steve Bannon:
Mr Bannon was charged in February 1996 with domestic violence, battery and trying to dissuade a victim - his wife - from reporting a crime, but the case was dropped when she did not turn up to court. She later testified that she had been ordered by Mr Bannon to leave town.

Andy Puzder:
Andy Puzder, who was appointed as labour secretary, was also accused of domestic abuse by his first wife in the 1980s, as reported by the Riverfront Times, and police were twice called to their house.
It’s none of the White Houses business
It's any employer's business. No hitter, man or woman, would have been allowed to stay with our company if it came to management's attention.
Presumably you mean after they’d been proven to be guilty.
An employer can go with preponderance of evidence not beyond a reasonable doubt. There is no court. An employee who feels they have been handled wrongly can make an HR complaint.
A man/woman who does this is a weak coward, bully and should never have a position in the WH... I am so glad is being taken seriously after a year of being excused and ignored by the Trump cabinet.

White House officials knew about Porter's abuse allegations and scrambled to protect him
White House officials knew about Porter's abuse allegations - CNNPolitics

Senior White House official to resign after ex-wives’ allegations of abuse


Porter resigning after pictures surfaced yesterday..He was working for Trump, and unable to get a security clearance due to these old charges..

Two wives have it on a police record of Porter beating them.

Steve Bannon:
Mr Bannon was charged in February 1996 with domestic violence, battery and trying to dissuade a victim - his wife - from reporting a crime, but the case was dropped when she did not turn up to court. She later testified that she had been ordered by Mr Bannon to leave town.

Andy Puzder:
Andy Puzder, who was appointed as labour secretary, was also accused of domestic abuse by his first wife in the 1980s, as reported by the Riverfront Times, and police were twice called to their house.

I saw on the news this morning that reportedly there are dozens in the White House who have not been granted security clearances. So much for our national security.

I saw that too ... Why does this security clearance not apply to the WH..I had to go through a lot just to drive women to school in a rehab I did my internship
I'm sure you were also wondering how Clinton, if she had become president, was supposed to get a security clearance.For most people being "Extremely Careless" is frowned upon when it comes to classified material.
A man/woman who does this is a weak coward, bully and should never have a position in the WH... I am so glad is being taken seriously after a year of being excused and ignored by the Trump cabinet.

White House officials knew about Porter's abuse allegations and scrambled to protect him
White House officials knew about Porter's abuse allegations - CNNPolitics

Senior White House official to resign after ex-wives’ allegations of abuse


Porter resigning after pictures surfaced yesterday..He was working for Trump, and unable to get a security clearance due to these old charges..

Two wives have it on a police record of Porter beating them.

Steve Bannon:
Mr Bannon was charged in February 1996 with domestic violence, battery and trying to dissuade a victim - his wife - from reporting a crime, but the case was dropped when she did not turn up to court. She later testified that she had been ordered by Mr Bannon to leave town.

Andy Puzder:
Andy Puzder, who was appointed as labour secretary, was also accused of domestic abuse by his first wife in the 1980s, as reported by the Riverfront Times, and police were twice called to their house.

Why is this even news? When did employers become responsible for behavior that didn't occur in the workplace?
Didn't these incidents happen years ago, some of them many years ago? How long do we hold incidents against someone? If any of them happened within the last two or three years, that would be one thing. But if we're talking about incidents that occurred eight or 10 more years ago, that's a long time ago.
Men who commit domestic violence don't stop. For example--Porter's SECOND wife. They are frequently not reported, though.
Trump's Team Ignores Police Reports of Domestic Violence Until Cornered with Proof.

Trump's team ignores EVERYTHING BAD until cornered with proof. Their boasts of transparency are bullshit. I'm so thankful we have some honorable and aggressive media to help keep us informed of facts and reality.
Didn't these incidents happen years ago, some of them many years ago? How long do we hold incidents against someone? If any of them happened within the last two or three years, that would be one thing. But if we're talking about incidents that occurred eight or 10 more years ago, that's a long time ago.
Men who commit domestic violence don't stop. For example--Porter's SECOND wife. They are frequently not reported, though.
Isn’t it odd that Trump can’t bring himself to say something like “boy I feel horrible for those women” instead of defending wife beaters?

Sad :(

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