Trump's trade war with China

Trade policy is the purview of GOVERNMENTS, not individual shoppers.

But the trade deficit exist due to individual shoppers.

With better trade policy, we can encourage American consumers to buy American, and nurture American employment and wages.

That is just a load of cow dung Correl.

Buy Americans when that hypocrite POTUS products are made in China.

Did you asked him how much his $34 neck tie cost if made in USA? I will answer it for you .... it’s around $75. Quantity of 2,500.

It is somewhat hypocritical of Trump to be the one leading this charge.

I still want those jobs and wages for Americans.

Why don't you?

cnm has admitted it is because he hates the Americans he thinks will mostly benefit, ie working class whites.

No dude. Since he is waging the war. He is the POTUS..... He should lead the country and stop being a lying hypocrite bastard.

You and Trump can not have it both ways.

So if trump makes his neck ties here... with $75 to produce by the the time it gets out its over $100. That is with $14 minimum wage with legal employees. This is a real live example. I’m sure you want to buy $100+ neck tie. CORREL.

Why not me? It’s impossible Correl. I can make them here no problem but it’s a heck of a move and a price to pay. My products will be so expensive to produce here in US. I might as well close the door and lay off people to save me money. Plus the ripple effect to my customers.

There are thousands and thousands of people like me that are doing business in China. See how much I ( or we ) hate that SOB?

Just imagine if all us come home and makes our products here. That will be so catastrophic for the entire America because of labor cost plus we cannot compete overseas.

I’m talking to you from the bottom of my heart with sincerity and honesty.

Let me give you another example. Medical catheters. These are the catheters that are used for the heart, urethra or arteries. It cost $150 to produce in China. We sell to hospitals here at $275 each and all over the world. It need highly skilled workers like micro biologists, technicians, lab workers in a clean room ISO 14644 for the assembly and packaging.

The same catheters will cost $420+ to produce that here in US. There is no way you can sell that catheters overseas. And way too expensive for the patients. If you think hospitals bills are high. Think again.

Old news; back in the 70s I was making vulcanised components for cars; an engine mount was in the order of thirty or so dollars for us to make. The same item from Japan that was much better quality to make was cents each. Had it not been for "use local" quotas there would have been hundreds of jobs gone at that plant. Mind you; the importers of such items from Japan, after excise, still made a killing. Their margins were huge but the quantity was what was needed above quota. (Oz)

With better trade policy, we can encourage American consumers to buy American, and nurture American employment and wages.

That is just a load of cow dung Correl.

Buy Americans when that hypocrite POTUS products are made in China.

Did you asked him how much his $34 neck tie cost if made in USA? I will answer it for you .... it’s around $75. Quantity of 2,500.

It is somewhat hypocritical of Trump to be the one leading this charge.

I still want those jobs and wages for Americans.

Why don't you?

cnm has admitted it is because he hates the Americans he thinks will mostly benefit, ie working class whites.

No dude. Since he is waging the war. He is the POTUS..... He should lead the country and stop being a lying hypocrite bastard.

You and Trump can not have it both ways.

So if trump makes his neck ties here... with $75 to produce by the the time it gets out its over $100. That is with $14 minimum wage with legal employees. This is a real live example. I’m sure you want to buy $100+ neck tie. CORREL.

Why not me? It’s impossible Correl. I can make them here no problem but it’s a heck of a move and a price to pay. My products will be so expensive to produce here in US. I might as well close the door and lay off people to save me money. Plus the ripple effect to my customers.

There are thousands and thousands of people like me that are doing business in China. See how much I ( or we ) hate that SOB?

Just imagine if all us come home and makes our products here. That will be so catastrophic for the entire America because of labor cost plus we cannot compete overseas.

I’m talking to you from the bottom of my heart with sincerity and honesty.

Let me give you another example. Medical catheters. These are the catheters that are used for the heart, urethra or arteries. It cost $150 to produce in China. We sell to hospitals here at $275 each and all over the world. It need highly skilled workers like micro biologists, technicians, lab workers in a clean room ISO 14644 for the assembly and packaging.

The same catheters will cost $420+ to produce that here in US. There is no way you can sell that catheters overseas. And way too expensive for the patients. If you think hospitals bills are high. Think again.

All of us has a cost accounting that review and process where we can make our products cost efficiently. We do this yearly.
I’m not in the catheters business. I’m with medical equipments and consumables associated with catheter makers. That is why I’m familiar with catheters.
My products will be hard to explain unless you are in medical field.

Again I’m speaking from the bottom of my heart with sincerity and honesty. We are talking about my lively hood here and thousands of my employees.

Manufacturer or supplier?


Just saw; supplier: check!

Are you suggesting they go on strike?
We’re talking about people who aren’t even hired yet. There’s a labor supply shortage in America and it’s the perfect time for workers to take a stand and demand what they’re worth before accepting a job... but they won’t. Because employers will try to offer less, like any market transaction where a buyer tries to negotiate a cheaper price, only for whatever reason workers will simply accept that offer and then bitch about the fact that employers didn’t offer more. You realize your labor is a service you’re selling to a buyer (an employer) the way any other service is, correct? If workers continue to just accept the lower offers from employers then what the fuck do you think is going to happen? Workers have the advantage right now and i guarantee you they won’t come out on top because they have no fucking idea how to negotiate. It’s always someone else’s fault.

People at that end of the equation are not organized or able to miss even one check.
Fucking ridiculous. People organize themselves into hundreds of thousands, even millions of people, over the stupidest most meaningless shit ever but they can’t organize themselves to demand higher wages from their employers? Give me a fucking break it’s just another excuse for people to blame someone else for their problems.

It's difficult to strike when you are easily replaced.
Its much more difficult to be replaced when you have a marketable skill that’s in demand. If your job is something any idiot off the street can get hired to do then you have no negotiation strength. Which isn’t the fault of employers.

The problem isn't that McD's pays $9.00 an hour. The problem is that the corporations sent manufacturing jobs elsewhere.

Now they are complaining because their agreements are coming back to bite them.
Business believes we do. They aren't happy that their previous agreements are coming back to bite them now though.

I dont' think business believe that. I think that they know that they are looking out for themselves while fucking their fellow Americans, and they tell themselves that that is ok, for various bullshit reasons.

You didn't say anything different than I did.

Big difference between truly believing something, and rationalizing behavior that you know it shitty, for shitty reasons.

And everyone else, knows it is not mutual beneficial trade, no matter what the bullshitters say.

Business only cares that it benefits them and for them that makes it mutually beneficial.

Being a selfish socio-path is not a valid POV.

What you say we say, "FUCK THEM ALL" and craft government policy to benefit as many Americans as possible, and the nation as a whole?

Great with me. I've been saying that for years. Once again the problem is, we will not do it because any candidate willing to go there at all gets labelled a "Socialist".

I've stated my thoughts.......if Trump ever does that I will support it.

How will you know, if he is doing it? What metric will you look for? Rising wages?

Concentrating on the businesses as opposed to the country. It's easy. Huge taxes on overseas profits.

So, it has to be process with you? No amount of rising wages will convince you that he might be onto something?

They aren't raising. Minor bit at most. Jobs will go to other countries and the rich will continue to increase their wealth many times over the help.

The lower end ones especially, are rising more than they have for generations.

Trump's policies are still new. And only partially enacted at this point. And already we are seeing encouraging results.

lets do more of it, and keep it up.

YOu get raises over and above inflation for 10 years, and you'll be noticing a difference.

And we all live in perfect isn't going to happen.
We’re talking about people who aren’t even hired yet. There’s a labor supply shortage in America and it’s the perfect time for workers to take a stand and demand what they’re worth before accepting a job... but they won’t. Because employers will try to offer less, like any market transaction where a buyer tries to negotiate a cheaper price, only for whatever reason workers will simply accept that offer and then bitch about the fact that employers didn’t offer more. You realize your labor is a service you’re selling to a buyer (an employer) the way any other service is, correct? If workers continue to just accept the lower offers from employers then what the fuck do you think is going to happen? Workers have the advantage right now and i guarantee you they won’t come out on top because they have no fucking idea how to negotiate. It’s always someone else’s fault.

People at that end of the equation are not organized or able to miss even one check.
Fucking ridiculous. People organize themselves into hundreds of thousands, even millions of people, over the stupidest most meaningless shit ever but they can’t organize themselves to demand higher wages from their employers? Give me a fucking break it’s just another excuse for people to blame someone else for their problems.

It's difficult to strike when you are easily replaced.
Its much more difficult to be replaced when you have a marketable skill that’s in demand. If your job is something any idiot off the street can get hired to do then you have no negotiation strength. Which isn’t the fault of employers.

The problem isn't that McD's pays $9.00 an hour. The problem is that the corporations sent manufacturing jobs elsewhere.

Now they are complaining because their agreements are coming back to bite them.

Both are problems.

1. Unskilled and semiskilled labor, has no power when the labor market is flooded with cheap Third World labor. If the labor market was NOT flooded with cheap third world labor, then even unskilled and semiskilled workers would have some leverage instead of being completely at the mercy of assholes.

2. And yes, that corporations sent the manufacturing jobs overseas, is the other major portion of this problem, imo. We change the rules to make that not work for them, and they will bring them back. YES, there will be costs with that policy. It will be worth it.
People at that end of the equation are not organized or able to miss even one check.
Fucking ridiculous. People organize themselves into hundreds of thousands, even millions of people, over the stupidest most meaningless shit ever but they can’t organize themselves to demand higher wages from their employers? Give me a fucking break it’s just another excuse for people to blame someone else for their problems.

It's difficult to strike when you are easily replaced.
Its much more difficult to be replaced when you have a marketable skill that’s in demand. If your job is something any idiot off the street can get hired to do then you have no negotiation strength. Which isn’t the fault of employers.

The problem isn't that McD's pays $9.00 an hour. The problem is that the corporations sent manufacturing jobs elsewhere.

Now they are complaining because their agreements are coming back to bite them.

Both are problems.

1. Unskilled and semiskilled labor, has no power when the labor market is flooded with cheap Third World labor. If the labor market was NOT flooded with cheap third world labor, then even unskilled and semiskilled workers would have some leverage instead of being completely at the mercy of assholes.

2. And yes, that corporations sent the manufacturing jobs overseas, is the other major portion of this problem, imo. We change the rules to make that not work for them, and they will bring them back. YES, there will be costs with that policy. It will be worth it.

I'm not arguing this in circles. All of that has been covered endlessly. We are not going to address it so we can argue it here forever and it matters none.
I dont' think business believe that. I think that they know that they are looking out for themselves while fucking their fellow Americans, and they tell themselves that that is ok, for various bullshit reasons.

You didn't say anything different than I did.

Big difference between truly believing something, and rationalizing behavior that you know it shitty, for shitty reasons.

And everyone else, knows it is not mutual beneficial trade, no matter what the bullshitters say.

Business only cares that it benefits them and for them that makes it mutually beneficial.

Being a selfish socio-path is not a valid POV.

What you say we say, "FUCK THEM ALL" and craft government policy to benefit as many Americans as possible, and the nation as a whole?

Great with me. I've been saying that for years. Once again the problem is, we will not do it because any candidate willing to go there at all gets labelled a "Socialist".

Those are the Free Trade Ideologues.

Funny thing. Something that Free Traders realize, but the rest of US have been slow to pick up on,

With Trump's win, both the Free Traders and their ideology lost the argument.

IF, the trade deficits, and outsourcing, and lost market share is, as Trump and Trumpism, argues, is caused by predatory practices of our trading "partners", then the long standing justification for the GOP's hostility to unions,

is gone.

The vast majority of the gop voter base, with Trump's win, rejected the Free Trade hostility to unions.
How will you know, if he is doing it? What metric will you look for? Rising wages?

Concentrating on the businesses as opposed to the country. It's easy. Huge taxes on overseas profits.

So, it has to be process with you? No amount of rising wages will convince you that he might be onto something?

They aren't raising. Minor bit at most. Jobs will go to other countries and the rich will continue to increase their wealth many times over the help.

The lower end ones especially, are rising more than they have for generations.

Trump's policies are still new. And only partially enacted at this point. And already we are seeing encouraging results.

lets do more of it, and keep it up.

YOu get raises over and above inflation for 10 years, and you'll be noticing a difference.

And we all live in perfect isn't going to happen.

It is happening right now.

THe only question, is do we let them stop it and go back to the status quo.
Fucking ridiculous. People organize themselves into hundreds of thousands, even millions of people, over the stupidest most meaningless shit ever but they can’t organize themselves to demand higher wages from their employers? Give me a fucking break it’s just another excuse for people to blame someone else for their problems.

It's difficult to strike when you are easily replaced.
Its much more difficult to be replaced when you have a marketable skill that’s in demand. If your job is something any idiot off the street can get hired to do then you have no negotiation strength. Which isn’t the fault of employers.

The problem isn't that McD's pays $9.00 an hour. The problem is that the corporations sent manufacturing jobs elsewhere.

Now they are complaining because their agreements are coming back to bite them.

Both are problems.

1. Unskilled and semiskilled labor, has no power when the labor market is flooded with cheap Third World labor. If the labor market was NOT flooded with cheap third world labor, then even unskilled and semiskilled workers would have some leverage instead of being completely at the mercy of assholes.

2. And yes, that corporations sent the manufacturing jobs overseas, is the other major portion of this problem, imo. We change the rules to make that not work for them, and they will bring them back. YES, there will be costs with that policy. It will be worth it.

I'm not arguing this in circles. All of that has been covered endlessly. We are not going to address it so we can argue it here forever and it matters none.

Trump primary win, and election were US addressing it. His primary driving issues were Trade and Immigration.

THe political battles over Trade and Immigration are US addressing it now.

The rise in lower end wages that we are starting to see, is US addressing it now.

That is why the media spends so much time talking about the various ways Trump is Evul.

To stop people like you from noticing.
Somewhere back in this thread Germany was brought up. The question was why they were able to maintain paying the manufacturing labor a good wage and not lose jobs to lower wage countries.

Perhaps part of the answer lies in the fact the average CEO in Germany makes on average 12 times the amount of their workers while in the US CEOs make 400 times as much as their workers.
We have the best agriculture in the world. Nobody grows better beef than we do. There’s not a single developed nation out there that wouldn’t miss our food.
More self delusion. You're very good at it.
Somewhere back in this thread Germany was brought up. The question was why they were able to maintain paying the manufacturing labor a good wage and not lose jobs to lower wage countries.

Perhaps part of the answer lies in the fact the average CEO in Germany makes on average 12 times the amount of their workers while in the US CEOs make 400 times as much as their workers.

It absolutely plays a role and I brought it up. We want to address everything but the actual problem. Business.
We have the best agriculture in the world. Nobody grows better beef than we do. There’s not a single developed nation out there that wouldn’t miss our food.
More self delusion. You're very good at it.

He is correct about our Ag, nobody does it better. We get yields for our grains that other countries just dream about
Lets see. A tariff is paid by the importer; not the exporter. That well-worn lie your blob told has been corrected.

So, if the goal is to get China to lower their tariffs, that’s not saving any money on our end. That simply means that, perhaps, the importers in China may buy more stuff from the US. Since we were talking about crops, that would mean that our farmers may sell more crops to China. There is no “savings” to be had on trade exclusively if we win/lose/draw on this moronic trade war.

The savings may be experienced if there is a lessening of the socialism we dole out yearly to farmers.

Yeah…try selling that.
Yeah, im sure YOU know more about it than Trumps economic advisors. :laugh:
I'm sure of it too, if his economic advisers are the source of Trumps trade policies.
7. Those of you on your side of this debate, have and still are basically said, "fuck them" to those who have lost out to this policy. CNM, has admitted that the reason he supports this policy is that he hates the Americans who are the ones that lost. He sides with China because he likes them better than white working class Americans.
I'd be interested in seeing that post of mine. I won't hold my breath.
Supply and demand should dictate that a glut in labor supply should lead to higher wages. But do you want to know why it probably won’t? Because idiots are going to accept less than they’re worth, like fucking ALWAYS, and then blame it on the employer.
He is correct about our Ag, nobody does it better.
More self delusion. An example. We can supply freight included, at a lower carbon footprint, lamb that is guaranteed to be without incisors and not over a year old to the American market for less than the cost of local product, that has no age guarantee.

edit...And that's only one sector. Perhaps you'd like to take the tariffs and quotas off dairy? Because we wouldn't be able to compete your growers wouldn't lose market share, right?
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