Trump's wall idea is dead

HA! what bullshit. i answered you more than once & you just don't like the answer - too bad.
That wasn't the case when Slick Willy, Bush and Obama were presidents and building walls/fences, why is that?

MORE wall is immoral. spending that cash on MORE wall is . i suppose you think pelosi wants 'open borders' & want;s 'human trafficking' too, right? wow wow wow, trump loves you long time, oh faithful basket dweller.

<psssst> btw, i am not a (D)
More wall is immoral? That's it? :auiqs.jpg:
Stevie Wonder could see through that bullshit answer.
Pssst....I'm not an R

when it's inefficient, ya- it's stupid & immoral. making us pay for it when mexico should be is as well. our boy lied & you are bending over & asking him for more lies. :lmao:
You are as much of an authority about efficiency on the border as your bitch pelosi is, Playtime.
Don't listen to me.
Try listening to those who have boots on the border and listen to what they say about building a fence.

But, your liberal bias keeps you blind and keeps you deaf.
nah, you're being far to kind about him.
Walls will be built and Democrats will gladly whine about it, that's the bottom line... Trump is right

View attachment 244270



In the long run they do but who cares other than partisan TDSers ... 1/10th of 1% of the yearly budget that both Democrats and Republicans spend is worthwhile for border security in the real world.
MORE wall is immoral. spending that cash on MORE wall is . i suppose you think pelosi wants 'open borders' & want;s 'human trafficking' too, right? wow wow wow, trump loves you long time, oh faithful basket dweller.

<psssst> btw, i am not a (D)
immoral how? you won't and can't define that asinine statement. too fking funny.

wasted cash not better spent on more effective means is immoral.
stupid answer. doesn't even answer. But then what you're saying is killing babies with our tax dollars is immoral?

defection doesn't work.

try googling the Hyde Amendment, pops.
not answering my question was immoral, cause you can't answer what you posted. shame on you you immoral fk.

i did answer. if you are too poorly educated to figure it out, then that's on you.
That wasn't the case when Slick Willy, Bush and Obama were presidents and building walls/fences, why is that?

MORE wall is immoral. spending that cash on MORE wall is . i suppose you think pelosi wants 'open borders' & want;s 'human trafficking' too, right? wow wow wow, trump loves you long time, oh faithful basket dweller.

<psssst> btw, i am not a (D)
immoral how? you won't and can't define that asinine statement. too fking funny.

wasted cash not better spent on more effective means is immoral.
stupid answer. doesn't even answer. But then what you're saying is killing babies with our tax dollars is immoral?

defection doesn't work.

try googling the Hyde Amendment, pops.

Apparently TDSers think 'defection' is useful 'cause they 'defecate' all over this Forum.
It's coming tonight! You'll be hearing all about the wall tonight, cupcake. :itsok:

SOTU address tonight.

From the OP link:

"If the House passes a formal resolution of disapproval"

"Speaker Nancy] Pelosi will introduce a resolution of disapproval that will pass the House"

^Pure fiction there. DOA just like every other ridiculous thing the Democrats are proposing.

"Trump also has ways to reprogram some money or deploy other executive actions that could avoid a conflict with Congress."

Now we're getting some truth.

Cupcake, you're getting a wall. A wall that should have been there since 1991 after Democrats agreed to secure the border. You may not like it, but you're gonna deal with it.

Serious Question: Do you think (lol) that the terrain from the gulf coast to the Pacific Ocean is a viable place to spend tax dollars to build a wall?

There are places for a wall, and places for technology, drones, fixed wing aircraft, ground sensors, satellites, boats and more entry portals.

A wall will need maintenance and boots on the ground, and more money to pay for eminent domain where a wall might be viable.
HA! what bullshit. i answered you more than once & you just don't like the answer - too bad.
That wasn't the case when Slick Willy, Bush and Obama were presidents and building walls/fences, why is that?

MORE wall is immoral. spending that cash on MORE wall is . i suppose you think pelosi wants 'open borders' & want;s 'human trafficking' too, right? wow wow wow, trump loves you long time, oh faithful basket dweller.

<psssst> btw, i am not a (D)
More wall is immoral? That's it? :auiqs.jpg:
Stevie Wonder could see through that bullshit answer.
Pssst....I'm not an R

when it's inefficient, ya- it's stupid & immoral. making us pay for it when mexico should be is as well. our boy lied & you are bending over & asking him for more lies. :lmao:
You are as much of an authority about efficiency on the border as your bitch pelosi is, Playtime.
Don't listen to me.
Try listening to those who have boots on the border and listen to what they say about building a fence.

But, your liberal bias keeps you blind and keeps you deaf.

'my' bitch???????? you sound touchy. oh ya - that bitch is trump's worst nightmare.

checks & balances is a wonderful thing, sweetheart
It's coming tonight! You'll be hearing all about the wall tonight, cupcake. :itsok:

SOTU address tonight.

From the OP link:

"If the House passes a formal resolution of disapproval"

"Speaker Nancy] Pelosi will introduce a resolution of disapproval that will pass the House"

^Pure fiction there. DOA just like every other ridiculous thing the Democrats are proposing.

"Trump also has ways to reprogram some money or deploy other executive actions that could avoid a conflict with Congress."

Now we're getting some truth.

Cupcake, you're getting a wall. A wall that should have been there since 1991 after Democrats agreed to secure the border. You may not like it, but you're gonna deal with it.

Serious Question: Do you think (lol) that the terrain from the gulf coast to the Pacific Ocean is a viable place to spend tax dollars to build a wall?

There are places for a wall, and places for technology, drones, fixed wing aircraft, ground sensors, satellites, boats and more entry portals.

A wall will need maintenance and boots on the ground, and more money to pay for eminent domain where a wall might be viable.
no one has ever argued that. so your serious question has already been answered. the fact is, the statement made is no wall. that means no wall anywhere. so you aren't serious.
MORE wall is immoral. spending that cash on MORE wall is . i suppose you think pelosi wants 'open borders' & want;s 'human trafficking' too, right? wow wow wow, trump loves you long time, oh faithful basket dweller.

<psssst> btw, i am not a (D)
immoral how? you won't and can't define that asinine statement. too fking funny.

wasted cash not better spent on more effective means is immoral.
stupid answer. doesn't even answer. But then what you're saying is killing babies with our tax dollars is immoral?

defection doesn't work.

try googling the Hyde Amendment, pops.

Apparently TDSers think 'defection' is useful 'cause they 'defecate' all over this Forum.

that's all you got, 'eh? to spot a typo? that's ok, i understand.
That wasn't the case when Slick Willy, Bush and Obama were presidents and building walls/fences, why is that?

MORE wall is immoral. spending that cash on MORE wall is . i suppose you think pelosi wants 'open borders' & want;s 'human trafficking' too, right? wow wow wow, trump loves you long time, oh faithful basket dweller.

<psssst> btw, i am not a (D)
More wall is immoral? That's it? :auiqs.jpg:
Stevie Wonder could see through that bullshit answer.
Pssst....I'm not an R

when it's inefficient, ya- it's stupid & immoral. making us pay for it when mexico should be is as well. our boy lied & you are bending over & asking him for more lies. :lmao:
You are as much of an authority about efficiency on the border as your bitch pelosi is, Playtime.
Don't listen to me.
Try listening to those who have boots on the border and listen to what they say about building a fence.

But, your liberal bias keeps you blind and keeps you deaf.

'my' bitch???????? you sound touchy. oh ya - that bitch is trump's worst nightmare.

checks & balances is a wonderful thing, sweetheart
killing babies for money isn't.
That wasn't the case when Slick Willy, Bush and Obama were presidents and building walls/fences, why is that?

MORE wall is immoral. spending that cash on MORE wall is . i suppose you think pelosi wants 'open borders' & want;s 'human trafficking' too, right? wow wow wow, trump loves you long time, oh faithful basket dweller.

<psssst> btw, i am not a (D)
More wall is immoral? That's it? :auiqs.jpg:
Stevie Wonder could see through that bullshit answer.
Pssst....I'm not an R

when it's inefficient, ya- it's stupid & immoral. making us pay for it when mexico should be is as well. our boy lied & you are bending over & asking him for more lies. :lmao:
You are as much of an authority about efficiency on the border as your bitch pelosi is, Playtime.
Don't listen to me.
Try listening to those who have boots on the border and listen to what they say about building a fence.

But, your liberal bias keeps you blind and keeps you deaf.

'my' bitch???????? you sound touchy. oh ya - that bitch is trump's worst nightmare.

checks & balances is a wonderful thing, sweetheart
Again, you deflect....I detect a pattern with you playtime. :auiqs.jpg:

What's that old saying....."Better to be silent and thought a fool
than to speak and remove all doubt."
immoral how? you won't and can't define that asinine statement. too fking funny.

wasted cash not better spent on more effective means is immoral.
stupid answer. doesn't even answer. But then what you're saying is killing babies with our tax dollars is immoral?

defection doesn't work.

try googling the Hyde Amendment, pops.

Apparently TDSers think 'defection' is useful 'cause they 'defecate' all over this Forum.

that's all you got, 'eh? to spot a typo? that's ok, i understand.
it was funny, you have no sense of humor for your error. too fking funny again.
Realistically even if Trump declares an emergency, which I don’t think he should and I don’t even think is truly a legitimate reason to declare a national emergency for in this case, in my opinion the wall that he wants won’t be the wall that he eventually gets, if there is even a new wall at all. He really should have pushed this much harder during the first two years of his presidency if he wanted less barriers (no pun jntended) to building the wall that he promised.
----------------------------------- hundreds of third worlders coming into the USA interior everyday to meet up with amigos and familia distributed all though the USA interior and thats an invasion or Emergency Grace .

No I really don’t consider that to be an emergency. I think it waters down the meaning and true intention of those emergency powers in my opinion. There are flaws in our immigration system that’s apparent, but using declaration of emergency to begin construction on a wall in order to address an emergency that is said to be happening right now doesn’t really match when it comes to timeline. Immigration hasn’t really changed in the two years Trump has been president. Why is it an emergency now but not two years ago? What is the catalyst now that warrants emergency powers versus then? I’m not opposed to fixing our immigration system, but I do question and have my doubts about the current underlying politics of the current dilemma.
legally, a national emergency is anything the President says is a national emergency. Although presidents have been declaring national emergencies since the beginning of the republic, in the late 1970's Congress passed laws defining what the President's powers to declare an emergency was and exactly what powers he could subsequently exercise. The first president to declare a national emergency under these new laws was Jimmy Carter when he wanted to seize Iranian assets in the US without seeking permission from Congress.

Congress recognized there might be times when Congress was unable to act effectively on certain issues and the President must take action on his own, and this has been done over 500 times since the beginning of the republic and 58 times since the new laws were passed in the 1970's; 31 of these states of emergency are still in effect, and President Trump has declared states of emergency 3 times already.

President Trump regarded immigration reform as an urgent matter from day one of his administration, and he tried from day one to negotiate the issue with the Democrats, but they refused. Since the Democrats were determined to block any legislation that would advance the President's reform agenda, he would have needed sixty votes in the Senate to get the funding passed, and while he had majorities in favor of it in both houses of Congress, he never had sixty votes in the Senate. Nonetheless, he continued to try to reason with the Democrats right up until the Democrats won the House and made any kind of political compromise impossible. It is the gridlock the Democrats in the House have created in Congress that is the emergency that makes the invocation of emergency powers necessary since it makes it impossible for Congress to act effectively on this issue.
MORE wall is immoral. spending that cash on MORE wall is . i suppose you think pelosi wants 'open borders' & want;s 'human trafficking' too, right? wow wow wow, trump loves you long time, oh faithful basket dweller.

<psssst> btw, i am not a (D)
More wall is immoral? That's it? :auiqs.jpg:
Stevie Wonder could see through that bullshit answer.
Pssst....I'm not an R

when it's inefficient, ya- it's stupid & immoral. making us pay for it when mexico should be is as well. our boy lied & you are bending over & asking him for more lies. :lmao:
You are as much of an authority about efficiency on the border as your bitch pelosi is, Playtime.
Don't listen to me.
Try listening to those who have boots on the border and listen to what they say about building a fence.

But, your liberal bias keeps you blind and keeps you deaf.

'my' bitch???????? you sound touchy. oh ya - that bitch is trump's worst nightmare.

checks & balances is a wonderful thing, sweetheart
Again, you deflect....I detect a pattern with you playtime. :auiqs.jpg:

What's that old saying....."Better to be silent and thought a fool
than to speak and remove all doubt."

i don't think you know what that means. did you not call nancy pelosi 'my bitch'? why do you call her that? cause she isn't backing down? lol.....
wasted cash not better spent on more effective means is immoral.
stupid answer. doesn't even answer. But then what you're saying is killing babies with our tax dollars is immoral?

defection doesn't work.

try googling the Hyde Amendment, pops.

Apparently TDSers think 'defection' is useful 'cause they 'defecate' all over this Forum.

that's all you got, 'eh? to spot a typo? that's ok, i understand.
it was funny, you have no sense of humor for your error. too fking funny again.

it was dumb. & childish. but not unexpected from a basket dweller.
More wall is immoral? That's it? :auiqs.jpg:
Stevie Wonder could see through that bullshit answer.
Pssst....I'm not an R

when it's inefficient, ya- it's stupid & immoral. making us pay for it when mexico should be is as well. our boy lied & you are bending over & asking him for more lies. :lmao:
You are as much of an authority about efficiency on the border as your bitch pelosi is, Playtime.
Don't listen to me.
Try listening to those who have boots on the border and listen to what they say about building a fence.

But, your liberal bias keeps you blind and keeps you deaf.

'my' bitch???????? you sound touchy. oh ya - that bitch is trump's worst nightmare.

checks & balances is a wonderful thing, sweetheart
Again, you deflect....I detect a pattern with you playtime. :auiqs.jpg:

What's that old saying....."Better to be silent and thought a fool
than to speak and remove all doubt."

i don't think you know what that means. did you not call nancy pelosi 'my bitch'? why do you call her that? cause she isn't backing down? lol.....
It was just that you deflected away from the crux of the post and zeroed in on a simple zinger.
Deflect away, sweet cheeks.
That wasn't the case when Slick Willy, Bush and Obama were presidents and building walls/fences, why is that?

MORE wall is immoral. spending that cash on MORE wall is . i suppose you think pelosi wants 'open borders' & want;s 'human trafficking' too, right? wow wow wow, trump loves you long time, oh faithful basket dweller.

<psssst> btw, i am not a (D)
More wall is immoral? That's it? :auiqs.jpg:
Stevie Wonder could see through that bullshit answer.
Pssst....I'm not an R

when it's inefficient, ya- it's stupid & immoral. making us pay for it when mexico should be is as well. our boy lied & you are bending over & asking him for more lies. :lmao:
You are as much of an authority about efficiency on the border as your bitch pelosi is, Playtime.
Don't listen to me.
Try listening to those who have boots on the border and listen to what they say about building a fence.

But, your liberal bias keeps you blind and keeps you deaf.

'my' bitch???????? you sound touchy. oh ya - that bitch is trump's worst nightmare.

checks & balances is a wonderful thing, sweetheart

Nancy and her puppy Chuck are a joke and they'll accomplish nothing legislatively without Republicans and Trump.. Democrats are pathetically shortsighted running on hate rather than legislative accomplishments for all Americans.
. backed yourself in a corner too with your deflecting, now run along.

HA! what bullshit. i answered you more than once & you just don't like the answer - too bad.
That wasn't the case when Slick Willy, Bush and Obama were presidents and building walls/fences, why is that?

MORE wall is immoral. spending that cash on MORE wall is . i suppose you think pelosi wants 'open borders' & want;s 'human trafficking' too, right? wow wow wow, trump loves you long time, oh faithful basket dweller.

<psssst> btw, i am not a (D)
immoral how? you won't and can't define that asinine statement. too fking funny.

wasted cash not better spent on more effective means is immoral.

They were giving that much to Palestine to print terrorist textbooks and teach kids to be suicide bombers.
stupid answer. doesn't even answer. But then what you're saying is killing babies with our tax dollars is immoral?

defection doesn't work.

try googling the Hyde Amendment, pops.

Apparently TDSers think 'defection' is useful 'cause they 'defecate' all over this Forum.

that's all you got, 'eh? to spot a typo? that's ok, i understand.
it was funny, you have no sense of humor for your error. too fking funny again.

it was dumb. & childish. but not unexpected from a basket dweller.
naw, it was fking hilarious.
Sorry Trump supporters. Trump's great big beautiful wall (that Mexico was supposed to pay for) isn't going to happen.

Interviews with a dozen GOP senators on Monday revealed broad efforts to wave Trump off from doing an end-run around Congress, part of an effort to avoid a politically perilous floor vote that could place them at odds with the president.

If the House passes a formal resolution of disapproval, the Senate would be forced to take it up with a majority threshold required for passage under procedural rules. That would mean just four GOP defections along with all Democrats would be enough to rebuke the president.

With less than 25% of Americans supporting another government shutdown over a border wall, and dwindling support from Senate Republicans, Trump's wall just isn't going to happen.

Better luck next time! :bye1:

Republicans defy Trump on national emergency

If this is true, it's his own fault. He had two years and both Houses to get his wall..and 'the greatest negotiator' still could not get it done.

He's like the guy who crams for his finals the day after the test and than asks the teacher to give him 'another chance'.
Sorry Trump supporters. Trump's great big beautiful wall (that Mexico was supposed to pay for) isn't going to happen.

Interviews with a dozen GOP senators on Monday revealed broad efforts to wave Trump off from doing an end-run around Congress, part of an effort to avoid a politically perilous floor vote that could place them at odds with the president.

If the House passes a formal resolution of disapproval, the Senate would be forced to take it up with a majority threshold required for passage under procedural rules. That would mean just four GOP defections along with all Democrats would be enough to rebuke the president.

With less than 25% of Americans supporting another government shutdown over a border wall, and dwindling support from Senate Republicans, Trump's wall just isn't going to happen.

Better luck next time! :bye1:

Republicans defy Trump on national emergency

If this is true, it's his own fault. He had two years and both Houses to get his wall..and 'the greatest negotiator' still could not get it done.

He's like the guy who crams for his finals the day after the test and than asks the teacher to give him 'another chance'.
When did he have 60 votes in the senate, McRocket?

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