Trump’s White House: Home For Men Accused Of Domestic Abuse


Probably just a coincidence, right?

President-elect Donald Trump has said that “nobody has more respect for women” than he does. Yet, his choices to fill the top slots in his administration tell an entirely different story.

On Thursday, he announced that fast-food CEO Andrew Puzder was his pick for labor secretary. The same day, serious allegations that Puzder abused his ex-wife emerged ― putting him in the same company as Trump’s choice for White House chief strategist, Steve Bannon, and even the president-elect himself.

DETAILS: Trump’s White House Shaping Up To Be Home For Men Accused Of Domestic Abuse

Holy shit, what has America turned into? Is this really who Christians want running our country? Evangelicals must be so proud to have supported Trump.

Classic Lakhota thread, tosse out an attack with zero proof.
What has America become? What do we tell our children?
I have no idea about Trump or Bannon, but why do I find it odd that these allegations about Puzder only surfaced the same day that he was announced as Trump's pick for labor secretary?

The same reason Trump became a "racist" the second he ran as a republicrat.

His beaner jokes didn't help though.

He's not a racist. He's just an out of touch jackass. Really? You're going to show your love for Mexicans by tweeting a picture of yourself eating a taco bowl? Really? :lol:
Does eating a Latino's ass work?

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