Trump's trade war with China

The House should consider wartime tax rates for alleged wars.
Trump's already given me my tax hike bc I need a new lawn mower and weed eater for next year, but thanks just the same. LOL And his bs income tax cut actually raised my taxes too.
Sorry, this is not about ideology but capitalism. Do we subscribe to it or not?

Only what we Pay for should have Standing as (extra Constitutional) law.

Tax cut economics means our alleged wars cannot be serious.

Only wartime tax rates should enable government solutions the right wing fantasizes about now.
Bigger central gov't and tax hike economics are not the answer, Comrade DP.

If we want to beat Donald Trump and achieve big progressive goals, socialism is not the answer,” - former Dem 2020 hopeful John Hickenlooper whose comment was roundly booed by the idiot Democrats in attendance.
Somewhere back in this thread Germany was brought up. The question was why they were able to maintain paying the manufacturing labor a good wage and not lose jobs to lower wage countries.

Perhaps part of the answer lies in the fact the average CEO in Germany makes on average 12 times the amount of their workers while in the US CEOs make 400 times as much as their workers.
We’re talking about billion dollar companies and you’re trying to make the point that because a CEO makes 20 million they can’t afford to pay employees more. Have you ever actually just taken the time to consider what CEO’s are worth to their companies? We have seen literally ONE PERSON come into a company that’s performing poorly and change the whole structure around and turn it into a highly profitable business again. These people have run huge multinational companies and made decisions with their knowledge that have made entire markets and employed thousands of people. Not all of them are greedy pieces of shit, but they’re still worth exponentially more to the company than any single lower level employee. Worrying about CEO pay is such a waste of time and energy with this issue. If they’re a crappy CEO like Jeff imelt for example, then they should simply be fired. Any of the CEO’s of the big banks that lost their asses during the housing collapse should be fired too.

They weren't were they? Solutions that are not solutions are not solutions.

And the ones who got huge severances from Lehman and Bear, those are the ones to be upset about. But regardless of any of this, CEO pay is a very small percentage of a company’s expense. You’re attacking a symptom and not a cause. At the end of the day workers need to stand up for themselves way more. I get that many can’t gamble with their paychecks because they can’t afford to take the stand but as I’ve pointed out before, if you don’t have a marketable skill that employers NEED then you don’t have any negotiation leverage to begin with.

Ask for more pay and your job goes overseas. That is the answer far too many got.
And you’re complaining about a president trying to do something about it.

He isn't. He is doing nothing about it. Absolutely nothing. Forcing a company to move to Thailand from China in no way addresses the problem.
Does it address ANY problem in your opinion?
Somewhere back in this thread Germany was brought up. The question was why they were able to maintain paying the manufacturing labor a good wage and not lose jobs to lower wage countries.

Perhaps part of the answer lies in the fact the average CEO in Germany makes on average 12 times the amount of their workers while in the US CEOs make 400 times as much as their workers.
We’re talking about billion dollar companies and you’re trying to make the point that because a CEO makes 20 million they can’t afford to pay employees more. Have you ever actually just taken the time to consider what CEO’s are worth to their companies? We have seen literally ONE PERSON come into a company that’s performing poorly and change the whole structure around and turn it into a highly profitable business again. These people have run huge multinational companies and made decisions with their knowledge that have made entire markets and employed thousands of people. Not all of them are greedy pieces of shit, but they’re still worth exponentially more to the company than any single lower level employee. Worrying about CEO pay is such a waste of time and energy with this issue. If they’re a crappy CEO like Jeff imelt for example, then they should simply be fired. Any of the CEO’s of the big banks that lost their asses during the housing collapse should be fired too.

They weren't were they? Solutions that are not solutions are not solutions.

And the ones who got huge severances from Lehman and Bear, those are the ones to be upset about. But regardless of any of this, CEO pay is a very small percentage of a company’s expense. You’re attacking a symptom and not a cause. At the end of the day workers need to stand up for themselves way more. I get that many can’t gamble with their paychecks because they can’t afford to take the stand but as I’ve pointed out before, if you don’t have a marketable skill that employers NEED then you don’t have any negotiation leverage to begin with.

Ask for more pay and your job goes overseas. That is the answer far too many got.
And you’re complaining about a president trying to do something about it.

He isn't. He is doing nothing about it. Absolutely nothing. Forcing a company to move to Thailand from China in no way addresses the problem.
Does it address ANY problem in your opinion?

I suppose it soothes Trump's ego but I have no interest in that.
We’re talking about billion dollar companies and you’re trying to make the point that because a CEO makes 20 million they can’t afford to pay employees more. Have you ever actually just taken the time to consider what CEO’s are worth to their companies? We have seen literally ONE PERSON come into a company that’s performing poorly and change the whole structure around and turn it into a highly profitable business again. These people have run huge multinational companies and made decisions with their knowledge that have made entire markets and employed thousands of people. Not all of them are greedy pieces of shit, but they’re still worth exponentially more to the company than any single lower level employee. Worrying about CEO pay is such a waste of time and energy with this issue. If they’re a crappy CEO like Jeff imelt for example, then they should simply be fired. Any of the CEO’s of the big banks that lost their asses during the housing collapse should be fired too.

They weren't were they? Solutions that are not solutions are not solutions.

And the ones who got huge severances from Lehman and Bear, those are the ones to be upset about. But regardless of any of this, CEO pay is a very small percentage of a company’s expense. You’re attacking a symptom and not a cause. At the end of the day workers need to stand up for themselves way more. I get that many can’t gamble with their paychecks because they can’t afford to take the stand but as I’ve pointed out before, if you don’t have a marketable skill that employers NEED then you don’t have any negotiation leverage to begin with.

Ask for more pay and your job goes overseas. That is the answer far too many got.
And you’re complaining about a president trying to do something about it.

He isn't. He is doing nothing about it. Absolutely nothing. Forcing a company to move to Thailand from China in no way addresses the problem.
Does it address ANY problem in your opinion?

I suppose it soothes Trump's ego but I have no interest in that.
Yeah I didn’t think so.
They weren't were they? Solutions that are not solutions are not solutions.

Ask for more pay and your job goes overseas. That is the answer far too many got.
And you’re complaining about a president trying to do something about it.

He isn't. He is doing nothing about it. Absolutely nothing. Forcing a company to move to Thailand from China in no way addresses the problem.
Does it address ANY problem in your opinion?

I suppose it soothes Trump's ego but I have no interest in that.
Yeah I didn’t think so.

Your answer indicates that it does not address the problem. I note that it does not. You ask if it addresses any problem. I note it does not.

We have covered this endlessly. It addresses nothing but Trump's ego.
The House should consider wartime tax rates for alleged wars.
Trump's already given me my tax hike bc I need a new lawn mower and weed eater for next year, but thanks just the same. LOL And his bs income tax cut actually raised my taxes too.
Sorry, this is not about ideology but capitalism. Do we subscribe to it or not?

Only what we Pay for should have Standing as (extra Constitutional) law.

Tax cut economics means our alleged wars cannot be serious.

Only wartime tax rates should enable government solutions the right wing fantasizes about now.
It's ALL about ideology. The top .1% would have turned on Trump long ago over his trade war unless he had acquiesced to Moscow Mitch's two tax cuts for him.

Trump may be sincere in thinking jobs have been sent to Jina that should be here, but on one besides his base, and certainly not the .1%, has any illusion the actual manfring base of the pre-1980 is coming back. At most we're talking 250-500k jobs, and the trade war has actually cause some job losses. And the parameters for a settlement are already here. Trump lost on IP because he had to blink first or face defeat if not revolt form the people actually paying for the gop over a recession. China will give up some of its trade surplus but they will not open their domestic econ to US firms without demanding they share IP used to make the products.

consurmer prices will continue to go up as some low tech jobs are shifted from Jina to other Asian countries, and possibly in some cases the added labor costs will make it economical to move jobs back here.
Somewhere back in this thread Germany was brought up. The question was why they were able to maintain paying the manufacturing labor a good wage and not lose jobs to lower wage countries.

Perhaps part of the answer lies in the fact the average CEO in Germany makes on average 12 times the amount of their workers while in the US CEOs make 400 times as much as their workers.
We’re talking about billion dollar companies and you’re trying to make the point that because a CEO makes 20 million they can’t afford to pay employees more. Have you ever actually just taken the time to consider what CEO’s are worth to their companies? We have seen literally ONE PERSON come into a company that’s performing poorly and change the whole structure around and turn it into a highly profitable business again. These people have run huge multinational companies and made decisions with their knowledge that have made entire markets and employed thousands of people. Not all of them are greedy pieces of shit, but they’re still worth exponentially more to the company than any single lower level employee. Worrying about CEO pay is such a waste of time and energy with this issue. If they’re a crappy CEO like Jeff imelt for example, then they should simply be fired. Any of the CEO’s of the big banks that lost their asses during the housing collapse should be fired too.

They weren't were they? Solutions that are not solutions are not solutions.

And the ones who got huge severances from Lehman and Bear, those are the ones to be upset about. But regardless of any of this, CEO pay is a very small percentage of a company’s expense. You’re attacking a symptom and not a cause. At the end of the day workers need to stand up for themselves way more. I get that many can’t gamble with their paychecks because they can’t afford to take the stand but as I’ve pointed out before, if you don’t have a marketable skill that employers NEED then you don’t have any negotiation leverage to begin with.

Ask for more pay and your job goes overseas. That is the answer far too many got.
And you’re complaining about a president trying to do something about it.

He isn't. He is doing nothing about it. Absolutely nothing. Forcing a company to move to Thailand from China in no way addresses the problem.

What’s worse is that China is now strengthening ties with other nations since their counter tariffs are making the prices of American goods much higher.
Somewhere back in this thread Germany was brought up. The question was why they were able to maintain paying the manufacturing labor a good wage and not lose jobs to lower wage countries.

Perhaps part of the answer lies in the fact the average CEO in Germany makes on average 12 times the amount of their workers while in the US CEOs make 400 times as much as their workers.
We’re talking about billion dollar companies and you’re trying to make the point that because a CEO makes 20 million they can’t afford to pay employees more. Have you ever actually just taken the time to consider what CEO’s are worth to their companies? We have seen literally ONE PERSON come into a company that’s performing poorly and change the whole structure around and turn it into a highly profitable business again. These people have run huge multinational companies and made decisions with their knowledge that have made entire markets and employed thousands of people. Not all of them are greedy pieces of shit, but they’re still worth exponentially more to the company than any single lower level employee. Worrying about CEO pay is such a waste of time and energy with this issue. If they’re a crappy CEO like Jeff imelt for example, then they should simply be fired. Any of the CEO’s of the big banks that lost their asses during the housing collapse should be fired too.

They weren't were they? Solutions that are not solutions are not solutions.

And the ones who got huge severances from Lehman and Bear, those are the ones to be upset about. But regardless of any of this, CEO pay is a very small percentage of a company’s expense. You’re attacking a symptom and not a cause. At the end of the day workers need to stand up for themselves way more. I get that many can’t gamble with their paychecks because they can’t afford to take the stand but as I’ve pointed out before, if you don’t have a marketable skill that employers NEED then you don’t have any negotiation leverage to begin with.

Ask for more pay and your job goes overseas. That is the answer far too many got.
And you’re complaining about a president trying to do something about it.

He isn't. He is doing nothing about it. Absolutely nothing. Forcing a company to move to Thailand from China in no way addresses the problem.

What’s worse is that China is now strengthening ties with other nations since their counter tariffs are making the prices of American goods much higher.

Free market, right?
In fact 2/3 of Americans are saying, Thank you Mr. President for standing up to China.

More than two-thirds of American voters want the U.S. to confront Beijing over its trade policies despite believing that they are suffering more from tariffs than China, a Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll survey released exclusively to The Hill found.

The poll showed 63 percent of registered voters said that tariffs imposed on Chinese products ultimately hurt the U.S. more than China, while 74 percent said that American consumers are shouldering most of the burden of those tariffs.

But 67 percent said that it is necessary to confront China over its trade practices, which President Trump and his allies have deemed unfair to the U.S.

Poll: Voters want US to confront China over trade

Hopefully, the Democrats will continue banging away on this issue right through the election.

I read your link. But I totally disagree.

If you ask ordinary citizens out there. There are millions and millions of Americans that don’t understand this trade wars.
In this site alone. Trumpets don’t understand the negative impact of Trade wars despite with input from anti trade wars. Out there they only listen with Trump bullshit. Nothing else.

Aside from higher prices there will be loss of jobs and businesses.

Just about the entire American businesses disagree with Trump. Are you telling me they are wrong? I have not seen a single company (except steel industry) support Trump trade wars.

The trade war has already cost electronics companies $10 billion and it gets worse on Sept. 1

'Whipsaw' of US-China trade war will force small businesses to close, bike start-up CEO says

Business Groups Warn of Peril as Trump’s Trade War Spirals
You are correct that many people don't understand the trade war between the US and China, clearly you among them, but the poll shows that many people do, and they are willing to go through some slight inconveniences in order to force China to give up defending its domestic industries if it wants to continue to enjoy access to the US.

It’s very funny when Trump followers like you try to make justifications with Trump lies.

Just about ALL American businesses with ALL categories trashing Trump trade wars.

Did you read my links coming from businesses or you just stared at it?
Your message as always is that you don't like Trump and you want to believe everyone else agrees with you, but on this issue you are in the minority:

"More than two-thirds of American voters want the U.S. to confront Beijing over its trade policies despite believing that they are suffering more from tariffs than China, a Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll survey released exclusively to The Hill found.

The poll showed 63 percent of registered voters said that tariffs imposed on Chinese products ultimately hurt the U.S. more than China, while 74 percent said that American consumers are shouldering most of the burden of those tariffs.

But 67 percent said that it is necessary to confront China over its trade practices, which President Trump and his allies have deemed unfair to the U.S."

Poll: Voters want US to confront China over trade

What you refer to as Trump's trade war with China is recognized by over two thirds of the American people as America's trade war with China and while two thirds of American voters stand shoulder to shoulder with the President, Democrats continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with China and Iran against America.

It’s not a matter of I like Trumpy moron or not. You don’t have to agree with me. But you have to look at the impact of this trade wars against my fellow Americans. Sadly.
That is my main point. You and your buddies has only one thing in common is support Trump just because it’s Trump. Nothing more...... Against Americans.

So you are an anti Americans. Your link only interviewed 2,500 people that don’t understand trade wars and does not represent millions of poor Americans.

No I’m not the minority. You can ask hundreds of businesses, major retailers and just about all business categories including farmers ..... Are blasting this stupid trade wars.
You and your buddies probably don’t even understand the ripple effect of this trade wars. Like loss of jobs and closures of businesses.

Trump tariffs are set to cost U.S. households $2,000 in 2020, research group finds

Trump tariffs are set to cost U.S. households $2,000 in 2020, research group finds.

Tariffs are expected to cost American households more than $2,000 per year in 2020, according to a recent report from the National Foundation for American Policy (NFAP).

The Arlington-based nonprofit — which looked at the effect of tariffs on the overall economy and consumers — estimated that by the end of 2019, the trade duties imposed by U.S. President Donald Trump “will have cost the average household $1,315 over a two-year period.”
lol I'm sure even you know you are posting garbage now. The majority of Americans understand that China must agree to play by the same rules as the rest of the world, and may not keep its markets closed while exploiting US markets; it may not allow the theft of US intellectual property and protect the thieves with its laws.

I understand you are desperately trying to find a reason to oppose the President on this issue, but you are clearly in the minority among Americans. As for it damaging consumers, China has been forced to devalue its currency in order to maintain its market share, meaning that importers will be able to buy Chinese goods for less money and will not be forced to raise prices to consumers to maintain their profit margins.
The House should consider wartime tax rates for alleged wars.
Trump's already given me my tax hike bc I need a new lawn mower and weed eater for next year, but thanks just the same. LOL And his bs income tax cut actually raised my taxes too.
Sorry, this is not about ideology but capitalism. Do we subscribe to it or not?

Only what we Pay for should have Standing as (extra Constitutional) law.

Tax cut economics means our alleged wars cannot be serious.

Only wartime tax rates should enable government solutions the right wing fantasizes about now.
Bigger central gov't and tax hike economics are not the answer, Comrade DP.

If we want to beat Donald Trump and achieve big progressive goals, socialism is not the answer,” - former Dem 2020 hopeful John Hickenlooper whose comment was roundly booed by the idiot Democrats in attendance.
neither is huge government spending with tax cut economics, right winger.
I read your link. But I totally disagree.

If you ask ordinary citizens out there. There are millions and millions of Americans that don’t understand this trade wars.
In this site alone. Trumpets don’t understand the negative impact of Trade wars despite with input from anti trade wars. Out there they only listen with Trump bullshit. Nothing else.

Aside from higher prices there will be loss of jobs and businesses.

Just about the entire American businesses disagree with Trump. Are you telling me they are wrong? I have not seen a single company (except steel industry) support Trump trade wars.

The trade war has already cost electronics companies $10 billion and it gets worse on Sept. 1

'Whipsaw' of US-China trade war will force small businesses to close, bike start-up CEO says

Business Groups Warn of Peril as Trump’s Trade War Spirals
You are correct that many people don't understand the trade war between the US and China, clearly you among them, but the poll shows that many people do, and they are willing to go through some slight inconveniences in order to force China to give up defending its domestic industries if it wants to continue to enjoy access to the US.

It’s very funny when Trump followers like you try to make justifications with Trump lies.

Just about ALL American businesses with ALL categories trashing Trump trade wars.

Did you read my links coming from businesses or you just stared at it?
Your message as always is that you don't like Trump and you want to believe everyone else agrees with you, but on this issue you are in the minority:

"More than two-thirds of American voters want the U.S. to confront Beijing over its trade policies despite believing that they are suffering more from tariffs than China, a Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll survey released exclusively to The Hill found.

The poll showed 63 percent of registered voters said that tariffs imposed on Chinese products ultimately hurt the U.S. more than China, while 74 percent said that American consumers are shouldering most of the burden of those tariffs.

But 67 percent said that it is necessary to confront China over its trade practices, which President Trump and his allies have deemed unfair to the U.S."

Poll: Voters want US to confront China over trade

What you refer to as Trump's trade war with China is recognized by over two thirds of the American people as America's trade war with China and while two thirds of American voters stand shoulder to shoulder with the President, Democrats continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with China and Iran against America.

It’s not a matter of I like Trumpy moron or not. You don’t have to agree with me. But you have to look at the impact of this trade wars against my fellow Americans. Sadly.
That is my main point. You and your buddies has only one thing in common is support Trump just because it’s Trump. Nothing more...... Against Americans.

So you are an anti Americans. Your link only interviewed 2,500 people that don’t understand trade wars and does not represent millions of poor Americans.

No I’m not the minority. You can ask hundreds of businesses, major retailers and just about all business categories including farmers ..... Are blasting this stupid trade wars.
You and your buddies probably don’t even understand the ripple effect of this trade wars. Like loss of jobs and closures of businesses.

Trump tariffs are set to cost U.S. households $2,000 in 2020, research group finds

Trump tariffs are set to cost U.S. households $2,000 in 2020, research group finds.

Tariffs are expected to cost American households more than $2,000 per year in 2020, according to a recent report from the National Foundation for American Policy (NFAP).

The Arlington-based nonprofit — which looked at the effect of tariffs on the overall economy and consumers — estimated that by the end of 2019, the trade duties imposed by U.S. President Donald Trump “will have cost the average household $1,315 over a two-year period.”
lol I'm sure even you know you are posting garbage now. The majority of Americans understand that China must agree to play by the same rules as the rest of the world, and may not keep its markets closed while exploiting US markets; it may not allow the theft of US intellectual property and protect the thieves with its laws.

What markets have they closed and how does it differ from what German does?

I understand you are desperately trying to find a reason to oppose the President on this issue, but you are clearly in the minority among Americans. As for it damaging consumers, China has been forced to devalue its currency in order to maintain its market share, meaning that importers will be able to buy Chinese goods for less money and will not be forced to raise prices to consumers to maintain their profit margins.

We have devalued our currency also.
Somewhere back in this thread Germany was brought up. The question was why they were able to maintain paying the manufacturing labor a good wage and not lose jobs to lower wage countries.

Perhaps part of the answer lies in the fact the average CEO in Germany makes on average 12 times the amount of their workers while in the US CEOs make 400 times as much as their workers.
We’re talking about billion dollar companies and you’re trying to make the point that because a CEO makes 20 million they can’t afford to pay employees more. Have you ever actually just taken the time to consider what CEO’s are worth to their companies? We have seen literally ONE PERSON come into a company that’s performing poorly and change the whole structure around and turn it into a highly profitable business again. These people have run huge multinational companies and made decisions with their knowledge that have made entire markets and employed thousands of people. Not all of them are greedy pieces of shit, but they’re still worth exponentially more to the company than any single lower level employee. Worrying about CEO pay is such a waste of time and energy with this issue. If they’re a crappy CEO like Jeff imelt for example, then they should simply be fired. Any of the CEO’s of the big banks that lost their asses during the housing collapse should be fired too.

They weren't were they? Solutions that are not solutions are not solutions.

And the ones who got huge severances from Lehman and Bear, those are the ones to be upset about. But regardless of any of this, CEO pay is a very small percentage of a company’s expense. You’re attacking a symptom and not a cause. At the end of the day workers need to stand up for themselves way more. I get that many can’t gamble with their paychecks because they can’t afford to take the stand but as I’ve pointed out before, if you don’t have a marketable skill that employers NEED then you don’t have any negotiation leverage to begin with.

Ask for more pay and your job goes overseas. That is the answer far too many got.
And you’re complaining about a president trying to do something about it.

He isn't. He is doing nothing about it. Absolutely nothing. Forcing a company to move to Thailand from China in no way addresses the problem.

What’s worse is that China is now strengthening ties with other nations since their counter tariffs are making the prices of American goods much higher.
Yanno, it's OK to be uniformed but damned STUPID to express it here. Not only are prices NOT higher, our inflation rate is below 2% and FALLING.

I take it that you would rather the Prez allow the rape of our economy by China. That's the kind of anti-US attitude all should expect from our low-info leftards (is that redundant?).

Bill Maher doesn't even try to hide his disdain & disloyalty. Like many on the left, he doesn't care who gets hurt as long as his mindless hatred is served:

Liberal Media Scream: Bill Maher cheers economic collapse if it dooms Trump
“I’ve been hoping for a recession — people hate me for it — but it would get rid of Trump, so you shouldn’t hate me for it.”
To which, Barro noted: “Recessions are really bad. People lose their jobs and their homes.”
Maher doubled down: “I know. It’s worth it.”
I read your link. But I totally disagree.

If you ask ordinary citizens out there. There are millions and millions of Americans that don’t understand this trade wars.
In this site alone. Trumpets don’t understand the negative impact of Trade wars despite with input from anti trade wars. Out there they only listen with Trump bullshit. Nothing else.

Aside from higher prices there will be loss of jobs and businesses.

Just about the entire American businesses disagree with Trump. Are you telling me they are wrong? I have not seen a single company (except steel industry) support Trump trade wars.

The trade war has already cost electronics companies $10 billion and it gets worse on Sept. 1

'Whipsaw' of US-China trade war will force small businesses to close, bike start-up CEO says

Business Groups Warn of Peril as Trump’s Trade War Spirals
You are correct that many people don't understand the trade war between the US and China, clearly you among them, but the poll shows that many people do, and they are willing to go through some slight inconveniences in order to force China to give up defending its domestic industries if it wants to continue to enjoy access to the US.

It’s very funny when Trump followers like you try to make justifications with Trump lies.

Just about ALL American businesses with ALL categories trashing Trump trade wars.

Did you read my links coming from businesses or you just stared at it?
Your message as always is that you don't like Trump and you want to believe everyone else agrees with you, but on this issue you are in the minority:

"More than two-thirds of American voters want the U.S. to confront Beijing over its trade policies despite believing that they are suffering more from tariffs than China, a Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll survey released exclusively to The Hill found.

The poll showed 63 percent of registered voters said that tariffs imposed on Chinese products ultimately hurt the U.S. more than China, while 74 percent said that American consumers are shouldering most of the burden of those tariffs.

But 67 percent said that it is necessary to confront China over its trade practices, which President Trump and his allies have deemed unfair to the U.S."

Poll: Voters want US to confront China over trade

What you refer to as Trump's trade war with China is recognized by over two thirds of the American people as America's trade war with China and while two thirds of American voters stand shoulder to shoulder with the President, Democrats continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with China and Iran against America.

It’s not a matter of I like Trumpy moron or not. You don’t have to agree with me. But you have to look at the impact of this trade wars against my fellow Americans. Sadly.
That is my main point. You and your buddies has only one thing in common is support Trump just because it’s Trump. Nothing more...... Against Americans.

So you are an anti Americans. Your link only interviewed 2,500 people that don’t understand trade wars and does not represent millions of poor Americans.

No I’m not the minority. You can ask hundreds of businesses, major retailers and just about all business categories including farmers ..... Are blasting this stupid trade wars.
You and your buddies probably don’t even understand the ripple effect of this trade wars. Like loss of jobs and closures of businesses.

Trump tariffs are set to cost U.S. households $2,000 in 2020, research group finds

Trump tariffs are set to cost U.S. households $2,000 in 2020, research group finds.

Tariffs are expected to cost American households more than $2,000 per year in 2020, according to a recent report from the National Foundation for American Policy (NFAP).

The Arlington-based nonprofit — which looked at the effect of tariffs on the overall economy and consumers — estimated that by the end of 2019, the trade duties imposed by U.S. President Donald Trump “will have cost the average household $1,315 over a two-year period.”
lol I'm sure even you know you are posting garbage now. The majority of Americans understand that China must agree to play by the same rules as the rest of the world, and may not keep its markets closed while exploiting US markets; it may not allow the theft of US intellectual property and protect the thieves with its laws.

I understand you are desperately trying to find a reason to oppose the President on this issue, but you are clearly in the minority among Americans. As for it damaging consumers, China has been forced to devalue its currency in order to maintain its market share, meaning that importers will be able to buy Chinese goods for less money and will not be forced to raise prices to consumers to maintain their profit margins.
The leftard has neither been born nor yet inculcated who could understand a word of that because as everyone knows:

The House should consider wartime tax rates for alleged wars.
Trump's already given me my tax hike bc I need a new lawn mower and weed eater for next year, but thanks just the same. LOL And his bs income tax cut actually raised my taxes too.
Sorry, this is not about ideology but capitalism. Do we subscribe to it or not?

Only what we Pay for should have Standing as (extra Constitutional) law.

Tax cut economics means our alleged wars cannot be serious.

Only wartime tax rates should enable government solutions the right wing fantasizes about now.
Bigger central gov't and tax hike economics are not the answer, Comrade DP.

If we want to beat Donald Trump and achieve big progressive goals, socialism is not the answer,” - former Dem 2020 hopeful John Hickenlooper whose comment was roundly booed by the idiot Democrats in attendance.
neither is huge government spending with tax cut economics, right winger.
Now you're getting the picture. It's time to cut big, greasy, incompetent central gov't power and spending, Comrade DP, but as that is antithetical to every mindless socialist's inculcation, the very thought of doing so gives you seizures.
Yanno, it's OK to be uniformed but damned STUPID to express it here. Not only are prices NOT higher, our inflation rate is below 2% and FALLING.

The only reason the inflation rate has stayed down is dropping energy prices. All other consumer prices are going up. Energy is the one thing the trade war has not fucked up
Yanno, it's OK to be uniformed but damned STUPID to express it here. Not only are prices NOT higher, our inflation rate is below 2% and FALLING.
The only reason the inflation rate has stayed down is dropping energy prices. All other consumer prices are going up. Energy is the one thing the trade war has not fucked up
Which reinforces my point that CandyCorn LIED when she claimed our prices are "much higher," but yours is as close to an informed response from a leftard as I've seen in years, GG. Thank you and congrats!!

Of course, it is so simplistic as to be useless but still, it was a fine attempt at rationality. Energy prices have been pretty flat since tariffs were imposed but China devalued the Yuan driving down the price of their goods. Of course, anyone with assets or savings in Yuan lost purchase value but that is the beauty of authoritarian governance ... you complain you go to GULAG, Comrade.

BTW are you OK with our fighting Chinese fire with fire or would you prefer we continue to bend over and say "please" as so many leftards do?
Somewhere back in this thread Germany was brought up. The question was why they were able to maintain paying the manufacturing labor a good wage and not lose jobs to lower wage countries.

Perhaps part of the answer lies in the fact the average CEO in Germany makes on average 12 times the amount of their workers while in the US CEOs make 400 times as much as their workers.

Is the wages of the ceo, really that large that they reduce the money available for wages to others? Can you support that claim in any way?

Cause, I'm thinking with the billions of dollars of capital required for any large manufacturing corporations, that even the high wages of American ceos would be kind of lost in the noise.

I'm open to information that shows otherwise.
7. Those of you on your side of this debate, have and still are basically said, "fuck them" to those who have lost out to this policy. CNM, has admitted that the reason he supports this policy is that he hates the Americans who are the ones that lost. He sides with China because he likes them better than white working class Americans.
I'd be interested in seeing that post of mine. I won't hold my breath.

Why? Did you forget already? Are you part of a paid staff of trolls, and one of the other shifts was accidentally honest?
1. Bull.

2. A fair trade relationship, is mutually beneficial. If the money is flowing more in one way, than in the other, if one side is experiencing massive growth, while the other is being hollowed out, with massive social costs, that is a clear cut case of "not fair". There, I have explained it AGAIN.

AND also, something none of YOU have been able to explain, if the trade deficit is not bad, and the trade surplus is not good (for them), then why are they (and you) so opposed to changing it? cnm has admitted that his reason is that he hates the Americans that would benefit from doing so, he wants to see China benefit while working class whites get fucked.

3. Good question about the "era of free trade". NOt sure. SOmetime in the early 70s seems to be likely. Perhaps earlier and it just took time for the effects to be felt.
I've answered your question several times. China needs the tax dollars. Tariffs are a tax. They tax imports because they need the tax dollars.


Then what is it you are expecting China to do?

Really open their markets to our exports, stop intellectual theft, stop artificially lowering their currency, and accept that we will use tariffs to put their exports more in line price wise with our domestic manufacturing.
So open their markets by decreasing tariffs on our exports to them? I don’t know what else you could want.

I want mutually beneficial trade, with at least somewhat balanced balance of trade.

Having a Chinese government official, stating that there are no formal tariffs on US exports to China, and then, only very small amounts of US goods are actually imported, is not what I want.

I want results. Or I dont' want to participate.
1. Since the jobs did not come back already, the way they were supposed to.

2. Manufacturing has already seen improvements. And I heard in the immediate aftermath of his election, that local manufactures were FLOODED with inquires from foreign businesses looking to move production here to avoid tariffs. It is not happen, because he was not as aggressive as they feared. But it could.

3. Your assumption of a worst case scenario, ie a rapid abrupt change with no transition period, is certainly possible, and even then would be worth the long term good.

5. Not sure of the political difficulties. Hell, I don't know if it is doable at all. But my point stands. Yes, I am in favor of tariffs.

6. Your numbers games are noted and dismissed. My point was that there is a large base of support for this policy in America,and if you want to play numbers games, consider how many Americans support American jobs, but dont' support Trump because of the leftard lies you mentioned.

7. Those of you on your side of this debate, have and still are basically said, "fuck them" to those who have lost out to this policy. CNM, has admitted that the reason he supports this policy is that he hates the Americans who are the ones that lost. He sides with China because he likes them better than white working class Americans.

Your rebuttal From 1 to 7. Are just an anti Americans anti business hurting Americans. Nothing more.

My pointing out that the policy of Free Trade, did not have the promised results, and should be changed,

is not anti-American.

You are a liar and an asshole.
So all these things have happened and you blame free trade? Many of our companies have near monopolies, wage collusion, non competes, right to work laws, decline in unions... Internally everything has turned on workers. That's is not trades fault.

Outsourcing and the loss of domestic markets to imports, and the loss of export markets to others, are a result of trade policy.
Trade policy won’t change that everything we have done is against the worker. I’ve provided a long list of examples including studies stating they are bad for wages. Again we have the wealth and low unemployment,

Never claimed it would change everything. But especially if combined with better immigration policy, ie lower supply of labor, it will shift power from the employer to the employEE.

And that will be the beginning of changing enough of what has been "done against the worker".

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