Trump's trade war with China


I've stated my thoughts.......if Trump ever does that I will support it.

How will you know, if he is doing it? What metric will you look for? Rising wages?

Concentrating on the businesses as opposed to the country. It's easy. Huge taxes on overseas profits.

So, it has to be process with you? No amount of rising wages will convince you that he might be onto something?

They aren't raising. Minor bit at most. Jobs will go to other countries and the rich will continue to increase their wealth many times over the help.
Fucking ridiculous. People organize themselves into hundreds of thousands, even millions of people, over the stupidest most meaningless shit ever but they can’t organize themselves to demand higher wages from their employers? Give me a fucking break it’s just another excuse for people to blame someone else for their problems.

Nope, they cannot. Now that Unions have lost their power, it is every man for himself.

People organize themselves into hundreds of thousands, even millions of people for a day or a weekend, not for the long term. in the long term Person A is going to give in because they have a family to feed and 2 bucks an hour less is better than no bucks an hour.
And I’m not even talking about unions. Unions are just yet another result of the stupidity of workers. The IDEA of a union is amazing and if done correctly it should work to the advantage of the workers. But it doesn’t because the workers let the union become an organization with a power structure and that is ALWAYS going to lead to corruption. Unions aren’t bad because they’re organized labor, they’re bad because the workers let them get out of control with power. If the UAW isn’t a perfect example of that then I don’t know what is.
Supply and demand should dictate that a glut in labor supply should lead to higher wages. But do you want to know why it probably won’t? Because idiots are going to accept less than they’re worth, like fucking ALWAYS, and then blame it on the employer.

Are you suggesting they go on strike?
We’re talking about people who aren’t even hired yet. There’s a labor supply shortage in America and it’s the perfect time for workers to take a stand and demand what they’re worth before accepting a job... but they won’t. Because employers will try to offer less, like any market transaction where a buyer tries to negotiate a cheaper price, only for whatever reason workers will simply accept that offer and then bitch about the fact that employers didn’t offer more. You realize your labor is a service you’re selling to a buyer (an employer) the way any other service is, correct? If workers continue to just accept the lower offers from employers then what the fuck do you think is going to happen? Workers have the advantage right now and i guarantee you they won’t come out on top because they have no fucking idea how to negotiate. It’s always someone else’s fault.

People at that end of the equation are not organized or able to miss even one check.
Fucking ridiculous. People organize themselves into hundreds of thousands, even millions of people, over the stupidest most meaningless shit ever but they can’t organize themselves to demand higher wages from their employers? Give me a fucking break it’s just another excuse for people to blame someone else for their problems.

It's difficult to strike when you are easily replaced.
Its much more difficult to be replaced when you have a marketable skill that’s in demand. If your job is something any idiot off the street can get hired to do then you have no negotiation strength. Which isn’t the fault of employers.
1. It is both. I support policy to combat both.

2. If China is incapable of mutually beneficial trade, then let US stop trading with them, or at least dial it back to what they can match.

We already have mutually beneficial trade with China

No one believes that. Everyone knows it is not true.

Anyone that does not let their politics think for them, knows it is true.

The signs are unmistakable, I have given them to you a dozen times.


Why do you not want higher wages for American workers?

cnm had admitted that his reasons is that he hates the Americans he think would benefit the most, ie working class whites.

That is the only string you have left, and you are holding onto it for dear life

Too bad for you wages are up...

Workers at the lower end of the pay scale finally are getting the most benefit from rising wages

US workers see wage increase in the third quarter - CNN

Wages rising: The US economy is now working best for lower-wage workers - AEI

You know, three years ago, during the campaign, people on your side of these issues, made the claim that Trump would or could not address trade, or immigration and even if he tried, it could never lead to rising wages for lower income workers, because of various immutable economic reality of the modern world economy.

Trump attempts at addressing these two issues, have been fairly moderate, and unexciting, (no massive tariffs, no Wall, ect),

BUT even so, the preliminary results, are amazingly encouraging. As YOU point out, with wages finally rising, after generations of stagnation.

My response to your post? Is let's do a lot more of what led to those rises, and keep it up for the next 60 years, at least, to be fair.
With better trade policy, we can encourage American consumers to buy American, and nurture American employment and wages.

Why do I care where something is made? As a consumer I look for the best quality mixed with the best price, the country of origin is of very little concern to me.

America has a million open position more than people to fill them, what more do you want?
Supply and demand should dictate that a glut in labor supply should lead to higher wages. But do you want to know why it probably won’t? Because idiots are going to accept less than they’re worth, like fucking ALWAYS, and then blame it on the employer.

Wages have been going up for a while, they are always the last to catch up and the first to end. It is just the way things are.
I’m just glad to see you admit that wages are rising. I know that correlation doesn’t always equal causation but rising wages after a recent big tax cut sounds pretty damn delicious to me.

Wages go up when there is a shortage of labor and companies have to fight for those with the skills they need.

Which is why we want to increase demand with trade policy and decrease supply with immigration policy.
Why do I care where something is made? As a consumer I look for the best quality mixed with the best price, the country of origin is of very little concern to me.

America has a million open position more than people to fill them, what more do you want?
Supply and demand should dictate that a glut in labor supply should lead to higher wages. But do you want to know why it probably won’t? Because idiots are going to accept less than they’re worth, like fucking ALWAYS, and then blame it on the employer.

Wages have been going up for a while, they are always the last to catch up and the first to end. It is just the way things are.
I’m just glad to see you admit that wages are rising. I know that correlation doesn’t always equal causation but rising wages after a recent big tax cut sounds pretty damn delicious to me.

Wages go up when there is a shortage of labor and companies have to fight for those with the skills they need.
Of course they do. Prices on anything go up when there’s a shortage of it. But these rising wages, as modest as they are, are basically just the bare minimum of a growing economy. Lower income workers have a huge opportunity right now but they’re going to ruin it because they’re too stupid not to. Their stupidity is more often than not the very reason why they’re grown adults and still in the lower income bracket.

To be fair, the labor market has been flooded with cheap immigrant labor for generations.

That puts unskilled or semiskilled labor at a tough disadvantage.

AND unions have been incompetent and corrupt.
No one believes that. Everyone knows it is not true.

Business believes we do. They aren't happy that their previous agreements are coming back to bite them now though.

I dont' think business believe that. I think that they know that they are looking out for themselves while fucking their fellow Americans, and they tell themselves that that is ok, for various bullshit reasons.

You didn't say anything different than I did.

Big difference between truly believing something, and rationalizing behavior that you know it shitty, for shitty reasons.

And everyone else, knows it is not mutual beneficial trade, no matter what the bullshitters say.

Business only cares that it benefits them and for them that makes it mutually beneficial.

Being a selfish socio-path is not a valid POV.

What you say we say, "FUCK THEM ALL" and craft government policy to benefit as many Americans as possible, and the nation as a whole?
"If anyone had doubts that trade was the thing hanging over the market, today seals it," said Bill Stone, chief investment officer with Avalon Investment & Advisory.

Tariffs on popular consumer goods like clothing, shoes, computers, and cell phones cause higher prices. Even Trump admitted that yesterday. Higher prices cause inflation. Inflation causes less demand. Less demand causes unemployment. Tariffs cause recession, Econ 101.

When Americans suffer investment losses it causes permanent loss of principle, fourth grade math. Millions of Americans permanently lost more of their principle in investment accounts today.

As things stand now, the Dow has lost over 575 points, the Nasdaq over 200 points, and the S&P over 65 points. The reason: Stocks plunged on Wednesday, giving back Tuesday’s solid gains, after the U.S. bond market flashed a troubling signal about the U.S. economy, a recession warning.

There have been five such warnings of the 2-year and 10-year yields since 1978 and all were precursors to a recession.

Dow tanks 800 points in worst day of 2019 after bond market sends recession warning

Today, the Dow is at 25,690. On March 15, the Dow was 25,440. Because of Trump's trade war with China, the market has been treading water for five months. Stock Market News For Feb 15, 2019

I have been a student of current political history for over a half century, and I am a retired columnist. Never in my 50 years have I seen a U.S. President repeatedly harm our economy and cause investment losses. The current President is doing that very thing. The past three weeks prove it.

We are reminded that Trump was Putin's personal choice to become our President.

We’re losing the war…badly.
Supply and demand should dictate that a glut in labor supply should lead to higher wages. But do you want to know why it probably won’t? Because idiots are going to accept less than they’re worth, like fucking ALWAYS, and then blame it on the employer.

Wages have been going up for a while, they are always the last to catch up and the first to end. It is just the way things are.
I’m just glad to see you admit that wages are rising. I know that correlation doesn’t always equal causation but rising wages after a recent big tax cut sounds pretty damn delicious to me.

Wages go up when there is a shortage of labor and companies have to fight for those with the skills they need.
Of course they do. Prices on anything go up when there’s a shortage of it. But these rising wages, as modest as they are, are basically just the bare minimum of a growing economy. Lower income workers have a huge opportunity right now but they’re going to ruin it because they’re too stupid not to. Their stupidity is more often than not the very reason why they’re grown adults and still in the lower income bracket.

To be fair, the labor market has been flooded with cheap immigrant labor for generations.

That puts unskilled or semiskilled labor at a tough disadvantage.

AND unions have been incompetent and corrupt.
I have a home improvement business, trust me I know all about how cheap immigrant labor is hurting the price of labor. Maybe if those immigrants were legal tax paying citizens they wouldn’t be accepting so much less than their labor is worth because they wouldn’t be able to afford to with 30% of their income being stolen from them by the government.
Oh lordy.
If you want to tackle trade deficits. Tell to Americans to stop shopping at Walmart, Costco, Amazon, Macy’s and the rest of major retailers.
We are the world biggest spenders looking for cheaper products to save money.
We are also the biggest wasters and spoiled citizens around the world.

School opens we buy our kids with new backpacks and new shoes. We threw the old one away..Parents from other countries will let them use from past year.

Trade policy is the purview of GOVERNMENTS, not individual shoppers.

But the trade deficit exist due to individual shoppers.

With better trade policy, we can encourage American consumers to buy American, and nurture American employment and wages.

That is just a load of cow dung Correl.

Buy Americans when that hypocrite POTUS products are made in China.

Did you asked him how much his $34 neck tie cost if made in USA? I will answer it for you .... it’s around $75. Quantity of 2,500.

It is somewhat hypocritical of Trump to be the one leading this charge.

I still want those jobs and wages for Americans.

Why don't you?

cnm has admitted it is because he hates the Americans he thinks will mostly benefit, ie working class whites.

No dude. Since he is waging the war. He is the POTUS..... He should lead the country and stop being a lying hypocrite bastard.

You and Trump can not have it both ways.

So if trump makes his neck ties here... with $75 to produce by the the time it gets out its over $100. That is with $14 minimum wage with legal employees. This is a real live example. I’m sure you want to buy $100+ neck tie. CORREL.

Why not me? It’s impossible Correl. I can make them here no problem but it’s a heck of a move and a price to pay. My products will be so expensive to produce here in US. I might as well close the door and lay off people to save me money. Plus the ripple effect to my customers.

There are thousands and thousands of people like me that are doing business in China. See how much I ( or we ) hate that SOB?

Just imagine if all us come home and makes our products here. That will be so catastrophic for the entire America because of labor cost plus we cannot compete overseas.

I’m talking to you from the bottom of my heart with sincerity and honesty.

Let me give you another example. Medical catheters. These are the catheters that are used for the heart, urethra or arteries. It cost $150 to produce in China. We sell to hospitals here at $275 each and all over the world. It need highly skilled workers like micro biologists, technicians, lab workers in a clean room ISO 14644 for the assembly and packaging.

The same catheters will cost $420+ to produce that here in US. There is no way you can sell that catheters overseas. And way too expensive for the patients. If you think hospitals bills are high. Think again.
Trade policy is the purview of GOVERNMENTS, not individual shoppers.

But the trade deficit exist due to individual shoppers.

With better trade policy, we can encourage American consumers to buy American, and nurture American employment and wages.

That is just a load of cow dung Correl.

Buy Americans when that hypocrite POTUS products are made in China.

Did you asked him how much his $34 neck tie cost if made in USA? I will answer it for you .... it’s around $75. Quantity of 2,500.

It is somewhat hypocritical of Trump to be the one leading this charge.

I still want those jobs and wages for Americans.

Why don't you?

cnm has admitted it is because he hates the Americans he thinks will mostly benefit, ie working class whites.

No dude. Since he is waging the war. He is the POTUS..... He should lead the country and stop being a lying hypocrite bastard.

You and Trump can not have it both ways.

So if trump makes his neck ties here... with $75 to produce by the the time it gets out its over $100. That is with $14 minimum wage with legal employees. This is a real live example. I’m sure you want to buy $100+ neck tie. CORREL.

Why not me? It’s impossible Correl. I can make them here no problem but it’s a heck of a move and a price to pay. My products will be so expensive to produce here in US. I might as well close the door and lay off people to save me money. Plus the ripple effect to my customers.

There are thousands and thousands of people like me that are doing business in China. See how much I ( or we ) hate that SOB?

Just imagine if all us come home and makes our products here. That will be so catastrophic for the entire America because of labor cost plus we cannot compete overseas.

I’m talking to you from the bottom of my heart with sincerity and honesty.

Let me give you another example. Medical catheters. These are the catheters that are used for the heart, urethra or arteries. It cost $150 to produce in China. We sell to hospitals here at $275 each and all over the world. It need highly skilled workers like micro biologists, technicians, lab workers in a clean room ISO 14644 for the assembly and packaging.

The same catheters will cost $420+ to produce that here in US. There is no way you can sell that catheters overseas. And way too expensive for the patients. If you think hospitals bills are high. Think again.
This entire post is riddled with complete lack of understanding of economics.
Our companies are doing very well. You even said all the dollars are going to executives and investors. There is plenty of wealth in this country. I gave you many internal reasons why it is not going to workers. Many of our companies have near monopolies, wage collusion, non competes, right to work laws, decline in unions... Internally everything has turned on workers. That's is not trades fault.

The companies are doing well, because they have outsourced, or are importing from foreign manufacturers.

That does not help American workers, or families, or communities.

Thus, trade policy does end up being one of the causes of wage suppression.

YOur denial of this obvious fact, reveals a serious flaw in your whole position.
You seem to be the one in denial. We have tons of wealth and very low unemployment. The issue is clearly internal and I've given you many reason why our wages are lower than they should be. You seem to just want to deny the facts and blame China for no reason. AGAIN, we have lots of wealth and low unemployment. It isn't Chinas fault our companies aren't paying.

these are the same people that blame China for "stealing" our jobs when American companies freely choose to move their operations there.

I am trying VERY VERY hard to understand that myself.

About 85% of my consumables are made in China since the mid 90s.
Trump and Ivanka products are made in China.

Is it China’s fault that we went to China for better profits? I don’t think so.

But some reason people don’t understand that especially the Trump supporters.

You are making up shit in your mind that has nothing to do with Trump supporters.

Dude there’s no reason for me making bullshit.
All of these has something to do with that bastard. Nothing more.

I've stated my thoughts.......if Trump ever does that I will support it.

How will you know, if he is doing it? What metric will you look for? Rising wages?

Concentrating on the businesses as opposed to the country. It's easy. Huge taxes on overseas profits.

So, it has to be process with you? No amount of rising wages will convince you that he might be onto something?

They aren't raising. Minor bit at most. Jobs will go to other countries and the rich will continue to increase their wealth many times over the help.

The lower end ones especially, are rising more than they have for generations.

Trump's policies are still new. And only partially enacted at this point. And already we are seeing encouraging results.

lets do more of it, and keep it up.

YOu get raises over and above inflation for 10 years, and you'll be noticing a difference.

The alternative, recall, are people that say it is useless to try and what we need to do is get used to having less.
Wages have been going up for a while, they are always the last to catch up and the first to end. It is just the way things are.
I’m just glad to see you admit that wages are rising. I know that correlation doesn’t always equal causation but rising wages after a recent big tax cut sounds pretty damn delicious to me.

Wages go up when there is a shortage of labor and companies have to fight for those with the skills they need.
Of course they do. Prices on anything go up when there’s a shortage of it. But these rising wages, as modest as they are, are basically just the bare minimum of a growing economy. Lower income workers have a huge opportunity right now but they’re going to ruin it because they’re too stupid not to. Their stupidity is more often than not the very reason why they’re grown adults and still in the lower income bracket.

To be fair, the labor market has been flooded with cheap immigrant labor for generations.

That puts unskilled or semiskilled labor at a tough disadvantage.

AND unions have been incompetent and corrupt.
I have a home improvement business, trust me I know all about how cheap immigrant labor is hurting the price of labor. Maybe if those immigrants were legal tax paying citizens they wouldn’t be accepting so much less than their labor is worth because they wouldn’t be able to afford to with 30% of their income being stolen from them by the government.

Or, even more so, if they were fucking deported, AND the legal immigrants were cut back, prices would really take off.
Trade policy is the purview of GOVERNMENTS, not individual shoppers.

But the trade deficit exist due to individual shoppers.

With better trade policy, we can encourage American consumers to buy American, and nurture American employment and wages.

That is just a load of cow dung Correl.

Buy Americans when that hypocrite POTUS products are made in China.

Did you asked him how much his $34 neck tie cost if made in USA? I will answer it for you .... it’s around $75. Quantity of 2,500.

It is somewhat hypocritical of Trump to be the one leading this charge.

I still want those jobs and wages for Americans.

Why don't you?

cnm has admitted it is because he hates the Americans he thinks will mostly benefit, ie working class whites.

No dude. Since he is waging the war. He is the POTUS..... He should lead the country and stop being a lying hypocrite bastard.

You and Trump can not have it both ways.

So if trump makes his neck ties here... with $75 to produce by the the time it gets out its over $100. That is with $14 minimum wage with legal employees. This is a real live example. I’m sure you want to buy $100+ neck tie. CORREL.

Why not me? It’s impossible Correl. I can make them here no problem but it’s a heck of a move and a price to pay. My products will be so expensive to produce here in US. I might as well close the door and lay off people to save me money. Plus the ripple effect to my customers.

There are thousands and thousands of people like me that are doing business in China. See how much I ( or we ) hate that SOB?

Just imagine if all us come home and makes our products here. That will be so catastrophic for the entire America because of labor cost plus we cannot compete overseas.

I’m talking to you from the bottom of my heart with sincerity and honesty.

Let me give you another example. Medical catheters. These are the catheters that are used for the heart, urethra or arteries. It cost $150 to produce in China. We sell to hospitals here at $275 each and all over the world. It need highly skilled workers like micro biologists, technicians, lab workers in a clean room ISO 14644 for the assembly and packaging.

The same catheters will cost $420+ to produce that here in US. There is no way you can sell that catheters overseas. And way too expensive for the patients. If you think hospitals bills are high. Think again.

1. Yes, it would be nice if Trump would lead by example. Regardless, I want those jobs and those wages.

2. So, right now, you are making money, by selling Chinese products to American and overseas customers, with the bulk of the cost being sunk into the Chinese economy?
I’m just glad to see you admit that wages are rising. I know that correlation doesn’t always equal causation but rising wages after a recent big tax cut sounds pretty damn delicious to me.

Wages go up when there is a shortage of labor and companies have to fight for those with the skills they need.
Of course they do. Prices on anything go up when there’s a shortage of it. But these rising wages, as modest as they are, are basically just the bare minimum of a growing economy. Lower income workers have a huge opportunity right now but they’re going to ruin it because they’re too stupid not to. Their stupidity is more often than not the very reason why they’re grown adults and still in the lower income bracket.

To be fair, the labor market has been flooded with cheap immigrant labor for generations.

That puts unskilled or semiskilled labor at a tough disadvantage.

AND unions have been incompetent and corrupt.
I have a home improvement business, trust me I know all about how cheap immigrant labor is hurting the price of labor. Maybe if those immigrants were legal tax paying citizens they wouldn’t be accepting so much less than their labor is worth because they wouldn’t be able to afford to with 30% of their income being stolen from them by the government.

Or, even more so, if they were fucking deported, AND the legal immigrants were cut back, prices would really take off.
Listen I don’t disagree but we have enough of a time just trying to get people to understand why ILLEGAL immigration is a problem these days, god forbid you were to also suggest that legal immigration was slowed down as well. That hurts peoples feelings and feelings are clearly much more important than results these days to way too many people.
The companies are doing well, because they have outsourced, or are importing from foreign manufacturers.

That does not help American workers, or families, or communities.

Thus, trade policy does end up being one of the causes of wage suppression.

YOur denial of this obvious fact, reveals a serious flaw in your whole position.
You seem to be the one in denial. We have tons of wealth and very low unemployment. The issue is clearly internal and I've given you many reason why our wages are lower than they should be. You seem to just want to deny the facts and blame China for no reason. AGAIN, we have lots of wealth and low unemployment. It isn't Chinas fault our companies aren't paying.

these are the same people that blame China for "stealing" our jobs when American companies freely choose to move their operations there.

I am trying VERY VERY hard to understand that myself.

About 85% of my consumables are made in China since the mid 90s.
Trump and Ivanka products are made in China.

Is it China’s fault that we went to China for better profits? I don’t think so.

But some reason people don’t understand that especially the Trump supporters.

You are making up shit in your mind that has nothing to do with Trump supporters.

Dude there’s no reason for me making bullshit.
All of these has something to do with that bastard. Nothing more.

Trade policy is the purview of GOVERNMENTS, not individual shoppers.

But the trade deficit exist due to individual shoppers.

With better trade policy, we can encourage American consumers to buy American, and nurture American employment and wages.

That is just a load of cow dung Correl.

Buy Americans when that hypocrite POTUS products are made in China.

Did you asked him how much his $34 neck tie cost if made in USA? I will answer it for you .... it’s around $75. Quantity of 2,500.

It is somewhat hypocritical of Trump to be the one leading this charge.

I still want those jobs and wages for Americans.

Why don't you?

cnm has admitted it is because he hates the Americans he thinks will mostly benefit, ie working class whites.

No dude. Since he is waging the war. He is the POTUS..... He should lead the country and stop being a lying hypocrite bastard.

You and Trump can not have it both ways.

So if trump makes his neck ties here... with $75 to produce by the the time it gets out its over $100. That is with $14 minimum wage with legal employees. This is a real live example. I’m sure you want to buy $100+ neck tie. CORREL.

Why not me? It’s impossible Correl. I can make them here no problem but it’s a heck of a move and a price to pay. My products will be so expensive to produce here in US. I might as well close the door and lay off people to save me money. Plus the ripple effect to my customers.

There are thousands and thousands of people like me that are doing business in China. See how much I ( or we ) hate that SOB?

Just imagine if all us come home and makes our products here. That will be so catastrophic for the entire America because of labor cost plus we cannot compete overseas.

I’m talking to you from the bottom of my heart with sincerity and honesty.

Let me give you another example. Medical catheters. These are the catheters that are used for the heart, urethra or arteries. It cost $150 to produce in China. We sell to hospitals here at $275 each and all over the world. It need highly skilled workers like micro biologists, technicians, lab workers in a clean room ISO 14644 for the assembly and packaging.

The same catheters will cost $420+ to produce that here in US. There is no way you can sell that catheters overseas. And way too expensive for the patients. If you think hospitals bills are high. Think again.

All of us has a cost accounting that review and process where we can make our products cost efficiently. We do this yearly.
I’m not in the catheters business. I’m with medical equipments and consumables associated with catheter makers. That is why I’m familiar with catheters.
My products will be hard to explain unless you are in medical field.

Again I’m speaking from the bottom of my heart with sincerity and honesty. We are talking about my lively hood here and thousands of my employees.
But the trade deficit exist due to individual shoppers.

With better trade policy, we can encourage American consumers to buy American, and nurture American employment and wages.

That is just a load of cow dung Correl.

Buy Americans when that hypocrite POTUS products are made in China.

Did you asked him how much his $34 neck tie cost if made in USA? I will answer it for you .... it’s around $75. Quantity of 2,500.

It is somewhat hypocritical of Trump to be the one leading this charge.

I still want those jobs and wages for Americans.

Why don't you?

cnm has admitted it is because he hates the Americans he thinks will mostly benefit, ie working class whites.

No dude. Since he is waging the war. He is the POTUS..... He should lead the country and stop being a lying hypocrite bastard.

You and Trump can not have it both ways.

So if trump makes his neck ties here... with $75 to produce by the the time it gets out its over $100. That is with $14 minimum wage with legal employees. This is a real live example. I’m sure you want to buy $100+ neck tie. CORREL.

Why not me? It’s impossible Correl. I can make them here no problem but it’s a heck of a move and a price to pay. My products will be so expensive to produce here in US. I might as well close the door and lay off people to save me money. Plus the ripple effect to my customers.

There are thousands and thousands of people like me that are doing business in China. See how much I ( or we ) hate that SOB?

Just imagine if all us come home and makes our products here. That will be so catastrophic for the entire America because of labor cost plus we cannot compete overseas.

I’m talking to you from the bottom of my heart with sincerity and honesty.

Let me give you another example. Medical catheters. These are the catheters that are used for the heart, urethra or arteries. It cost $150 to produce in China. We sell to hospitals here at $275 each and all over the world. It need highly skilled workers like micro biologists, technicians, lab workers in a clean room ISO 14644 for the assembly and packaging.

The same catheters will cost $420+ to produce that here in US. There is no way you can sell that catheters overseas. And way too expensive for the patients. If you think hospitals bills are high. Think again.

All of us has a cost accounting that review and process where we can make our products cost efficiently. We do this yearly.
I’m not in the catheters business. I’m with medical equipments and consumables associated with catheter makers. That is why I’m familiar with catheters.
My products will be hard to explain unless you are in medical field.

Again I’m speaking from the bottom of my heart with sincerity and honesty. We are talking about my lively hood here and thousands of my employees.

I was in a medical field, health care provider, not manufacturer.

I also live in the rust belt and remember how this was supposed to work, when it was discussed back in the 70s.

US, always losing, and never able to compete again, was never the plan.

If we can never win, we should not play. I speak from the bottom of my heart too.
The companies are doing well, because they have outsourced, or are importing from foreign manufacturers.

That does not help American workers, or families, or communities.

Thus, trade policy does end up being one of the causes of wage suppression.

YOur denial of this obvious fact, reveals a serious flaw in your whole position.
You seem to be the one in denial. We have tons of wealth and very low unemployment. The issue is clearly internal and I've given you many reason why our wages are lower than they should be. You seem to just want to deny the facts and blame China for no reason. AGAIN, we have lots of wealth and low unemployment. It isn't Chinas fault our companies aren't paying.

these are the same people that blame China for "stealing" our jobs when American companies freely choose to move their operations there.

I am trying VERY VERY hard to understand that myself.

About 85% of my consumables are made in China since the mid 90s.
Trump and Ivanka products are made in China.

Is it China’s fault that we went to China for better profits? I don’t think so.

But some reason people don’t understand that especially the Trump supporters.

You are making up shit in your mind that has nothing to do with Trump supporters.

Dude there’s no reason for me making bullshit.
All of these has something to do with that bastard. Nothing more.

WRONG!!! Trump doesn't blame the Chinese and neither do I. Taking advantage of suckers is just what you do. It suited those who weren't concerned about US workers and the Chinese were desperate for US market share. As the tariffs apply the Chinese will accept slimmer margins; gotta stop the US doing import replacement. Trump supporters know this. You do too but refuse to admit it.


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