Trumps Top Acheivement; Exposing the Rot and Corruption of the USA Ruling Class


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I became aware of this back in the 2008 MBS/CDS fiasco that nearly wrecked our economy. None of the bastards responsible for that bullshit were ever punished, and it was open fraud.

And the problems with rating agencies on Wall Street being dependent on the banks that issued the securities that were rated has never been fixed.

I knew that our media was corrupt from having watched Desert storm on live TV then watching the coverage in the evening that made me wonder if they were reporting on a different war than what I saw.

And of course, I have been familiar with the Tammany Hall political machines and their corruption when I read 'The Jungle' by Upton Sinclair which delved into the topic via a well-written novel.

But the Trump administration has exposed rot and corruption in our Oligarch class that has gone way beyond my worst nightmare and it is REAL.

At least he has taught the American people to never trust the polls, the media, the political class, or our Oligarchs to defend the interest of the American people.

More specifically, Trump has exposed the ruling class: the bipartisan political establishment and its adjuncts in Big Tech, the corporate media, Big Business and Woke Capital, the academy, and across the commanding heights of American society.
Trump’s manners engender hatred in the ruling class. Even more significantly, his tenacity in confronting the ruling class’s members with their failures—and the fact he has threatened to rectify those failures—discredits and disempowers those responsible for them. Their response—a perpetual effort to destroy him—has shown the ruling class to be lawless and tyrannical.
Consequently, the ruling class has obliterated the institutions it claimed to be defending, revealing to those Americans not addled by Trump Derangement Syndrome that the emperor has no clothes. Americans willing to look can now see that those institutions which ostensibly exist to serve us have no reservations about launching a full-scale assault on us if it serves their interests.
Consider what we have learned about the leaders of the country in the last four years.
We learned that they would do everything in their power to destroy a president who takes them on: delegitimizing his election; baselessly demonizing and slandering him as a Nazi, racist, and bigot; lying perpetually through media conduits to undermine and smear him; pulling documents off his desk to subvert him; concocting false narratives meant to portray him as a traitor to justify spying on him and his confidantes; waging legal and political jihads aimed at toppling him; weaponizing national security, intelligence, and law-enforcement apparatuses to punish him and like-minded dissenters from the ruling class orthodoxy; impeaching him over his desires to root out political corruption; threatening to wear wires in a bid to entrap and remove him under the 25th Amendment; claiming obstruction of justice over rightful decisions to fire subordinates as he sees fit; illegally leaking information about the most sensitive of subjects concerning his policies while simultaneously invoking state secrecy to prevent the revelation of systematic ruling class corruption and criminality; and often engaging in outright insubordination.
On this last count, we learned that military leaders would publicly flout their commander-in-chief, overrule him on broadly popular policies like pulling troops out of aimless and endless wars or protecting American cities from rioting mobs, and openly entertain scenarios of forcibly removing him from office.
We learned that our courts—up to the highest court in the land—would hold such a president to a different standard than other presidents. When the government itself dropped its case against one of the president’s chief advisors—ensnared in some of the previously described machinations—the judge overseeing the case stepped in as prosecutor himself to continue the persecution. Traitors to the ruling class are treated as below the law.
The ruling class’s hatred of the president, and its efforts to destroy him, were of course a proxy for its desire to destroy what he represents. What he represents is not just the policies it despises, but the people it despises. This includes the 71 million commonsense, patriotic, traditional Americans who voted for him. Some adored the president. Others backed him as the ultimate middle finger pointed at a ruling class that frowned hatefully down upon them while claiming to be virtuous and magnanimous.
Indeed, we learned that much of our ruling class believes those Americans to be deplorable, irredeemable, racist, bigoted, backwards, Russia-supporting traitors and Nazis.

It is time to replace the Oligarchs that do not deserve their position, wealth or influence.
He didn’t set out to expose it. He set out to take control of it.

Look. Let’s examine it shall we? The Justice Department abuse of FISA warrants. Despite literally tons of evidence of abuse of the Justice System by the DOJ, Trump never went with reform. He wanted to name and shame those who went after him. He didn’t give a Fiddlers Fuck about the rest of those who were victims of similar abuses. Screw them. Nobody goes after Trump.

The same is true of every single thing. You applaud and say that Trump exposed. OK, how does he fix it? How does he end the abuses taking place every single day in our Justice System. You applaud those abuses too don’t you? So long as those abuses are happening to someone you don’t like, or you think deserves it.

Now, the economy. The rot in the system you decry. The same rot that allowed Trump to amass a fortune, he now decries and exposes. Does that sound logical, or even rational? Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. Trump Co. needs that same Rot to keep operating doesn’t it? Or has the Trump Hotels and Resorts been sold to one of Epstein’s clients?

Come on, get serious. Or at least wear blinders that let you see a little more.
Elections are an illusion, politicians have RIGGED elections to ensure their bought and paid for candidate wins in a given district. They sell their candidate's votes to the highest bidder to line their own pockets.
Elections are an illusion, politicians have RIGGED elections to ensure their bought and paid for candidate wins in a given district. They sell their candidate's votes to the highest bidder to line their own pockets.
In many cases, like in blue cities this is too often true, but it has not ever been true to this extent in national POTUS elections.
I became aware of this back in the 2008 MBS/CDS fiasco that nearly wrecked our economy. None of the bastards responsible for that bullshit were ever punished, and it was open fraud.

And the problems with rating agencies on Wall Street being dependent on the banks that issued the securities that were rated has never been fixed.

I knew that our media was corrupt from having watched Desert storm on live TV then watching the coverage in the evening that made me wonder if they were reporting on a different war than what I saw.

And of course, I have been familiar with the Tammany Hall political machines and their corruption when I read 'The Jungle' by Upton Sinclair which delved into the topic via a well-written novel.

But the Trump administration has exposed rot and corruption in our Oligarch class that has gone way beyond my worst nightmare and it is REAL.

At least he has taught the American people to never trust the polls, the media, the political class, or our Oligarchs to defend the interest of the American people.

More specifically, Trump has exposed the ruling class: the bipartisan political establishment and its adjuncts in Big Tech, the corporate media, Big Business and Woke Capital, the academy, and across the commanding heights of American society.
Trump’s manners engender hatred in the ruling class. Even more significantly, his tenacity in confronting the ruling class’s members with their failures—and the fact he has threatened to rectify those failures—discredits and disempowers those responsible for them. Their response—a perpetual effort to destroy him—has shown the ruling class to be lawless and tyrannical.
Consequently, the ruling class has obliterated the institutions it claimed to be defending, revealing to those Americans not addled by Trump Derangement Syndrome that the emperor has no clothes. Americans willing to look can now see that those institutions which ostensibly exist to serve us have no reservations about launching a full-scale assault on us if it serves their interests.
Consider what we have learned about the leaders of the country in the last four years.
We learned that they would do everything in their power to destroy a president who takes them on: delegitimizing his election; baselessly demonizing and slandering him as a Nazi, racist, and bigot; lying perpetually through media conduits to undermine and smear him; pulling documents off his desk to subvert him; concocting false narratives meant to portray him as a traitor to justify spying on him and his confidantes; waging legal and political jihads aimed at toppling him; weaponizing national security, intelligence, and law-enforcement apparatuses to punish him and like-minded dissenters from the ruling class orthodoxy; impeaching him over his desires to root out political corruption; threatening to wear wires in a bid to entrap and remove him under the 25th Amendment; claiming obstruction of justice over rightful decisions to fire subordinates as he sees fit; illegally leaking information about the most sensitive of subjects concerning his policies while simultaneously invoking state secrecy to prevent the revelation of systematic ruling class corruption and criminality; and often engaging in outright insubordination.
On this last count, we learned that military leaders would publicly flout their commander-in-chief, overrule him on broadly popular policies like pulling troops out of aimless and endless wars or protecting American cities from rioting mobs, and openly entertain scenarios of forcibly removing him from office.
We learned that our courts—up to the highest court in the land—would hold such a president to a different standard than other presidents. When the government itself dropped its case against one of the president’s chief advisors—ensnared in some of the previously described machinations—the judge overseeing the case stepped in as prosecutor himself to continue the persecution. Traitors to the ruling class are treated as below the law.
The ruling class’s hatred of the president, and its efforts to destroy him, were of course a proxy for its desire to destroy what he represents. What he represents is not just the policies it despises, but the people it despises. This includes the 71 million commonsense, patriotic, traditional Americans who voted for him. Some adored the president. Others backed him as the ultimate middle finger pointed at a ruling class that frowned hatefully down upon them while claiming to be virtuous and magnanimous.
Indeed, we learned that much of our ruling class believes those Americans to be deplorable, irredeemable, racist, bigoted, backwards, Russia-supporting traitors and Nazis.

It is time to replace the Oligarchs that do not deserve their position, wealth or influence.

Wow...he exposed the corruption we all knew was there? Shocking.

When you look at the list of "accomplishments"....there isn't much. He built 15 miles of wall; never launched his healthcare plan. Never addressed the infrastructure as he said he was going to do. The "space force" is grounded. We're still in the middle east. The Chinese/American trade imbalance is about where it was when he oozed into office.

It is good, I guess, he highlighted the corruption...but he mostly did that by being the most corrupt President in our lifetime.

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