Trumpsky irony de jour

Reliable reporting site, weird idea. (Remember the insults aimed against Trump: "Nazi, Fascist, etc." Over the top, and alienated me.)
Republicans are threatening a coup. Told you they hate America.

"If a coup d’etat came to America it would look like this: unelected bureaucrats voting to remove a president because of his hostility to their jobs and his childlike temperament in expressing and executing his agenda.

President Trump is many things: an oaf, a buffoon and an incompetent politician. But he is also an existential threat to the culture of Washington, D.C., and its elites. His call to “drain the swamp,” whether he means it or not, has obviously riled his base and whatever base elites still have to ground themselves on. This goes a long way toward explaining the rage that encompasses the coastal media and its enablers.

Nonetheless, the white-hot rage that has been brewing among the president’s detractors since Nov. 8, 2016, seems to be reaching a point not seen since the release of the “Access Hollywood” tape a month before the election. Now, instead of calls for Trump to drop out of the race, there are calls for him to be removed by the Cabinet or impeached.

But these are unstable times and these are dangerous ideas. In an election that — fairly or not — cast doubt on the president’s legitimacy, in a political environment that careens between incompetence by Republicans and obstruction by Democrats, in a country whose social fabric is fraying, the calls to remove the president are reckless at best and damning at worst.

The elites had their chance to persuade the American people to trust them: Between Hillary Clinton and the 17 Republican candidates, the people had a choice to vote for order and stability and politics as usual. But they chose the “Make America Great Again” candidate."
Don't resort to a coup to remove Trump from the White House
Reliable reporting site, weird idea. (Remember the insults aimed against Trump: "Nazi, Fascist, etc." Over the top, and alienated me.)
I just thought it amusing. Mueller is investigating what allegedly was a COUP perpetrated by our oldest current existential enemy. But imo at this point, the issue is really more a deflection or blackhole for attention. It is consuming for the gop and Trump, while the dems touching it are pretty much like the gop back benchers crying about A COUP.

I posted the link for the amusement. I think the reality is that most traditional conservatives have accepted two things: 1. Trump sent his eldest son to bargain with the Russians. In the end, I don't think much will come of that, besides a deepening souring of relations with Russia. And that, imo, is good. 2. Trump is more at war with McConnell, who is the leader of the few senators who are still actually conservatives, than with dems ... and that was what was predicted. So, I really don't think Trump is much of an issue for conservatives. He's always been a buffoon and charlatan, and his shelf life will probably be a lot shorter than Obama's.

Conservatism is actually threatened by Bannon and the alt-R, who are racists and nativists much like the Knownothings. The alt-R doesn't mind big govt, so long as its on their side. Bannon didn't create Trump, but he found Trump to be a useful vehicle for his message. The other threat to conservatism remains Obama and the progressives - we now have an entitlement to healthcare

Conservatives have a lot of issues more pressing than Trump and Russiagate

"If a coup d’etat came to America it would look like this: unelected bureaucrats voting to remove a president because of his hostility to their jobs and his childlike temperament in expressing and executing his agenda.

President Trump is many things: an oaf, a buffoon and an incompetent politician. But he is also an existential threat to the culture of Washington, D.C., and its elites. His call to “drain the swamp,” whether he means it or not, has obviously riled his base and whatever base elites still have to ground themselves on. This goes a long way toward explaining the rage that encompasses the coastal media and its enablers.

Nonetheless, the white-hot rage that has been brewing among the president’s detractors since Nov. 8, 2016, seems to be reaching a point not seen since the release of the “Access Hollywood” tape a month before the election. Now, instead of calls for Trump to drop out of the race, there are calls for him to be removed by the Cabinet or impeached.

But these are unstable times and these are dangerous ideas. In an election that — fairly or not — cast doubt on the president’s legitimacy, in a political environment that careens between incompetence by Republicans and obstruction by Democrats, in a country whose social fabric is fraying, the calls to remove the president are reckless at best and damning at worst.

The elites had their chance to persuade the American people to trust them: Between Hillary Clinton and the 17 Republican candidates, the people had a choice to vote for order and stability and politics as usual. But they chose the “Make America Great Again” candidate."
Don't resort to a coup to remove Trump from the White House

Removing Trump is not a coup d’etat.

"If a coup d’etat came to America it would look like this: unelected bureaucrats voting to remove a president because of his hostility to their jobs and his childlike temperament in expressing and executing his agenda.

President Trump is many things: an oaf, a buffoon and an incompetent politician. But he is also an existential threat to the culture of Washington, D.C., and its elites. His call to “drain the swamp,” whether he means it or not, has obviously riled his base and whatever base elites still have to ground themselves on. This goes a long way toward explaining the rage that encompasses the coastal media and its enablers.

Nonetheless, the white-hot rage that has been brewing among the president’s detractors since Nov. 8, 2016, seems to be reaching a point not seen since the release of the “Access Hollywood” tape a month before the election. Now, instead of calls for Trump to drop out of the race, there are calls for him to be removed by the Cabinet or impeached.

But these are unstable times and these are dangerous ideas. In an election that — fairly or not — cast doubt on the president’s legitimacy, in a political environment that careens between incompetence by Republicans and obstruction by Democrats, in a country whose social fabric is fraying, the calls to remove the president are reckless at best and damning at worst.

The elites had their chance to persuade the American people to trust them: Between Hillary Clinton and the 17 Republican candidates, the people had a choice to vote for order and stability and politics as usual. But they chose the “Make America Great Again” candidate."
Don't resort to a coup to remove Trump from the White House

Drain the swap… "whether he means it or not…" that's a pretty important distinction… in fact, your case about the "elites" sort of depends on it...
How does the crazy angry left consider threats of a coup to be "irony"? Was a coup de jour the plan when Hodgkinson opened fire on republican congressmen and Paddock opened fire on what CBS considered to be a republican rally and Kelley opened fire on innocent Christians?
The tiny number of GOPs decrying this are the usual pinheads. Gohmert & Co.

It's as if these numb nuts don't even know the meaning of the word or perhaps are unfamiliar with the many checks on executive power in our Constitution. and the 25th.

Hmmmm.yes....and that's why California observes the law and the Constitution, clearly. <sarc>

Oh wait.....California is an illegal Sanctuary State, haven for illegals. What happened to the checks and balances on that state?
Oh wait.....California has passed gun laws that are clearly unConstitutional.....again....what happened to the checks and balances?

What's that you say oh dim one? You're talking about Federal law and the Constitution?


CommieCrats don't give a shit about the Constitution OR the L:aw unless it fits THEIR agenda.
Unlike the Right, they want to toss the Constitution after they crap on it and use it for toilet paper, once THEIR agenda is solidified.
Example? California......NewYork, Venezuela.....anywhere the fucked up Left gets 1/2 a chance.
Given half a chance, what they do at the local and state level is evidence of what they will have no qualms about doing nationwide.....
given 1/2 or even 1/100000000 of a chance.

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