Trump's trade war with China


I want US products to be imported and consumed in significant qualities to balance out their exports to US.

Otherwise, it is not mutually beneficial trade, and I dont' see any reason for US to participate.
What in the world are they going to buy from us? You really live in fantasy land.

What every they want.

If they CAN'T or WON'T engage in two way, mutually beneficial trade, then let's shut it down.
That would be a great way to hurt our economy. So Germany benefits from all the China's cheap resources, but we don't? Way to give the advantage to everyone else. The Soviet Union tried to do everything alone, it led to an horrible economy.

If Germany wants to send China money, and not have China send them money, they are welcome to.
What economist supports your crazy ideas? I don't think even trump would ever suggest what you are. Please link to anyone credible who thinks we should drop all trade with China.

He truly does not seem to understand commerce.

I want US products to be imported and consumed in significant qualities to balance out their exports to US.

Otherwise, it is not mutually beneficial trade, and I dont' see any reason for US to participate.
What in the world are they going to buy from us? You really live in fantasy land.

What every they want.

If they CAN'T or WON'T engage in two way, mutually beneficial trade, then let's shut it down.
That would be a great way to hurt our economy. So Germany benefits from all the China's cheap resources, but we don't? Way to give the advantage to everyone else. The Soviet Union tried to do everything alone, it led to an horrible economy.

If Germany wants to send China money, and not have China send them money, they are welcome to.

Why does commerce confuse you so very much.

We send them money, they send us stuff...that is called commerce.

Does your grocery store ever give you money?

Does your gas station every give you money?

Does any place you ever give money to give you money back or just stuff?
This guy really has no clue. I've posted clips by great economists and he still will not listen to anything.
You greatly exaggerate. Wages have been mostly stagnant except for all the min wage increases. Hence why the gains are at the bottom.
And if wages (and spendable cash) were not increasing you'd be bitchin' about that instead. This POTUS could solve all the world's probs and you'd be bitchin' about that too.
So unemployment? Need I remind you it was trending that way under Obama with much smaller deficits? There is no visible bump from trump policy.
Both minority youth and minority unemployment in general are at historic lows.

Are you now gonna bitch about that too? WTF is wrong with you? Are you some kinda racist?
What in the world are they going to buy from us? You really live in fantasy land.

What every they want.

If they CAN'T or WON'T engage in two way, mutually beneficial trade, then let's shut it down.
That would be a great way to hurt our economy. So Germany benefits from all the China's cheap resources, but we don't? Way to give the advantage to everyone else. The Soviet Union tried to do everything alone, it led to an horrible economy.

If Germany wants to send China money, and not have China send them money, they are welcome to.

Why does commerce confuse you so very much.

We send them money, they send us stuff...that is called commerce.

Does your grocery store ever give you money?

Does your gas station every give you money?

Does any place you ever give money to give you money back or just stuff?
This guy really has no clue. I've posted clips by great economists and he still will not listen to anything.
Believe it or not even Nobel Prize winning economists are fallible humans with political agendas:

Paul Krugman: Trump will bring global recession
"Now comes the mother of all adverse effects — and what it brings with it is a regime that will be ignorant of economic policy and hostile to any effort to make it work," Krugman wrote. "So we are very probably looking at a global recession, with no end in sight. I suppose we could get lucky somehow. But on economics, as on everything else, a terrible thing has just happened."
You greatly exaggerate. Wages have been mostly stagnant except for all the min wage increases. Hence why the gains are at the bottom.
And if wages (and spendable cash) were not increasing you'd be bitchin' about that instead. This POTUS could solve all the world's probs and you'd be bitchin' about that too.
So unemployment? Need I remind you it was trending that way under Obama with much smaller deficits? There is no visible bump from trump policy.
Both minority youth and minority unemployment in general are at historic lows.

Are you now gonna bitch about that too? WTF is wrong with you? Are you some kinda racist?
I'm simply pointing out that unemployment has followed the same trend from the Obama year. There is no visible bump from trade policy. You don't like facts?
What every they want.

If they CAN'T or WON'T engage in two way, mutually beneficial trade, then let's shut it down.
That would be a great way to hurt our economy. So Germany benefits from all the China's cheap resources, but we don't? Way to give the advantage to everyone else. The Soviet Union tried to do everything alone, it led to an horrible economy.

If Germany wants to send China money, and not have China send them money, they are welcome to.

Why does commerce confuse you so very much.

We send them money, they send us stuff...that is called commerce.

Does your grocery store ever give you money?

Does your gas station every give you money?

Does any place you ever give money to give you money back or just stuff?
This guy really has no clue. I've posted clips by great economists and he still will not listen to anything.
Believe it or not even Nobel Prize winning economists are fallible humans with political agendas:

Paul Krugman: Trump will bring global recession
"Now comes the mother of all adverse effects — and what it brings with it is a regime that will be ignorant of economic policy and hostile to any effort to make it work," Krugman wrote. "So we are very probably looking at a global recession, with no end in sight. I suppose we could get lucky somehow. But on economics, as on everything else, a terrible thing has just happened."
They are pretty good on trade policy.
That would be a great way to hurt our economy. So Germany benefits from all the China's cheap resources, but we don't? Way to give the advantage to everyone else. The Soviet Union tried to do everything alone, it led to an horrible economy.

If Germany wants to send China money, and not have China send them money, they are welcome to.

Why does commerce confuse you so very much.

We send them money, they send us stuff...that is called commerce.

Does your grocery store ever give you money?

Does your gas station every give you money?

Does any place you ever give money to give you money back or just stuff?
This guy really has no clue. I've posted clips by great economists and he still will not listen to anything.
Believe it or not even Nobel Prize winning economists are fallible humans with political agendas:

Paul Krugman: Trump will bring global recession
"Now comes the mother of all adverse effects — and what it brings with it is a regime that will be ignorant of economic policy and hostile to any effort to make it work," Krugman wrote. "So we are very probably looking at a global recession, with no end in sight. I suppose we could get lucky somehow. But on economics, as on everything else, a terrible thing has just happened."
They are pretty good on trade policy.
And I just proved that's not true. You don't like facts?
If Germany wants to send China money, and not have China send them money, they are welcome to.

Why does commerce confuse you so very much.

We send them money, they send us stuff...that is called commerce.

Does your grocery store ever give you money?

Does your gas station every give you money?

Does any place you ever give money to give you money back or just stuff?
This guy really has no clue. I've posted clips by great economists and he still will not listen to anything.
Believe it or not even Nobel Prize winning economists are fallible humans with political agendas:

Paul Krugman: Trump will bring global recession
"Now comes the mother of all adverse effects — and what it brings with it is a regime that will be ignorant of economic policy and hostile to any effort to make it work," Krugman wrote. "So we are very probably looking at a global recession, with no end in sight. I suppose we could get lucky somehow. But on economics, as on everything else, a terrible thing has just happened."
They are pretty good on trade policy.
And I just proved that's not true. You don't like facts?
You don't think we could be headed to a global recession? It seems to be a possibility.
Is a global recession around the corner?
Really open their markets to our exports, stop intellectual theft, stop artificially lowering their currency, and accept that we will use tariffs to put their exports more in line price wise with our domestic manufacturing.
So open their markets by decreasing tariffs on our exports to them? I don’t know what else you could want.

I want mutually beneficial trade, with at least somewhat balanced balance of trade.

Having a Chinese government official, stating that there are no formal tariffs on US exports to China, and then, only very small amounts of US goods are actually imported, is not what I want.

I want results. Or I dont' want to participate.
You seem to be dodging the question and living in fantasy land. Opening their markets typically mean they have no tariffs on imports from the USA. Is that what you mean?


I want US products to be imported and consumed in significant qualities to balance out their exports to US.


Then why are we engaging in large scale trade, if anything resembling even a FUCKING TIE, is not even an option?
Never claimed it would change everything. But especially if combined with better immigration policy, ie lower supply of labor, it will shift power from the employer to the employEE.

And that will be the beginning of changing enough of what has been "done against the worker".
And why not go after things that would really make a difference? Like non competes? Getting rid of all our near monopolies? Fight wage collusion. Get rid of right to work laws and strengthen unions? As long as those are in place no good wages will be coming.

Except Trump did not go after those, he went after trade policy and immigration, and the little ground he gained, resulted in the best numbers for wages, (specifically the lower end) that we have had for decades.

Sooooo, your position does not seem to be borne out by recent reality.

To be clear, I am not saying that the issues you raise, could not be addressed and perhaps contribute in a meaningful fashion.

Just that your position that we should NOT do what we have been doing, seems to be based on ignoring reality.
You greatly exaggerate. Wages have been mostly stagnant except for all the min wage increases. Hence why the gains are at the bottom.

The numbers I have seen say otherwise.

But thank you for admitting that until now, they have been stagnate.
They are showing a little life after several min wage increases. Those aren't trump policy.

The numbers I have seen show more rise than the min wages increases call for, and they are not limited to the states with those increases.

So, your claim seems to just be wrong.

I want US products to be imported and consumed in significant qualities to balance out their exports to US.

Otherwise, it is not mutually beneficial trade, and I dont' see any reason for US to participate.
What in the world are they going to buy from us? You really live in fantasy land.

What every they want.

If they CAN'T or WON'T engage in two way, mutually beneficial trade, then let's shut it down.
That would be a great way to hurt our economy. So Germany benefits from all the China's cheap resources, but we don't? Way to give the advantage to everyone else. The Soviet Union tried to do everything alone, it led to an horrible economy.

If Germany wants to send China money, and not have China send them money, they are welcome to.
What economist supports your crazy ideas? I don't think even trump would ever suggest what you are. Please link to anyone credible who thinks we should drop all trade with China.

The economists were shown to be wrong, by actual events.

I want US products to be imported and consumed in significant qualities to balance out their exports to US.

Otherwise, it is not mutually beneficial trade, and I dont' see any reason for US to participate.
What in the world are they going to buy from us? You really live in fantasy land.

What every they want.

If they CAN'T or WON'T engage in two way, mutually beneficial trade, then let's shut it down.
That would be a great way to hurt our economy. So Germany benefits from all the China's cheap resources, but we don't? Way to give the advantage to everyone else. The Soviet Union tried to do everything alone, it led to an horrible economy.

If Germany wants to send China money, and not have China send them money, they are welcome to.

Why does commerce confuse you so very much.

We send them money, they send us stuff...that is called commerce.

Does your grocery store ever give you money?

Does your gas station every give you money?

Does any place you ever give money to give you money back or just stuff?

It's bad commerce.
What in the world are they going to buy from us? You really live in fantasy land.

What every they want.

If they CAN'T or WON'T engage in two way, mutually beneficial trade, then let's shut it down.
That would be a great way to hurt our economy. So Germany benefits from all the China's cheap resources, but we don't? Way to give the advantage to everyone else. The Soviet Union tried to do everything alone, it led to an horrible economy.

If Germany wants to send China money, and not have China send them money, they are welcome to.

Why does commerce confuse you so very much.

We send them money, they send us stuff...that is called commerce.

Does your grocery store ever give you money?

Does your gas station every give you money?

Does any place you ever give money to give you money back or just stuff?
This guy really has no clue. I've posted clips by great economists and he still will not listen to anything.

Events proved them wrong.
So open their markets by decreasing tariffs on our exports to them? I don’t know what else you could want.

I want mutually beneficial trade, with at least somewhat balanced balance of trade.

Having a Chinese government official, stating that there are no formal tariffs on US exports to China, and then, only very small amounts of US goods are actually imported, is not what I want.

I want results. Or I dont' want to participate.
You seem to be dodging the question and living in fantasy land. Opening their markets typically mean they have no tariffs on imports from the USA. Is that what you mean?


I want US products to be imported and consumed in significant qualities to balance out their exports to US.


Then why are we engaging in large scale trade, if anything resembling even a FUCKING TIE, is not even an option?

Because so much of our production moved there .
What in the world are they going to buy from us? You really live in fantasy land.

What every they want.

If they CAN'T or WON'T engage in two way, mutually beneficial trade, then let's shut it down.
That would be a great way to hurt our economy. So Germany benefits from all the China's cheap resources, but we don't? Way to give the advantage to everyone else. The Soviet Union tried to do everything alone, it led to an horrible economy.

If Germany wants to send China money, and not have China send them money, they are welcome to.

Why does commerce confuse you so very much.

We send them money, they send us stuff...that is called commerce.

Does your grocery store ever give you money?

Does your gas station every give you money?

Does any place you ever give money to give you money back or just stuff?

It's bad commerce.

Is it bad when you give you grocery store money all the time and get nothing back but stuff?
I want mutually beneficial trade, with at least somewhat balanced balance of trade.

Having a Chinese government official, stating that there are no formal tariffs on US exports to China, and then, only very small amounts of US goods are actually imported, is not what I want.

I want results. Or I dont' want to participate.
You seem to be dodging the question and living in fantasy land. Opening their markets typically mean they have no tariffs on imports from the USA. Is that what you mean?


I want US products to be imported and consumed in significant qualities to balance out their exports to US.


Then why are we engaging in large scale trade, if anything resembling even a FUCKING TIE, is not even an option?

Because so much of our production moved there .

It is impossible because the people of China do not yet have sufficient wealth to much of what is made here. Our best way to narrow the deficit was our Ag, and now Trump has fucked that up.
I want mutually beneficial trade, with at least somewhat balanced balance of trade.

Having a Chinese government official, stating that there are no formal tariffs on US exports to China, and then, only very small amounts of US goods are actually imported, is not what I want.

I want results. Or I dont' want to participate.
You seem to be dodging the question and living in fantasy land. Opening their markets typically mean they have no tariffs on imports from the USA. Is that what you mean?


I want US products to be imported and consumed in significant qualities to balance out their exports to US.


Then why are we engaging in large scale trade, if anything resembling even a FUCKING TIE, is not even an option?

Because so much of our production moved there .

That is not a reason to do it, but a reason to stop doing it.
What every they want.

If they CAN'T or WON'T engage in two way, mutually beneficial trade, then let's shut it down.
That would be a great way to hurt our economy. So Germany benefits from all the China's cheap resources, but we don't? Way to give the advantage to everyone else. The Soviet Union tried to do everything alone, it led to an horrible economy.

If Germany wants to send China money, and not have China send them money, they are welcome to.

Why does commerce confuse you so very much.

We send them money, they send us stuff...that is called commerce.

Does your grocery store ever give you money?

Does your gas station every give you money?

Does any place you ever give money to give you money back or just stuff?

It's bad commerce.

Is it bad when you give you grocery store money all the time and get nothing back but stuff?

It is when the grocery store is getting it's supplies by destroying my job.
You seem to be dodging the question and living in fantasy land. Opening their markets typically mean they have no tariffs on imports from the USA. Is that what you mean?


I want US products to be imported and consumed in significant qualities to balance out their exports to US.


Then why are we engaging in large scale trade, if anything resembling even a FUCKING TIE, is not even an option?

Because so much of our production moved there .

It is impossible because the people of China do not yet have sufficient wealth to much of what is made here. Our best way to narrow the deficit was our Ag, and now Trump has fucked that up.

So, the problem is not that we give them hundreds of billions of dollars a year, but that we don't give them trillions a year?

Yeah, I can see why you did not open with that argument.

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