Trump's Ukraine Collusion

“Do us a favor, though,” the president said, according to a call summary released by the White House.

President Donald Trump asked Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky to “do us a favor, though” immediately after Zelensky told Trump he was grateful for the military aid the U.S. provided to his country, according to a White House summary of a July 25 phone call between the two leaders.

That request — and Trump’s implied threat that U.S. military aid to Ukraine was at stake if Zelensky did not comply — has become central to Democrats’ push to impeach the president.

The “favor” Trump requested from Zelensky was twofold. First, Trump asked Ukraine to investigate a conspiracy theory that the Democratic National Committee servers Russia hacked in 2016 to aid Trump’s campaign were not actually hacked by Russia. Moments later, Trump asked that Ukraine open an investigation into his potential 2020 rival, former Vice President Joe Biden, and Biden’s son Hunter Biden. Trump also asked Zelensky to meet with Rudy Giuliani, the former New York City mayor who acts as Trump’s private consigliere in Ukraine, and to speak by phone with Attorney General William Barr to discuss the investigation.

The connection between the Zelensky’s mention of U.S. military aid and Trump’s request for “a favor” is clear in the summary the White House released Wednesday. The summary is a collection of notes and recollections of Situation Room duty officers and National Security Council policy staff.

More: Trump Pressured Ukraine To Probe Biden While Discussing Military Aid

Once again, Trump is committing COLLUSION in plain sight. What do you think?
Democrats: if the Russian collusion fails, we’ll look for collusion with another country.

The democrats desperation for power is obvious.
AG Barr has really dug himself a deep hole by defending Trump's criminal behavior. Barr should recuse himself.

Democratic. What would you expect Republicans to say? They barely have enough spine to stand upright.[/QUOTE]
Funny coming from the coward who doesn't have a spine and uses the ignore function.
AG Barr has really dug himself a deep hole by defending Trump's criminal behavior. Barr should recuse himself.

If this one proves true (and it looks like it will) it's the worst case of what the Rico Act was written to prevent. But the problem is, this will be the first time that the agency that is supposed to prosecute for the Rico Act will be the ones that are the worst offenders of the Rico Act. Barr is a real piece of work. He is banking that Rump gets reelected. Chances are, if Rump doesn't get reelected, Barr is headed for prosecution under the Rico act with the newly appointed IG.

The House has no choice but to take this on. Rump has really crossed the line on this one. And no matter how much he tries to deflect it away from himself, it's still completely over the fence. And Barr know it but he's not representing the United States of America. He's representing Rump and Rump alone. He's so busy doing that he has little time to do his real job.

It doesn't matter whether the Senate convicts or not at this point. All of this has to come out. And the closer to November of 2020 that it comes out the better. Remember when Rump said he could shoot someone right on the 5th of Wall Street and get away with it? Well, here's a good example of him trying to prove it.

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